MK Regev Pushes Law Banning Discrimination Against IDF Soldiers


Gold Member
Apr 11, 2012
Knesset Interior Committee chairperson Miri Regev (Likud-Beiteinu) made a special visit to Tel Aviv on Friday morning amid reports that local clubs were refusing entry to soldiers serving in the Israeli Defense Forces.

In recent years numerous IDF soldiers have complained of being refused entry to a few clubs in the city, due to the establishments' left-wing policies and opposition to the Israeli Defence Forces - a decision which has angered the majority of Israelis and drawn ire from numerous Members of Knesset.

On her tour of Tel Aviv clubs, Regev was accompanied by the deputy mayor of Tel Aviv and Likud city faction Chairman, Arnon Giladi.

Regev claimed to have witnessed firsthand how a soldier was refused entry into a club after being "screened" at the entrance. Regev noted that the soldier felt humiliated and said she saw to it that he be allowed to enter.

The Likud-Beiteinu lawmaker intends to work for legislation to prevent discrimination based on a person's service in the IDF and revoke the business licenses of entertainment places that violate the law.

MK Regev for Law to Ban Discrimination Against IDF - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News


Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?
Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?

It's not.

But IDF soldier's status is different than a civilian.

It's obvious one should not discriminate one Israeli from another when it comes to civilians. It's based in law.

It's time to do the same with soldiers.
we have to understand ---sherri is a bit dim-----she has decided that a SPECIFIC case---
must be absolutely generalized. Her query is tantamont ---to demanding
in the face of a law suit challenging a church that refuses homosexual marriage with

Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?

It's hilarious...

What is?

That institutionalized, systemic, wholesale discrimination against arabs and palistinians is state policy in israel and the occupied territories yet an israeli politican finds it an abomination that a female conscripted israeli soldier can't get into israeli clubs without a hassle.

In other words, in israel the military will become a "protected class" because they can't get a drink or laid when they want.


That institutionalized, systemic, wholesale discrimination against arabs and palistinians is state policy in israel and the occupied territories yet an israeli politican finds it an abomination that a female conscripted israeli soldier can't get into israeli clubs without a hassle.

In other words, in israel the military will become a "protected class" because they can't get a drink or laid when they want.


Where is there systematic discrimination against Israeli Arabs?

And I don't share your amusement.

I believe descrimination of soldiers in Israel should be punished by imprisonment.
Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?

It's hilarious...
But Alfalfa and Frau Sherri don't find it hilarious when their Muslim friends murder people of different faiths and even other Mulims who belong to different sects. Perhaps Alfalfa and Frau Sherri should be in contact with the top people in Muslim countries to see if the people living in those countries are allowed to discriminate against their armed forces. Get back to us when you two find out.
Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?

It's hilarious...
But Alfalfa and Frau Sherri don't find it hilarious when their Muslim friends murder people of different faiths and even other Mulims who belong to different sects. Perhaps Alfalfa and Frau Sherri should be in contact with the top people in Muslim countries to see if the people living in those countries are allowed to discriminate against their armed forces. Get back to us when you two find out.

Hossie have some compassion-----muslims are reduced to murdering each other when
they run out of KAFFIRIN to murder. Take pakistan---in most of pakistan there are no
kaffirin around------so who to MURDER TO PROVEN ONE's MANHOOD? Same is true of
Yemen----no christians for a long time----no jews lately-----so they are killing each other.
Right now-----Saudi arabia is MOSTLY SUNNI-----so what do they do----they are shooting
at some shiites living near the border in Yemen ----but most of all getting their jollies
by funding terrorism world wide
Now, why is discrimination only deemed necessaey to be declared unlawful when it is carried out against an IDF soldier?

It's hilarious...
But Alfalfa and Frau Sherri don't find it hilarious when their Muslim friends murder people of different faiths and even other Mulims who belong to different sects. Perhaps Alfalfa and Frau Sherri should be in contact with the top people in Muslim countries to see if the people living in those countries are allowed to discriminate against their armed forces. Get back to us when you two find out.

We're not talking about muslims, were talking about jews and israel.

Point us to the thread where I found it hilarious about deaths at the hands of muslims.

Your a fucking liar and i'm getting tired of your and others shit. You GOT NO ARGUMENT so you go on hateful personal attacks aimed at anyone who disagrees with your vile zionist bullshit.
It's hilarious...
But Alfalfa and Frau Sherri don't find it hilarious when their Muslim friends murder people of different faiths and even other Mulims who belong to different sects. Perhaps Alfalfa and Frau Sherri should be in contact with the top people in Muslim countries to see if the people living in those countries are allowed to discriminate against their armed forces. Get back to us when you two find out.

We're not talking about muslims, were talking about jews and israel.

Point us to the thread where I found it hilarious about deaths at the hands of muslims.

Your a fucking liar and i'm getting tired of your and others shit. You GOT NO ARGUMENT so you go on hateful personal attacks aimed at anyone who disagrees with your vile zionist bullshit.
I'm talking about Muslims and Arabs and Israelis and Palestinians and chicken thieving Chechens and pig farming Arab-Turks and Shanty Irish.
But Alfalfa and Frau Sherri don't find it hilarious when their Muslim friends murder people of different faiths and even other Mulims who belong to different sects. Perhaps Alfalfa and Frau Sherri should be in contact with the top people in Muslim countries to see if the people living in those countries are allowed to discriminate against their armed forces. Get back to us when you two find out.

We're not talking about muslims, were talking about jews and israel.

Point us to the thread where I found it hilarious about deaths at the hands of muslims.

Your a fucking liar and i'm getting tired of your and others shit. You GOT NO ARGUMENT so you go on hateful personal attacks aimed at anyone who disagrees with your vile zionist bullshit.
I'm talking about Muslims and Arabs and Israelis and Palestinians and chicken thieving Chechens and pig farming Arab-Turks and Shanty Irish.

Yes, ZioHasbara Rule #2 - Deflect, Divert and Distort
We're not talking about muslims, were talking about jews and israel.

Point us to the thread where I found it hilarious about deaths at the hands of muslims.

Your a fucking liar and i'm getting tired of your and others shit. You GOT NO ARGUMENT so you go on hateful personal attacks aimed at anyone who disagrees with your vile zionist bullshit.
I'm talking about Muslims and Arabs and Israelis and Palestinians and chicken thieving Chechens and pig farming Arab-Turks and Shanty Irish.

Yes, ZioHasbara Rule #2 - Deflect, Divert and Distort
But I don't discriminate against shanty Irish, Padraic.

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