Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Do you advocate the death penalty for women who have abortions? Would you make that the law?

Yes, absolutely. And for anyone else who has a willing part in it.

There are few crimes that ought to be seen as greater than the murder of an innocent, defenseless child; and if anyone deserves to be put to death, it would be anyone who willingly participated in such a crime.
There are few posts as ignorant and as moronic as this one.

Abortion is not 'murder,' an embryo/fetus is not a 'child,' to maintain otherwise is unmitigated idiocy.

Such is the bane of the social right and the extremism of authoritarian conservatives.

Denying the humanity of those whose abuse and murder you defend is nothing new, nor does it put you in particularly respectable company.
You want to execute women for exercising their right to privacy.

You're clearly insane.
You want to execute women for exercising their right to privacy.

You're clearly insane.

No, I want murderers to be put to death, for killing innocent human beings.

You take the side of these murderers, and defend the killing of innocents. That leaves you in no position to cast aspersions on my sanity or moral character.
You want to execute women for exercising their right to privacy.

You're clearly insane.

No, I want murderers to be put to death, for killing innocent human beings.

You take the side of these murderers, and defend the killing of innocents. That leaves you in no position to cast aspersions on my sanity or moral character.
you are insane...need to be locked up, before you kill someone due to this insanity of yours....get a grip.
Where we need to kick in is after the birth. Time for funding.

Who is "we", Chuckles? Conservatives already put their money where their mouths are in regards to helping women with crisis pregnancies. Just because YOU'RE late to the game, don't act like everyone has the same stunted moral capacity.

And by the way, "We're going to kill babies until you pay us not to" is repugnant.
To have sex or not have sex is everyone's choice. If a human is made from that sex that should NOT be a choice. Do you get a choice AFTER you drink and drive and kill someone? Nope. You DO get a choice to drink then drive..

Are you going to throw a woman in prison and force her to carry a baby to term she doesn't want?

Would you throw someone in prison for abusing and ultimately killing a toddler that she never wanted in the first place?

Child abuse is child abuse; and murder is murder, no matter the age of the victim. I find it one of the most shameful things about our culture that we so willingly tolerate and even embrace the abuse and murder of the youngest, most innocent, and most defenseless of children. Any rational society would rightfully recognize this as among the most serious of crimes, calling for the most serious of punishments.

And no, not prison for murdering a child. That should be an automatic death penalty for all who willingly had any part in it.

Like I told the other one, go ahead and make that the platform of this election. Maybe the GOP will manage to win four states on that message.

Are you finished deflecting, so we can get back to the topic?
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
This is why we must have legislation that requires an ultrasound before an abortion is given. No one is being coerced, the woman can still opt for termination murder of her unborn baby.

Reasonable people would agree with this compromise; unreasonable people are simply vicious baby murderers.

Leftists consider facts to be coercion, because they just don't hold with that "informed and educated" crap.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.

More accurately, I want medical decisions to be left up to the woman and her doctor. Not some fat old white guy in a legislature who thinks he knows better than both.

Then you must have hated Obamacare.

"Keep your laws off my body . . . right after you pay for everything."
Medical decisions are left to the woman and her doctor. Most abortions aren't medical decisions but social decisions.

And apparently abortion "doctors" aren't necessarily doctors, at least not by any standard I'd accept for other medical procedures.

4 Md. Abortion Clinics Shut Down, 3 Docs Suspended
Doc lost license once, accused of another death

Oh, and let's not forget California passing a bill to allow nurses to perform abortions. Yeah, THAT'S a great idea.
Medical decisions are left to the woman and her doctor. Most abortions aren't medical decisions but social decisions.

Not when the legislature is mandating an ultrasound, regardless of what the woman and her doctor think is best.

That's a decision they should make. Not some old white guy who thinks he knows better than both.

Yeah, because government NEVER gets involved and mandates any OTHER medical questions. Goodness, no.

Hell, we don't even have a choice about buying health insurance any more. THAT'S decided for us. But make ultrasounds a routine part of abortions, and everyone loses their minds. Dr. Mengele is experimenting on Jews again! Aaaaaagh!

Could you please be consistent for once? Or, at least, serious?

In reality, this falls under the heading of legal requirements for informed consent. The law already mandates requirements for doctors informing patients clearly about a procedure prior to performing it. Haven't you ever had to sign an informed consent form, stating that you have been provided full disclosure about your diagnosis, treatment options, and risks? Haven't you ever been shown an X-ray or MRI results by a doctor, to explain a diagnosis and treatment plan? This is no different: it's just providing all pertinent information so that the woman can make an informed choice about her health care. And isn't that what you want, women controlling their own bodies? How are they supposed to do that when some doctor is withholding info from them?

Are you really interested in women's rights over their own bodies, or are you interested in YOUR right to keep women ignorant and under your thumb?
That's why PP opposes mothers seeing ultrasound, it changes many minds and of course their revenue walks out the door
I was wondering about that. Is it normal procedure for them to do an ultrasound before performing an abortion? Do they prohibit mothers to see it?

I don't know what the policy is at PP but I know an ultrasound viewing literally sends them into fits. I read once that if a pregnant mother sees the ultrasound the odds go up she won't have an abortion.

Well, obviously. It's extremely hard to lie to yourself with the truth staring at you from a viewscreen.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

But they should make them ignorant, because otherwise, they might decide to do something that isn't what you want them to do. We can't be lettin' the bitches get smart and think and stuff.
"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.

What laws prevent a woman from having an abortion? None.

What laws prevent felons from buying guns? Plenty.

Breaking your awkward analogy. You don't get to tell women what to do with their own reproduction. Get used to the idea.

You missed the point as usual. Not surprised coming from a baby killer.

Explain to me why a woman thinks she has the right to demand financial help for something related to a reproductive choice she says is hers alone. Give her the choice. However, if she can't afford it, tough and I don't care what happens to her or hers.

Once upon a time, feminists knew that financial independence was the key to freedom and equality. Now, they think government dependency is. WTF?

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