MODERATION ANNOUCEMENT -- 2016 Debate --- Round 3

Keeping with the children's theme for Debate #3 between Cougar Clinton and HoundDog Trump.

Preview dramatization of Wednesday's debate.

Starring Donald Trump as The Hulk, and Hillary Clinton as Loki.



Trump voters will proclaim victory is theirs!

Clinton voters will proclaim Victory is theirs!!

I will write the real loser is the American Voters!!!

( I might need to be drunk to watch those two idiots debate tomorrow or at least hitting the herb! )

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I don't know why anyone would say that. Republicans have used unlimited taxpayer money and the full resources of the FBI and the CIA to attack Hillary Clinton over 30 years.

In spite of that, she has helped millions of children get health care.
The Clinton Foundation has helped over 400 million people world wide.
She led investigation into the mental health problems of veterans which was finally given the name of Gulf War Syndrome.
At the Justice Department, she started the office of Violence against Women.
She drafted the first bill to help the First Responders get proper health care that was passed by her successor.

And that is just a little of what she's done. So you say, well, if that's true, why hasn't the press reported any of this. Why? Because it's old news and Donald Trump is new news.

And right away, swine jump screaming it's not true. It's all lies.

Well, it's public record.

And even though the press goes on endlessly about how untrustworthy and secretive she is. Well, after 30 years of her entire family being constantly and unsuccessfully attacked by the GOP, I would be secretive. But how is she? Her tax returns for the last 40 years are on line. The Clinton Foundation financials are on line. 50 thousand emails were turned over when Condi Rice and Colin Powell turned over ZERO. And Colin had an AOL account that could still be floating around on a server somewhere.

And, no one mentions that people in the State Department use two computer systems. A private system and an encrypted system that only transmits classified material. And the unmarked material on her private server was sent to her, not sent out from her.

Republicans with their failures and disasters and lies are exactly wrong for the country. For any country.

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