Modern conservatives sympathizing with The Confederacy... Is this a thing now?

I find it absurd anyone would use the term free with any confederate. I am sure their slaves were just happy they were dead. The confederates are the antithesis of what being a conservative is.

I find it absurd that you find that absurd.

Slaves, be they black or white, male or female... were recognized as something shy of Livestock. Do you find it offensive that lower forms of mammals were exploited for their means to assist in manual labor?

Or... are you content to apply modern understandings to judgment of those who lived 3 centuries ago, which is unavoidable by those mired in ignorance.

Math is Hard!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Oh my... look at THAT! A RE-reconcession. How positively sweet.

Your RE-reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
Math is Hard!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Believe me, I know.

In another thread (the same thread Bripat endorsed the Confederate cause),
Keys spoke of a "loomin' Civil War" that is going to occur soon, where the south will rise again, and all the "negros" will be sent back to their "native land" (despite them being born here)...

He's quiiiiite the crazy


The US is heading directly toward inevitable civil war... that's simply a fact of nature.

Nope. That's just your fantasy.

And I didn't say 'the negros...' (plural). I said > THE < NEGRO... singular. As in the brown-clown, who will soon be doing its impression of Bin Laden, trying to avoid SEAL Team 6 and most likely in his father's land, where effeminate negros blend in.

Yeah, none of that is going to happen.
It is clear. Totalitarians LOVE and HONOR Dishonest Abe.

Totalitarians...birds of a feather flock together.
So saving the country is a bad thing....... thank god Lincoln had more sense

Lincoln didn't "save" the country. He destroyed it. He certainly destroyed the South.

I guess you endorse the explanation of that Vietnam general who said "in order to save the village we had to destroy it."
That's why the Country is not the greatest and most powerful in the world it is today--

and the South is a maudlin mass of heapin' junk fluid.

The Roman Empire was larger and more powerful than the Roman REpublic.

Does that mean that the Empire was better than the Republic?

DId you really miss that implication, or were you being dishonest?

Ignorant... it was being ignorant. It hasn't the slightest idea of what you're saying, as it has no means to distinguish between the Republic and the Empire.
I find it absurd that you find that absurd.

Slaves, be they black or white, male or female... were recognized as something shy of Livestock. Do you find it offensive that lower forms of mammals were exploited for their means to assist in manual labor?

Or... are you content to apply modern understandings to judgment of those who lived 3 centuries ago, which is unavoidable by those mired in ignorance.

Math is Hard!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Oh my... look at THAT! A RE-reconcession. How positively sweet.

Your RE-reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Keyes' tell already? Man you give up fast.

Though I've always wondered....if you're just going to abandon the conversation and flee the topic, why bother showing up in the first place?
Math is Hard!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Oh my... look at THAT! A RE-reconcession. How positively sweet.

Your RE-reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Keyes' tell already? Man you give up fast.

Though I've always wondered....if you're just going to abandon the conversation and flee the topic, why bother showing up in the first place?

Yeah. Nobody pays attention to him. He's a self proclaimed "sovereign" sitting there jerking himself off.
Math is Hard!

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Oh my... look at THAT! A RE-reconcession. How positively sweet.

Your RE-reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Keyes' tell already? Man you give up fast.

Though I've always wondered....if you're just going to abandon the conversation and flee the topic, why bother showing up in the first place?

Probably so he can warn everybody of the coming Civil War, where the evil Yankees will get what they deserve...

Oh I am... Although, I am for the South invading the North... and returning the nation to its constitutional moorings, returning the negro to his native land and beatin' the man out of their women... after a proper lashin' of course.

OH!~ Wait... that's the loomin' civil war.

Freeing the slaves was divine providence... and it had zip to do with the south leaving the Union. That war started over the same thing that is going to cause the up and coming war: Relativism.

But in fairness... every war is caused by Relativism.

^^^That is, bar none, my favorite quote from my discussions here :lol:
Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

(Reader, once again, the key to defeating Leftists in debate is as follows:

1- Find a Leftist.

2- Get them to speak.)

It's not his fault you believe the Civil War occurred three hundred years ago.

Where_Are_My_Keys really really really lost his keys, attached to his brain, long ago...

Oh my... look at THAT! A RE-reconcession. How positively sweet.

Your RE-reconcession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Keyes' tell already? Man you give up fast.

Though I've always wondered....if you're just going to abandon the conversation and flee the topic, why bother showing up in the first place?

Yeah. Nobody pays attention to him. He's a self proclaimed "sovereign" sitting there jerking himself off.

Yeah, until you start asking him even a handful of questions about his subjective assumptions. Then he runs like the wind.

Demonstrating that even Keyes recognizes that his subjective beliefs can't stand in the face of scrutiny. A poster will usually tell you where they think their argument is the weakest by where they choose to run.
^^^That is, bar none, my favorite quote from my discussions here :lol:

Its a classic! I've already got it bookmarked. My favorite is how Keyes is desperately backpedalling trying to tell us that he didn't mean anything plural when he referred to 'the negro'. Which is just obliterated by his support of 'beatin' the man out of their women'.

Um, in English you don't use 'their' to refer to the singular. But only the plural.

Like I said, you're already mining a vein of batshit by even replying to the guy. He's not entirely with us.
I've seen at least three conservatives on this site talk about how Lincoln and the Union were wrong, and that the Confederacy should have been allowed to secede the way they did, and were on the right side of history..

Is this a popular stance among conservatives of today? Are they really pro-Confederacy when they look back on the Civil War? Or are there just a couple crazies here and there?

(This thread may also help the 'Gay Marriage' thread from being further derailed with Civil War arguments. Figured it was worth a shot haha)
Thing, now?

It's always been the "thing".
I just quoted the New York ratification document. It reserves the right of the people to secede from the Union.
New York lost in its attempt to put in a clause about withdrawing if 33 amendments were not allowed to be considered in a later convention. After being shot down, New York still voted to ratify.

I quoted New York's ratification document. It reserves the right to secede.

Here's the NY ratification document:

Avalon Project - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York July 26 1788

Show us. Don't tell us.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.
New York lost in its attempt to put in a clause about withdrawing if 33 amendments were not allowed to be considered in a later convention. After being shot down, New York still voted to ratify.

I quoted New York's ratification document. It reserves the right to secede.

Here's the NY ratification document:

Avalon Project - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York July 26 1788

Show us. Don't tell us.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

...Who are you?
New York lost in its attempt to put in a clause about withdrawing if 33 amendments were not allowed to be considered in a later convention. After being shot down, New York still voted to ratify.

I quoted New York's ratification document. It reserves the right to secede.

Here's the NY ratification document:

Avalon Project - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York July 26 1788

Show us. Don't tell us.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

If you don't want to talk to me, don't. But like a child desperate for my attention, you keep tugging on my sleeve. And then have nothing to add to the conversation when you're finally invited to speak.

When you can contribute to the conversation, feel free.
^^^That is, bar none, my favorite quote from my discussions here :lol:

Its a classic! I've already got it bookmarked. My favorite is how Keyes is desperately backpedalling trying to tell us that he didn't mean anything plural when he referred to 'the negro'. Which is just obliterated by his support of 'beatin' the man out of their women'.

Um, in English you don't use 'their' to refer to the singular. But only the plural.

Like I said, you're already mining a vein of batshit by even replying to the guy. He's not entirely with us.
I seriously think "the lost keys" man might be replying from an insane asylum.
I quoted New York's ratification document. It reserves the right to secede.

Here's the NY ratification document:

Avalon Project - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York July 26 1788

Show us. Don't tell us.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

...Who are you?

He would be butthurt. I kicked his ass around another thread. And he's here to tell me how much he doesn't want to talk to me. He just can't tell me enough how he won't talk to me.

Post after post after post on the topic......
I quoted New York's ratification document. It reserves the right to secede.

Here's the NY ratification document:

Avalon Project - Ratification of the Constitution by the State of New York July 26 1788

Show us. Don't tell us.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

...Who are you?

I'm more than a single letter.
"Most history books and documentaries that discuss slavery are full of tragic stories about the bad aspects of slavery, but they rarely mention the good aspects of the institution." - Mike Griffith

Google it. :lol:

You dishonestly snipped that quote--here's the whole quote:

"Most history books and documentaries that discuss slavery are full of tragic stories about the bad aspects of slavery, but they rarely mention the good aspects of the institution. Historians typically cite the worst cases of mistreatment and abuse but ignore or minimize the far more numerous cases of humane treatment, mutual respect, and genuine friendship. True, the good aspects of slavery don't outweigh the fact that slavery was wrong, but they should be noted in the interest of fairness and historical truth."

And what were the "good aspects" of slavery? Well, many slaves learned a trade that they were able to use after emancipation. Many slaves formed lasting friendships with the white family on the plantation and stayed close or stayed in touch with them long after emancipation. Many slaves were converted to Christianity. The vast majority of slaves had a better standard of living--in terms of food, clothing, housing, and work hours--than they would have had in Africa during that period. Most slaves were not abused, and many had easier lives than many Northern industrial workers in that era, as many NORTHERN workers rights advocates noted at the time.

Mike Griffith: Anything after your proclamation of the "good aspects of the slavery" - is something most normal folks would stop at and say - whoa, this is really *$#*$ insane. I should stop here and delete that.

You mean most brainwashed liberals would say that. For one thing, intelligent, objective people would recognize your posturing as sheer and ignorant demagoguery, especially after they read the entire paragraph and the surrounding paragraphs.

When someone, let's say, is wrongfully imprisoned but they go to a prison where they learn a new skill and where they eat more and better food than they would have in their previous situation, it would be perfectly factual to say that their wrongful imprisonment had some good aspects, even though it was wrong and inexcusable.

As I make clear in the article from which you dishonestly snipped my statement, slavery was morally wrong on several levels. Even if, as the evidence seems to indicate, only a small percentage of slaves were treated with cruelty, even if only 5% were treated that way, 5% of 3.5 million is still a lot of people (165,000). Any institution that is causing 165,000 people to suffer brutality is morally unacceptable and unjustifiable, no matter how humanely other slaves were treated.

But you guys always take the exception and portray it as the rule, when in fact according to the slave narratives themselves, most slaves were not abused and most said their masters treated them humanely. No, of course this does not mean that slavery was "ok." But it does mean that the Hollywood portrayals of slavery are misleading.

Many slaves, as I document in the article, learned valuable job skills that they were able to use as freemen. In fact, Southern slaves had more opportunities to learn trade skills than did Northern free blacks. Slaves had a longer life expectancy and a lower suicide rate than many European whites. Slaves on average worked less hours than some/many/a majority of Northern factory workers. Many slaves had better housing than many Northern factory workers. Many if not most slaves were converted to Christianity and found personal peace and salvation in their lives. I would certainly call that a good aspect, just as I would if a man framed and jailed for a crime he didn't commit found God while in prison. Etc., etc., etc.

But, of course, you can have none of this because your programming tells you that you must smear anyone who factually discusses the conditions of slavery, that you must accuse them of defending or approving of slavery. To abandon that lie would force you to deal with facts and evidence, not talking points.
Last edited:
^^^That is, bar none, my favorite quote from my discussions here :lol:

Its a classic! I've already got it bookmarked. My favorite is how Keyes is desperately backpedalling trying to tell us that he didn't mean anything plural when he referred to 'the negro'. Which is just obliterated by his support of 'beatin' the man out of their women'.

Um, in English you don't use 'their' to refer to the singular. But only the plural.

Like I said, you're already mining a vein of batshit by even replying to the guy. He's not entirely with us.
I seriously think "the lost keys" man might be replying from an insane asylum.

Or he's a prophet sent to tell of the 'loomin' Civil War.."

But most likely he's just in an asylum.

Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

...Who are you?

I'm more than a single letter.

I didn't want anybody to have a biased attitude against me based on my username, so I just chose a neutral letter.

For instance, with you, having Texas in your username, I automatically associate you with ten-gallon hats and idiot of the decade Rick Perry.
Told you I was done with you, watch your own lane.

Huh? Dude, if you have nothing to add to the conversation, just say so.

But you don't actually get to dictate to anyone what they post. You know that, right?

What ever, go away child.

...Who are you?

I'm more than a single letter.

I didn't want anybody to have a biased attitude against me based on my username, so I just chose a neutral letter.

For instance, with you, having Texas in your username, I automatically associate you with ten-gallon hats and idiot of the decade Rick Perry.

So you admit you are so ignorant that you make assumptions based on user names. Good to know.
dammit. -S- beat me by a second.

Yeah, you're both a couple of comic geniuses. I'll bet you're a big hit on the short bus tour.

I honestly just thought you needed help understanding the word 'verbatim'.

I'm actually still not convinced that wasn't the case

I'm totally convinced that you're a lying numskull.

If only you had some sort of evidence..

  1. 1.
    the available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid. :wink_2:

If Brit ever had evidence, he wouldn't know what to do with that unexpected and unlooked for discovery.

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