Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

CaféAuLait;9034879 said:
This just goes to show how sick this world have become. To me, what was done to the boy should be done to the dog because it is the only way that the dog would know what it did to the boy.

God bless you and the boy and his mom always!!!


The 4 year old wandered into the neighbor's yard and tried to take the dogs bone away.

Where was his mother then?? She let her 4 year old wander around unsupervised and then is pissed when the boy gets hurt??

The dog did not go after the boy. The boy came into the dog's yard and tried to take his bone away. He did what most dogs will do.

It was not his mom, but a baby sitter. And this dog was on a 18 foot chain in the common area of an apartment building- not a yard, still allowed to be chained there even after mauling a puppy to death.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

So go after the owner of the dog. The fact that an unsupervised 4 year old tried to take a bone away from a dog is not reason enough to kill the dog.

I don't know the situation concerning the pit killing the puppy. But what happened with the 4 year old, while tragic as hell, is not justification to kill the dog.
CaféAuLait;9034879 said:
The 4 year old wandered into the neighbor's yard and tried to take the dogs bone away.

Where was his mother then?? She let her 4 year old wander around unsupervised and then is pissed when the boy gets hurt??

The dog did not go after the boy. The boy came into the dog's yard and tried to take his bone away. He did what most dogs will do.

It was not his mom, but a baby sitter. And this dog was on a 18 foot chain in the common area of an apartment building- not a yard, still allowed to be chained there even after mauling a puppy to death.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

So go after the owner of the dog. The fact that an unsupervised 4 year old tried to take a bone away from a dog is not reason enough to kill the dog.

I don't know the situation concerning the pit killing the puppy. But what happened with the 4 year old, while tragic as hell, is not justification to kill the dog.

The puppy wandered into his path, according to the owner and then was attacked.

If this dog was in his own yard I might have more sympathy. He was not, he was in a common area-allowed to be there by the owners and the apartment complex.
Nobody is proposing that the dog be killed because a kid took his bone.

What is being proposed is that a dog who mangled a child's face be put down. Because he's dangerous. The owner is to blame, and the baby sitter, but in the end, it's the dog that did the damage, and the dog who poses a threat.

People in this country are incredibly stupid about their dogs. They don't socialize them properly, then they cry when the dogs get in trouble. Fucking teach your dogs how to behave, or make fucking sure that they aren't going to be approached by anyone that could be hurt by them.

And don't let little kids hang out around chained dogs. It's imbecilic. Crap even if the dog hadn't bitten him, the chain alone can kill a kid.
CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
A neglected Phoenix dog called Mickey was chewing on a bone on his own property when a four-year-old boy wandered away from his babysitter and over to the dog. He attempted to pull the bone from Mickey’s mouth, and the dog bit him badly.

“The baby sitter who was caring for the child then picked the child up and brought him to an urgent care.

Seems that this babysitter was not doing her job very well.

The dog was minding his own business.

Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

. Mickey was tied to an 18-foot-long chain and kept in a dog house in the common area of the babysitter's Phoenix apartment complex.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

A bunch of very, very stupid adults who were responsible for the dog and for the child. The owner should be prosecuted. The baby sitter should get some kind of punishment. The pitbull should be put down. Those people who are supporting the dog are idiots and miscreants. It's all about the sympathy and blind support all over the country that people give to pitbulls: it's insane. The whole breed needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.
In my mind the details are totally and unequivocally irrelevant. At no time whatsoever is it acceptable for an animal to attack a child, period. I don’t care if the dog was on personal property or not – he is dangerous to the extent that he is willing and able to attack a child. The only way that the details matter (IMHO) would be that of who retains accountability for the attack.
It would all depend on the circumstance. For instance, if you had a guard dog inside your fenced property, along with warning signs posted, and a child climbed the fence, and was subsequently attacked by your dog, you cannot blame the dog in this instance.
The reason why I have not said that I think that the dog should be taken out is because the child it hurt is still here.

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Yes I know that a dog will not know why it is being punished no matter what its punishment is, but to me, it most definitely should not be allowed to go without some type of punishment and to me, doing to it what it did to the child would be appropriate because being locked up in doggy jail only would be too much of a "slap on the wrist" in my opinion when that child may have to live with what the dog did to him for the rest of his life.
CaféAuLait;9034933 said:
CaféAuLait;9034879 said:
It was not his mom, but a baby sitter. And this dog was on a 18 foot chain in the common area of an apartment building- not a yard, still allowed to be chained there even after mauling a puppy to death.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

So go after the owner of the dog. The fact that an unsupervised 4 year old tried to take a bone away from a dog is not reason enough to kill the dog.

I don't know the situation concerning the pit killing the puppy. But what happened with the 4 year old, while tragic as hell, is not justification to kill the dog.

The puppy wandered into his path, according to the owner and then was attacked.

If this dog was in his own yard I might have more sympathy. He was not, he was in a common area-allowed to be there by the owners and the apartment complex.

As far as the dog was concerned, it was his yard.

The dog didn't know that it was a common area.

This is tragic...but I think the judge made the right call here.

If I was the parent, I'd want the dog dead too.

But that's an emotional response.

I wouldn't let my kids go near a dog on a chain without first consulting the owner...and neither would you.

It would be different if the dog ran out of the yard and attacked a random 4 year old at the park.

In this situation, it's just hard for me to blame the dog.
Nobody is proposing that the dog be killed because a kid took his bone.

What is being proposed is that a dog who mangled a child's face be put down. Because he's dangerous. The owner is to blame, and the baby sitter, but in the end, it's the dog that did the damage, and the dog who poses a threat.

People in this country are incredibly stupid about their dogs. They don't socialize them properly, then they cry when the dogs get in trouble. Fucking teach your dogs how to behave, or make fucking sure that they aren't going to be approached by anyone that could be hurt by them.

And don't let little kids hang out around chained dogs. It's imbecilic. Crap even if the dog hadn't bitten him, the chain alone can kill a kid.

^^^ This. Exactly. Word for word. Couldn't have said it better. I have to spread some rep around, but I won't forget.

FWIW, I'm looking for a dog right now, and Petfinder is FULL of *No other dogs/No cats/No kids* dogs that are up for adoption.
This is a tragic case, for a variety of reasons.

The dog is owned by retards. They kept him chained. Chaiining a dog increases the potential for aggression, that is well documented.

The child, who was attacked, was not properly supervised. No child should be allowed to approach a strange dog, much less one chained working on a valuable resource.

Mickey, the dog, went well beyond what a dog should in protecting his resource - Ian Dunbar gives an excellant scale of bites and this dog could have pulled his punches and still made his point.

Is he safe? In the right home, with supervision and training - maybe. But every day thousands of perfectly normal dogs are euthanized for the simple reason they are "surplus". Unlike Micki they don't have a history of aggression (this dog also reportedly killed another dog).

So we have a dog, who probably over time gave plenty of warning but was ignored by his RETARD owners, finally attacked and maimed a young child, well beyond what was necessary and people are arguing to keep him alive.

It's not the dog's fault but the real question is can this dog ever be a safe citizen at this point?
Nobody is proposing that the dog be killed because a kid took his bone.

What is being proposed is that a dog who mangled a child's face be put down. Because he's dangerous. The owner is to blame, and the baby sitter, but in the end, it's the dog that did the damage, and the dog who poses a threat.

People in this country are incredibly stupid about their dogs. They don't socialize them properly, then they cry when the dogs get in trouble. Fucking teach your dogs how to behave, or make fucking sure that they aren't going to be approached by anyone that could be hurt by them.

And don't let little kids hang out around chained dogs. It's imbecilic. Crap even if the dog hadn't bitten him, the chain alone can kill a kid.

Among my four dogs - I have several that are sketchy with kids. I'm hyper vigilant. I protect my dogs from themselves because I don tever want something to happen to a child or lose my dog because of it. It's called being responsible. I would never leave them chained or in a situation where a child could approach them without my intervention.
CaféAuLait;9034933 said:
So go after the owner of the dog. The fact that an unsupervised 4 year old tried to take a bone away from a dog is not reason enough to kill the dog.

I don't know the situation concerning the pit killing the puppy. But what happened with the 4 year old, while tragic as hell, is not justification to kill the dog.

The puppy wandered into his path, according to the owner and then was attacked.

If this dog was in his own yard I might have more sympathy. He was not, he was in a common area-allowed to be there by the owners and the apartment complex.

As far as the dog was concerned, it was his yard.

The dog didn't know that it was a common area.

This is tragic...but I think the judge made the right call here.

If I was the parent, I'd want the dog dead too.

But that's an emotional response.

I wouldn't let my kids go near a dog on a chain without first consulting the owner...and neither would you.

It would be different if the dog ran out of the yard and attacked a random 4 year old at the park.

In this situation, it's just hard for me to blame the dog.

Wanting the dog dead is not her problem, ( the owner petitioned the dog be euthanized, not the mom) she is upset because more people seem to be concerned over the dog than her son. She was at work when this happened, this was not her fault. I agree with her, more people are discussing the dogs predicament than her son. Kevin will be left sightless in one eye, and food falls out of his mouth when he tries to eat because of the muscle being torn from his face. Not to mention the scaring of having had his face torn off. That is what his mother is upset about.

I agree I would not let a child around a dog without knowing it. The issue is the OWNER was sitting with the baby sitter as this happened., the child was playing as if the common area was a park. The owner should have stopped the child as well, especially since she knew it just killed a puppy.
If a dog is eating a bone, you never walk up to it. The babysitter is at fault for not looking after the boy. Why should the dog be killed simply because it was defending its territory and its meal?
CaféAuLait;9035936 said:
CaféAuLait;9034933 said:
The puppy wandered into his path, according to the owner and then was attacked.

If this dog was in his own yard I might have more sympathy. He was not, he was in a common area-allowed to be there by the owners and the apartment complex.

As far as the dog was concerned, it was his yard.

The dog didn't know that it was a common area.

This is tragic...but I think the judge made the right call here.

If I was the parent, I'd want the dog dead too.

But that's an emotional response.

I wouldn't let my kids go near a dog on a chain without first consulting the owner...and neither would you.

It would be different if the dog ran out of the yard and attacked a random 4 year old at the park.

In this situation, it's just hard for me to blame the dog.

Wanting the dog dead is not her problem, ( the owner petitioned the dog be euthanized, not the mom) she is upset because more people seem to be concerned over the dog than her son. She was at work when this happened, this was not her fault. I agree with her, more people are discussing the dogs predicament than her son. Kevin will be left sightless in one eye, and food falls out of his mouth when he tries to eat because of the muscle being torn from his face. Not to mention the scaring of having had his face torn off. That is what his mother is upset about.

I agree I would not let a child around a dog without knowing it. The issue is the OWNER was sitting with the baby sitter as this happened., the child was playing as if the common area was a park. The owner should have stopped the child as well, especially since she knew it just killed a puppy.

I get what you're saying. This is very sad all around.

You stated you would (or might) be more sympathetic if the dog was in it's own yard.

My point is that a dog is going to be a dog.

It doesn't know the difference between it's yard and a common area.

The dog did exactly what a reasonable person would expect a dog on a chain in it's own yard to do.

The dog is going to act the same regardless. As far as the he is concerned, it WAS his yard.

I think that is why the plight of the dog engenders this response.

There's plenty of fault to go around, but IMO, very little falls upon the dog.
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CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
A neglected Phoenix dog called Mickey was chewing on a bone on his own property when a four-year-old boy wandered away from his babysitter and over to the dog. He attempted to pull the bone from Mickey’s mouth, and the dog bit him badly.

“The baby sitter who was caring for the child then picked the child up and brought him to an urgent care.

Seems that this babysitter was not doing her job very well.

The dog was minding his own business.

Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

. Mickey was tied to an 18-foot-long chain and kept in a dog house in the common area of the babysitter's Phoenix apartment complex.
Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

A bunch of very, very stupid adults who were responsible for the dog and for the child. The owner should be prosecuted. The baby sitter should get some kind of punishment. The pitbull should be put down. Those people who are supporting the dog are idiots and miscreants. It's all about the sympathy and blind support all over the country that people give to pitbulls: it's insane. The whole breed needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Oh don't be such a hysteric. It isn't the breed. But big powerful dogs should be respected and treated properly...that includes not chaining them up and throwing them bones when there are kids roaming around.

Shepherds and rotties, freaking beagles and huskies are all every bit as lethal and every bit as likely to wig out if they aren't properly handled and supervised.

When I was growing up my mother threw our german shepherd bitch, who had just had puppies, a bone...she took it into her house, and next we checked she had one less puppy. It's stupid to give chained dogs bones (or really, any dog) when there are kids running around. And it's stupid to let your dog wander into the reach of a chained dog. It doesn't matter what breed it is.

PS..I'll bet horses have killed more kids than pit bulls. Should horses be wiped off the face of the earth?
Noomi, in this country, neither dogs nor humans have the right to inflict damage upon children over a meal.

He's a dog. He's not a human. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. We destroy animals that attack children in this country. At least we did.
Noomi, in this country, neither dogs nor humans have the right to inflict damage upon children over a meal.

He's a dog. He's not a human. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. We destroy animals that attack children in this country. At least we did.

Bullshit laws, KG. Same here, too. People think that they can go up to a dog pull its tail and poke its eyes out, and it shouldn't attack you.

My dog has bitten me before. I made the mistake of grabbing him by his collar (he was about to knock the television over) knowing that he hates that. He turned around and took a chunk of flesh from my wrist. I will have that scar for life, yet I didn't take him to the vet and demand he be put to sleep for attacking me.

Sometimes people need to be responsible, especially when it comes to small children.
CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

A bunch of very, very stupid adults who were responsible for the dog and for the child. The owner should be prosecuted. The baby sitter should get some kind of punishment. The pitbull should be put down. Those people who are supporting the dog are idiots and miscreants. It's all about the sympathy and blind support all over the country that people give to pitbulls: it's insane. The whole breed needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

Oh don't be such a hysteric. It isn't the breed. But big powerful dogs should be respected and treated properly...that includes not chaining them up and throwing them bones when there are kids roaming around.

Shepherds and rotties, freaking beagles and huskies are all every bit as lethal and every bit as likely to wig out if they aren't properly handled and supervised.When I was growing up my mother threw our german shepherd bitch, who had just had puppies, a bone...she took it into her house, and next we checked she had one less puppy. It's stupid to give chained dogs bones (or really, any dog) when there are kids running around. And it's stupid to let your dog wander into the reach of a chained dog. It doesn't matter what breed it is.

PS..I'll bet horses have killed more kids than pit bulls. Should horses be wiped off the face of the earth?

No, other breeds are not so dangerous as pitbulls. And this thread is about a whole lot of people rising to support the pitbul. The level of those excusing the behavior of pitbulls is what is hysterical. Other dogs may be agressive but generally they don't kill or rip off the faces of people, and it is especially the elderly or young children who are their victims. There is nothing hysterical about wanting to eliminate from the planet an animal that provides absolutely no value and ruins or destroys the lives of innocents: and the pitbull does that far more than any other dog--statistics prove that.

What is so very disturbing about this story is so many people rallying to support this vicious dog and ignoring what has been done to the child. Where is the online support for the child? Where is the fund set up to help this child deal with the after effects for the rest of his life, not to mention the current horrific pain and suffering?

It's sickening and disgusting the support displayed for the dog, by average people and the authorities. All of you would be singing an entirely different tune if it was your child, your elderly relative, or yourself who a dog like this attacked. Pitbulls are of less value to and more problematic in society than rats; they are vermin that should be eliminated.
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I don't care about people who get bit for being stupid. But a dog that mangles a child's face has got issues. It doesn't matter why it has them, it's not safe and should be destroyed.

Honestly, I don't want to talk to you about the sanctity of a dog's life, when I've heard you say that women who horribly abuse their own children to death shouldn't be imprisoned, but provided with treatment and a light sentence. It makes me throw up a little in my mouth.
This just goes to show how sick this world have become. To me, what was done to the boy should be done to the dog because it is the only way that the dog would know what it did to the boy.

God bless you and the boy and his mom always!!!


You think that if they take the dog and tear his face up he will understand "why" and realize the terrible thing he did to the kid? That's ridiculous JOSweetHeart.
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