Modern day MLK, Candace Owens gets speech shut down by racist dems on FACEBOOK

Candace is a sell out to the conservative cause
She used to be liberal, but found that spouting conservative propaganda is more lucrative
Nothing pisses off a racist more than an uppity Black American that's smarter than they are, and speaks out against their racism.
I have a son older than her. If I want to learn how young people think I talk to him. White trash doesn't get to tell me who I should listen to.

I have kids younger than her. Much younger and they believe that Leftists are anti Semitic assholes like IM2 who participate in oppression Olympics and are dumber than rocks.

There is no such thing as oppression Olympics and when you find an anti semitic comment from me let me know.

You support the Democrats. That makes you anti Semitic. Sure there is. White straight males finish last.

Most of your fellow Jews are democrats. So understand this, you don't get to play the poor victimized white male, then when you get called out on your racism whine about being the eternally persecuted Jew.

What racism? LOL You’re bugging. Those Jews are Jews in name only. Aka ignorant

Your individual racism.
Modern day evolution of Jim Crow
Affirmative action is no longer needed, Social Programs equate to slavery, blacks deserve what they get

It is my fault that 74% of African American kids have only one parent? African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. Affirmative Action actually acts as a deterrent to many employers. In terms of social programs, it is stupid that we provide more monies to single parents as we perpetuate that movement.

In order for you not to be poor and this is per the Brookings Institute:

#1) Graduate HS
#2) Get a job
#3) Don't be a single parent

Seems simple and has zero to do with race or gender.

The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.
The first sentence is correct
Having stronger family structures would help blacks regardless of the cause

I get kinda tired of whites and their opinions on what has hurt the black community. I will start off by saying that you are not a racist and you are sincere in believing this and you are not saying it as some kind of moral judge of the black community. However being black and having been part of the black community I think I can speak with a little more accuracy.

The black family is no weaker than the white family. My father and mother lived together until death did them part. And it was my mother who was the primary disciplinarian. Most of our neighborhood was like that. And don't let grandma live in the house, there were many homes like this also. The primary problem in many black communities is economic inequality. A family with no money is going to be weak. That's just the bottom line in a capitalist economic system. A family without money is without shelter, food, transportation, health care or education. It takes money to get all of those things.

Poverty is not only a black issue. But I already gave you a roadmap how to get out of poverty. Get your HS degree, get a job and don’t become a single parent.
I have kids younger than her. Much younger and they believe that Leftists are anti Semitic assholes like IM2 who participate in oppression Olympics and are dumber than rocks.

There is no such thing as oppression Olympics and when you find an anti semitic comment from me let me know.

You support the Democrats. That makes you anti Semitic. Sure there is. White straight males finish last.

Most of your fellow Jews are democrats. So understand this, you don't get to play the poor victimized white male, then when you get called out on your racism whine about being the eternally persecuted Jew.

What racism? LOL You’re bugging. Those Jews are Jews in name only. Aka ignorant

Your individual racism.

Say I am super racist. How does that impact you personally? It doesn’t so why use that as a crutch.
That is not at all her message. She just preaches that oppression Olympics are stupid and that Democrats have not helped blacks in ever. Jim Crow and KKK were all Democrats and their policies.
Modern day evolution of Jim Crow
Affirmative action is no longer needed, Social Programs equate to slavery, blacks deserve what they get

It is my fault that 74% of African American kids have only one parent? African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. Affirmative Action actually acts as a deterrent to many employers. In terms of social programs, it is stupid that we provide more monies to single parents as we perpetuate that movement.

In order for you not to be poor and this is per the Brookings Institute:

#1) Graduate HS
#2) Get a job
#3) Don't be a single parent

Seems simple and has zero to do with race or gender.

The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.

Everything is color with this guy. Who is retired in his 50s and living off the Govt. Amazing.

This is the race and racism section. I'm retired but you can't live off the government when you didn't retire from a government job. And even if you work a government job, your pension is what you invest.
Modern day evolution of Jim Crow
Affirmative action is no longer needed, Social Programs equate to slavery, blacks deserve what they get

It is my fault that 74% of African American kids have only one parent? African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. Affirmative Action actually acts as a deterrent to many employers. In terms of social programs, it is stupid that we provide more monies to single parents as we perpetuate that movement.

In order for you not to be poor and this is per the Brookings Institute:

#1) Graduate HS
#2) Get a job
#3) Don't be a single parent

Seems simple and has zero to do with race or gender.

The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.

Everything is color with this guy. Who is retired in his 50s and living off the Govt. Amazing.

This is the race and racism section. I'm retired but you can't live off the government when you didn't retire from a government job. And even if you work a government job, your pension is what you invest.

401k is what you invest. Pension is a freebie.
It is my fault that 74% of African American kids have only one parent? African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. Affirmative Action actually acts as a deterrent to many employers. In terms of social programs, it is stupid that we provide more monies to single parents as we perpetuate that movement.

In order for you not to be poor and this is per the Brookings Institute:

#1) Graduate HS
#2) Get a job
#3) Don't be a single parent

Seems simple and has zero to do with race or gender.

The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.
The first sentence is correct
Having stronger family structures would help blacks regardless of the cause

I get kinda tired of whites and their opinions on what has hurt the black community. I will start off by saying that you are not a racist and you are sincere in believing this and you are not saying it as some kind of moral judge of the black community. However being black and having been part of the black community I think I can speak with a little more accuracy.

The black family is no weaker than the white family. My father and mother lived together until death did them part. And it was my mother who was the primary disciplinarian. Most of our neighborhood was like that. And don't let grandma live in the house, there were many homes like this also. The primary problem in many black communities is economic inequality. A family with no money is going to be weak. That's just the bottom line in a capitalist economic system. A family without money is without shelter, food, transportation, health care or education. It takes money to get all of those things.

Poverty is not only a black issue. But I already gave you a roadmap how to get out of poverty. Get your HS degree, get a job and don’t become a single parent.

Too bad there are families out there who have done all that and still live in poverty.
It is my fault that 74% of African American kids have only one parent? African American kids with two parents are a lot more successful than white kids with one parent. Affirmative Action actually acts as a deterrent to many employers. In terms of social programs, it is stupid that we provide more monies to single parents as we perpetuate that movement.

In order for you not to be poor and this is per the Brookings Institute:

#1) Graduate HS
#2) Get a job
#3) Don't be a single parent

Seems simple and has zero to do with race or gender.

The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.

Everything is color with this guy. Who is retired in his 50s and living off the Govt. Amazing.

This is the race and racism section. I'm retired but you can't live off the government when you didn't retire from a government job. And even if you work a government job, your pension is what you invest.

401k is what you invest. Pension is a freebie.

The next MLK??

When asked to testify before Congress on the rise of White Nationalism, Owens testified that it was all the result of fear mongering from a left wing media.

She then proceeded to lecture Congress that 50 years ago it was Democrat’s who enacted Jim Crow and the KKK

She then railed against social programs that help blacks and how they equate to slavery

I have not seen any lib support the idea that "white nationalism" is rising.

It is nothing but fearmongering.
It is a bigger threat in this country than Muslim terrorism

When challenged on his fearmongering, the liberal will not ever try to defend his claims, but only repeat them.

Also, note the attempt at deflection. Additional evidence that on some level, the liberal in question knows that he cannot defend his position and hs to instead avoid serious discussion at all costs.
There is no such thing as oppression Olympics and when you find an anti semitic comment from me let me know.

You support the Democrats. That makes you anti Semitic. Sure there is. White straight males finish last.

Most of your fellow Jews are democrats. So understand this, you don't get to play the poor victimized white male, then when you get called out on your racism whine about being the eternally persecuted Jew.

What racism? LOL You’re bugging. Those Jews are Jews in name only. Aka ignorant

Your individual racism.

Say I am super racist. How does that impact you personally? It doesn’t so why use that as a crutch.

Since racism is a macro level issue things go much farther than just our conversation. But you ask what racism so I gave you an answer. The only crutch that exists is the denial of white racism one that you use to excuse continuing racism by whites.
Candace is a sell out to the conservative cause
She used to be liberal, but found that spouting conservative propaganda is more lucrative

Hmmmm. Black people are not allowed to change their minds? Thought you were better than that.
Candace Owens, Who Thinks Racism Is All in the Past, Got Paid After Suing Over Racist Attacks

Candace Owens, Kanye West’s new bestie, claims that racism is no longer an issue. Was that before or after her family won a lawsuit for $37,500 from the Stamford, Conn., Board of Education as a result of racism? Perhaps the board should ask for a refund.

In 2016, Owens wrote an open letter to the Stamford Advocate sharing how racial slurs and death threats from classmates drove her to an eating disorder and therapy. In this open letter she said, “Those words destroyed me. I held my head high at school, but I went home and I cried every single night.” In another interview she told the Connecticut Post it took her seven years to move past the incident: “[When something like that happens,] you become hostile. You become bitter.”

And after NAACP helped her win the suit, she turned on them, referring to them as "the worst organization for black people".

She should return the money that she was awarded.
Candace Owens, Who Thinks Racism Is All in the Past, Got Paid After Suing Over Racist Attacks

Candace Owens, Kanye West’s new bestie, claims that racism is no longer an issue. Was that before or after her family won a lawsuit for $37,500 from the Stamford, Conn., Board of Education as a result of racism? Perhaps the board should ask for a refund.

In 2016, Owens wrote an open letter to the Stamford Advocate sharing how racial slurs and death threats from classmates drove her to an eating disorder and therapy. In this open letter she said, “Those words destroyed me. I held my head high at school, but I went home and I cried every single night.” In another interview she told the Connecticut Post it took her seven years to move past the incident: “[When something like that happens,] you become hostile. You become bitter.”

And after NAACP helped her win the suit, she turned on them, referring to them as "the worst organization for black people".

She should return the money that she was awarded.

Yep. With interest.

It's funny how these white republicans love this type of black person and can't understand how we see through their support of these kinds of blacks.
The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.
The first sentence is correct
Having stronger family structures would help blacks regardless of the cause

I get kinda tired of whites and their opinions on what has hurt the black community. I will start off by saying that you are not a racist and you are sincere in believing this and you are not saying it as some kind of moral judge of the black community. However being black and having been part of the black community I think I can speak with a little more accuracy.

The black family is no weaker than the white family. My father and mother lived together until death did them part. And it was my mother who was the primary disciplinarian. Most of our neighborhood was like that. And don't let grandma live in the house, there were many homes like this also. The primary problem in many black communities is economic inequality. A family with no money is going to be weak. That's just the bottom line in a capitalist economic system. A family without money is without shelter, food, transportation, health care or education. It takes money to get all of those things.

Poverty is not only a black issue. But I already gave you a roadmap how to get out of poverty. Get your HS degree, get a job and don’t become a single parent.

Too bad there are families out there who have done all that and still live in poverty.
2% sometimes bad luck happens but for 98% that plan works.
The breakdown of the family social structure has hurt black Americans. But it is an area that is difficult to legislate

Affirmative Action has helped all Americans to have access to higher paying jobs. The biggest beneficiary has been white women

Our social programs make it more difficult for intact families to get benefits. But that is due to conservative insistence that fathers be punished

Your first sentence is wrong. Any breakdown of family would hurt all Americans. Economic inequality has hurt black Americans. The fact white women benefitted from affirmative action the most increased white family income and wealth. White women being classified as a minority allowed racist white males the ability to hire a "minority" and they did not have to hire blacks.

Everything is color with this guy. Who is retired in his 50s and living off the Govt. Amazing.

This is the race and racism section. I'm retired but you can't live off the government when you didn't retire from a government job. And even if you work a government job, your pension is what you invest.

401k is what you invest. Pension is a freebie.


I am 100% correct. Pension is a suckout. 401k is your investment with a match by the employer.
Candace is a sell out to the conservative cause
She used to be liberal, but found that spouting conservative propaganda is more lucrative

Hmmmm. Black people are not allowed to change their minds? Thought you were better than that.

You have to do better than that. Because if a black person chooses to do the reverse of what Owens has done you wouldn't support the change of mind.
You support the Democrats. That makes you anti Semitic. Sure there is. White straight males finish last.

Most of your fellow Jews are democrats. So understand this, you don't get to play the poor victimized white male, then when you get called out on your racism whine about being the eternally persecuted Jew.

What racism? LOL You’re bugging. Those Jews are Jews in name only. Aka ignorant

Your individual racism.

Say I am super racist. How does that impact you personally? It doesn’t so why use that as a crutch.

Since racism is a macro level issue things go much farther than just our conversation. But you ask what racism so I gave you an answer. The only crutch that exists is the denial of white racism one that you use to excuse continuing racism by whites.

Except I face it more than you. Swastikas, Synagogues being lit up, Congresspeople openly antisemitic. I dont like it but I dont let it stop me from living. Jews band together, we don’t kill one another and we thrive and there are a lot fewer of us than of you. So spare me the crybaby story. Man up.
Candice only leads racist whites. And that's because she says what they want and need to here. If MLK shit Candice Owens out after a bm, he would immediately drive himself to ER, because he would know he had a health problem. He wouldn't even waste time using colo-guard.
You realize MLK was a Republican.
You must be talking about MLK Sr. because MLK Jr. was never a Republican. I’m not sure he ever even voted for a Repubican.
They both supported JFK

MLK Jr tried not to officially affiliate with one side or the other
Junior's son said his dad "never" voted for a Republican.
He may have voted for a Republican
He lived in Jim Crow Georgia. Most of those Democrats were pretty much assholes. For the blacks in the south who were allowed to vote it was a choice of one asshole or the other asshole
He did support JFK in 1960
"It is disingenuous to imply that my father was a Republican. He never endorsed any presidential candidate, and there is certainly no evidence that he ever even voted for a Republican. It is even more outrageous to suggest he would support the Republican Party of today, which has spent so much time and effort trying to suppress African American votes in Florida and many other states." ~ MLK III
Candace is a sell out to the conservative cause
She used to be liberal, but found that spouting conservative propaganda is more lucrative

Or maybe she woke up to the fact that old white people like you who think brown people can't take care of ourselves are full of shit.
Candace is a sell out to the conservative cause
She used to be liberal, but found that spouting conservative propaganda is more lucrative

So, you support censoring her.

You are a fascist.

I support mocking her

Nope. This thread is about people like you, censoring her, and you are here to attack her, not to attack the censors.

You are a fascist, who wants to silence your enemies, because you have learned that you cannot win any debates.

I taught you that.

I had hoped that you would soften your commitment to your obviously bankrupt ideology, but instead you have increased it, greatly.
Criticizing someone’s words or actions is not censorship.

Face book did not criticize what she said, they shut down her ability to say it.

That is what this thread is about, and you showed up to attack the victim and to lie about what is going on.

You support censorship. YOu are a fascist.
Stop being such a drama queen, she is not being censored. She still free to say whatever she wants.

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