Mob of Philly teens beat elderly Black man to DEATH, police release video and photos to seek public help

Black criminality has been talked about ad nauseam. Get a life and stop spending your days looking for a black crime to race bait.
Black people are the ONLY group in the nation who are mob attacking people. They do it non stop in every city where they exist. Quit trying to sweep your communities immense violence under the rug.
How much national attention will this get? Little at best.

The MSM is lower than low, only waiting for another opportunity to light a fuse but totally won't have the conversation about black criminality, and black violence.

Police in Philadelphia are seeking the public’s cooperation in identifying a group of black teenagers who beat an elderly black man so severely that he died, and have released photos and video for that effort. And a $20,000 reward.

NBC Philadelphia reports that the victim, James Lambert, “died the day after a group of young people beat him with a traffic cone.”

He was crossing the street.

The police released this reward poster along with the video below it. CONTENT WARNING.



This is all over the news. They beat him with traffic cones.
So white prey on other whites.
Show us a mob of white teens beating an elderly person. Can you provide one example of it in the past decade? How about in the last 20 years? How about in the last 30 years? Has it ever happened a single time in US history?
Show us a mob of white teens beating an elderly person. Can you provide one example of it in the past decade? How about in the last 20 years? How about in the last 30 years? Has it ever happened a single time in US history?
Good point.
Everybody knows, with out doubts, most crime is among the races, why does this surprise you?
Cause it show most black on black crime,

Where I hear to tell you about Mob crimes. White men beating white men. Look at tramp he got audit from the IRS for men he doesn't like.
Everybody knows, with out doubts, most crime is among the races, why does this surprise you?
Cause it show most black on black crime,

Where I hear to tell you about Mob crimes. White men beating white men. Look at tramp he got audit from the IRS for men he doesn't like.
Everybody knows, with out doubts, most crime is among the races, why does this surprise you?
Cause it show most black on black crime,

Where I hear to tell you about Mob crimes. White men beating white men. Look at tramp he got audit from the IRS for men he doesn't like.
When have white teens committed mob attacks on random people, let alone on elderly people?
Everybody knows, with out doubts, most crime is among the races, why does this surprise you?
Cause it show most black on black crime,

Where I hear to tell you about Mob crimes. White men beating white men. Look at tramp he got audit from the IRS for men he doesn't like.
But when the crime is white on black or a police shooting, we have 100 days of rioting and a call for implementing new laws and more socialism.

Penny, meet point
But when the crime is white on black or a police shooting, we have 100 days of rioting and a call for implementing new laws and more socialism.

Penny, meet point
These days it's worse.....some schmuck does a drive-by on a bunch of cops and gets shot for his troubles....and they still start a parade in the degenerate's honor hoping they can start a nationwide riot fad.

That shit didn't go far.....because the media is too busy working some other hoax angle.

The problem with kids these days is they all want to be famous for doing stupid things or being rude. Some loudmouth lesbian got a Medal Of Freedom yesterday for being a rude, obnoxious bitch.
But when the crime is white on black or a police shooting, we have 100 days of rioting and a call for implementing new laws and more socialism.

Penny, meet point
They probably both lived there, blacks on black crime, white on whites crime. Nothing new here.
Jan 6th attack. They wanted to hang Pence, all white men.
There were teens trying to hang Pence? Is that really what youre going with? :cuckoo:

Why claim to have a belief that you dont actually believe? You will NEVER catch me doing some weak shit like that.

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