Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

CaféAuLait;9036312 said:
No one is blaming the child here. But the fact remains that the dog was in its own yard, chewing on a bone. The child entered the dogs territory, the dog reacted to protect itself and its home.
People cannot just march into a yard and expect a dog not to attack them.
Do you think that if a shark takes a surfer that the shark should be hunted down and killed?

If you go into another animals territory, they have every right to defend it. Simple as that.

Yes, the child was being blamed along with his mom for being from Guatemala, because Koosh read people from Guatemala ignore dogs. No facts about this poor woman and her son, but just assumptions.

What you call "assumptions" I call "putting the pieces together." Or "gaining perspective" by doing some research.

None of your research was about her and her son. It was supposedly about SOME of the people in Guatemala. You have no evidence or proof the way some people in Guatemala supposedly treat dogs has a damn thing to do with her. You claim this was "Karma" for this boy and his mom because of something you read, which had nothing to do with them.

if people in Guatemala read there are callous murders in the US, and your family member is callously murdered in Guatemala, is that Karma? If someone argued that was Karma, it silly. You have never callously murdered anyone...
CaféAuLait;9036305 said:
CaféAuLait;9036260 said:
Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.

No, he doesn't look too skinny in that one shot. But I've seen video of him moving around in that cage, and you can see he's pretty skinny. Peach174 posted this link earlier in this thread...of course it's kind of a biased site, but i saw for myself in the video that the dog was skinny.

Help Save Mickey - His Life Depends on Us | Life With Dogs

To be honest with you, I don't trust a word that sites says. It says the dog was in his YARD and on his on property. He was not, he was in a common area where other dogs have been killed by him and children attacked. It also does not bother to mention he killed that German shepherd puppy as well a bit before attacking Kevin It's a pro Mickey site, glossing over the facts. They say his bones were showing and every pic I see he looks just fine.

I know that site is not entirely impartial. But listen to you're saying other dogs (plural?) have been killed by him and children attacked? You make it sound like he'd killed more than one dog and attacked more than one child. Exaggeration by choice of words.

It does disturb me that he killed a puppy. Was it really a small puppy, or was it a year-old type puppy? When I got my second doberman pup I was somewhat concerned because Greta was 10 months old and I was worried she my hurt the tiny pup. But my vet said "even a mean old junk-yard dog won't hurt a puppy." And he was right, she didn't hurt the puppy, although she bossed her around a lot. :)

It's just so bizarre..I wouldn't go anywhere near a chained dog I didn't know, especially a pitbull, and they just had this dog tied out there where children could run up to it! :cuckoo:
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CaféAuLait;9036332 said:
CaféAuLait;9036312 said:
Yes, the child was being blamed along with his mom for being from Guatemala, because Koosh read people from Guatemala ignore dogs. No facts about this poor woman and her son, but just assumptions.

What you call "assumptions" I call "putting the pieces together." Or "gaining perspective" by doing some research.

None of your research was about her and her son. It was supposedly about SOME of the people in Guatemala. You have no evidence or proof the way some people in Guatemala supposedly treat dogs has a damn thing to do with her. You claim this was "Karma" for this boy and his mom because of something you read, which had nothing to do with them.

if people in Guatemala read there are callous murders in the US, and your family member is callously murdered in Guatemala, is that Karma? If someone argued that was Karma, it silly. You have never callously murdered anyone...

My research was about the culture she grew up in. A culture that is very accepting of lots of dogs wandering around hungry and uncared for. The culture we grow up in often influences the way we perceive the world. I am only suggesting that because of the culture she grew up in, she may not have been disturbed about the way this dog was being kept, whereas someone like me would be appalled and raising a fuss about it.

I should also explain...I am just as upset about the horrible damage to this little boy's face as any of you are. I just place the blame differently.

Although, this story does add to my dislike of this particular breed and why I will never own one. I don't want that kind of liability.
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CaféAuLait;9036305 said:
No, he doesn't look too skinny in that one shot. But I've seen video of him moving around in that cage, and you can see he's pretty skinny. Peach174 posted this link earlier in this thread...of course it's kind of a biased site, but i saw for myself in the video that the dog was skinny.

Help Save Mickey - His Life Depends on Us | Life With Dogs

To be honest with you, I don't trust a word that sites says. It says the dog was in his YARD and on his on property. He was not, he was in a common area where other dogs have been killed by him and children attacked. It also does not bother to mention he killed that German shepherd puppy as well a bit before attacking Kevin It's a pro Mickey site, glossing over the facts. They say his bones were showing and every pic I see he looks just fine.

I know that site is not entirely impartial. But listen to you're saying other dogs (plural?) have been killed by him and children attacked? You make it sound like he'd killed more than one dog and attacked more than one child. Exaggeration by choice of words.

It does disturb me that he killed a puppy. Was it really a small puppy, or was it a year-old type puppy? When I got my second doberman pup I was somewhat concerned because Greta was 10 months old and I was worried she my hurt the tiny pup. But my vet said "even a mean old junk-yard dog won't hurt a puppy." And he was right, she didn't hurt the puppy, although she bossed her around a lot. :)

It's just so bizarre..I wouldn't go anywhere near a chained dog I didn't know, especially a pitbull, and they just had this dog tied out there where children could run up to it! :cuckoo:

You're an adult, of course you know better. . He was 4 years old and was most likely trying to play with the dog. The sitter was with the owner and watching the boy together. If there was danger the owner should have said, "don't let him play with the dog". The owner, in her interviews never claimed to have said such.

The puppy that entered his 18 foot radius should have never been killed, especially in a common area where everyone should be able to walk and play without fear. Some people may not even notice the dog as they are running and playing. The puppy getting mauled to death was a warning this dog was vicious. You just said your vet said, "even a mean ol junk yard dog wound not hurt a puppy".
CaféAuLait;9036332 said:
What you call "assumptions" I call "putting the pieces together." Or "gaining perspective" by doing some research.

None of your research was about her and her son. It was supposedly about SOME of the people in Guatemala. You have no evidence or proof the way some people in Guatemala supposedly treat dogs has a damn thing to do with her. You claim this was "Karma" for this boy and his mom because of something you read, which had nothing to do with them.

if people in Guatemala read there are callous murders in the US, and your family member is callously murdered in Guatemala, is that Karma? If someone argued that was Karma, it silly. You have never callously murdered anyone...

My research was about the culture she grew up in. A culture that is very accepting of lots of dogs wandering around hungry and uncared for. The culture we grow up in often influences the way we perceive the world. I am only suggesting that because of the culture she grew up in, she may not have been disturbed about the way this dog was being kept, whereas someone like me would be appalled and raising a fuss about it.

I should also explain...I am just as upset about the horrible damage to this little boy's face as any of you are. I just place the blame differently.

Although, this story does add to my dislike of this particular breed and why I will never own one. I don't want that kind of liability.

I don't know what story you read, but again it does not pertain to her. The sitter took Kevin from his mothers home and drove Kevin to a completely different neighborhood to visit a friend. Why should his mother know about all of her friends homes? Additionally, the dog looks healthy and not skin and bones.

The last point I have is your claim about Guatemala being accepting of stray dogs, if that is the case, have you thought these people make 1,619 dollars a YEAR? 134.00 dollars a month- and that is considered lower MIDDLE CLASS. I can't even imagine what the "poor" make. They most likely don't have enough to feed themselves let alone stray dogs!

Guatemala Minimum Wage
CaféAuLait;9036355 said:
CaféAuLait;9036305 said:
To be honest with you, I don't trust a word that sites says. It says the dog was in his YARD and on his on property. He was not, he was in a common area where other dogs have been killed by him and children attacked. It also does not bother to mention he killed that German shepherd puppy as well a bit before attacking Kevin It's a pro Mickey site, glossing over the facts. They say his bones were showing and every pic I see he looks just fine.

I know that site is not entirely impartial. But listen to you're saying other dogs (plural?) have been killed by him and children attacked? You make it sound like he'd killed more than one dog and attacked more than one child. Exaggeration by choice of words.

It does disturb me that he killed a puppy. Was it really a small puppy, or was it a year-old type puppy? When I got my second doberman pup I was somewhat concerned because Greta was 10 months old and I was worried she my hurt the tiny pup. But my vet said "even a mean old junk-yard dog won't hurt a puppy." And he was right, she didn't hurt the puppy, although she bossed her around a lot. :)

It's just so bizarre..I wouldn't go anywhere near a chained dog I didn't know, especially a pitbull, and they just had this dog tied out there where children could run up to it! :cuckoo:

You're an adult, of course you know better. . He was 4 years old and was most likely trying to play with the dog. The sitter was with the owner and watching the boy together. If there was danger the owner should have said, "don't let him play with the dog". The owner, in her interviews never claimed to have said such.

The puppy that entered his 18 foot radius should have never been killed, especially in a common area where everyone should be able to walk and play without fear. Some people may not even notice the dog as they are running and playing. The puppy getting mauled to death was a warning this dog was vicious. You just said your vet said, "even a mean ol junk yard dog wound not hurt a puppy".

It's quite clear to me that the people who put this dog out their on his 18' chain are the ones who need to be held accountable. I'm certainly not blaming the 4-year-old child.

My question about the puppy is how old was it? I've noticed a lot of people lately referring to year-old dogs as puppies, or saying they're still puppies until 18 months, that sort of thing. Because while people still refer to dogs that old as puppies, other dogs may not perceive them as puppies. I really wish I knew how old the puppy was. Not that it's okay for the pitbull to kill it, but you know when a dog is chained they are more dangerous...because they feel vulnerable.
I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?

Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.

Well, I still don't get the pertinence, but yes, I have people. Quite a lot of them feel the same way I do about animals, by the way.

Although when my sister's Rotweiller bit her granddaughter, my sister's husband immediately took the dog out back and shot him. I guess y'all approve of that, huh?

Then they sit around and talk about that dog and how much they loved him, and I'm like "yeah, right." You loved him so much, but there was no other solution but to drag him out back and shoot him. :doubt: I guess their definition of "love" is a little different than mine.

Their definition of love is that they will protect their child from danger. Once an animal attacks another, whether it is human or animal, it is going to do it again. The danger escalates. Your sister's granddaughter is simply more important to her than the dog. That is what a normal person would feel. A healthy, normal individual would always place the safety a child above that of an animal and would do whatever is necessary to protect the child from that animal. If this dog was a biter, it could attack another at any time, and the attack could be more violent the next time. That's reality.
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A neglected Phoenix dog called Mickey was chewing on a bone on his own property when a four-year-old boy wandered away from his babysitter and over to the dog. He attempted to pull the bone from Mickey’s mouth, and the dog bit him badly.

“The baby sitter who was caring for the child then picked the child up and brought him to an urgent care.

Seems that this babysitter was not doing her job very well.

The dog was minding his own business.

Thanks. I was wondering what prompted the dog to act and why a court would not put him down. I do feel sorry for the boy but a hungry dog gnawing on a bone will do what dogs do. The babysitter is 100% at fault in this case.
This just goes to show how sick this world have become. To me, what was done to the boy should be done to the dog because it is the only way that the dog would know what it did to the boy.

God bless you and the boy and his mom always!!!


Not only that, but when other dogs read about this or saw it on the news, it would make them think and realize that biting people is a no no.

It would be a deterrent to other dogs, just like the death penalty is a deterrent to human miscreants.

If this dog was put down, we would never see another example of dog bite man/boy, just like we never see another murder, because murderers have been executed.

CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
A neglected Phoenix dog called Mickey was chewing on a bone on his own property when a four-year-old boy wandered away from his babysitter and over to the dog. He attempted to pull the bone from Mickey’s mouth, and the dog bit him badly.

“The baby sitter who was caring for the child then picked the child up and brought him to an urgent care.

Seems that this babysitter was not doing her job very well.

The dog was minding his own business.

Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

. Mickey was tied to an 18-foot-long chain and kept in a dog house in the common area of the babysitter's Phoenix apartment complex.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

A bunch of very, very stupid adults who were responsible for the dog and for the child. The owner should be prosecuted. The baby sitter should get some kind of punishment. The pitbull should be put down. Those people who are supporting the dog are idiots and miscreants. It's all about the sympathy and blind support all over the country that people give to pitbulls: it's insane. The whole breed needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

I'm not a fan of the pitbull-type breeds, either. Most dog breeds are "specialists", having been genetically selected and bred for some specific trait. For example: I have a Great Pyrenees that lives with my goats. The breed has for centuries been selected for their herd-bonding and gaurdian traits. It's interesting to watch what she does when a friend's malamute gets a bit too interested in the goat kids that come to the fence when he's around. Of course, malamutes have an entirely different world view when it comes to prey species, like goats. My dog places herself between the goats and the malamute, actually sends the goats away. When the malamute moves away from the fence, the Pyr will lie down and even let the little kid goats use her as a playground. So, taking advantage of inborne traits and with proper training, I have a splendid gaurdian for my goats.
Pits, on the other hand, have been bred for the purpose of fighting and protection (to some extent). The breed has been selected for their physical strength and aggression. Why are people even surprised when pits react the way the one in this story did? Yes, if properly socialized and trained, a pit may make it through life without exhibting the tendencies it has been genetically selected for, but it might not, either. There's a woman of my acquaintence who is dying to take a couple of my kids. Not on a bet. She's got a pretty nice blue-nose pit bitch, but I could not be satisfied that the pit would not brutally attack and destroy any small animals this woman might bring into her home/yard.
People really do seem to think dog=dog. Not true.
The reason why I have not said that I think that the dog should be taken out is because the child it hurt is still here.

God bless you and the child always!!!


P.S. Yes I know that a dog will not know why it is being punished no matter what its punishment is, but to me, it most definitely should not be allowed to go without some type of punishment and to me, doing to it what it did to the child would be appropriate because being locked up in doggy jail only would be too much of a "slap on the wrist" in my opinion when that child may have to live with what the dog did to him for the rest of his life.

If I understand, the dog is being "de-fanged" and will be kept in a kennel of some type. This plan should effectively remove the dog from the child's environment. I do wonder what exactly "de-fanged" means, though. A dog doesn't need its canine teeth in order to tear something up. As a matter-of-fact, pitbulls have sufficient crushing strength in their bite, they probably wouldn't need teeth to kill. After killing a puppy and mauling a child, the appropriate "punishment" would be to put the animal down.
On the flip side, people are often just as irresponsible about teaching their children proper caution. The adults involved will now have to live with their errors every time they look that little boy in the face.
I suspect if we had more information about the mother of this kid we would have a clue as to why people are rallying around the dog and not this mother. I suspect the mother of this kid is offended that more MONEY isn't pouring in, I suspect that's what's really bothering her. I suspect she is inclined to take a bad situation like this and try to make money from it.

I know people like that. Trash. They get themselves and their children into all kinds of trouble and then expect others to help them out.

I'm going to have to try and find a picture of her...a video of her talking would be even better. Then I'll know for sure if she's the "type" I'm thinking about. Which, as I said, will shed light on why people are rallying behind the dog.

Wow. What utter tripe, and how amazingly bigoted of you. Obviously you know the woman, or you wouldn't be rallying behind the dog...right?

How do people get this stupid?
CaféAuLait;9036260 said:
Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.

Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.

Looks like he is just about to growl or bark. Could be just be the picture though or he was nervous after being taken to the pound. He also doesnt look to be all pit either.

Looks all pit to me.
The dog is being cared for elsewhere. Putting the dog down to satisfy the boy's mother makes no sense at all. It's not like other dogs will read about it in the paper and think twice about biting someone themselves. What the mother is really angry about is that the thoughts and opinions of others isn't subject to her control. How DARE someone not want this dog put down? Don't they know how I FEEL!
Pits aren't bred to be people-aggressive. It's perfectly natural for dogs to snap at any other dog that omes up to them when they're crunchig on a bone. It isn't evidence of hyper prey drive, or human aggression. It's just a sign that the dog wasn't trained properly, and the baby wasn't adequately supervised in the presence of a potentially dangerous animals. I imagine it was a split second thing, that the animal reacted instinctively before it even registered that it was a child that was there, and I would bet money that the dog was penitent after it did it.

Kids are vulnerable because they are at the right level for their faces and vital organs to be damaged...and their skin tears soooo easily. It only takes one snap and massive damage can be done.

I would like to point out that Koos' stupid claptrap about the trashy nature of the mother (who wasn't there) and how she would do ANYTHING to protect her dogs from big bad humans is a huge problem in the dog world, and one of the reasons a lot of dogs and humans come to grief. I think it's really apparent that she's defensive and stupid about her animals, and if she's out there walking 5 dogs at a time, that translates into a huge safety issue for anybody who comes into contact with them. She feeds into the mentality that they don't answer to humans, and that they must protect themselves from big bad humans, and that's just stupid.
This just goes to show how sick this world have become. To me, what was done to the boy should be done to the dog because it is the only way that the dog would know what it did to the boy.

God bless you and the boy and his mom always!!!


And a bible thumper weighs in, says the answer is to torture the dog.

What an idiot ... But not surprising.


IMO, the dog should be put down.
Go away Luddly, you fucking moron. The thought of any dog being subjected to you makes me want to cry.
This just goes to show how sick this world have become. To me, what was done to the boy should be done to the dog because it is the only way that the dog would know what it did to the boy.

God bless you and the boy and his mom always!!!


And a bible thumper weighs in, says the answer is to torture the dog.

What an idiot ... But not surprising.


IMO, the dog should be put down.

1) JO isn't an idiot. She's a nice person with an opinion that differs from yours (and mine as well ... in this case).
2) I'm a Bible thumper who doesn't believe the dog should be "tortured" or "put down" in this particular case. He was minding his business chewing his bone and became protective of his food.
3) There simply isn't a good reason to continually call people names when you happen to disagree with them.
Totally by accident, I stumbled onto a program on the Animal Planet channel, called "Pit bulls and Parolees".

Here was a program that dealt with the pariahs of both the human and canine world.

The breed of dog that receives no mercy, because of an often undeserved reputation, that was created and fostered by irresponsible owners, and humans who are written off by self-righteous hypocritical bigots, who preach about, but don't believe in redemption.

I could have brought to this board a bunch of youtube episodes of the show in order to show that the merciless cruelty of those who jump into execution/euthanasia mode at the drop of a hat, is misplaced, but I will, instead, let those with an open mind find what I am talking about.
I have no problem with culling, if it's reasonable. Sometimes rehabilitation is not a possibility for a dog that has hurt someone, and in those cases, then euthanasia is the natural solution.

But not as a *punishment*...just as a solution and safety precaution.

Again. Dogs on a chain are dangerous. It doesn't matter what they act like off the chain, being on the chain makes them a different creature. And people who chain dogs in the middle of where a bunch of kids are, are on borrowed time before something bad happens. And it's ignorant to allow children to walk into the radius of a chain if there's a dog on one end of it.

It comes down to ignorance. I don't mean stupidity, I mean ignorance about the nature of dogs. Cesar Millan has the right have to educate people about dogs, that is the way to increase safety of dogs and people, both.

People forget that they need to constantly interact with their dogs...they tend to just sort of sit back and watch, when they should be exerting control over them, just by the nature of their presence and their energy. The dog owner and the babysitter were just sitting back and trusting the dog to know how to act and the kid know how to act...when they should have been owning the situation.

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