Mob rule is just another name for Maj rule

and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.
So, it seems like you’re against mob rule, and then for mob rule? I don’t know what to make of this post.

We are a constitutional republic. That takes elements from democracy, but also tries to balance out the mob of “mob rule” in a pure democracy. Then there’s the constitution that limits what government can actually do, as well as creates the three branches locked in a constant rock, paper, scissors battle. Congress represents the population, senate represents the states. The electoral college ensures that the heavily populated cities and states don’t steam roll the less populated rural ones. Obviously different needs and concerns for different regions and community layouts. Just because the electoral college balances out the heavily populated regions with the less populated ones, doesn’t mean that the voice of the heavily populated regions is completely leveled out with the more rural ones, there is still plenty of a slant in favor of the larger populations.

So the congress and senate are not “mob rule”, there still needs to be voting in a republic, the congress and senate just act as representatives of their constituents.

I am pro maj (mob) rule. Why is only the Potus not elected by maj rule. Also the Senate represents the states no matter what the pop is, so every state is represented. Why do we have maj rule in the primaries and nominees for Potus.

Because nominees could go to one or two states and disregard the other 48. Thats why.
and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule..

Mob rule usually refers to unlimited democracy - meaning there are no limits on what the majority can decide. Nominally, we have a Constitution and a Court dedicated to enforcing such limits.
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I am pro maj (mob) rule. Why is only the Potus not elected by maj rule. Also the Senate represents the states no matter what the pop is, so every state is represented. Why do we have maj rule in the primaries and nominees for Potus.
You completely miss the genius of the Founding Fathers. The system was set up the way it was to give equal voice and representation to every American citizen.

(Much more to go into, but if you actually STUDY and RESEARCH your question and the answer you will understand. This comment is Not an attack on your 'intelligence' or an attack . insult of any kind.)
1. 'The Sanctity of The Election / Vote'
I find funny is that 'Americans so concerned about the 'sanctity' of our election and of every legal vote' can be so bent out of shape about a candidate losing an election that was conducted like every other previous election. Snowflakes claim that Trump winning the election based on the process that has always been followed was / is suddenly some kind of 'crime', travesty', that Hillary was somehow 'robbed' of her rightful win, and that Trump is somehow now not the 'legitimate President'. BWUHAHAHAHA!

- We have a process that has always been used. That process is legal and is THE process. Don't like it, motivate your elected officials to change it. Until then it is THE process for electing Presidents, making Donald Trump the one and only, fully legitimate President of the United States.

- 'Electing a President based on the official legal process always used is somehow suddenly criminal and 'the biggest threat' to our Constitution/ally given, Legally protected election process?'
......I suppose if you completely ignore all the proven rigging of primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, violations of Election and Campaign Finance Laws, illegal collusion with foreign spies and Russians, and all of the dead people / illegals / pets voting in elections you might have a point.

.....with all of this going on, adhering to the established, official, legal process of electing Presidents is the least of our concerns regarding protecting the 'Sanctity' of our election process.

2. The Electoral Process Was Not Invented And Implemented In 2016
After the election was over, and it was announced Hillary lost it was as if a curtain was lifted, a bag was taken off of the heads of Liberals - to include Hillary Clinton - who was shocked, STUNNED, to 'suddenly' learn that Presidents are elected in this way. It wasn't anything new.

3. Hillary KNEW What It Took To Win...If She Didn't She Deserved To Lose
Every professional election analyst, every politician, every campaign worker on election night knew what the 'MAGIC NUMBER' was - the number of electoral votes needed to win the Presidency. The prediction of the tally of this on-going number had been tracked throughout the campaign. No one kept track of a predicted total number of American citizens believed would vote for each candidate...because the total number of votes did not matter / had no impact on the election. Democrats, based on the predicted Electoral College vote, predicted Hillary was going to win in a landslide.

4. The 'Electoral College' Did Not Cost Hillary The Election
She literally ran the worst election campaign in US history! Unfortunately for her, she bought into the Left's fake news media campaign (designed to make conservatives so distraught at the news that Hillary was going to win in a 'landslide' they would stay home and not even bother to vote), believed it, and arrogantly CHOSE not to even campaign in some States she thought she would easily win. Losses in those states ended up making the difference in her winning and losing. She GAVE the election away. (Besides, she was a proven felon / criminal who compromised national security and belonged in an orange jumpsuit in prison somewhere rather than on the ballot on election day.)

5. In a Trump Loss, Conservatives making the arguments about the electoral college that Liberals' are making today would Have been told to 'STFU'
If Hillary had won and any opposing candidate supporters attempted to make the same argument the snowflakes have been and are making now they would have been insulted, ridiculed, and told, "STFU - You lost!"
and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.

Blame harry Reid child, blame Harry Reid and we warned you pay back will be a bitch.

"Mob" and "majority" are in no way synonymous terms. While a wild, disorderly uprising could involve a majority of people, a majority of people is not necessarily a wild, disorderly thing. This is so obvious that one wonders what the o.p. really wants to express, as the poster is clearly neither stupid nor ignorant.

It is when it comes to voting. All the time the GOP and Cons say a Potus should not be elected by mob rule, and that means Maj rule. Why not?? Everything else is done by mob rule.

Then how did gay marriage become legal?

The mob in California said NO to gay marriage.

The conservatives/republicans didn't want Obamacare because it was Obama's proposal. I haven't seen them come up with a proposal that's better. In fact, I've never seen republicans come up with any plan that's ever helped the average American.
That s because the Republican Party is run (until Trump) by Mitch 'Mitchie-Rich' McConnell and Paul 'Boehner-Lite' Ryan, 2 gutless Washington Establishment RINOS who HATE being in the Majority because when you are in the Majority you actually have to LEAD.
The reason they hade leading is because it calls for action - action based on conviction of belief, and these 2 sorry SOBs would rather be in the minority where they do not have to take any action - except to complain about what the Democrats are doing as they go along with it - that may cost them their jobs, their money, their perks, etc.... Look under 'Status Quo' (and 'self-serving' and 'weasel' and 'gutless') and you will see their pictures.

Attempting to blame the GOP for the disastrous ACA, though, is like the Captain of the wrecked oil tanker, the Exon Valdez, attempting to blame the clean-up crew with the millions of gallons of oil spilled, littering the coastline and covering up all the small fluffy animals.
The conservatives/republicans didn't want Obamacare because it was Obama's proposal. I haven't seen them come up with a proposal that's better. In fact, I've never seen republicans come up with any plan that's ever helped the average American.
That s because the Republican Party is run (until Trump) by Mitch 'Mitchie-Rich' McConnell and Paul 'Boehner-Lite' Ryan, 2 gutless Washington Establishment RINOS who HATE being in the Majority because when you are in the Majority you actually have to LEAD.
The reason they hade leading is because it calls for action - action based on conviction of belief, and these 2 sorry SOBs would rather be in the minority where they do not have to take any action - except to complain about what the Democrats are doing as they go along with it - that may cost them their jobs, their money, their perks, etc.... Look under 'Status Quo' (and 'self-serving' and 'weasel' and 'gutless') and you will see their pictures.

Attempting to blame the GOP for the disastrous ACA, though, is like the Captain of the wrecked oil tanker, the Exon Valdez, attempting to blame the clean-up crew with the millions of gallons of oil spilled, littering the coastline and covering up all the small fluffy animals.
Exactly. I often hear the left complain that the GOP won't "fix" obungocare. Well, if it ain't broke like they claim, why would it need fixing?
Oh Penelope how you crack me up.

If Hillary had been the one to win by electoral votes you’d have no problem whatsoever with it. I’d wager to guess if that had been the case, you’d also call anyone trashing the EC as “un-American” and/or “undemocratic.” You know, like all that talk from Dems before the election that anyone who opposes the results of the election would be a threat to democracy? LOL now your side displays it’s a threat to democracy every single day.
Quotation: "Democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51% of the people may take away the rights of the other 49%."


1. "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49."

2. "A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine."

Democracy is nothing more than mob rule...(Spurious Quotation) | Thomas Jefferson's Monticello
He did not say that, he was pro maj. rule.

The GOP rules by mob rule, using the nuclear option for Gorsuch.

We have mob rule for everything but the Potus election, even the primary for the Potus election is my mob rule.

You really don’t know that America is not technically a democracy? We’re a republic where mobocracy isn’t allowed to thrive.


Difference Between Democracy and Republic (with Comparison Chart) - Key Differences
and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.

Send the bitch a box of tissues, I'm sure she can use them late at night in NY. Might not hurt to include a WH replica tissue box, that's as close as she'll get to the WH now. LMAO

Oh Penelope how you crack me up.

If Hillary had been the one to win by electoral votes you’d have no problem whatsoever with it. I’d wager to guess if that had been the case, you’d also call anyone trashing the EC as “un-American” and/or “undemocratic.” You know, like all that talk from Dems before the election that anyone who opposes the results of the election would be a threat to democracy? LOL now your side displays it’s a threat to democracy every single day.
Funny and soooo true. They're such partisan hypocrites.
With the direct election of Senators, we are significantly less of a republic than we were at our Founding.
The poor dim bulb OP is blinded by the light of Realityland.

In RealityLand, elections conducted under the rule of law are not Mob Rule. The consent of the governed is implicit in lawfully conducted elections.

In RealityLand, Mob Rule in its purest form consists of the Red Guard in Maoist China, the terror executions during the French Revolution...and other forms of brutal authoritarianism. Here in the U.S., AntiFa is the vanguard for the Prog efforts to turn our society into an Authoritarian-Socialist Shithole. If they succeed, you'll see real Mob Rule in the U.S., and don't expect be exempt from being one of its sacrifices to the Mob Rule gods.

One important thing to note: Mob Rule really means a group of Rule of Law Exempt Elites putting their boots on the necks of everyone via the threat of being terrorized by their Mob Rule attack forces.
Given that the entire House of Representatives is up for election every two years, and given that the House has control of the government's purse strings, Congress is very democratic, or would be if brain-fat lazy voters did their citizen's duty.
OMG! THAT many local districts failed to screen voters? How Trump-ish you sound. Trump won by 10 mil? Clinton imported 30 million illegals? Wow! If she did that and only 3 mil voted for her, does that mean 7 mil voted for Trump?
See how shocked liberals are when they get a dose of the actual TRUTH, mixed in with all their liberal media OMISSIONS and fake news ? LOL. Yes, poor soul, information-deprived leftist. The word isn't "that many", the correct word you fail to say is ALL districts failed to screen voters.

What your liberal OMISSION media omitted from its broadcasts, is that ALL voting districts do not screen for eligibility to vote, because NONE of them screen for CITIZENSHIP, thereby allowing every illegal alien in America to walk right in and vote, without a care in the world. Amazing how ignorant liberals are. OMG!


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