Mitt's pop was on "welfare relief" and Ryan was on SSI. They moochers too?

Are they going to vote for Obama without even considering an alternative because they want government benefits more than they want to work?

Romney should quit acting like a "victim" and take "personal responsibility" by showing us his tax records.

Oh, we don't need to know any of those things, Chris. That's just a 'distraction.'

But Romney IS willing to share with the American people something that he thinks is more likely to interest us. He likes Snooki. If that doesn't tell you what he thinks of the American people, then maybe you and everyone else should watch that hidden video!
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So, Mitt Romneys father was a slacker, on the dole, a mooch if you will. Very nice. It seems Mitt Romneys $250 million success can be laid at the feet of of government handouts. Sweet!

PS... wasn't Rush Limbaugh on welfare too?

VIDEO: Romney's mom, Lenore, on how her husband received 'welfare relief' -

I dont care if he was on welfare....the key is he's off welfare now and didnt spend 20 years on it......unlike most democrats

There you go...painting with that broad brush that your boy Romney seems to like using so much..

Well come to Memphis, it' aint that broad a brush, but again no real response to figures
No Republicantards will somehow make an excuse for it and try and twist it any which way they can.
No Republicantards will somehow make an excuse for it and try and twist it any which way they can.

Nope liberals dont even understand the arguement.....they dont understand people can actually get off welfare......and in a little less than a decade, same with the death penalty, people dont need to stay on death row for 30 years.
No Republicantards will somehow make an excuse for it and try and twist it any which way they can.

Nope liberals dont even understand the arguement.....they dont understand people can actually get off welfare......and in a little less than a decade, same with the death penalty, people dont need to stay on death row for 30 years.

Like i said twist and turn it anywhich way they can. You all make excuses for you're folks being on it but god forbid anyone else be on it. :lol::lol:
Sure as hell sounds to me like they were moochers. And don't forget, according to Romney you don't have to be on public assistance to be a freeloader, you just have to have an income too low to qualify for income taxes
Remember that oh we had it so bad during college speech that Ann Romney gave? Well if they had an income high enough that they had to pay taxes they didn't have it bad. And if they weren't paying taxes then they were freeloaders.

Or maybe this is another thing the Romneys, and probably other rich people get a pass on, like having kids qualifying as "work"
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

He's also stated that he thinks everyone who doesn't pay income tax thinks they are victims entitled to government help.

flip flop
flip flop

flip flop
Lefty continues to attempt to blur the distinction between temporary safety net and the entitlement dependency mentality of the typical Obama voter.


Romney's 47% remark has helped closed the gap in Gallup 47/47 - even with extreme oversampling of Democrats, of course!

Gallup Presidential Election Trial Heat Results: Barack Obama vs. Mitt Romney

Romney wasn't talking about nets at all. He said that if you don't pay income tax you're a freeloader. Not if you're on public aid, if you don't pay income tax
Don't let the cons tell you Romney was talking about people on welfare or food stamps etc, he wasn't. He wasn't talking about anybody who's income isn't high enough to have to pay income taxes (well except he and Ann when they were in college and his dad when he was on welfare...) If you work 40 hours a week and don't accept a dime in public assistance but your income is too low to have to pay income tax, or even if it's high enough but the deductions bring it down to zero, then you're a freeloader according to Romney.

Is it possible he maybe got his numbers mixed up and he meant to say the ?% that's on public aid? It used to be, but not anymore. He was asked if he'd like to take any of it back. His reply was no. He didn't say yeah I made a mistake there I meant the people on public aid not everybody who doesn't pay income tax, he said no. Know how it means something when a woman says no? Well it means something when Mitt Romney says no too
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

I received help, and no longer do. Some still around here like to bring it up. Why is that?

And newsflash most liberals feels the same way, you are just too partisan to see that.
Operative word, "WAS" as it was meant to be.. FAIL THREAD.. Mitt Romney has stated over and over he believes there should be a safety net to help people get back on their feet.. NOT A WAY OF LIFE. You liberal bums don't see the difference and you never will.. you're the Entitlement herd.

The funniest part of it all, thanks to Bill Clinton and a Republican congress that was actually willing to work with the democrats, unlike some of the hot heads they have now, people you live off of TANF is much lower than what it was in 1994. You guys seem to always forget these sort of facts.
Since passage of the 1996 Welfare Reform Act, those seeking cash assistance have faced strict work requirements and a five-year lifetime limit.

•In some welfare categories, rolls have dramatically declined. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, which runs the TANF cash assistance program, about 1.9 million families received TANF funds last year, down from a record 5 million families in 1994.
Welfare issue makes political comeback - Chicago Tribune

What percentage of the population would be 1.9 million?

Now hasn't there been numerous stories about how much of the people on entitlement programs, either work,are disabled, or a senior?

I am sure some take advantage of the system, but I would like to see those numbers. I would put money on the overwhelming majority of people on an entitlement program actually need it.
So we know Mitt Romney paid at least 15% income tax, his legal requirement. He also gave his church 10%, so without any further charitable contributions 25% of his earnings went to the government and to help people.

So I'd say he's pretty even with those that pay 25%, well except, he gives those donations on his own without coercion from the government. I think he's repaid his Father's debt to society. ;)

How much of your income did you donate to charity Sallow?? Chris?? VAYank?? All you other idiots claiming Romney isn't paying his fair share.
So we know Mitt Romney paid at least 15% income tax, his legal requirement. He also gave his church 10%, so without any further charitable contributions 25% of his earnings went to the government and to help people.

So I'd say he's pretty even with those that pay 25%, well except, he gives those donations on his own without coercion from the government. I think he's repaid his Father's debt to society. ;)

How much of your income did you donate to charity Sallow?? Chris?? VAYank?? All you other idiots claiming Romney isn't paying his fair share.
Relevance of his charitable contributions?
So we know Mitt Romney paid at least 15% income tax, his legal requirement. He also gave his church 10%, so without any further charitable contributions 25% of his earnings went to the government and to help people.

So I'd say he's pretty even with those that pay 25%, well except, he gives those donations on his own without coercion from the government. I think he's repaid his Father's debt to society. ;)

How much of your income did you donate to charity Sallow?? Chris?? VAYank?? All you other idiots claiming Romney isn't paying his fair share.
Relevance of his charitable contributions?

It goes to people that need help. That's what church's do with money ya know. Have you seen the warehouse of food that church has for distribution??
So we know Mitt Romney paid at least 15% income tax, his legal requirement. He also gave his church 10%, so without any further charitable contributions 25% of his earnings went to the government and to help people.

So I'd say he's pretty even with those that pay 25%, well except, he gives those donations on his own without coercion from the government. I think he's repaid his Father's debt to society. ;)

How much of your income did you donate to charity Sallow?? Chris?? VAYank?? All you other idiots claiming Romney isn't paying his fair share.
Relevance of his charitable contributions?

It goes to people that need help. That's what church's do with money ya know. Have you seen the warehouse of food that church has for distribution??

And? What does that have to do with taxation?

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