Mitten likens himself to Kerry

The only similarities are wallet sizes.


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Granny says she gonna vote fer Kerry `cause he's such a good lookin' man...
Rice vs. Kerry: Weighing the odds of being secretary of state
December 3rd, 2012 - It's a favorite game in Washington to weigh the odds of each potential nominee to a president's cabinet and that game is in full swing - especially in trying to anticipate President Barack Obama's choice for replacing Hillary Clinton as secretary of state.
With speculation mounting that President Obama may soon announce his nominee, two very well-known names - Sen. John Kerry, D-Massachusetts, and Ambassador to the United Nations Susan Rice - remain the two top possibilities. Each comes with strengths but with baggage as well. Rice's name has been floated in recent weeks as being Obama's preferred candidate for the top diplomatic post. Twice in recent weeks the president has voiced support for her as she has been at the receiving end of a barrage of criticism over how she presented the administration's explanation for the attack on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya. Her appearance on Sunday talk shows the weekend after the attack that killed four Americans including the U.S. ambassador has led to questions as to whether she is too controversial now to be chosen by the president.

The criticisms, mostly from Republicans, laid bare what a difficult confirmation process in the Senate she would face. "When it comes to Susan Rice, I can tell you as far as Lindsey Graham is concerned, I find great fault with what she said on 16 September and in other areas - I find her lacking when it comes to being the best choice for secretary of state," Sen. Lindsay Graham, R-South Carolina, said this past Sunday on "Face the Nation" on CBS. "But this is up to the president," Graham said. The looming question is whether the White House wants to go through a bruising confirmation process while it is already engaged in treacherous negotiations with congressional Republicans as part of an effort to avert to so-called fiscal cliff.


If Rice were to survive a bruising confirmation battle, large questions would still remain over her future relations with Congress and whether she would be able to haggle with legislators over big issues like the department's budget. And there are questions over what kind of support she would have from within the State Department. But she is very close with Obama, and would likely be seen as speaking for him in her dealings with her international interlocutors - a valuable form of currency in the world of diplomacy. Rice, who spent a good portion of last week meeting with senators on Capitol Hill, seemed to do little in those sessions to assuage concerns of prominent Republicans who would ultimately vote on her nomination. Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-New Hampshire, told CNN she would "certainly hold the nomination until we get a full and complete picture of what happened here."

Enter Kerry, the current chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, and one-time Democratic nominee for president. With Kerry widely thought to harbor high ambitions for the post at Foggy Bottom, several of his Republican colleagues in the Senate have made clear he would face a much smoother confirmation process were Obama to nominate him. "I think there are other good choices for secretary of state, better choices probably. I think Senator Kerry is one of them," Sen. Rob Portman,R-Ohio, told the New York Times recently. "He would have an easy time here." That sentiment has met with agreement from other Republican senators in recent days such as John Barasso of Wyoming and Lisa Murkowski of Alaska.

“John Kerry ran for president,” Mitt Romney said Monday morning on “Fox & Friends.” “You know, his wife, who has hundreds of millions of dollars, she never released her tax returns. Somehow, this wasn’t an issue.”

Typical liberal hypocrisy.
Every candidate releases their tax returns. Not their school records or their birth certificates. And nobody asks a candidate's wife to release their taxes. If you can't see the difference you deserved a losing candidate like Mitt Romney.
Every candidate releases their tax returns. Not their school records or their birth certificates. And nobody asks a candidate's wife to release their taxes. If you can't see the difference you deserved a losing candidate like Mitt Romney.

Libs don't even try to explain their phony moral relativism any more. They got nothing.
Every candidate releases their tax returns. Not their school records or their birth certificates. And nobody asks a candidate's wife to release their taxes. If you can't see the difference you deserved a losing candidate like Mitt Romney.

Libs don't even try to explain their phony moral relativism any more. They got nothing.

Ann Romney came from money too, and not even her husband, the presidential candidate, would release his tax returns. Yet after releasing 12 years of tax records nutters on the right wanted Obama's birth certificate and school records too. And you don't even see the difference. Your party lost because you are out of your minds.
Every candidate releases their tax returns. Not their school records or their birth certificates. And nobody asks a candidate's wife to release their taxes. If you can't see the difference you deserved a losing candidate like Mitt Romney.

Libs don't even try to explain their phony moral relativism any more. They got nothing.

Ann Romney came from money too, and not even her husband, the presidential candidate, would release his tax returns. Yet after releasing 12 years of tax records nutters on the right wanted Obama's birth certificate and school records too. And you don't even see the difference. Your party lost because you are out of your minds.

I don't recall anyone making a huge deal of Obama's tax records. Perhaps, because we already knew about his financial scandals with his house and his wife's phony job as a pay-out.

And it's not a right/left matter; Obama's college records. It's a moral issue. We know he is not a citizen and that he is covering it up. You'll recall that libs are the one that made grades the issue with Quayle and Bush; not us jackass.
Libs don't even try to explain their phony moral relativism any more. They got nothing.

Ann Romney came from money too, and not even her husband, the presidential candidate, would release his tax returns. Yet after releasing 12 years of tax records nutters on the right wanted Obama's birth certificate and school records too. And you don't even see the difference. Your party lost because you are out of your minds.

I don't recall anyone making a huge deal of Obama's tax records.

Nobody made a big deal out of Obama's tax records because he released them the same way every presidential candidate up until Romney did YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON.
Every candidate releases their tax returns. Not their school records or their birth certificates. And nobody asks a candidate's wife to release their taxes. If you can't see the difference you deserved a losing candidate like Mitt Romney.

Libs don't even try to explain their phony moral relativism any more. They got nothing.

you should be very silent, aarftard.
Ann Romney came from money too, and not even her husband, the presidential candidate, would release his tax returns. Yet after releasing 12 years of tax records nutters on the right wanted Obama's birth certificate and school records too. And you don't even see the difference. Your party lost because you are out of your minds.

I don't recall anyone making a huge deal of Obama's tax records.

Nobody made a big deal out of Obama's tax records because he released them the same way every presidential candidate up until Romney did YOU BRAIN DEAD MORON.

Perhaps, because we already knew about his financial scandals with his house and his wife's phony job as a pay-out.

(How about you don't conveniently cut my quotes and save us both some time).
aaron wrote: Ann Romney came from money too...

Granny says, "Dat's right...

... dem Mormons works hard fer dey's money...

... an' den dey give it to dey's kids to play Big Time Charlie on."
Kerry married for money, Romney made his own.

You are right about John Kerry marrying into entitlements, but wrong about Mitt Romney. Romney never earned a dollar. Even his taxes do not list his income as earnings. Romney swindled others earnings.

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