*Mixed Couple Didn't Fit In On Their Escape From LA Hellhole!*

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Sorry bout that,

1. Quite contraire Madame, society has rules, and if you dont abide by the rules you are shunned by them.
2. Make no mistake about it, society snickers behind your back if you're a mixed couple.
3. I didn't make the rule, but its there plain as day.
4. Do these rules apply to everyone, yes they apply.
5. Its within us to allow it in, to govern us, sham us, societies rules of decorum are what they are, and will always be the rule of law.
6. Break their rules and find out the consequences, one way or another they will talk behind your back, they will not invite you over to their party, they will not warm up to your children, they fear you, and your kids.
7. Blue bloods, they call themselves.
8. We are Blue Bloods come from the purest Blue Bloods, from other Blue Bloods, for many centuries, so blue am I, that our blood is really blue, bleeds red thou.
9. We are a Pure Bred Blue Blood.
10. So Blue, the Germans of 1930's, would admire, American Society.

The black man and the black woman they hate each other, so you can't be with somebody of your own race. You stuck. You are trapped. You have to be with someone of another race. Whatever society dishes out at you then you just have to take it.
Sorry bout that,

1. To stir up debate here is like stirring a bucket of sh*t.
2. Does race have no meaning to you people?
3. Does race have a way of controlling what you say, and think?

I am glad they left. More Commiefornians should give it up and go back rather than imagine they are going to change the minds of people who basically don't like them.

I was at an art show yesterday and we were discussing this very same issue. Liberals who come to Idaho intending to make it more like "home" GTFO, go home, we don't want you.
Sorry bout that,

1. My stick broke.
2. I've got nothing else to add to these lethargic posts.
3. You figure it out, I'm done here.

The couple's complaints, in the article don't mention racism, at all. It's unlikely that race played any part. They mention gossip, people being judgmental and hostility to newcomers wanting a better life. Read that as the flood of invaders.

As a recovering Californian, i have encountered open hostility. I quickly assure my new acquaintances that I'm just as hostile to Californians as they are. A lot of west coast transplants are retired law enforcement. There is still a lot of anger at how they were treated.
Sorry bout that,

1. Quite contraire Madame, society has rules, and if you dont abide by the rules you are shunned by them.
2. Make no mistake about it, society snickers behind your back if you're a mixed couple.
3. I didn't make the rule, but its there plain as day.
4. Do these rules apply to everyone, yes they apply.
5. Its within us to allow it in, to govern us, sham us, societies rules of decorum are what they are, and will always be the rule of law.
6. Break their rules and find out the consequences, one way or another they will talk behind your back, they will not invite you over to their party, they will not warm up to your children, they fear you, and your kids.
7. Blue bloods, they call themselves.
8. We are Blue Bloods come from the purest Blue Bloods, from other Blue Bloods, for many centuries, so blue am I, that our blood is really blue, bleeds red thou.
9. We are a Pure Bred Blue Blood.
10. So Blue, the Germans of 1930's, would admire, American Society.

OK, time to give you your medication and put you back in the padded room.
Sorry bout that,

1. Quite contraire Madame, society has rules, and if you dont abide by the rules you are shunned by them.
2. Make no mistake about it, society snickers behind your back if you're a mixed couple.
3. I didn't make the rule, but its there plain as day.
4. Do these rules apply to everyone, yes they apply.
5. Its within us to allow it in, to govern us, sham us, societies rules of decorum are what they are, and will always be the rule of law.
6. Break their rules and find out the consequences, one way or another they will talk behind your back, they will not invite you over to their party, they will not warm up to your children, they fear you, and your kids.
7. Blue bloods, they call themselves.
8. We are Blue Bloods come from the purest Blue Bloods, from other Blue Bloods, for many centuries, so blue am I, that our blood is really blue, bleeds red thou.
9. We are a Pure Bred Blue Blood.
10. So Blue, the Germans of 1930's, would admire, American Society.

Sorry bout that,

1. The odd couple was odd to normal people, imagine that?
2. Love isn't the answer, all you need is love, right?
3. No.
4. People have to fit in, in California there are so many freaks, kinds of freaks, homeless freaks, everyone FITS IN.
5. So this couple went back to California for the, Freak Factor.
6. They can hide amongst the, FREAKS.
7. They moved away from FREAKS an as it turns out, the missed the, FREAKS.
8. Cause they are FREAKS mixed couple freaks, but they chose the life they chose, society controls your efforts to fit in, society rules.
9. Its not fair for society to rule, but people do it anyway.
10. F**k them.

They were idiots in the first place. Unless you are a true red conservative, you don't move out of California and head for Idaho. I'm glad they're back where they belong, in a place they hated so much they wanted to move away.
Sorry bout that,

1. Ok, I will pipe in at this point, seeing this is my thread.
2. California is chucked full of people, who would rather be somewhere else.
3. I got out in 1990ish, went there in 1982, then I went back to my home town, FW.
4. The weather, scenery, and golf courses, is what I missed, the muni courses, were like country clubs here.
5. Everything else about it was terrible, I couldn't imagine raising children there.
6. It seems most people are transplants from somewhere else.
7. And people who are native, ignore you entirely, basically shun you.
8. The people I ran into, were busy looking for something, and as if were, could not find what they were looking for.
9. Rose Bowl, always gathers many willing travelers, out of the deep freeze.
10. I was there all in all about ten years, from my 23rd year, till my 30th something, I drifted back and forth for a few years, had a place in Van Nuys, it was cheap, and a good paying job in FW.

Sorry bout that,

1. I was hoping to get some good conversations here on this topic, but this is way over the heads of many posters here, some other time, some other day, year...nvm....lol!

Sorry bout that,

1. I was hoping to get some good conversations here on this topic, but this is way over the heads of many posters here, some other time, some other day, year...nvm....lol!

I would much rather stay in Shasta County than live in Austin or Houston or El Paso or San Antonio or Abilene or Lubbock ...
Sorry bout that,

1. I was hoping to get some good conversations here on this topic, but this is way over the heads of many posters here, some other time, some other day, year...nvm....lol!


Maybe some time when you're not feeling so batshit crazy.
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