Mob rule is just another name for Maj rule

and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.
What good is a "majority" that gets that way by importing 30 million illegal aliens, and then illegally protecting them in sanctuary cities ? As for the AMERICAN popular vote ? Trump won it by 10 million votes.


illegals do not vote. That is a fallacy of the GOP.
What an absurd claim.
illegals do not vote. That is a fallacy of the GOP.
HA HA. That is not only absurd, it's also funny. And it shows how unhinged liberals are, to think that they might actually expect people to believe such nonsense.

And gee. Why wouldn't illegal aliens vote? Because they're all so law-abiding, right ? :rolleyes:
and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.
So, it seems like you’re against mob rule, and then for mob rule? I don’t know what to make of this post.

We are a constitutional republic. That takes elements from democracy, but also tries to balance out the mob of “mob rule” in a pure democracy. Then there’s the constitution that limits what government can actually do, as well as creates the three branches locked in a constant rock, paper, scissors battle. Congress represents the population, senate represents the states. The electoral college ensures that the heavily populated cities and states don’t steam roll the less populated rural ones. Obviously different needs and concerns for different regions and community layouts. Just because the electoral college balances out the heavily populated regions with the less populated ones, doesn’t mean that the voice of the heavily populated regions is completely leveled out with the more rural ones, there is still plenty of a slant in favor of the larger populations.

So the congress and senate are not “mob rule”, there still needs to be voting in a republic, the congress and senate just act as representatives of their constituents.

I am pro maj (mob) rule. Why is only the Potus not elected by maj rule. Also the Senate represents the states no matter what the pop is, so every state is represented. Why do we have maj rule in the primaries and nominees for Potus.
Senate was never supposed to be majority rules, not until the 21st amendment(I think). Before that they were elected by state legislature. Now they’re basically just super congressmen. Legislators are only elected by their constituents in their regions, so it’s still not exactly mob rule. They vote as a “representatives” of their constituents, so that still is not mob/maj rule.

And we especially should not use majority rules for presidential elections, because it is an entire branch of government controlled by one person. You turn that into a pure popularity contest, and there will be no point whatsoever to campaign or care about folks in rural communities, or lowly populated states. Majority rules is ONLY good for whoever makes up the majority. As stated before, there are obvious and stark differences in needs, concerns, etc from somebody who lives in a city versus someone who lives out in the country. LA county alone has a larger population than 12 or so states out there. You push for policies popular in the cities, and you’ll win.
OMG! THAT many local districts failed to screen voters? How Trump-ish you sound. Trump won by 10 mil? Clinton imported 30 million illegals? Wow! If she did that and only 3 mil voted for her, does that mean 7 mil voted for Trump?
See how shocked liberals are when they get a dose of the actual TRUTH, mixed in with all their liberal media OMISSIONS and fake news ? LOL. Yes, poor soul, information-deprived leftist. The word isn't "that many", the correct word you fail to say is ALL districts failed to screen voters.

What your liberal OMISSION media omitted from its broadcasts, is that ALL voting districts do not screen for eligibility to vote, because NONE of them screen for CITIZENSHIP, thereby allowing every illegal alien in America to walk right in and vote, without a care in the world. Amazing how ignorant liberals are. OMG!

Protectionist, I don't know where you vote, but I have to sign in, produce pictured ID and my name and address must match the registration books before I am given a ballot. Are you telling me that every registration across America is suspect? What's your solution? I know Trump's solution is to eliminate voting altogether and just let him handle the country...for life., but what do you suggest?
and doesn't that happen in congress, and how do we vote for the congressmen? Mob rule.

How does the Supreme Court rule, by mob rule.

How is Kavanaugh going to get elected, by mob rule, even if just 1 vote. Use to be by 3/5ths but the GOP changed that, and elected Gorsuch by nuclear option.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.
"Mob" and "majority" are in no way synonymous terms. While a wild, disorderly uprising could involve a majority of people, a majority of people is not necessarily a wild, disorderly thing. This is so obvious that one wonders what the o.p. really wants to express, as the poster is clearly neither stupid nor ignorant.

It is when it comes to voting. All the time the GOP and Cons say a Potus should not be elected by mob rule, and that means Maj rule. Why not?? Everything else is done by mob rule.
PS: Clinton won the maj vote by the largest number in the history of the US and lost.

Wrong. I think what you meant to say was that Clinton won the popular vote by the greatest margin of any of the five Presidential candidates who have won the popular vote but lost the election.

Only for the Potus we have EC,

Then we have the faithless Electoral College votes.

Yeah, I used to feel that the Electoral College was unfair too, then, for my twelfth birthday I got a book on civics in the U.S. and I read it...
Protectionist, I don't know where you vote, but I have to sign in, produce pictured ID and my name and address must match the registration books before I am given a ballot. Are you telling me that every registration across America is suspect? What's your solution? I know Trump's solution is to eliminate voting altogether and just let him handle the country...for life., but what do you suggest?
I'm telling you that every registration across America is suspect. NONE are confirmed for eligibility (ie. Citizenship). I suggest the same thing I've suggested for 40 years. That voting eligibility should be contingent on proof of CITIZENSHIP, with strict examination.

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