Modern U.S. Slavery

We have modern day slaves, they are called the Chinese. Workers who get paid pennies a day. Hell, its better than slavery. To feed, clothe, and house slaves here in the states would cost way more than a Chinese worker. And the kicker is we don't even have to crack the whips, the communist regime in China does it for us.

People who voluntarily leave their village to travel to large cities and earn a much better and steadier income in manufacturing are not slaves. They are free to quit, free to work somewhere else if a better opportunity arrives, and free return to making an even harder living back home on their family plot of land.

Pennies per day? As of 2012 the average manufacturing wage in China was $2.50 per hour, which given the PPP is pretty far from slavery.
You are probably referring to the reply I gave FA_Q2. But I'm not much interested in answering insults. Also, I don't feel like writing a doctoral dissertation about whatever specific thing he didn't bother mentioning. I may be at the wrong website anyway. Maybe I should give the "Thinking Atheists" website a try. But in such a rarefied atmosphere, anything said would be unlikely to reach those who need information. Such as those who vote Republican or Democrat.
I could care less about what happens in other countries. As for this country, you may be free to quit your job. But when you need food and shelter, that freedom doesn't mean much. Do you like movies and documentaries? I have some suggestions if you don't mind hearing them. They are, "Abandon Ship," "The Corporation," "Sicko," "Religious," (not sure if I spelled that right) "End Of The Line," "Islam: What The West Needs To Know," "The Molly Maguires," "Matewan" and "Ideocracy." (Not sure if I spelled that right either) You may find these interesting. I juyst hope that you don't think that such things are the only source of my information.
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I wonder how many people out there know that Benjamin Franklin had to go to another state to escape an indentured apprenticeship. Even so, screwing people over has always been the bread and butter of our economy. But with so many jobs having gone overseas, it seems that we weren't being screwed enough. Apparently, virtual slavery is easier to come by over there. The rich keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer. For those of you who may be benefiting, I don't know how you sleep at night. Maybe instead of imagining sheep jumping over a fence, you imagine Mexicans jumping over a border fence.

Thanks Comrade, that was a really erudite post....

Maybe you should smoke yet another joint and blather on more bullshit?
I don't think anything I say to you would be good enough. It is easy enough to recognize somebody who just wants to argue. Please don't bother me with any more of your responses.

Someone wants to argue on a political/economic discussion forum? Why that's just crazy...


LOL. He seems to think that calling him out on his post because it has zero substance means that I am not willing to delve into a real debate. I guess I just need to accept that we are currently a theocracy (one of the baseless claims) and everything else that was stated without any real substance.

Real points, pshaw, who needs those!
I could care less about what happens in other countries. As for this country, you may be free to quit your job. But when you need food and shelter, that freedom doesn't mean much.
Sure it does, people quit or lose jobs all the time. Do you see a lot of articles about people showing up in the morgue having starved to death?
I could care less about what happens in other countries. As for this country, you may be free to quit your job. But when you need food and shelter, that freedom doesn't mean much.
Sure it does, people quit or lose jobs all the time. Do you see a lot of articles about people showing up in the morgue having starved to death?

The great fallacy of this supposed American slavery. We have welfare, free housing, unemployment and a host of other safety nets that ensure you are not going to starve here and yet they equate the American worker and slavery.

There is nothing that is further from the truth. NO ONE is incapable of finding food or shelter here. Aside from the myriad of programs there are also charitable organizations all across the nation that ensure you will have access to at least a meal and a roof.

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