Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

YES! It's just a dog here too. There's plenty of blame to spread around here Koosh but the fact remains that this is a vicious dog that had recently killed a puppy. It needs to die. In fact, it needed to die after it killed the puppy. That would have spared this poor child a life of pain.
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

If I see a dog mistreated, I report it too. If I see a dog maul a child, I kill it.
Look! The rights of people supersede the rights of dogs, even if the people are from Guatemala.
It isn't the dogs fault but he needs to be put down. a whole lot of people dropped the ball on that one. Maybe people wanting to adopt a big dog need to pass an IQ test to prove that they are smarter than the dog.
CaféAuLait;9036197 said:
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm.

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

Wow you are blaming the victim, Mom, who wasn't even there! The boy was with his baby sitter, visiting the dog owner, who was sitting outside in the common area when the boy was mauled, in the common area of the apartments.

The dog already mauled a puppy to death, who dared to walk by in the COMMON area of the apartments and a month or so later nearly killed Kevin. Wow.

Oh, wow. Do you think the dog knew this was the COMMON area of the apartments? Hmmm? Do you really think the dog knew that? Or perhaps, did the dog think it was his territory?

I suspect these people all knew each other, the babysitter, the mom, the dog's owners. I suspect they're all of the same ilk, meaning people who think they're "just dogs," doesn't matter if they're starving or miserable or neglected. because they're "just dogs." I notice the dog owners immediately released the dog, obviously had no love for the dog, didn't try to save him or anything like that.

They brought this on themselves. You think the mother had no idea a dog was kept there on a chain? A skinny, neglected dog, whose pathetic bone was probably his most prized possession? I think she did know, and is therefore culpable.
Do we have pictures of the dog prior to the mauling? Proof that the dog was skinny and neglected? Or just the word of people more concerned with a dog than a Guatemalan?
CaféAuLait;9036207 said:
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

Mom was not there. You are judging her based on what you read and don't know a damn thing about her. You read something about Guatemala and decided everyone and everywhere must be the same. Judge much?

I am not judging her any more than she is judging all the people who advocated for the dog. But I think I've gained some insight as to why she finds it so incomprehensible that people would advocate for a dog.

I'll tell you right now, I have no tolerance for people with a "they're just animals" mentality.

I have no tolerance for people who assign more rights to a dog than a child. I guess you have a "they're just Guatemalans" mentality.
CaféAuLait;9036197 said:
Wow you are blaming the victim, Mom, who wasn't even there! The boy was with his baby sitter, visiting the dog owner, who was sitting outside in the common area when the boy was mauled, in the common area of the apartments.

The dog already mauled a puppy to death, who dared to walk by in the COMMON area of the apartments and a month or so later nearly killed Kevin. Wow.

Oh, wow. Do you think the dog knew this was the COMMON area of the apartments? Hmmm? Do you really think the dog knew that? Or perhaps, did the dog think it was his territory?

I suspect these people all knew each other, the babysitter, the mom, the dog's owners. I suspect they're all of the same ilk, meaning people who think they're "just dogs," doesn't matter if they're starving or miserable or neglected. because they're "just dogs." I notice the dog owners immediately released the dog, obviously had no love for the dog, didn't try to save him or anything like that.

They brought this on themselves. You think the mother had no idea a dog was kept there on a chain? A skinny, neglected dog, whose pathetic bone was probably his most prized possession? I think she did know, and is therefore culpable.
Do we have pictures of the dog prior to the mauling? Proof that the dog was skinny and neglected? Or just the word of people more concerned with a dog than a Guatemalan?

Actually, more concerned with a dog than a child. These people resent children, and mothers, and want there to be fewer of them.
I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?

Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.

Well, I still don't get the pertinence, but yes, I have people. Quite a lot of them feel the same way I do about animals, by the way.

Although when my sister's Rotweiller bit her granddaughter, my sister's husband immediately took the dog out back and shot him. I guess y'all approve of that, huh?

Then they sit around and talk about that dog and how much they loved him, and I'm like "yeah, right." You loved him so much, but there was no other solution but to drag him out back and shoot him. :doubt: I guess their definition of "love" is a little different than mine.

Yes, I do.
Totally by accident, I stumbled onto a program on the Animal Planet channel, called "Pit bulls and Parolees".

Here was a program that dealt with the pariahs of both the human and canine world.

The breed of dog that receives no mercy, because of an often undeserved reputation, that was created and fostered by irresponsible owners, and humans who are written off by self-righteous hypocritical bigots, who preach about, but don't believe in redemption.

I could have brought to this board a bunch of youtube episodes of the show in order to show that the merciless cruelty of those who jump into execution/euthanasia mode at the drop of a hat, is misplaced, but I will, instead, let those with an open mind find what I am talking about.

I happen to love the show.

Not sure who you are talking about when you say: "... who preach about, but don't believe in redemption" but I can assure you that I don't fit that mold. I was one of them who received redemption after a life of crime and debauchery. I'm fully in favor of lost souls being found and I love what the parolees are doing to help abused and neglected pit-bulls.
If you don't have the sense it takes to manage a powerful dog safely around children, then the situation needs to be rectified. If that means destroying the dog, though that's sad, it's too bad. Welcome to consequences. Unfortunately, your stupidity also has caused damage to whomever the dog attacks, and the dog itself...but that's your fault, nobody else's.
And I'll tell you something else...if you're out in public walking multiple powerful dogs, and you have to prevent children from running up because you're afraid your dog is going to bite're a huge part of the problem, and you're on borrowed time until somebody gets hurt.
Go away Luddly, you fucking moron. The thought of any dog being subjected to you makes me want to cry.

You're free to disagree with me but, IMO, torturing a dog teaches him nothing except pain. The "fucking moron" is the one who believes torture is a good idea and its not my fault that the "fucking moron" also says she's a "christian".

It isn't the dogs fault but he needs to be put down. a whole lot of people dropped the ball on that one. Maybe people wanting to adopt a big dog need to pass an IQ test to prove that they are smarter than the dog.

I agree that the dog was failed by the people around him.

Stats show that the most bites are from intact males who are tied up. They live lives of quiet desperation - horny, lonely, lack of socialization. Dogs are not lawn ornaments. Spay/neuter them, bring them into your home and make them a member of your family.

Cute balls of fluff can grow up to be huge dogs. If you're not willing to teach obedience and socialize the dog, get a stuffed animal for the bed.

OTOH, once a dog bites a child, my opinion is he can never be trusted around children again.

There are millions of dogs and cats put down every year. More than 24% are so-called "purebred" and most are under the age of 3 years.

IOW, we're killing young healthy animals because there are more born than we have available homes.

Why put our limited resources into animals that cannot be placed?

Terrible tragedy.

We never learn.
Er..I never said a word about torture. I think nobody here, except maybe you, realizes that jos isn't advocating the torture of animals.

Education is the key.
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Er..I never said a word about torture. I think nobody here, except maybe you, realizes that jos isn't advocating the torture of animals.

Education is the key.

Here we go again.

Fake christian kg says something utter stupid about another fake christian, attacks me for no reason and is now trying to lying her way out of it.

I disagree with you both that doing this

to a dog will teach him anything. And, it would be torture.
You're not disagreeing with me, liar, because I never said that doing that to a dog would accomplish anything.

You have just proved that you are dishonest, and also not concerned about the safety of animals or people, because you're willing to put them secondary to your attacks on Christians. Which is really creepy, but not surprising.
You also showed that you aren't interested in educating people, and I get the sense that you actually enjoy situations where people and animals are in brutalized, because then you see that as some sort of gratification. It's fucking disgusting, and tells me you shouldn't be within ten country miles of dogs or children.
Totally by accident, I stumbled onto a program on the Animal Planet channel, called "Pit bulls and Parolees".

Here was a program that dealt with the pariahs of both the human and canine world.

The breed of dog that receives no mercy, because of an often undeserved reputation, that was created and fostered by irresponsible owners, and humans who are written off by self-righteous hypocritical bigots, who preach about, but don't believe in redemption.

I could have brought to this board a bunch of youtube episodes of the show in order to show that the merciless cruelty of those who jump into execution/euthanasia mode at the drop of a hat, is misplaced, but I will, instead, let those with an open mind find what I am talking about.

I happen to love the show.

Not sure who you are talking about when you say: "... who preach about, but don't believe in redemption" but I can assure you that I don't fit that mold. I was one of them who received redemption after a life of crime and debauchery. I'm fully in favor of lost souls being found and I love what the parolees are doing to help abused and neglected pit-bulls.

I am talking about people who go out of their way to demonstrate to save the lives of remorseless killers like Mumia, but yell and scream FOR the execution of an ordinary joe, who may have committed a murder under the influence of drugs, helped along the way by liberal policies and a system that is called "justice system" but has nothing within it resembling justice.

I am talking about people who would never give an ex-con a chance to get a job and prove to the world that he deserves a second chance.

I am talking about people who feel that once a crook is always a crook, but fail to see the circumstances in people's lives that may have shaped those lives.

I am talking about the people who follow the line in the Bible that talks about eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth, but ignore the message about love and forgiveness.

A salute you for turning your life around. After reading your posts I am convinced that you are far better person, regardless of your past, than many on this board and especially most who are in power positions in Washington, DC.
CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

A bunch of very, very stupid adults who were responsible for the dog and for the child. The owner should be prosecuted. The baby sitter should get some kind of punishment. The pitbull should be put down. Those people who are supporting the dog are idiots and miscreants. It's all about the sympathy and blind support all over the country that people give to pitbulls: it's insane. The whole breed needs to be wiped off the face of the Earth.

I'm not a fan of the pitbull-type breeds, either. Most dog breeds are "specialists", having been genetically selected and bred for some specific trait. For example: I have a Great Pyrenees that lives with my goats. The breed has for centuries been selected for their herd-bonding and gaurdian traits. It's interesting to watch what she does when a friend's malamute gets a bit too interested in the goat kids that come to the fence when he's around. Of course, malamutes have an entirely different world view when it comes to prey species, like goats. My dog places herself between the goats and the malamute, actually sends the goats away. When the malamute moves away from the fence, the Pyr will lie down and even let the little kid goats use her as a playground. So, taking advantage of inborne traits and with proper training, I have a splendid gaurdian for my goats.
Pits, on the other hand, have been bred for the purpose of fighting and protection (to some extent). The breed has been selected for their physical strength and aggression. Why are people even surprised when pits react the way the one in this story did? Yes, if properly socialized and trained, a pit may make it through life without exhibting the tendencies it has been genetically selected for, but it might not, either. There's a woman of my acquaintence who is dying to take a couple of my kids. Not on a bet. She's got a pretty nice blue-nose pit bitch, but I could not be satisfied that the pit would not brutally attack and destroy any small animals this woman might bring into her home/yard.
People really do seem to think dog=dog. Not true.

If you understand about genetics you should probably look up what pits were bred for. They were bred specifically to be dog aggressive and specifically people friendly. Of all the dogs I have worked with they have this peculiar trait of being able to focus their aggression on one object and be completely passive with another at the same time. Its in their genetics not to bite people. The ones that do have been overbred and have temperament/mental issues.
You're not disagreeing with me, liar, because I never said that doing that to a dog would accomplish anything.

You have just proved that you are dishonest, and also not concerned about the safety of animals or people, because you're willing to put them secondary to your attacks on Christians. Which is really creepy, but not surprising.

You 'cry at the thought of a dog being with me' while slobbering over a preachy imbecile who wants to torture the dog so, yes, I am disagreeing with you. And its not my fault that you both preach (barf) about what good christians you are.

You just can't help yourself, can you.

Stop digging and shut up already.
You didn't disagree with me. You lied, and instigated, called Jos stupid, then called us both fake Christians, and then attacked our religion.

Way to give dogs a hand and educate people about them, moron! So do you think your interaction with jos will stand her in good stead with dogs in the future, thereby making the world a better place for dogs?

And I would argue that though jos may not be the most articulate poster on this site, I believe she is probably the most sincere. You, on the other hand, are stupid, dishonest, and appear to get off when people get hurt so you can point fingers. If you consider yourself a dog lover and want to help them, you would spread information about dogs....not lies about their owners.
Noomi, in this country, neither dogs nor humans have the right to inflict damage upon children over a meal.

He's a dog. He's not a human. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. We destroy animals that attack children in this country. At least we did.

Bullshit laws, KG. Same here, too. People think that they can go up to a dog pull its tail and poke its eyes out, and it shouldn't attack you.

My dog has bitten me before. I made the mistake of grabbing him by his collar (he was about to knock the television over) knowing that he hates that. He turned around and took a chunk of flesh from my wrist. I will have that scar for life, yet I didn't take him to the vet and demand he be put to sleep for attacking me.

Sometimes people need to be responsible, especially when it comes to small children.

When a dog bites someone - there is a lot to consider when it comes to keeping the dog alive or not and part of that involves public safety and your own responsibility to keep the public safe from your dog and your dog safe from the public. The owner failed miserably on all accounts.

If a child did something to cause pain to a dog (poking a pencil down it's ear) or had had a history of teasing the dog - I would factor that in to any decision making. But that is not what happened here and what's very disconcerting about this particular incident is that the dog could have "pulled his punches". When dog's correct puppies (and the child would be viewed in a similar way) - they don't normally rip them up. A warning, a snap, a scruff shake, an inhibited bite makes the point. Even taking into account that a child's skin is much more fragile than a dog's, this dog did not inhibit his bite. A friend of mine recently had an issue with his German Shepherd and his nephew who was around 4-5. They were playing with a tennis ball, and some how the child and the dog went for the ball at the same time. High energy and a valuable resource (the ball) and the dog bit the child - possibly inadvertently. However he inhibited it greatly and the only wound was a tear behind his ear where a canine might have caught and only required cleaning and bandaids to heal. There is a huge difference between what that dog did and what Micki did in a similar situation.

I would not (and they did not) put Jack down. They understood the situation, how and why it happened and in the future, playing ball - the Dad was the one who would take the ball from Jack and hand it to his nephew to throw. That dog is not going to be dangerous to anyone because he has consciencious owners and a very inhibited bite. Micki on the other hand has a history of killing a puppy, and then severely mauling a child and an owner who is clueless (she should have had her wake up call back when the puppy was killed if not earlier) keeps the dog chained in a situation where anyone can approach it. That's a dangerous combination and a dangerous dog. It's not the dog's fault, but the dog is always going to be a liability and require strict monitoring in any interactions with people.

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