Mizzou Protest Like the ACA - BUILT ON LIES

1. There is a claim that there was a swastika made from pooh on a dorm wall...based on a photo of the Swastika...now discovered to have been taken in 2014.
Sure, we have the word of pathological liars on that.
University of Missouri swastika story confirmed in campus police report

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- A report filed by a campus police officer confirms that one of the most disturbing incidents of racial intimidation cited by University of Missouri protesters in recent weeks actually happened.

The university system's president and the Columbia campus chancellor announced their resignations Monday after racial unrest that included protests, a hunger strike and the football team's threatened boycott of its next game. Activists felt administrators had not done enough to address racial concerns.

One of the most disturbing reported incidents was Oct. 24, when a swastika, scrawled in feces, was found in a dorm bathroom. Several online postings have questioned if that really happened.

It did, according to a report filed by a campus police officer who saw the swastika.

The report from an officer identified only as "Bakerb7" said the officer was called to a coed restroom that served five private dorm rooms in Gateway Hall. The officer "noticed there was a swastika drawn on the wall by someone using feces," the report stated. Feces were on the floor as well, the officer wrote.

So how do we know it wasnt done by lying black trash like so many other bullshit incidents of blacks pulling this shit and blaming white people?

Fuck em..they want a war? Bring it,we out number them by a 100 mill easy.

Whenever soomething racist happens you always say its the blacks fault or they did it themselves. Either way you always find a big problem with blacks no matter whats done.
I just want evidence, and there isn't any. So yeah, after ferguson and Baltimore, I don't trust any hear say without proof. Let's see the evidence? Someone off campus called out in a truck and no one has a description of a truck the perp, the license plate. So you log that and wait to see if there is a repeat. Was there?
1. There is a claim that there was a swastika made from pooh on a dorm wall...based on a photo of the Swastika...now discovered to have been taken in 2014.
Sure, we have the word of pathological liars on that.
University of Missouri swastika story confirmed in campus police report

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- A report filed by a campus police officer confirms that one of the most disturbing incidents of racial intimidation cited by University of Missouri protesters in recent weeks actually happened.

The university system's president and the Columbia campus chancellor announced their resignations Monday after racial unrest that included protests, a hunger strike and the football team's threatened boycott of its next game. Activists felt administrators had not done enough to address racial concerns.

One of the most disturbing reported incidents was Oct. 24, when a swastika, scrawled in feces, was found in a dorm bathroom. Several online postings have questioned if that really happened.

It did, according to a report filed by a campus police officer who saw the swastika.

The report from an officer identified only as "Bakerb7" said the officer was called to a coed restroom that served five private dorm rooms in Gateway Hall. The officer "noticed there was a swastika drawn on the wall by someone using feces," the report stated. Feces were on the floor as well, the officer wrote.

So how do we know it wasnt done by lying black trash like so many other bullshit incidents of blacks pulling this shit and blaming white people?

Fuck em..they want a war? Bring it,we out number them by a 100 mill easy.

Whenever soomething racist happens you always say its the blacks fault or they did it themselves. Either way you always find a big problem with blacks no matter whats done.
I just want evidence, and there isn't any. So yeah, after ferguson and Baltimore, I don't trust any hear say without proof. Let's see the evidence? Someone off campus called out in a truck and no one has a description of a truck the perp, the license plate. So you log that and wait to see if there is a repeat. Was there?

Mizzou Releases Photos Of Poop Swastika

Here, now stop lying.

Time for your NEXT excuse! Lets hear it!
Watch the next excuse is going to be "Well ok, but its not that big, its not that shitty, its not as bad as they make it seem so like...whats the problem with black people?"
1. There is a claim that there was a swastika made from pooh on a dorm wall...based on a photo of the Swastika...now discovered to have been taken in 2014.
Sure, we have the word of pathological liars on that.
University of Missouri swastika story confirmed in campus police report

COLUMBIA, Mo. -- A report filed by a campus police officer confirms that one of the most disturbing incidents of racial intimidation cited by University of Missouri protesters in recent weeks actually happened.

The university system's president and the Columbia campus chancellor announced their resignations Monday after racial unrest that included protests, a hunger strike and the football team's threatened boycott of its next game. Activists felt administrators had not done enough to address racial concerns.

One of the most disturbing reported incidents was Oct. 24, when a swastika, scrawled in feces, was found in a dorm bathroom. Several online postings have questioned if that really happened.

It did, according to a report filed by a campus police officer who saw the swastika.

The report from an officer identified only as "Bakerb7" said the officer was called to a coed restroom that served five private dorm rooms in Gateway Hall. The officer "noticed there was a swastika drawn on the wall by someone using feces," the report stated. Feces were on the floor as well, the officer wrote.

So how do we know it wasnt done by lying black trash like so many other bullshit incidents of blacks pulling this shit and blaming white people?

Fuck em..they want a war? Bring it,we out number them by a 100 mill easy.

Whenever soomething racist happens you always say its the blacks fault or they did it themselves. Either way you always find a big problem with blacks no matter whats done.
I just want evidence, and there isn't any. So yeah, after ferguson and Baltimore, I don't trust any hear say without proof. Let's see the evidence? Someone off campus called out in a truck and no one has a description of a truck the perp, the license plate. So you log that and wait to see if there is a repeat. Was there?

Mizzou Releases Photos Of Poop Swastika

Here, now stop lying.

Time for your NEXT excuse! Lets hear it!
and in that report:

"The e-mails also detail a disturbing and previously unpublicized racial incident that happened on the same floor of the same dormitory the previous week. According to a dorm hall coordinator, a white dorm resident was the subject of racial slurs.

“We did have another incident that was just reported last week where an intoxicated individual said ‘bitch ass nigga’ to a white resident, when having a heated interaction with multiple black residents in the third floor lounge, which is the same floor this bathroom incident happened on,” Gateway Hall hall coordinator Susan Cohn wrote to multiple university officials on the morning of October 24. “The individual that reported said he was offended by this but felt like it was not directed towards him or the other black residents in the lounge.”"

BTW, I thought the germans were against the jews and not blacks. But hey.
Do you see the proof you've been saying doesnt exist now?

Do you feel stupid you've been lied to?
Do you see the proof you've been saying doesnt exist now?

Do you feel stupid you've been lied to?
no I don't, I feel like it was misguided as racial toward blacks and it wasn't. So, not sure the evidence matches your group. Again, jews were recipients of german hate.
1. There is a claim that there was a swastika made from pooh on a dorm wall...based on a photo of the Swastika...now discovered to have been taken in 2014.

2. Mizzou's student body president, Payton Head, a gay black man, accused unknown and never found perpetrators in a red truck of hurling racial slurs at him off campus.
- NO Evidence to support the claim...AND IT WAS OFF-CAMPUS! Umm, what's a college President supposed to do about a 'supposed' OFF-Campus racial slur?!

3. Payton Head claimed the KKK had been on campus last night and that HE had been in Contact with the NATIONAL GUARD.
- The claim, so far, has been unsubstantiated...and does he really want people to believe that HE, a college student body president, was in direct communications with the state's National Guard?! Seriously?

4. Jonathon Butler, face of the Protest, was caught lying about being hit by a car carrying the President of the University. Video shows him running at the car.

5. Butler is also on a self-proclaimed 'hunger strike' until his demands are met, which include that whites admit to their 'White Privilege' because THEY have access to things - due to their 'White Privilege' - that he doesn't because of his skin color.... EVEN THOUGH DADDY MADE $6.6+ MILLION LAST YEAR.
- He grew up in a $1.3 million dollar mansion in Omaha. For reference sake, that's a big house in Omaha. Warren Buffett, one of the five richest men in the world, lives in an Omaha house worth $500,000.

6. Brenda Smith-Lezama, vice president of the Missouri Students Association, appeared on MSNBC Tuesday afternoon to express her disdain at people using their First Amendment rights to create WHAT SHE CALLS a "hostile" and "unsafe" learning environment. She apparently feels 'unsafe' and 'endangered' when a free people have the Right of Freedom of speech in a Free country, which she feels should obviously curtailed / limited if it involves anything that offends her.

7. Now the Anti-Racist Mizzou Protestors are dividing THEMSELVES according to RACE:

Mizzou Protesters Now Segregating Their Members By Race
LINK: http://dailycaller.com/2015/11/11/mizzou-protesters-now-segregating-their-members-by-race/#ixzz3rIXhZe26
Blacks demanded to have a ''Black-Only' 'Healing Space'', so they segregated themselves and forced the whites supporting them to leave so they could have a 'Black-Only' planning meeting.

"#ConceredStudent1950 is dividing into seven groups,They're asking white allies to leave" Steve Schmidt, Twitter"

This whole thing has been exposed as a SHAM. Meanwhile a college campus is being held hostage, several members of the college faculty have been forced out of their jobs because of it. And the little fascist racists are getting their 5 minutes of fame...
Most space aliens are racists.
Do you see the proof you've been saying doesnt exist now?

Do you feel stupid you've been lied to?
no I don't, I feel like it was misguided as racial toward blacks and it wasn't. So, not sure the evidence matches your group. Again, jews were recipients of german hate.

First you said it didnt exist and now you know the motives? When? After I taught you that you were wrong?

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