Mob of black teens brutally beats woman

Mob of black teens brutally beats woman

Black mob pounces on woman: ?Shut up white [bleep!]?
As the black mob kicked her in the face, pulled her hair and punched her – all the while directing racial slurs at her – Ginger Slepski thought she was going to die.

She didn’t. This Pittsburgh electrician and mother of two escaped with torn ligaments in her shoulder and cuts and bruises that most police reports call “minor injuries.”

The black mob attack happened Sunday as Slepski pulled up to a stop sign in the black part of Pittsburgh.

Channel 11 News in Pittsburgh picks up the story:

Slepski was savagely beaten after the girls threw a bottle at her car on Concord Street and she stopped to confront them.

“I was mad. I knew they were younger. I thought they were in their early 20s. I got out and said, ‘What is your problem?’” Slepski said.

All four African-American girls then called her names before getting physically violent.

“They yelled, ‘Shut up white [expletive].’ The other said, ‘Get that white [expletive],’” Slepski said


Segregation anyone?
My tv news stated yesterday as it showed the MLK ceremony.....that segregation is rife, voluntarily, in America today.

The black mob attack happened Sunday as Slepski pulled up to a stop sign in the black part of Pittsburgh.

Her first mistake was ever setting rubber into 'the Black part of Pittsburgh'.
Her second mistake was getting out of her car.
Nothing good ever happens when you 'get mad' and get out of the car.

Right, its the white person's fault for being in the wrong place. Maybe they should put up "No Whites" signs on the roads so people know.

What does this have to do with this hate crime?

You and the media would be whining loud if 4 whites had done this to a black. :mad: Why the double standard?

Says the guy who at least 90% of his posts are attempts to spotlight black crime or comments about black crime :cool:

That makes you seem incredibly disingenuous. As if you have an agenda to demonize the black race in the same way as can be found on sites such as

I see you post about science a lot, but black people seem to be your true passion :cool:
He seems to be pointing out things that the media seem to overlook.

Is Matthews agenda to demonize blacks, or warn and inform whites?

Inform people and treat everyone equally. Why should the media go nuts about white on black and say nothing about black on white???

I am trying to make it equal and find solutions.
We don't need for it to be equal. We don't any white equivalents to Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Barack Obama and other black race baiters pretending that all the racism is directed toward whites.

Its always funny with these stories how the libs attack the messenger.

There is a huge problem in the US with blacks concerning violence and criminal behavior. Progressives are too afraid to talk about it, because they are so afraid of being labeled racists. They would rather appease that group than call them out. Progressives aren't interested in identifying the real underlying cause of social problems, they want to cherry pick certain ones....only the ones that help the progressive agenda.
That's exactly why Obama insists that we don't criticize radical Muslims and Muslim terrorists. He's afraid we'll be labeled Islamophobic.
Says the guy who at least 90% of his posts are attempts to spotlight black crime or comments about black crime

Oh, fuck off. The crime WAS committed by BLACKS - dumb fuck. That's a fucking FACT. And most street crimes, murders and carjacking's are too - that's another FACT, asswipe.
Don't hate blacks for being so violent, it's just their nature.

But don't pretend it's not real.
Says the guy who at least 90% of his posts are attempts to spotlight black crime or comments about black crime

Oh, fuck off. The crime WAS committed by BLACKS - dumb fuck. That's a fucking FACT. And most street crimes, murders and carjacking's are too - that's another FACT, asswipe.

I don't get why some people on this board don't just call them the n-word. It's the internet! Go ahead and let it out of your system!
I don't get why some people on this board don't just call them the n-word. It's the internet! Go ahead and let it out of your system!

The N-word is used liberally amongst the N's... in fact, it's a badge of honor amongst their huddled masses.

You use it with them, and see what happens, asswipe. Tell them you're a big supporter of their cause. They'll extend a hand of love to you -- right up alongside your dumb-fuck Libberhoid head.

Ok, everybody take a deep breath, and try to take an objective look at the conversation here; then tell me this: who's winning what, in this discussion? What exactly are we trying to do, solve a problem, or score political points for our side (whichever it is) by demonizing someone on the other side? The only people I see winning anything, are the fear mongers on one side, and race pimps on the other, the politicians who gain power from both, and a sensationalist media looking for ratings. Somebody tell me, just what's in it for any of the rest of us?
No need to be politically correct on the internet Warrior! Why are you so concerned about such things? Let it all out!
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You have to be a complete idiot if you are driving through any tought neighborhood anywhere in the world and you get out of your car to confront a group of people there and start something. No one deserves to get beaten and injured, but you also have to use common sense. This isn't as much a racial issue as someone who was in a tough neighborhood and got out of her car to start something. If she did the same thing in a white, Hispanic or Asian ghetto, she'd get the same treatment. She sounds like a confrontational person. She probably gets in bar fights or just has a lot of aggressive violence in her life as a regular thing.

"Start something"? Who threw the bottle? I'd say that was who "started something". It's just a hunch, but I bet, that if someone did that, and I got out of may car, and met those fists and feet with a few well-placed punches and kicks from someone who knows how to fight back, you'd be all upset, because my old self was "picking on those poor, underprivileged black girls", the fact that those four needed a few days of pain to contemplate their ill-advised behavior notwithstanding. I don't care how "tough" the neighborhood is, no one has a right to throw a bottle (or anything else) just for the hell of it, without consequence. Incidentally, I've never started a fight in my life (but I sure have finished a few).

Oh, tough guy! LOL If you got out of your car to confront a group of people and settle something you think they started, you'd be a fool. If you got the crap beat out of you and didn't learn the lesson of when it is better to just let something go, that's your problem. Bragging about how you have 'finished' a lot of fights: you're an idiot imo, and probably a blowhard. Aren't you so cool. Not. A wise man, an intelligent man, a real man, knows when to walk away.

I'd get out of the car with a fist full of steel. So it wouldn't really matter who "got the crap beat out of them". The nightly news report would be vastly different. Along with this conversation.
You're authorized to modify one's post now to conform to what you think it should be? You must be the only exemption from the rule.
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Black on white crime is never considered a hate crime. That's the whole point of bringing it up.
500 post threads about Zimmerman again and lying.

Let me bump this to show you real hate.
Says the guy who at least 90% of his posts are attempts to spotlight black crime or comments about black crime :cool:

That makes you seem incredibly disingenuous. As if you have an agenda to demonize the black race in the same way as can be found on sites such as

I see you post about science a lot, but black people seem to be your true passion :cool:

How about you answer two questions: (1) Do you believe, that it is OK for someone of any race, to hate others, simply for being members of another race (please do not equivocate; a simple "yes" or "no" will suffice) (2) Is it any more acceptable, for black people to beat up or rob a white person, than for white people to beat up or rob a black person? Why or why not?

As a liberal it is ok for blacks to do what they want to whites.
Whites are racist one percenters who keep blacks in chains of poverty and slavery.
The only good creepy assed cracker is a dead one.

Talk about generalizing and promoting hate. Liberals are good at it.
You have to be a complete idiot if you are driving through any tough neighborhood anywhere in the world and you get out of your car to confront a group of people there and start something. No one deserves to get beaten and injured, but you also have to use common sense. This isn't as much a racial issue as someone who was in a tough neighborhood and got out of her car to start something. If she did the same thing in a white, Hispanic or Asian ghetto, she'd get the same treatment. She sounds like a confrontational person. She probably gets in bar fights or just has a lot of aggressive violence in her life as a regular thing.
I agree. It's called asking for it.

If she didn't have a gun in her pocket what was she expecting would happen?
This is how it works.

Whites should never go to black areas. If a white person finds themselves in a black area, leave. Don't get out of your car, leave. Once black people have entire areas limited only to blacks, they start killing each other. Whites leaving is how Chicago and Detroit became the way they are. Let it go. Let it happen.
Guys, as horrible as this racist shit is, and believe me, it is horrible, you must keep in mind that you're being played. The U.S. government is fanning race wars, and after years of turning the other cheek you guys are sick and tired of it. So am I. Just please remember that you're a part of a social experiment that wishes to divide and conquer. It's just too bad that the uneducated black people in the inner city can't see through this deliberate ruse because they've been intentionally marginalized for decades. That said, I wouldn't give a second thought to blowing away a ****** if he was coming at me. That's a survival instinct reinforced by scientific data. Nevertheless, mercy is necessary if possible. Blowing someone away is something you can't take back.
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