MN Dems pass bill to change name of fish because it was 'offensive'


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
I guess there is no serious business to attend to in Minnesota, so the Dems are focusing on other major issues, like the name of a stupid fish. They are up in arms over the Asian carp, which have been causing problems in their waterways. No Asian-American groups have complained, but those libs insist that the name must be changed right away. Too bad they aren't this quick when it's actually something that will help people.

We have problems with the Asian beetles here in the Midwest. They are a nuisance and I never think of Asian people when I complain about the damn bugs. They came from Asia, bought here by farmers, and they are everywhere at harvest time. I'm sure our senators are discussing a name change as we speak.

Will there be a fine or hate speech charges if people continue to call the fish, "Asian carp?"

Keep in mind that, according to Wikipedia, this fish has been known as the Asian Carp for centuries — and even the Chinese use that term. But now, according to Minnesota legislature, it is just too offensive to endure.

What is next for these wackos? Changing the racist name of the Black Bear? How about "hurtful" nicknames for U.S. military weapons, like the Apache helicopter, or Tomahawk missile?

With all the real problems facing the American people: chronic joblessness, welfare dependency, dangerously open borders – THIS is what the left chooses to focus on? Unreal.
Sad that these people no longer have any pride in themselves. It use to be a sign of pride to have things named after your culture.
MN Dems pass bill to change name of fish because it was 'offensive'

Considerably more preferable to Oklahoma republicans passing a bill violating a woman's right to privacy.
This is the crap we have to put up with in PC Minnesota. Our state bird is the Common Loon which seems to be the type of politicians this state typically elects, ie: Jesse Ventura, Al Franken, Michelle Bachman, Mark Dayton...etc.
Guess we will now have to rename the Black Crappie the African-American Crappie. When does this PC shit come to an end?
I guess there is no serious business to attend to in Minnesota, so the Dems are focusing on other major issues, like the name of a stupid fish. They are up in arms over the Asian carp, which have been causing problems in their waterways. No Asian-American groups have complained, but those libs insist that the name must be changed right away. Too bad they aren't this quick when it's actually something that will help people.

We have problems with the Asian beetles here in the Midwest. They are a nuisance and I never think of Asian people when I complain about the damn bugs. They came from Asia, bought here by farmers, and they are everywhere at harvest time. I'm sure our senators are discussing a name change as we speak.

Will there be a fine or hate speech charges if people continue to call the fish, "Asian carp?"

Keep in mind that, according to Wikipedia, this fish has been known as the Asian Carp for centuries — and even the Chinese use that term. But now, according to Minnesota legislature, it is just too offensive to endure.

What is next for these wackos? Changing the racist name of the Black Bear? How about "hurtful" nicknames for U.S. military weapons, like the Apache helicopter, or Tomahawk missile?

With all the real problems facing the American people: chronic joblessness, welfare dependency, dangerously open borders – THIS is what the left chooses to focus on? Unreal.

I guess that's a better use of their time than watching porn, but just barely.
Oh my God seriously guys? You're gonna rally around an 'asian carp?'

Unbelievable :rolleyes:

Actually the new term is now "Invasive Carp". You still used the old racist term.

Thank You,
The Thought Police.

Oh man you must be so distraught over this. I can't imagine how absolutely devastating this must be for you and your family.

I'm sorry Minnesota, that some fish that barely any of you have or will ever see, has been renamed. I shudder at the thought of how many poor, hapless Minnesotans will be devastated by this terrible decision. May they find peace in this brave new world. :crybaby:
Oh my God seriously guys? You're gonna rally around an 'asian carp?'

Unbelievable :rolleyes:

Actually the new term is now "Invasive Carp". You still used the old racist term.

Thank You,
The Thought Police.

Oh man you must be so distraught over this. I can't imagine how absolutely devastating this must be for you and your family.

I'm sorry Minnesota, that some fish that barely any of you have or will ever see, has been renamed. I shudder at the thought of how many poor, hapless Minnesotans will be devastated by this terrible decision. May they find peace in this brave new world. :crybaby:
You miss the point. This is not about the damn fish but about those who seek to control language and thought...
Aw, screw it, somehow I don't think you have the capacity to understand that.
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Oh my God seriously guys? You're gonna rally around an 'asian carp?'

Unbelievable :rolleyes:

Actually the new term is now "Invasive Carp". You still used the old racist term.

Thank You,
The Thought Police.

Oh man you must be so distraught over this. I can't imagine how absolutely devastating this must be for you and your family.

I'm sorry Minnesota, that some fish that barely any of you have or will ever see, has been renamed. I shudder at the thought of how many poor, hapless Minnesotans will be devastated by this terrible decision. May they find peace in this brave new world. :crybaby:
You miss the point. This is not about the damn fish but about those who seek to control language and thought...
Aw, screw it, somehow I don't think you have to capacity to understand that.

Thomas Jefferson would have made these Asian Carps a national treasure!!!!!!! DAMN YOU THOUGHT POLICE!!!!!
It seems to be part of a larger bill (which I assume was called the Invasive Carp Exclusion Act)

When I clicked on this, I was sure it was going to be the squafish...
Oh my God seriously guys? You're gonna rally around an 'asian carp?'

Unbelievable :rolleyes:

Actually the new term is now "Invasive Carp". You still used the old racist term.

Thank You,
The Thought Police.

Oh man you must be so distraught over this. I can't imagine how absolutely devastating this must be for you and your family.

I'm sorry Minnesota, that some fish that barely any of you have or will ever see, has been renamed. I shudder at the thought of how many poor, hapless Minnesotans will be devastated by this terrible decision. May they find peace in this brave new world. :crybaby:
You miss the point. This is not about the damn fish but about those who seek to control language and thought...
Aw, screw it, somehow I don't think you have the capacity to understand that.

The left will always have a next target. First, the Redskins. Now anything that they can possibly construe as being offensive to anyone. They even find it offensive when teams use animal names.

Never mind that Native Americans weren't offended by the Redskins name. Liberals were offended for them.

I find it offensive that liberals try to think for people instead of caring what people think.

Next, they will bitch that presidents have to live in the 'White' House. And we shouldn't call the illegal sale of goods the 'black' market. They even complained about the Hurricane names not being diverse enough. They will start scrutinizing every word in our language and start doing away with anything even remotely considered wrong or offensive. Hell, they are already doing that. They are more offended by words than actions. Seriously, they bitched more about the Redskins name than they did about the Obama administration wasting billions on Solyndra and other phony green companies. Weird people who are cool with things as long as the right words are spoken.
Oh my God seriously guys? You're gonna rally around an 'asian carp?'

Unbelievable :rolleyes:

Actually the new term is now "Invasive Carp". You still used the old racist term.

Thank You,
The Thought Police.

Oh man you must be so distraught over this. I can't imagine how absolutely devastating this must be for you and your family.

I'm sorry Minnesota, that some fish that barely any of you have or will ever see, has been renamed. I shudder at the thought of how many poor, hapless Minnesotans will be devastated by this terrible decision. May they find peace in this brave new world. :crybaby:
The world is in chaos and the Democrats number one priority is to rename a fish because zero gooks have a problem with the name Asian Carp.
Is the OP sure that there were no Asian groups complaining?
As a resident of MN there was not a single report of Asians protesting the name.The bill was pushed by white liberals. There was a protest about the Redskins by the American Indian Movement at TCF stadium to push the stadium to refuse to display the Redskins team name attended by about a dozen protesters. They call it the "R" word now.

With the venom used these days regarding the word White, do we call it the "W" word now? I will not spend my life walking on eggshells worried about who has a perceived offense to what terms I use. Fuck Political Correctness. It comes down to what I learned as a child.
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will NEVER hurt me"
If names do hurt you you are weak in mind and spirit.
Is the OP sure that there were no Asian groups complaining?
As a resident of MN there was not a single report of Asians protesting the name.The bill was pushed by white liberals. There was a protest about the Redskins by the American Indian Movement at TCF stadium to push the stadium to refuse to display the Redskins team name attended by about a dozen protesters. They call it the "R" word now.

With the venom used these days regarding the word White, do we call it the "W" word now? I will not spend my life walking on eggshells worried about who has a perceived offense to what terms I use. Fuck Political Correctness. It comes down to what I learned as a child.
"sticks and stones may break my bones, but names will NEVER hurt me"
If names do hurt you you are weak in mind and spirit.

You clearly don't pay attention.

Bill banning Asian carp advances Asian leaders say term is offensive City Pages

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