Mohammed cartoon contest: Protest held outside Phoenix mosque


They're really upset. Don't insult their religion. Because it's too late to fight against Islamization using methods like this. Cartoons, huh...
I wonder why Sunnis who are not radical don't say anything about ISIS or about how to defeat world Islamic Terrorism at all. Their position is rather unclear, so let them understand phrases like "f*** Islam" just how they want it to understand. People are scared of them, that's what they need to understand.
I wonder why Sunnis who are not radical don't say anything about ISIS or about how to defeat world Islamic Terrorism at all. Their position is rather unclear, so let them understand phrases like "f*** Islam" just how they want it to understand. People are scared of them, that's what they need to understand.

You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

you ask an interesting question. I learned about muslims over many decades-----since I worked with lots of muslims---along with persons of other religious from ---"over-seas" It took time because my work did not include being a sociologist-----I was just there and interacting with young professionals. It took me a few years to know "Shiite vs Sunni" Since sunnis SNEERED at Shiites -----I considered Shiites the "underdog"------over time I learned that Shiites are just as aggressive as are sunnis (keep in mind---I knew both BEFORE 1979 and the Iranian (Shiite) revolution )))
Bottom line----they hate each other but are both supremacists into JIHAD. ----Now to Sufis----of course they are supposed to be the QUAKERS of islam-------don't be so sure ----it is true that they are victims of ----a kind of oppression-----but they can rise to "JIHAD" too. When push comes to shove----a KAFFIR head ---can be severed and allah will smile if the issue is the GLORY OF ISLAAAM. Islam is the issue----islam MUST WIN. Islam against the world is the prime directive
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment

You are an idiot........... :cuckoo:

why do you refer to me as an idiot for commenting on the pride muslims exhibit when they try to scare people in the
name of islam. Do you have a problem trying to intimidate
kaffirin? does your problem keep you holed up in your
house? Do you gaze longingly at your decorated scimitar?
why not? you supposed to do so.
why do you refer to me as an idiot for commenting on the pride muslims exhibit when they try to scare people in the
name of islam. Do you have a problem trying to intimidate
kaffirin? does your problem keep you holed up in your
house? Do you gaze longingly at your decorated scimitar?
why not? you supposed to do so.
Like I are an with it. ...... :cool:
I wonder why Sunnis who are not radical don't say anything about ISIS or about how to defeat world Islamic Terrorism at all. Their position is rather unclear, so let them understand phrases like "f*** Islam" just how they want it to understand. People are scared of them, that's what they need to understand.

Because Sunni terrorist use fear tactics to make sure that those who do not agree with their ideology will keep their mouths closed. What do you think would happen if a group of people in ISIS controlled territory started marching down the street chanting anti - ISIS slogans and carrying anti - ISIS signs?
Even bloggers have been killed for doing so. These Sunni extremists are the most filthy neanderthal's to walk this earth, and the world would be a better place without them.
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

Look up videos of Anjem Chouadry. You'll find a bunch of videos of him being interviewed. He will present you with Sunni Extremist ideology.
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

Look up videos of Anjem Chouadry. You'll find a bunch of videos of him being interviewed. He will present you with Sunni Extremist ideology.

Choudary is no "extremist"
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

Look up videos of Anjem Chouadry. You'll find a bunch of videos of him being interviewed. He will present you with Sunni Extremist ideology.

Choudary is no extremist----he presents the mainstream islam
of his Pakistani parents. Pakistani is the first muslims I knew well-------starting way back----more than 50 years ago----Choudary is mainstream Pakistani sunni just as the Taliban are mainstream Pakistani muslim
These zionist Juden extremists are the most filthy neanderthal's to walk this earth, and the world would be a better place without them. ...... :cool:

Sunni is parroting the Holy Khutbah Jumaat feces fling of
this past Friday -----mainstream sunni islam
These zionist Juden extremists are the most filthy neanderthal's to walk this earth, and the world would be a better place without them. ...... :cool:

Aww poor Sunni Troll, I got under his skin :lol: :lol:

Why don't you go join your Sunni extremist buddies in the ME, instead of trolling message forums? I'll even pay for your flight since your welfare check probably wouldn't cover it :cool:
Sunni is parroting the Holy Khutbah Jumaat feces fling of
this past Friday -----mainstream sunni islam
I always find it humorous when irosie tries to use arabic / Islamic words peppered throughout her post.

She doesn't have a clue what she is saying. ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:

you forgot------my very own husband was born in a shariah cesspit------of course I know a few----albeit----very few---words in Arabic------mostly the ones hubby uses in HEAVY TRAFFIC-----the same ones niqabi sluts like to snarl ----
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

Look up videos of Anjem Chouadry. You'll find a bunch of videos of him being interviewed. He will present you with Sunni Extremist ideology.

Choudary is no "extremist"
You do not understand muslims. I do ---I have interacted with muslims for almost 50 years. If you tell a sunni muslim---"people are scared of muslims" ----you have paid ISLAM an important compliment
So they like to scare non-muslims? Sunnis, I suppose. Well, if it's so, I'm not surprised.
Do Shias and Sufis like to scare too?

Look up videos of Anjem Chouadry. You'll find a bunch of videos of him being interviewed. He will present you with Sunni Extremist ideology.

Choudary is no extremist----he presents the mainstream islam
of his Pakistani parents. Pakistani is the first muslims I knew well-------starting way back----more than 50 years ago----Choudary is mainstream Pakistani sunni just as the Taliban are mainstream Pakistani muslim

He's a filthy Sunni rat. Sunni Islam is the worst mistake to happen to the world. It needs to be treated like a cancer; burned out of the world :cool:
Sunni is parroting the Holy Khutbah Jumaat feces fling of
this past Friday -----mainstream sunni islam

She doesn't have a clue what she is saying. ....... :cuckoo: ... :lol: :lol:
Neither do muslims. They aren't exactly known for being educated. :laugh:

I was surprised to learn that MOST muslims do not know any Arabic at all.. I had colleagues from Pakistan and other south east asia countries ---muslims who were so impressed
that I could recite the Hebrew alphabet that they virtually screeched "YOU KNOW ARABIC" My kid ended up with a Pakistani kid in high school as chem lab partner-----
that kid was HORRIFIED-----he,, too----thought my kid's rudimentary Hebrew was Arabic--------
you forgot------my very own husband was born in a shariah cesspit----- have stated before that your juden husband left there when he was 2 years old.

Yet you act like that makes you and him some kind of experts on all things muslim and Islamic.

Give it're both just frauds. ....... :cool:

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