Moderate Dems? very few left

Not so much. I'm one of the "loons of the left" and they still have not really awoke to the reality of what they are supposed to do and who they are sworn to represent.
According the kook right, Democrats are radical leftists for advocating economic policies that look pretty much exactly like the Republican policies of a few years back.

That's one reason why the kook right is known as the kook right.
According the kook right, Democrats are radical leftists for advocating economic policies that look pretty much exactly like the Republican policies of a few years back.

That's one reason why the kook right is known as the kook right.
Hmm. Let me process this.

The kook left policies of today are indistinguishable from those of the kook right, from whom they were stolen.

So, now who is the kook, kook? :lol:
The left likes to talk about TEA party wackos but what is the GOP equivalent of Gov. Moonbeam in CA

The guy who balanced the budget in California?

Yes, I know how much that upsets conservatives. Makes it obvious that the Republicans in California were the problem.

Sen. Markie in MA, or former speaker Pilosi?

Tell us what policies of theirs are "wacko". Be very specific. I have a feeling what you call "wacko" will be what the majority of the USA supports.
"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story

16- DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING BUT MINDLESS BS...LOL- dEMS COULDN'T HANDLE BOUGHT OFF scum like Cantor, ever.The whole idea of cutting spending every time you pass a program is crazy and brand new conservative bs...

"( Noam Chomsky) told Radio VR during an interview posted online last week that he agreed with the conservative political analyst Norman Ornsteins' characterization of the Tea Party.

“He described them as a radical insurgency opposed to rationality, to political compromise, to participation in a parliamentary system — in fact, with no positive goals themselves."

Noam Chomsky: The Tea Party is the ?petit bourgeois? face of corporate oligarchs | The Raw Story
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Peterson to decide on reelection by March | TheHill

Peterson of MN being one of them may step down. The loons of the left are getting more in control of the dems
Since you started this thread, how about defining for all of us what you consider to be a moderate democrat?

Sure. Somewhat left of center on economics, not in the Al Sharpton/Jesse Jackson camp on race (but does back to some degree affirmative action), right of most dems on gun control, but not as much as most in the GOP.

How is that for starters?

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