Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

CaféAuLait;9036234 said:

What about the innocent puppy this same dog mauled to death in the common area where dogs and children should be safe? This dog had issues far before he nearly killed Kevin.

Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.

Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.
CaféAuLait;9036249 said:
If my dogs bite a kid they will be shot...over my dead body.

Of course, I am absolutely diligent about making sure that doesn't happen. But I know one thing, if my dog Greta had bitten a child (which she wouldn't) and they were going to take her away and put her down, I would have done ANYTHING to protect her. Anything.

People are protective over their children. Let me tell you something, if your Greta was biting my child's face off and mauling him, I can damn well guarantee Greta would be dead by my own hand, no gun would be needed. I would do ANYTHING to protect my child. Anything.

We shouldn't really use Greta as an example, she died in January and the light went out of the world as I knew it. I still have her half-sister Hannah and she is of some comfort.

But Greta would not have bitten and mauled your child. Thank God, because if so, it sounds like you would have ended up dead and I would be in prison. Because I would have never let anyone hurt her, no matter what she did.

Greta's not a very good example to use, though, because what she would more likely have done is attack the pitbull that was attacking your child and thus save your child's life. That's how Greta was.

Do you have family members in your home or close by?
CaféAuLait;9036260 said:
CaféAuLait;9036234 said:

What about the innocent puppy this same dog mauled to death in the common area where dogs and children should be safe? This dog had issues far before he nearly killed Kevin.

Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.

Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.

Looks like he is just about to growl or bark. Could be just be the picture though or he was nervous after being taken to the pound. He also doesnt look to be all pit either.
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How long have you owned pits? My neighbor has a rotty, it scares the crap out of me, it is huge. Nice as all get out, but super imposing.
CaféAuLait;9036267 said:

How long have you owned pits? My neighbor has a rotty, it scares the crap out of me, it is huge. Nice as all get out, but super imposing.

I never had a pit until i was an adult. I grew up in the hood and I thought they were vicious killers simply because of how they acted where I am from. I met a friendly one a friend of mine had and found out more about them and fell in love. So about 20 years now. I've had one Rottie and trained a few for protection work. They are great dogs if the owner understands the breed just like pits owners should.
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CaféAuLait;9036267 said:

How long have you owned pits? My neighbor has a rotty, it scares the crap out of me, it is huge. Nice as all get out, but super imposing.

I never had a pit until i was an adult. I grew up in the hood and I thought they were vicious killers simply because of how they acted where I am from. I met a friendly one a friend of mine had and found out more about them and fell in love. So about 20 years now.

There are good pits out there and it's good you were able to meet one and your past experiences not deter you from having a loving family dog.
CaféAuLait;9036249 said:
People are protective over their children. Let me tell you something, if your Greta was biting my child's face off and mauling him, I can damn well guarantee Greta would be dead by my own hand, no gun would be needed. I would do ANYTHING to protect my child. Anything.

We shouldn't really use Greta as an example, she died in January and the light went out of the world as I knew it. I still have her half-sister Hannah and she is of some comfort.

But Greta would not have bitten and mauled your child. Thank God, because if so, it sounds like you would have ended up dead and I would be in prison. Because I would have never let anyone hurt her, no matter what she did.

Greta's not a very good example to use, though, because what she would more likely have done is attack the pitbull that was attacking your child and thus save your child's life. That's how Greta was.

Do you have family members in your home or close by?

I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?
CaféAuLait;9036275 said:
CaféAuLait;9036267 said:

How long have you owned pits? My neighbor has a rotty, it scares the crap out of me, it is huge. Nice as all get out, but super imposing.

I never had a pit until i was an adult. I grew up in the hood and I thought they were vicious killers simply because of how they acted where I am from. I met a friendly one a friend of mine had and found out more about them and fell in love. So about 20 years now.

There are good pits out there and it's good you were able to meet one and your past experiences not deter you from having a loving family dog.

Best dogs in the world to me. My first one saved my daughter from a Rottie and my wife from some mentally ill person.
I missed your edit, you trained rotty a for protection work? I see you were in the military as well. Did you getting into Protection Services when in? I know a few PSB agents, Army CID, who have gotten out then went the personal protection route.
CaféAuLait;9036260 said:
CaféAuLait;9036234 said:

What about the innocent puppy this same dog mauled to death in the common area where dogs and children should be safe? This dog had issues far before he nearly killed Kevin.

Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.

Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.

No, he doesn't look too skinny in that one shot. But I've seen video of him moving around in that cage, and you can see he's pretty skinny. Peach174 posted this link earlier in this thread...of course it's kind of a biased site, but i saw for myself in the video that the dog was skinny.

Help Save Mickey - His Life Depends on Us | Life With Dogs
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

No one is blaming the child here. But the fact remains that the dog was in its own yard, chewing on a bone. The child entered the dogs territory, the dog reacted to protect itself and its home.
People cannot just march into a yard and expect a dog not to attack them.
Do you think that if a shark takes a surfer that the shark should be hunted down and killed?

If you go into another animals territory, they have every right to defend it. Simple as that.
We shouldn't really use Greta as an example, she died in January and the light went out of the world as I knew it. I still have her half-sister Hannah and she is of some comfort.

But Greta would not have bitten and mauled your child. Thank God, because if so, it sounds like you would have ended up dead and I would be in prison. Because I would have never let anyone hurt her, no matter what she did.

Greta's not a very good example to use, though, because what she would more likely have done is attack the pitbull that was attacking your child and thus save your child's life. That's how Greta was.

Do you have family members in your home or close by?

I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?

Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.
CaféAuLait;9036282 said:
I missed your edit, you trained rotty a for protection work? I see you were in the military as well. Did you getting into Protection Services when in? I know a few PSB agents, Army CID, who have gotten out then went the personal protection route.

No I picked it up purely by accident. Was walking my pit by a park and saw this guy training a clients dog. I watched and talked to the guy afterwards and started working with him in my spare time.
CaféAuLait;9036260 said:
Yes, the dog had issues! He was chained up, negected and starving! I noticed how skinny he was in one of the pictures, and then read that he was in fact scrawny.

It's whoever tied that dog out in the common area that is to be blamed. How freaking stupid is that, to half-starve a pitbull and then tie him out in a common area? Oh, and give him a bone. Can you imagine how important that bone was to that poor dog. And then someone comes and takes it out of his mouth?

And then after the dog kills a puppy, they continue to leave him tied out in the common area?

Sounds like some PEOPLE need to be sued, not a dog needs to be killed.

Scrawny does not mean starving. Here is a pic of Mickey right after the mauling.


That dog is not a starving dog.

No, he doesn't look too skinny in that one shot. But I've seen video of him moving around in that cage, and you can see he's pretty skinny. Peach174 posted this link earlier in this thread...of course it's kind of a biased site, but i saw for myself in the video that the dog was skinny.

Help Save Mickey - His Life Depends on Us | Life With Dogs

To be honest with you, I don't trust a word that sites says. It says the dog was in his YARD and on his on property. He was not, he was in a common area where other dogs have been killed by him and children attacked. It also does not bother to mention he killed that German shepherd puppy as well a bit before attacking Kevin It's a pro Mickey site, glossing over the facts. They say his bones were showing and every pic I see he looks just fine.
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So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

No one is blaming the child here. But the fact remains that the dog was in its own yard, chewing on a bone. The child entered the dogs territory, the dog reacted to protect itself and its home.
People cannot just march into a yard and expect a dog not to attack them.
Do you think that if a shark takes a surfer that the shark should be hunted down and killed?

If you go into another animals territory, they have every right to defend it. Simple as that.

Yes, the child was being blamed along with his mom for being from Guatemala, because Koosh read people from Guatemala ignore dogs. No facts about this poor woman and her son, but just assumptions.
CaféAuLait;9036282 said:
I missed your edit, you trained rotty a for protection work? I see you were in the military as well. Did you getting into Protection Services when in? I know a few PSB agents, Army CID, who have gotten out then went the personal protection route.

No I picked it up purely by accident. Was walking my pit by a park and saw this guy training a clients dog. I watched and talked to the guy afterwards and started working with him in my spare time.

That's cool, pure chance meeting can turn out to be some of the best.
Do you have family members in your home or close by?

I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?

Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.

Well, I still don't get the pertinence, but yes, I have people. Quite a lot of them feel the same way I do about animals, by the way.

Although when my sister's Rotweiller bit her granddaughter, my sister's husband immediately took the dog out back and shot him. I guess y'all approve of that, huh?

Then they sit around and talk about that dog and how much they loved him, and I'm like "yeah, right." You loved him so much, but there was no other solution but to drag him out back and shoot him. :doubt: I guess their definition of "love" is a little different than mine.
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I guess I don't get the pertinence of that question...?

Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.

Well, I still don't get the pertinence, but yes, I have people. Quite a lot of them feel the same way I do about animals, by the way.

Although when my sister's Rotweiller bit her granddaughter, my sister's husband immediately took the dog out back and shot him. I guess y'all approve of that, huh?

Then they sit around and talk about that dog and how much they loved him, and I'm like "yeah, right." You loved him so much, but there was no other solution but to drag him out back and shoot him. :doubt:

There is a difference to me between being bit by a dog and being mauled by a dog. I've been bit by dogs when I was kid. Bit my hand, I'm fine. Mauled is a different story.
CaféAuLait;9036312 said:
OMG "It's almost like karma." Are you serious? Shame, shame, shame on you. You and Noomi need to be sent to some kind of camp to get in touch with your humanity. Stop blaming the victim. Stop putting dogs before innocent little children. No matter what, no matter how, no matter why....this innocent little child was mauled by a vicious dog and will be maimed and tramatized for life. The effing dog is a threat to other animals and to humans. It needs to be put down. No ifs, no ands, no buts.

No one is blaming the child here. But the fact remains that the dog was in its own yard, chewing on a bone. The child entered the dogs territory, the dog reacted to protect itself and its home.
People cannot just march into a yard and expect a dog not to attack them.
Do you think that if a shark takes a surfer that the shark should be hunted down and killed?

If you go into another animals territory, they have every right to defend it. Simple as that.

Yes, the child was being blamed along with his mom for being from Guatemala, because Koosh read people from Guatemala ignore dogs. No facts about this poor woman and her son, but just assumptions.

What you call "assumptions" I call "putting the pieces together." Or "gaining perspective" by doing some research.
CaféAuLait;9036322 said:
Just wondering if you lived with people or had contact with people that are close to you.

Well, I still don't get the pertinence, but yes, I have people. Quite a lot of them feel the same way I do about animals, by the way.

Although when my sister's Rotweiller bit her granddaughter, my sister's husband immediately took the dog out back and shot him. I guess y'all approve of that, huh?

Then they sit around and talk about that dog and how much they loved him, and I'm like "yeah, right." You loved him so much, but there was no other solution but to drag him out back and shoot him. :doubt:

There is a difference to me between being bit by a dog and being mauled by a dog. I've been bit by dogs when I was kid. Bit my hand, I'm fine. Mauled is a different story.

Well, he bit her in the mouth and there was a lot of blood, and they went berzerk. This particular granddaughter is spoiled rotten and doted upon. They had to medivac her out because they live in a small rural Alaska town. I think there was something odd, like when they got her to the doctor, there was some question about whether the dog really bit her. I mean if a Rotweiller really hauled off and bit a little girl in the face the damage would be worse. I suspect that she was flailing around and slammed her mouth into his teeth. And so the poor dog gets dragged out back and shot. I always think of that kid as the one who got the dog killed.

My husband told me that when he was a kid one of their Malamutes bit him and his dad certainly didn't kill the dog. It didn't maul him, he just did something the dog didn't like and it bit him. His dad was like, oh, well, be more careful around the dog from now on, you should have known better!
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