MLK Was a Communist

What sort of madman can try to squeeze a confirmation of communistic ideals when all King was saying that the gospel was meant for all men,capitalist and communist??...This is not an affirmation of a political ideology it is an affirmation of his faith in Jesus Christ..This is madness beyond compare..To twist meaning blindly to try to slur a man..

And I cannot forget that the Nobel Peace Prize was not just something taking place, but it was a commission–a commission to work harder than I had ever worked before for the brotherhood of Man. This is a calling that takes me beyond national allegiances. But even if it were not present, I would yet have to live with the meaning of my commitment to the ministry of Jesus Christ. To me, the relationship of this ministry to the making of peace is so obvious that I sometimes marvel at those who ask me why I am speaking against the war. Could it be that they do not know that the Good News was meant for all men,for communists and capitalists, for their children and ours, for black and white,for revolutionary and conservative. Have they forgotten that my ministry is in obedience to the One who loved His enemies so fully that he died for them? What, then, can I say to the Vietcong, or to Castro, or to Mao, as a faithful minister to Jesus Christ? Can I threaten them with death, or must I not share with them my life?
Now, let us talk about Christopher Columbus and his communistic operations in the New World...
In the 30's dimocrap scum in the South were the ones keeping Blacks down. In the North, dimocrap scum didn't want to piss off their Southern brethren.... They couldn't get elected dog catcher without them.

In the North, Republicans ruled. Almost completely. And they weren't all that interested in what was happening in the South. In fact, I'd say they weren't the least bit interested, since dimocrap scum had an iron-clad grip on the South. In fact, most of the South didn't even bother with having Republican Primary Elections.

Blacks were in a bad way. dimocrap scum kept them down because Blacks in the South voted almost unanimously Republican (dimocrap scum are so stupid that they think Southern racists were anti-blac when the truth is, they were anti Republican...... And anti Black. But that was secondary)

So Blacks had no one to turn to. Like I said, Republicans couldn't give a shit less what happened in the South and in the 1930's the memories of the MASSIVE casualties we suffered in the Civil War were still somewhat fresh in Republican minds. We fought one War to free Blacks; that was enough.

So Blacks turned to communists.

It was a major decision. Many, many Black leaders fought it. Still do. MLK wasn't a communist, per se, but he sure as HELL wasn't anti-communist.

dimocrap scum are so fucking stupid, some of them still think that communism requires State ownership of the Means Of Production.

dimocraps are pathetically stupid. So much so, it's not even funny anymore
In the 30's dimocrap scum in the South were the ones keeping Blacks down. In the North, dimocrap scum didn't want to piss off their Southern brethren.... They couldn't get elected dog catcher without them.

In the North, Republicans ruled. Almost completely. And they weren't all that interested in what was happening in the South. In fact, I'd say they weren't the least bit interested, since dimocrap scum had an iron-clad grip on the South. In fact, most of the South didn't even bother with having Republican Primary Elections.

Blacks were in a bad way. dimocrap scum kept them down because Blacks in the South voted almost unanimously Republican (dimocrap scum are so stupid that they think Southern racists were anti-blac when the truth is, they were anti Republican...... And anti Black. But that was secondary)

So Blacks had no one to turn to. Like I said, Republicans couldn't give a shit less what happened in the South and in the 1930's the memories of the MASSIVE casualties we suffered in the Civil War were still somewhat fresh in Republican minds. We fought one War to free Blacks; that was enough.

So Blacks turned to communists.

It was a major decision. Many, many Black leaders fought it. Still do. MLK wasn't a communist, per se, but he sure as HELL wasn't anti-communist.

dimocrap scum are so fucking stupid, some of them still think that communism requires State ownership of the Means Of Production.

dimocraps are pathetically stupid. So much so, it's not even funny anymore
Really, what does the state have the means of production of in today's USA?
I think this piece is well done. I too am NOT a racist...but the truth is what it is.
Martin Luther King Jr. Was An Evil Communist

No, he wasn't. He knew some communists but the FBI could never link King directly to the Communist Party. Buit so what if he was. He and every Black person in America would have been justified, at the time to join ANY party/faction that would rescue them from the racist terror ridden social environment White Americans forced up on them at the time. What did MLK have to lose by being a communist?

He said he wasn't and I believe him simply because he had no reason to lie. And the FBI couldn't prove that he was. Hoover circuad allegations just as the link you provided did. But nothing in th elink shows proof positive that MLK was a Communist.

Martin Luther King Jr. - Wikipedia.

"The attempt to prove that King was a communist was related to the feeling of many segregationists that blacks in the South were happy with their lot but had been stirred up by "communists" and "outside agitators".[284] However, the 1950s and '60s Civil Rights Movement arose from activism within the black community dating back to before World War I. King said that "the Negro revolution is a genuine revolution, born from the same womb that produces all massive social upheavals—the womb of intolerable conditions and unendurable situations."[285]"
No, he wasn't. He knew some communists but the FBI could never link King directly to the Communist Party. Buit so what if he was. He and every Black person in America would have been justified, at the time to join ANY party/faction that would rescue them from the racist terror ridden social environment White Americans forced up on them at the time. What did MLK have to lose by being a communist?

He said he wasn't and I believe him simply because he had no reason to lie. And the FBI couldn't prove that he was. Hoover circuad allegations just as the link you provided did. But nothing in th elink shows proof positive that MLK was a Communist.<snip>

You said 'he had no reason to lie' then, in the very next sentence, you said, 'the FBI couldn't prove that he was'

Does that make any sense to you?

But, no. IMHO he wasn't a communist. At least not outwardly. Had he attached himself to communism, it would have destroyed his movement and he knew it.
No, he wasn't. He knew some communists but the FBI could never link King directly to the Communist Party. Buit so what if he was. He and every Black person in America would have been justified, at the time to join ANY party/faction that would rescue them from the racist terror ridden social environment White Americans forced up on them at the time. What did MLK have to lose by being a communist?

He said he wasn't and I believe him simply because he had no reason to lie. And the FBI couldn't prove that he was. Hoover circuad allegations just as the link you provided did. But nothing in th elink shows proof positive that MLK was a Communist.<snip>

You said 'he had no reason to lie' then, in the very next sentence, you said, 'the FBI couldn't prove that he was'

Does that make any sense to you?

But, no. IMHO he wasn't a communist. At least not outwardly. Had he attached himself to communism, it would have destroyed his movement and he knew it.

Well yes it does make sense to those who knew that Hoover unsuccessfully tried to frame MLK as a communist. MLK denied the allegations. That is what is inferred in my sentence. Unfortunately, you chose to read something else into it~!
Well yes it does make sense to those who knew that Hoover unsuccessfully tried to frame MLK as a communist. MLK denied the allegations. That is what is inferred in my sentence. Unfortunately, you chose to read something else into it~!

Whether King was a communist is irrelevant to what he did in regards to civil rights.

Jesus was more "communist" than was Martin Luther King
Bolshevik or Cantonese?

Essene. -----<<<< a monastic sect of jews (very Pharisee) that withdrew to the
desert and lived ENTIRELY socialistic lives in caves. It is not clear
that Jesus actually did so but John the Baptist probably did. Jesus could have.
maybe he did now and then
Whether King was a communist is irrelevant to what he did in regards to civil rights.

Jesus was more "communist" than was Martin Luther King
Bolshevik or Cantonese?

Essene. -----<<<< a monastic sect of jews (very Pharisee) that withdrew to the
desert and lived ENTIRELY socialistic lives in caves. It is not clear
that Jesus actually did so but John the Baptist probably did. Jesus could have.
maybe he did now and then
What nations did they rule?

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