MLK day is soon. Why not a day for Thomas Edison or Steven Jobs?

What did he do?. Making a lot of anti-white speeches is NOT an accomplishment, you fool.
What did he do?
He freed Americans who were being given second class citizenship. All without firing a shot
A great American Patriot

You mean he got more special treatment affirmative action for blacks. You loony libs call expecting blacks to compete on a level playing field "second class citizenship"!!! Americans are sick of your conspiracy theories about how whites are holding down blacks.

Special treatment like the right to vote , right to be treated like an equal citizen.
******* aren't equal. There is a food chain and ******* are the lowest end of the "human" scale...hell they are damn near retrograde species of human..closer to apes than humans.

"*********" = shitshisdpeedoes, batshit boy, dumpcum, and YOU, of course.
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.

Honoring mlk is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.
Me and the family celebrate Confederate Memorial Day. Gonna take some small Confederate flags to the cemetery,stick my flag on the house,blast Dixie and I'm a good ole rebel on the radio!

Loser Traitor Day? What do you do, desert, eat grass, burn money, beg Europe for help while they laugh at you, then crawl north on your belly until you find someone to surrender to; taking it like a little pussy as they bitchslap you until granting you forgiveness you don't deserve? Have fun with that.
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Protectionist, I've never liked the term "Native American," as it describes anyone who was born here. Even the term "Indigenous Peoples," describes someone born here. However, it is currently being used to describe people who came across the Bering Strait and settled here before the Europeans. Calling it a:
Lakota, Cree, Ojibwa, Paiute, et cetera, et cetera Day would be absurdly long and cumbersome. Having a bit of Chippewa (Ojibwa peoples, Otter Clan) in me, I'll settle for Native American Day until something more accurate comes along.
American Indian.
You mean he got more special treatment affirmative action for blacks. You loony libs call expecting blacks to compete on a level playing field "second class citizenship"!!! Americans are sick of your conspiracy theories about how whites are holding down blacks.
I agree 100% that affirmative action is racist, wrong, and should be banned nationally (it currently is in 8 states). But I think it wasn't advocated by MLK (I could be wrong) Anybody have a good link on this ?
Loser Traitor Day? What do you do, desert, eat grass, burn money, beg Europe for help while they laugh at you, then crawl north on your belly until you find someone to surrender to; taking it like a little pussy as they bitchslap you until granting you forgiveness you don't deserve? Have fun with that.

You should have saved that for LoneLaugher. I'm tempted to use it against him (but I won't) :laugh:
We should have a Thomas Edison day to remember how he almost killed the AC technology invented by Nicola Tesla, which made our civilization what it is today... So our children would know what "wild capitalism" mean...
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.

Honoring mlk is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.
I grew up in that era. I doubt MLK hated white folks. I even dreamt of him, the only one of a historical figure I ever had. He was a minor figure in history, though. Enough people think he deserves a holiday in his honor, and I can live with that.
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.
Watching racist's heads explode once a year is reason enough, IMO. :party:
Protectionist, I've never liked the term "Native American," as it describes anyone who was born here. Even the term "Indigenous Peoples," describes someone born here. However, it is currently being used to describe people who came across the Bering Strait and settled here before the Europeans. Calling it a:
Lakota, Cree, Ojibwa, Paiute, et cetera, et cetera Day would be absurdly long and cumbersome. Having a bit of Chippewa (Ojibwa peoples, Otter Clan) in me, I'll settle for Native American Day until something more accurate comes along.
American Indian.
American Indian Day....acceptable.
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.

Honoring mlk is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.

He did far more for our country than you ever did, StormFront.

He didn't do a damn thing that helped me.
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.

Honoring mlk is the dumbest thing i ever heard of.

MLK was a great man. He championed the end of segregation not by telling blacks to stay as they were and beg for handouts, but by rising up and being productive members of society. Thomas Edison ran a invention warehouse where he benefited from the inventions of others. He was a bit of a scoundrel and Steve Jobs was a prick. He certainly had some good ideas (that he himself did not actually design or create, that was Wozniak who actually did the work) but the man was a complete, and total asshole.

Apparently blacks didn't listen. King said people should be judged by their character not the color of their skin. Today, many blacks use their skin color to try and gain something. As far as food stamps is concerned, blacks are the highest users of social welfare on a proportional basis of any race.
MLK didn't do anything. Just a politician and white-hating racist. We need to honor people that actually do things to help america. Like businessmen and scientists and engineers. Thomas Watson who founded IBM is another great choice. Also Henry Ford. Maybe sam colt or bill ruger.
Watching racist's heads explode once a year is reason enough, IMO. :party:

Watching those who say they give a shit about what King said when they're only concerned about having the day off is laughable.
It's the yearly whine thread about MLK Day from ShootSpeeder. My how the time flies.
It's the yearly claim that people honor King when they're only concerned about having the day off.

I celebrate Robert E. Lee Day.
American Indian Day....acceptable.

uranidiot. Until the white man came, no north american injun tribe even had a written language.!! Bunch of semi-human savages. And now all they all do is go on welfare and live off whites.
The most useless people in history and you want to honor them??
It's the yearly claim that people honor King when they're only concerned about having the day off.

I celebrate Robert E. Lee Day.

Lee was over-rated as a general. He was all offense and that's bad strategy when you're outnumbered 3 to 1. Let's give jeff davis a day.
It's the yearly claim that people honor King when they're only concerned about having the day off.

I celebrate Robert E. Lee Day.

Lee was over-rated as a general. He was all offense and that's bad strategy when you're outnumbered 3 to 1. Let's give jeff davis a day.

I mentioned Lee because his birthday is in close proximity to King, I think 4 days apart.

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