Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

"Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound"

And as usual most conservatives miss the point.

The right to privacy concerns the right to make personal decisions absent unwarranted interference from the state; that includes the decision to have an abortion, or to not have an abortion, where the decision to have an abortion is just as appropriate as deciding not to.

Moreover, this anecdotal account is in no way 'justification' to mandate through force of law that a woman view an ultrasound as a condition of exercising her right to privacy; indeed, such mandates have been permanently enjoined in two states.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

But they should make them ignorant, because otherwise, they might decide to do something that isn't what you want them to do. We can't be lettin' the bitches get smart and think and stuff.

Liberals don't want them to see that what they are aborting isn't just a clump of cells but looks just like a smaller version of a HUMAN BEING.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
So you support a woman's right to choose?
Choose what? She CHOSE to have sex. EVERYTHING has a consequence for an action....have sex possibly get pregnant,drive drunk possibly kill someone,shoot someone possibly kill them...amazing how you can take the life in the 2nd and 3rd one and be sent to prison but not the first. Guess a babies innocent isn't as worth as much as an adults.

She chooses whether or not she's going to remain pregnant. Its her body.

You are insisting that YOU get to decide for her, YOU get to decide what choices she has available to her.

But you don't. You're nobody. You decide nothing.

See how that works?

Only to leftists is "nobody" defined as "the person who foots the bill whether they want to or not".
If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

You're willing to give the woman the sole choice.

Over the use of her own body? Who else would I give that choice to? You, making the decision for her?

Um, no. You're nobody in this scenario.

Do you require sole responsibility of that woman with all aspects and results of that choice? In other words, if she chooses to do something and can't afford it, are you saying the rest of us don't have to fund it for her? Unless you are, that's hypocritical because what you're saying is others should butt out except when the woman needs financial help.

Would you recognize a woman's right to choose if she didn't take any public benefits?

Since that won't happen or until it does, no. With her sole choice comes sole responsibility. Those of you claiming she has the choice are the first ones to raise hell if any mention of cutting or doing away with handouts is mentioned. Tells me you're not interested in the latter but still demand sole choice.

When have leftists ever understood the concept of "rights come with responsibilities"?
Do you advocate the death penalty for women who have abortions? Would you make that the law?

Yes, absolutely. And for anyone else who has a willing part in it.

There are few crimes that ought to be seen as greater than the murder of an innocent, defenseless child; and if anyone deserves to be put to death, it would be anyone who willingly participated in such a crime.
There are few posts as ignorant and as moronic as this one.

Abortion is not 'murder,' an embryo/fetus is not a 'child,' to maintain otherwise is unmitigated idiocy.

Such is the bane of the social right and the extremism of authoritarian conservatives.
I agree it is not murder.... But it IS a growing human 'baby to be'... the mother is ''expecting a baby'' is what we called being pregnant when I was young...

it is not fully formed, it does not have person-hood until it breathes it's first breath, or can survive outside of the mother's womb....but it is a human, being formed....I wish people would just admit this truth....

it is, and should be a difficult decision to make by the mother to be.... I don't believe the govt should be making this decision for anyone, it's none of their bees wax, and I would not be here at all, if we did not go through the embryo and fetus stages of being formed.

Biblical-ly, God first formed Adam (man), but Adam did not have human LIFE, until he breathed life in to him, until Adam took his first breath.....embryos and fetuses are the 'forming' stages....
This is why the courts have wisely and appropriately left the final decision to each person to make in his own good conscience and good faith, absent interference from the state, which has no authority whatsoever to compel a woman to give birth against her will.
Liberals always justify murder and demand the law allow them to council in favor of abortion but not allow space for alternative counciling. All the while demanding $500 million from taxpayers.

If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

But they should make them ignorant, because otherwise, they might decide to do something that isn't what you want them to do. We can't be lettin' the bitches get smart and think and stuff.

Liberals don't want them to see that what they are aborting isn't just a clump of cells but looks just like a smaller version of a HUMAN BEING.

So do fetal monkeys in the early stages.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.
If mandating background checks on gun sales isn't a violation of a right to own guns, as Liberals claim, then mandating an ultrasound isn't violating some court decision of whether or not she can have an abortion.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

But they should make them ignorant, because otherwise, they might decide to do something that isn't what you want them to do. We can't be lettin' the bitches get smart and think and stuff.

Liberals don't want them to see that what they are aborting isn't just a clump of cells but looks just like a smaller version of a HUMAN BEING.

So do fetal monkeys in the early stages.

Indeed, however they're not human beings. You'd have to take up that particular case with PETA.
Point well taken. More hypocrisy of the left. That's shy when we talke back power, we implement these regulation regardless of what they want.

Nope. Hypocrisy is saying one thing but thinking something else. I say that women should have the right to make their own reproductive choices. And I think the exact same thing.

But they should make them ignorant, because otherwise, they might decide to do something that isn't what you want them to do. We can't be lettin' the bitches get smart and think and stuff.

Liberals don't want them to see that what they are aborting isn't just a clump of cells but looks just like a smaller version of a HUMAN BEING.

So do fetal monkeys in the early stages.

Indeed, however they're not human beings. You'd have to take up that particular case with PETA.

Talk to the other idiot. He's the one trying to turn monkeys into humans because their fetuses look similar.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.

The Israeli government FUNDS abortions. lol, bad choice, invoking the Jews.
Pro-choice advocates want it to be the woman's choice, not the state's.

You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.

The Constitution gives a woman a right to an abortion and give the fetus no rights.

If you want to change that, change the Constitution.
It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the position of all pro-abortion types.

They don't give a shit that the unborn are human beings, that abortion ends the life of those human beings.

I can't imagine being that callous.
You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.

The Israeli government FUNDS abortions. lol, bad choice, invoking the Jews.

Well, your spiritual leader Adolf Hitler thought it was a peachy idea.
It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is the position of all pro-abortion types.

They don't give a shit that the unborn are human beings, that abortion ends the life of those human beings.

I can't imagine being that callous.

And that my friend is the point.

To show them the mirror of themselves....and see if they like the view.

Theirs is the spiritual morality of the extermination camp, and the slaver. After all...they're not people right?
You mean the woman's choice to kill the baby.

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
That fetus is a human being. There is zero scientific dispute about this.

Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.

The Constitution gives a woman a right to an abortion and give the fetus no rights.

If you want to change that, change the Constitution.

Please link the relevant portion of the Constitution that says this. Or just copy and paste it, that'll be fine.
The Constitution gives a woman a right to an abortion and give the fetus no rights.

If you want to change that, change the Constitution.

Please link the relevant portion of the Constitution that says this. Or just copy and paste it, that'll be fine.

Isn't it funny how wrong-wingers can find “rights” like this in the Constitution, which makes no mention of them, and yet they cannot see rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected, especially in the First and Second Amendments?

An embryo/fetus is not a 'baby.'

Yes, it is life. You're wrong

You lost, get over it. The fetus is not a person in the US. It has no rights.

By that logic, you agree that slavery should be reinstated in this country. After all, at one time slaves were not considered persons, but property.
Prove it.

With ease.

We'll start with the human life cycle. Life Cycle, Human - Biology Encyclopedia - cells, body, process, system, different, DNA, organs, blood, hormone, produce, major

To get a basic understanding what makes up a human being, there's the genome project, here's a primer for you on that. Human Genome Project Completion: Frequently Asked Questions

Taxonomy definition - Biology. the science dealing with the description, identification, naming, and classification of organisms. This btw is how your species are classified, due to species specific characteristics.

We proceed from here to Aristotle's law of identity. To have an identity means to have a single identity; an object cannot have two identities. A tree cannot be a telephone, and a dog cannot be a cat. Each entity exists as something specific, its identity is particular, and it cannot exist as something else.

Now to argue that a fetus is not a human being, you must define it via taxonomy to another species...which you can't. Or you must state that it's not human, which the genome project, and the human life cycle tell you it is.

And the law of identity requires that it is human, what is human, can be nothing else, and vice versa.

This is why no scientist will even blink in the direction that said fetus conceived of anything but human. And why no abortion proponent will suggest anything of the sort.

It's too easy to make them look like morons in that instance.

It doesn't matter if the fetus is a human being. The idea that a two cell zygote is no different than you is so preposterous that it's almost difficult to imagine you believe that.

It's called a scientific fact. Each is exactly the same, 1 member of the species.

You see....I don't differentiate by whatever reason to strip away the rights of human beings.

You do. Who next will you say is not a person in order to enslave or kill them? Jews's not been so long since someone thought that was a good idea.

The Israeli government FUNDS abortions. lol, bad choice, invoking the Jews.

Well, your spiritual leader Adolf Hitler thought it was a peachy idea.

Godwin RULES!
‘I saw little arms, little legs, and a head!’: Mom leaves abortion clinic after seeing ultrasound

Imagine that. The baby killers don't want women to be made to see the HUMAN BEING they are killing when having an abortion.
So you support a woman's right to choose?
Choose what? She CHOSE to have sex. EVERYTHING has a consequence for an action....have sex possibly get pregnant,drive drunk possibly kill someone,shoot someone possibly kill them...amazing how you can take the life in the 2nd and 3rd one and be sent to prison but not the first. Guess a babies innocent isn't as worth as much as an adults.

She chooses whether or not she's going to remain pregnant. Its her body.

You are insisting that YOU get to decide for her, YOU get to decide what choices she has available to her.

But you don't. You're nobody. You decide nothing.

See how that works?

Only to leftists is "nobody" defined as "the person who foots the bill whether they want to or not".

They call us a nobody yet we're the first ones they come to when the person making the decision can't afford it and they want someone to pay it on their behalf.
The Constitution gives a woman a right to an abortion and give the fetus no rights.

If you want to change that, change the Constitution.

Please link the relevant portion of the Constitution that says this. Or just copy and paste it, that'll be fine.

Isn't it funny how wrong-wingers can find “rights” like this in the Constitution, which makes no mention of them, and yet they cannot see rights that are explicitly affirmed and protected, especially in the First and Second Amendments?

They see all sorts of words that simply aren't there yet have a problem with words that are.

Someone should explain to NYcarbineer that the word abortion isn't in the Constitution. That a bunch of morons that said it was in 1973 should show it to us if it is.

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