Moderator Ruling on the discussion of children of politicians

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Projects a Bush voter. :eusa_doh:
I'm on the high ground, bush was bad but nothing compared to that dumb ass you support you stupid fucking son of a bitch.
No Bush voter has the high ground. Bush raised unemployment, Obama lowered it. Bush lowered the stock market, Obama raised it. Bush lost private sector jobs, Obama gained private sector jobs. Bush lost the Twin Towers, Obama kill bin Laden.
When Harry and Nancy took over Congress all hell broke lose and the economic slide only worsened when Obama was elected, glad I could remind you.
In your opinion, who gains the most by the rise in the stock market? My opinion is the 1%ers Democrats hate soooo much, (unless it's an election cycle and they're trolling and threatening for contributions).
Who knows why you think "Nancy and Harry" had anything to do with loans given years earlier? :dunno: As far as the stock market, millions of middle Americans also benefit from a rising market, so again, who knows what you're talking about. :dunno: I myself more than made back what my 401K lost during the dark Bush days.
Harry and Nancy had plenty of warning of the impending disaster, they stood by and profited by it politically and financially at the cost of the American taxpayer.
The 1% ers and the political class feeding you their crumbs, enjoy and love them for it but admit the reality.
And what were the majority party Republicans doing while "Harry and Nancy" were standing by?
I'm on the high ground, bush was bad but nothing compared to that dumb ass you support you stupid fucking son of a bitch.
No Bush voter has the high ground. Bush raised unemployment, Obama lowered it. Bush lowered the stock market, Obama raised it. Bush lost private sector jobs, Obama gained private sector jobs. Bush lost the Twin Towers, Obama kill bin Laden.
When Harry and Nancy took over Congress all hell broke lose and the economic slide only worsened when Obama was elected, glad I could remind you.
In your opinion, who gains the most by the rise in the stock market? My opinion is the 1%ers Democrats hate soooo much, (unless it's an election cycle and they're trolling and threatening for contributions).
Who knows why you think "Nancy and Harry" had anything to do with loans given years earlier? :dunno: As far as the stock market, millions of middle Americans also benefit from a rising market, so again, who knows what you're talking about. :dunno: I myself more than made back what my 401K lost during the dark Bush days.
Harry and Nancy had plenty of warning of the impending disaster, they stood by and profited by it politically and financially at the cost of the American taxpayer.
The 1% ers and the political class feeding you their crumbs, enjoy and love them for it but admit the reality.
And what were the majority party Republicans doing while "Harry and Nancy" were standing by?
Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of the Bush Presidency leading to disaster, do you know what majority party means?

When Democrats bring up and exclusively blame Bush, it's a sure sign that they have lost the discussion and have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
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Obamas girls are off limits

Palins child with Down's syndrome is off limits forever. Palins adult children are fair game

Seems easy to me
No Bush voter has the high ground. Bush raised unemployment, Obama lowered it. Bush lowered the stock market, Obama raised it. Bush lost private sector jobs, Obama gained private sector jobs. Bush lost the Twin Towers, Obama kill bin Laden.
When Harry and Nancy took over Congress all hell broke lose and the economic slide only worsened when Obama was elected, glad I could remind you.
In your opinion, who gains the most by the rise in the stock market? My opinion is the 1%ers Democrats hate soooo much, (unless it's an election cycle and they're trolling and threatening for contributions).
Who knows why you think "Nancy and Harry" had anything to do with loans given years earlier? :dunno: As far as the stock market, millions of middle Americans also benefit from a rising market, so again, who knows what you're talking about. :dunno: I myself more than made back what my 401K lost during the dark Bush days.
Harry and Nancy had plenty of warning of the impending disaster, they stood by and profited by it politically and financially at the cost of the American taxpayer.
The 1% ers and the political class feeding you their crumbs, enjoy and love them for it but admit the reality.
And what were the majority party Republicans doing while "Harry and Nancy" were standing by?
Democrats controlled the House and Senate the last 2 years of the Bush Presidency leading to disaster, do you know what majority party means?

When Democrats bring up and exclusively blame Bush, it's a sure sign that they have lost the discussion and have nothing worthwhile to contribute.
We were talking about the period when the loans were written. Republicans were the majority party. So what did they do?
Attacks on Amy Carters looks were mean
Reagans kids were adults and looking for attention
GHW Bushs kids were politicians and fair game
Chelsea Clinton was off limits as a teen but fair game now
Jenna Bush deserved to be criticized for flashing her pussy
The Obama girls are off limits
Palin's kids are fair game. Bristol made herself a public figure by going on DWTS.

I have to disagree, at least in a political sense. If said kids are not running / did not run for office, then they have no connection to politics. You can't count their birth, which no one has any control over. Nor does whatever they get into reflect back on their political parent. Sarah Palin is a political figure; Bristol isn't.

Going on a stupid TV show deserves any criticism offered for its own sake, but has no relation to politics.
Attacks on Amy Carters looks were mean
Reagans kids were adults and looking for attention
GHW Bushs kids were politicians and fair game
Chelsea Clinton was off limits as a teen but fair game now
Jenna Bush deserved to be criticized for flashing her pussy
The Obama girls are off limits

I'm afraid I have to throw a yellow flag on that one, dude. That's 15 yards for flagrant rationality and illegal application of consistent principle.

Now, back to the hyper-partisan bowl.......
The antics of children of politicians can go in either Politics or Current events I think...but probably the best fit is Current Events if they have nothing to do with politics other than a genetic relationship. It makes no difference whether it's a drunk or drugs.
"No Attacks on family members."

I read that to mean USMB family members. Not family memebers everywhere on the planet. Everybody's somebody's kid afterall. :)

Underage kids of politicians, that do not choose publicity should be left alone but it was RWs (including koshergrl) who attacked the Obama girls.

Should be, if this were a news source and not a discussion website. Wanna pick on children revealing yourself as an ogre go ahead. If it isn't against a site-rule, that's between you and God.
They got drunked, drugged up, crashed a party, started a brawl and got beat up.

THAT's what was discussed.

Not according to the police report.

According to the police. the verbal attacks led to the Palins leaving, with a blitz attack from behind by some people like you, who blindly hate enemies of the party.

Palins' drunken/drugged up brawl is news. Except for the poor little babies left in the car while they brawled, the bad actors are adults who choose to be in the public spotlight.

RWs muddied the water by trying to derail the thread.

Deal with it.

Have the hates sites and you issued an apology in light of the police report?

Of course not, you're a fucking scumbag, a filthy demagogue without a shred of honor or integrity.
They got drunked, drugged up, crashed a party, started a brawl and got beat up.

THAT's what was discussed.

Not according to the police report.

According to the police. the verbal attacks led to the Palins leaving, with a blitz attack from behind by some people like you, who blindly hate enemies of the party.

Palins' drunken/drugged up brawl is news. Except for the poor little babies left in the car while they brawled, the bad actors are adults who choose to be in the public spotlight.

RWs muddied the water by trying to derail the thread.

Deal with it.

Have the hates sites and you issued an apology in light of the police report?

Of course not, you're a fucking scumbag, a filthy demagogue without a shred of honor or integrity.

That is not what the police report is what the Palins claim in the report

Other witnesses claim otherwise
That is not what the police report is what the Palins claim in the report

Other witnesses claim otherwise

Of course you're lying, because well, you're a pile of shit and that's what you do;

{The Palin family had decided to leave after “some guys were talking rudely to his sisters, making them cry,” Track told police. Track had blood around his mouth and on his hands and an injury under his left eye, Daily wrote. Track said he didn’t know the men who attacked him.

Witness Matthew McKenna also said he and Todd Palin were walking on the sidewalk when he saw Steve punched by an unknown person, and Steve fell to the pavement. McKenna and Palin rushed to help, and a group of men started “piling” on Todd Palin. Track Palin then jumped into the fight, McKenna told police.}

Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

The heart of demagoguery is to lie, and when facts prove that you are lying, become more vicious in your lies.

You have not a shred of integrity, you really are gutter scum.
That is not what the police report is what the Palins claim in the report

Other witnesses claim otherwise

Of course you're lying, because well, you're a pile of shit and that's what you do;

{The Palin family had decided to leave after “some guys were talking rudely to his sisters, making them cry,” Track told police. Track had blood around his mouth and on his hands and an injury under his left eye, Daily wrote. Track said he didn’t know the men who attacked him.

Witness Matthew McKenna also said he and Todd Palin were walking on the sidewalk when he saw Steve punched by an unknown person, and Steve fell to the pavement. McKenna and Palin rushed to help, and a group of men started “piling” on Todd Palin. Track Palin then jumped into the fight, McKenna told police.}

Anchorage Alaska police report sheds new light on September brawl involving Sarah Palin and family members Alaska Dispatch

The heart of demagoguery is to lie, and when facts prove that you are lying, become more vicious in your lies.

You have not a shred of integrity, you really are gutter scum.

"Seven witnesses verified Klingenmeyer being punched in the face by Bristol Palin"

Your source
"Seven witnesses verified Klingenmeyer being punched in the face by Bristol Palin"

Your source


Would your sister stand by while you were physically assaulted by a bunch of politically motivated goons?

See, you think this is okay, You think that it's perfectly fine that the Palins would be targeted and assaulted at a party - because they are enemies of the party.

Your attitude is what allows killing fields to happen, enemies of the party deserve anything they get, for being enemies.

Dude, you're a filthy demagogue - you know it. Today's democrats are just the Khmer Rouge re-imagined.
"Seven witnesses verified Klingenmeyer being punched in the face by Bristol Palin"

Your source


Would your sister stand by while you were physically assaulted by a bunch of politically motivated goons?

See, you think this is okay, You think that it's perfectly fine that the Palins would be targeted and assaulted at a party - because they are enemies of the party.

Your attitude is what allows killing fields to happen, enemies of the party deserve anything they get, for being enemies.

Dude, you're a filthy demagogue - you know it. Today's democrats are just the Khmer Rouge re-imagined.
Nobody was being assaulted until Bristol started throwing punches. Her own sister, the one you are making up a story about, told police Bristol began throwing punches. It is on the recording police made. The man she was assaulting finally pushed her away and she tripped over her own feet and fell to the ground like a normal drunk would.
Was that you that for days claimed the event never happened and was all a made up story. Somebody did that in another thread. Maybe it wasn't you. Was it you?
"Seven witnesses verified Klingenmeyer being punched in the face by Bristol Palin"

Your source


Would your sister stand by while you were physically assaulted by a bunch of politically motivated goons?

See, you think this is okay, You think that it's perfectly fine that the Palins would be targeted and assaulted at a party - because they are enemies of the party.

Your attitude is what allows killing fields to happen, enemies of the party deserve anything they get, for being enemies.

Dude, you're a filthy demagogue - you know it. Today's democrats are just the Khmer Rouge re-imagined.

No witnesses saying Klingenmeyer had struck Bristol
Nobody was being assaulted until Bristol started throwing punches.

And this is what you of the Khmer Rouge do, even after the police report refutes you, you just keep on lying. The party is the only thing you care about.
Bristol is now an adult: she can take her hits.

Real children are off limits, and if anyone, lib or con or whosits, should be sat down for a month.
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