Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

What does that have to do with the fact the dog bit the child? No dog is more important than a child. Putting the dog down is not punishment because the dog doesn't know what it did wrong. Putting the dog down is removing the chance the dog will ever do it again or pass on its unstable temperament.
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

Mom was not there. You are judging her based on what you read and don't know a damn thing about her. You read something about Guatemala and decided everyone and everywhere must be the same. Judge much?
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CaféAuLait;9036197 said:
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm.

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

Wow you are blaming the victim, Mom, who wasn't even there! The boy was with his baby sitter, visiting the dog owner, who was sitting outside in the common area when the boy was mauled, in the common area of the apartments.

The dog already mauled a puppy to death, who dared to walk by in the COMMON area of the apartments and a month or so later nearly killed Kevin. Wow.

Oh, wow. Do you think the dog knew this was the COMMON area of the apartments? Hmmm? Do you really think the dog knew that? Or perhaps, did the dog think it was his territory?

I suspect these people all knew each other, the babysitter, the mom, the dog's owners. I suspect they're all of the same ilk, meaning people who think they're "just dogs," doesn't matter if they're starving or miserable or neglected. because they're "just dogs." I notice the dog owners immediately released the dog, obviously had no love for the dog, didn't try to save him or anything like that.

They brought this on themselves. You think the mother had no idea a dog was kept there on a chain? A skinny, neglected dog, whose pathetic bone was probably his most prized possession? I think she did know, and is therefore culpable.
CaféAuLait;9036207 said:
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

Mom was not there. You are judging her based on what you read and don't know a damn thing about her. You read something about Guatemala and decided everyone and everywhere must be the same. Judge much?

I am not judging her any more than she is judging all the people who advocated for the dog. But I think I've gained some insight as to why she finds it so incomprehensible that people would advocate for a dog.

I'll tell you right now, I have no tolerance for people with a "they're just animals" mentality.
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CaféAuLait;9036197 said:
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm.

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

Wow you are blaming the victim, Mom, who wasn't even there! The boy was with his baby sitter, visiting the dog owner, who was sitting outside in the common area when the boy was mauled, in the common area of the apartments.

The dog already mauled a puppy to death, who dared to walk by in the COMMON area of the apartments and a month or so later nearly killed Kevin. Wow.

Oh, wow. Do you think the dog knew this was the COMMON area of the apartments? Hmmm? Do you really think the dog knew that? Or perhaps, did the dog think it was his territory?

I suspect these people all knew each other, the babysitter, the mom, the dog's owners. I suspect they're all of the same ilk, meaning people who think they're "just dogs," doesn't matter if they're starving or miserable or neglected. because they're "just dogs." I notice the dog owners immediately released the dog, obviously had no love for the dog, didn't try to save him or anything like that.

They brought this on themselves. You think the mother had no idea a dog was kept there on a chain? A skinny, neglected dog, whose pathetic bone was probably his most prized possession? I think she did know, and is therefore culpable.

Of course "you know" you read something about dogs in Guatemala and believe yourself to be an expert on everyone from Guatemala now. lol
CaféAuLait;9036207 said:
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

Mom was not there. You are judging her based on what you read and don't know a damn thing about her. You read something about Guatemala and decided everyone and everywhere must be the same. Judge much?

I am not judging her any more than she is judging all the people who advocated for the dog. But I think I've gained some insight as to why she finds it so incomprehensible that people would advocate for a dog.

I'll tell you right now, I have no tolerance for people with a "they're just animals" mentality.

Your priorities are in the wrong place. A child was bitten by the dog.
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.
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Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

What does that have to do with the fact the dog bit the child? No dog is more important than a child. Putting the dog down is not punishment because the dog doesn't know what it did wrong. Putting the dog down is removing the chance the dog will ever do it again or pass on its unstable temperament.

Try to comprehend this...I don't agree with you that "no dog is more important than a child."

First of all, it's unfair to put people who love dogs in the position of making a choice like that. Do you go around demanding of people that they don't consider their child more important than someone else's child? Because I guarantee you, they do value their own child more than someone else's child. Is that okay with you?

Don't go imposing on others YOUR standards of who should be loved more . For me, it's MY family, MY loved ones, and yes, MY dogs, that I value most. I don't have to value other people's children more than MY loved ones. Get it?
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

What does that have to do with the fact the dog bit the child? No dog is more important than a child. Putting the dog down is not punishment because the dog doesn't know what it did wrong. Putting the dog down is removing the chance the dog will ever do it again or pass on its unstable temperament.

Try to comprehend this...I don't agree with you that "no dog is more important than a child."

First of all, it's unfair to put people who love dogs in the position of making a choice like that. Do you go around demanding of people that they don't consider their child more important than someone else's child? Because I guarantee you, they do value their own child more than someone else's child. Is that okay with you?

Don't go imposing on others YOUR standards of who should be loved more . For me, it's MY family, MY loved ones, and yes, MY dogs, that I value most. I don't have to value other people's children more than MY loved ones. Get it?

I get it. Here is the problem though. The dog is not a human. I love dogs and have 3 pits of my own. If one even looked at a child wrong it will be put down. Do you not understand that something is mentally wrong with a dog that attacks a child?
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

The effing dog no longer has any teeth and is being kept in a jail where female inmates are more than happy to care for him. So the effing dog is not a threat to other animals and to humans. There is no need to kill him.

And regarding've heard the saying, "Karma's a bitch"? Well, that's what it means...this may not seem fair, but, hey...Karma's a bitch.

As for sending me to humanity camp...I will guarantee you this...people who have a lot of compassion for animals generally have a great deal of compassion for people, too. So don't worry about me, I have a tough exterior, but am very soft-hearted when it comes to helpless animals...or people. I can't speak for Noomi.

What about the innocent puppy this same dog mauled to death in the common area where dogs and children should be safe? This dog had issues far before he nearly killed Kevin.
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

What does that have to do with the fact the dog bit the child? No dog is more important than a child. Putting the dog down is not punishment because the dog doesn't know what it did wrong. Putting the dog down is removing the chance the dog will ever do it again or pass on its unstable temperament.

Try to comprehend this...I don't agree with you that "no dog is more important than a child."

First of all, it's unfair to put people who love dogs in the position of making a choice like that. Do you go around demanding of people that they don't consider their child more important than someone else's child? Because I guarantee you, they do value their own child more than someone else's child. Is that okay with you?

Don't go imposing on others YOUR standards of who should be loved more . For me, it's MY family, MY loved ones, and yes, MY dogs, that I value most. I don't have to value other people's children more than MY loved ones. Get it?

If your son had jumped on a child and tore half her face off, blinding her in one eye. If your child had killed another, again a youth, of one of its own (as this dog killed a puppy), if those things had happened your son/daughter would go to prison for life. That is the punishment this dog is getting. But for a dog, that is truly a punishment worse than death. Torturing a dog for life is worse than putting it down. You standards are yours, but it is not okay if your standards put the public at risk. However, the fact you say you don't value other people's children as much as you value your dogs? That is very chilling. You have serious anti-social issues.

And also that bit about it being karma, pay back, for this woman being from a country that doesn’t see dogs the way we do. Wow. You really, really have serious issues. Get help.
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So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

The effing dog no longer has any teeth and is being kept in a jail where female inmates are more than happy to care for him. So the effing dog is not a threat to other animals and to humans. There is no need to kill him.

And regarding've heard the saying, "Karma's a bitch"? Well, that's what it means...this may not seem fair, but, hey...Karma's a bitch.

As for sending me to humanity camp...I will guarantee you this...people who have a lot of compassion for animals generally have a great deal of compassion for people, too. So don't worry about me, I have a tough exterior, but am very soft-hearted when it comes to helpless animals...or people. I can't speak for Noomi.

You are saying karma is a bitch for little Kevin nearly being killed? Why, because you think his Mom may have ignored a dog in Guatemala since you read about where she is from, nothing she ever did, just because she is from Guatemala? Get help, this little boy did not deserve this at all.

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So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

The effing dog no longer has any teeth and is being kept in a jail where female inmates are more than happy to care for him. So the effing dog is not a threat to other animals and to humans. There is no need to kill him.

And regarding've heard the saying, "Karma's a bitch"? Well, that's what it means...this may not seem fair, but, hey...Karma's a bitch.

As for sending me to humanity camp...I will guarantee you this...people who have a lot of compassion for animals generally have a great deal of compassion for people, too. So don't worry about me, I have a tough exterior, but am very soft-hearted when it comes to helpless animals...or people. I can't speak for Noomi.

Thats not always true. You could be a sociopath that loves animals. You dont seem to have a natural protective instinct towards children.
I've met some lovely pit bulls. I don't think it's right or fair to damn an entire breed based on the behaviors of the few.

What does that have to do with the fact the dog bit the child? No dog is more important than a child. Putting the dog down is not punishment because the dog doesn't know what it did wrong. Putting the dog down is removing the chance the dog will ever do it again or pass on its unstable temperament.

Try to comprehend this...I don't agree with you that "no dog is more important than a child."

First of all, it's unfair to put people who love dogs in the position of making a choice like that. Do you go around demanding of people that they don't consider their child more important than someone else's child? Because I guarantee you, they do value their own child more than someone else's child. Is that okay with you?

Don't go imposing on others YOUR standards of who should be loved more . For me, it's MY family, MY loved ones, and yes, MY dogs, that I value most. I don't have to value other people's children more than MY loved ones. Get it?

I get it. Here is the problem though. The dog is not a human. I love dogs and have 3 pits of my own. If one even looked at a child wrong it will be put down. Do you not understand that something is mentally wrong with a dog that attacks a child?

No, you don't get it. I don't care that the dog is not a human. I don't necessarily value HUMANS more than dogs. Depends on the human, depends on the dog. As for kids, I make absolutely sure to always protect my dogs from people's kids running up and taking their toy or snack or some other action that might startle the dog into aggression. And it's amazing how many stupid kids have tried running right up to my dobermans when I'm walking them! And their even more stupid parents are standing right there and allow them to do it! I have to put up my hand and yell "Wait" and then give the kids a lecture on the dangers of running up to strange dogs. Then I let them pet the dogs under my STRICT supervision. :) Because if one of my dogs bites a kid, the dog WILL NOT be put down.

And no, I don't think there is something mentally wrong with a dog that bites a kid who takes the dog's bone away. Especially when the dog is starving and neglected.

I will tell you that I am not a fan of pitbulls. I wouldn't have one. I like dobermans. I've had as many as five dogs that I walk all at once, and the only trouble we've ever had with stray dogs is with pitbulls. Damn things like to come up menacing us. One grabbed one of my little dogs and shook her, $350 vet bill to stitch her up. We've encountered other stray dogs, but it's the pits that cause me to now immediately draw my bear spray upon which the owners start yelling about how the dog is gentle, etc. while its body language is all taut and threatening towards my dogs. But the owner is deluded and thinks their dog won't harm a fly. (I'm not meaning to imply you're like that because you own pits...please don't take it that way. It's just what I've encountered while walking my dogs)
It's always the fault of people, but that doesn't really help the dog. You can't just shoot people for being assholes.

I've never heard of the de-fanging thing. Do they take out all their teeth?

It's just sad all around. But people who are deal with animals have to come to terms with culling, at some point. If the dog is no longer a threat, there's no issue, really. But seriously, in the real world, outside of wherever that is, a dog bites a kid...that dogs going to be shot, probably on the site, before cops ever show up.

If my dogs bite a kid they will be shot...over my dead body.

Of course, I am absolutely diligent about making sure that doesn't happen. But I know one thing, if my dog Greta had bitten a child (which she wouldn't) and they were going to take her away and put her down, I would have done ANYTHING to protect her. Anything.

People are protective over their children. Let me tell you something, if your Greta was biting my child's face off and mauling him, I can damn well guarantee Greta would be dead by my own hand, no gun would be needed. I would do ANYTHING to protect my child. Anything.
CaféAuLait;9036234 said:

What about the innocent puppy this same dog mauled to death in the common area where dogs and children should be safe? This dog had issues far before he nearly killed Kevin.

Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.
I have yet to read Mickey was starving to death. Do you have a link for that from a news site?

You have yet to answer about the German shepherd the dog mauled to death for crossing his 18 foot radius.

A man tried to get Mickey off of Kevin, but he kept on attacking. This isn’t the first time that Mickey has drawn blood. He killed a German shepherd puppy that crossed into the pit bulls 18-foot radius, several months back.

Mickey the pit bull skirts death after mauling 4-year-old: Gets life sentence - Hartford Top News |
CaféAuLait;9036249 said:
It's always the fault of people, but that doesn't really help the dog. You can't just shoot people for being assholes.

I've never heard of the de-fanging thing. Do they take out all their teeth?

It's just sad all around. But people who are deal with animals have to come to terms with culling, at some point. If the dog is no longer a threat, there's no issue, really. But seriously, in the real world, outside of wherever that is, a dog bites a kid...that dogs going to be shot, probably on the site, before cops ever show up.

If my dogs bite a kid they will be shot...over my dead body.

Of course, I am absolutely diligent about making sure that doesn't happen. But I know one thing, if my dog Greta had bitten a child (which she wouldn't) and they were going to take her away and put her down, I would have done ANYTHING to protect her. Anything.

People are protective over their children. Let me tell you something, if your Greta was biting my child's face off and mauling him, I can damn well guarantee Greta would be dead by my own hand, no gun would be needed. I would do ANYTHING to protect my child. Anything.

We shouldn't really use Greta as an example, she died in January and the light went out of the world as I knew it. I still have her half-sister Hannah and she is of some comfort.

But Greta would not have bitten and mauled your child. Thank God, because if so, it sounds like you would have ended up dead and I would be in prison. Because I would have never let anyone hurt her, no matter what she did.

Greta's not a very good example to use, though, because what she would more likely have done is attack the pitbull that was attacking your child and thus save your child's life. That's how Greta was.

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