Modern Scrubbing Technology - Why fossil fuels are not extinct..

:itsok: :itsok: :haha:

Skepticism is science... your denial of that is anti-science.
I can agree that skepticism is a part of science.

I've in fact asked for a skeptic's rebuttal of creation being a lie and is therefore not settled science.

I'm always open to valid evidence that is based on more than just somebody's faith.
I can agree that skepticism is a part of science.

I've in fact asked for a skeptic's rebuttal of creation being a lie and is therefore not settled science.

I'm always open to valid evidence that is based on more than just somebody's faith.
Disprove the evidence then. I laid it out and provided the context. I used facts. You have demonstrated that you do not have even a cursory knowledge of the hypothesis. Your faith and screaming at the sky are not proof of anything.
Disprove the evidence then. I laid it out and provided the context. I used facts. You have demonstrated that you do not have even a cursory knowledge of the hypothesis. Your faith and screaming at the sky are not proof of anything.
I've lost track of the hypothesis and never did hear anything that pertains to evidence?

This topic has become N.A. for me, at least until you can set it back on course billie?
No. Sometimes the science is settled.
That in no way is saying that it needs to remain settled.
Actually it is saying that. Why else would you say the science is settled unless you were saying it to discourage investigation? There's no other reason to say the science is settled.

So I think you are full of shit. I think you don't know the first thing about the earth's climate and you have absolutely no business debating the earth's climate until you do. Is that really too much to ask?
Actually it is saying that. Why else would you say the science is settled unless you were saying it to discourage investigation? There's no other reason to say the science is settled.
No, I disagree. Some science is settled and it will remain settled until it becomes 'not' settled.
I've chosen 'creation' as an example of settled science being it's disproval.
So I think you are full of shit.
I've warned you about that sort of behaviour.
I think you don't know the first thing about the earth's climate and you have absolutely no business debating the earth's climate until you do. Is that really too much to ask?
I know 'something', as is mostly true of all laypersons. I trust the 95% or more of mainstream climate scientists.

It's as simple as that for me. I can wait for evidence to the contrary but I'm not going to pretend to be the expert myself.

If you have a point to make, do so and then we'll try to get an answer from the experts!
I've lost track of the hypothesis and never did hear anything that pertains to evidence?

This topic has become N.A. for me, at least until you can set it back on course billie?
As I thought. You have no concept of the science behind CAGW. You are parroting what you are told to parrot.
No, I disagree. Some science is settled and it will remain settled until it becomes 'not' settled.
I've chosen 'creation' as an example of settled science being it's disproval.

I've warned you about that sort of behaviour.

I know 'something', as is mostly true of all laypersons. I trust the 95% or more of mainstream climate scientists.

It's as simple as that for me. I can wait for evidence to the contrary but I'm not going to pretend to be the expert myself.

If you have a point to make, do so and then we'll try to get an answer from the experts!
LOL.... More appeals to authority and no knowledge of the hypothesis itself.

As I pointed out earlier, your 95 and 97% 'consensus' has been shown nothing more than a deception and a lie.

Here is very good article to start with, to learn the basics. The Skeptic's Case | David M.W. Evans

A quick read to explain why David is not a good choice!
I don't consider the Mises Institute to be reliable information coming from climate science experts.
Standard alarmist drivel.... I don't like what it says so I deny that it is credible.

A quick read to explain why David is not a good choice!
LOL... He understands the math and the process. Something you do not grasp.
Why is it always personal with alarmists. IF they don't like the science presented, they go right to personal attacks and never once address the science?

How about we address the science and not your feelings Donald... The article is dead on accurate. Do you have a better written and sourced document on the CAGW Hypothesis?
Billie bob blew it when he referred to David Evans as his expert!
LOL.... He is an expert... WOW all you have are personal attacks on people, never once do you address the science. How illiterate are you people?
like one of the favorite things Billy_Bob likes to do is point out the fallacy of 'appeals to authority' and the need to prove claims with verifiable data, all the while positioning himself as an authority by fictitiously claiming to be a physicist, yet never demonstrating he actually is one. where's his research? where's the paper he's published on? where's the degree? it's not there. just mostly outdated links to debunked climate takes by authors who aren't cowards like Billy_Bob by actually attaching their personna to their work. just a completely full of shit claim.

A quick read to explain why David is not a good choice!
Deflection... Its all you have...
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No, I disagree. Some science is settled and it will remain settled until it becomes 'not' settled.
I've chosen 'creation' as an example of settled science being it's disproval.
You can disagree all you want but you don't know what you are talking about. The only reason that idiots like yourself say the science is settled is to discourage investigation. So no one in science ever says the science is settled except idiots who want to discourage more scientific investigation.

You can have it both ways. You can't shut down investigation and claim you aren't shutting down investigation. Which is exactly what you are trying to do with your irrational argument that "Some science is settled and it will remain settled until it becomes 'not' settled."

It's quite literally the stupidest statement anyone has ever made in the history of stupid statements.
I know 'something', as is mostly true of all laypersons. I trust the 95% or more of mainstream climate scientists.

It's as simple as that for me. I can wait for evidence to the contrary but I'm not going to pretend to be the expert myself.

If you have a point to make, do so and then we'll try to get an answer from the experts!
No. You don't. You don't know anything. You are completely devoid of understanding of what drives the earth's climate. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

For crying out loud you make stupid ass statements like...

Some science is settled and it will remain settled until it becomes 'not' settled.

Someone needs to go back in time and abort you for being so stupid to make such a statement.

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