MOB JUSTICE: Judge, jurors threatened in Rittenhouse, Daunte Wright trials

Great, post what you have that shows she was a teenager...
Well let's see, when the diary story came out liberals denied everything about it. Well when it came out that it was true. Liberals on here defended it, saying nothing wrong with a father bathing with his daughter. But now it has come out that it went on into teenage years. I believe this because you loons denied it to begin with.
No. Sexual assault.
Yes we know Clinton did it and what was the liberal come back for the poor woman? Carville saying if you drag a dollar bill through a trailer park you would get Jones. How your party treats victims.

I am sure even those among you who still -- inexplicably -- believe Rittenhouse is guilty of murder oppose this sort of behavior.
Or maybe not. Do you actually condone threats against jurors who do not vote they way you want them to?
Would you, as a juror , vote someone guilty because you know a not guilty verdict will means more riots and looting and burning?
Thugs are always going to thug, it's what they do.
He didn't threaten anyone.
I think you would be scared shitless if a gold tooth ghetto bum was referring to you

And so would I

If not for myself certainly for my family

The white jurors in that trial will live under the threat for many years of they vote not guilty
Lol, I don't like the fact that Trump cheated on his wife and at one time that would've been a deal breaker. But you loons set the bar lower.
So your big excuse us that you act a certain way based on how democrats act. Noted so now we know who controls your brain.

I guess rawdogging a pornstar with a new wife and baby at home, then illegally paying her is just icing on the cake for you.
If we don’t get our way we will have a murderous tantrum
And these are the people we are supposed to be taking health directions from?
Attempted coup 1/6
Democrat nationwide terrorism 2020. How many burned livelihoods and bodies dragged from cars and beaten do you need to ignore. The “coup” you keep losing your shit over was a joke and there is more of an effort to prosecute the perpetrators. Contrast that with Democrat and Celebrity-sponsored funds set up to provide bail for terrorists.
So your big excuse us that you act a certain way based on how democrats act. Noted so now we know who controls your brain.

I guess rawdogging a pornstar with a new wife and baby at home, then illegally paying her is just icing on the cake for you.
Not at all, but before Clinton effect. I would've never voted for Trump. But Clinton plus Obama got us the greatest president ever and he will return! Biden is making sure of it! But well let's see Clinton paid off the woman he sexually assaulted. Then denied on national TV and lying under oath about having sex with a 19 year old in the oval office. Doesn’t low the expectations of a president? You guys lowered the bar. Don't complain about what comes out. Like I stated before, liberalism destroys everything it touches.
Democrat nationwide terrorism 2020. How many burned livelihoods and bodies dragged from cars and beaten do you need to ignore. The “coup” you keep losing your shit over was a joke and there is more of an effort to prosecute the perpetrators. Contrast that with Democrat and Celebrity-sponsored funds set up to provide bail for terrorists.
Sorry, but I don't consider an attempt to overthrow our government and install a failed politician as president to be a joke.

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