Mom of Mauled Boy Says People More Concerned About the Dog

CaféAuLait;9035936 said:
As far as the dog was concerned, it was his yard.

The dog didn't know that it was a common area.

This is tragic...but I think the judge made the right call here.

If I was the parent, I'd want the dog dead too.

But that's an emotional response.

I wouldn't let my kids go near a dog on a chain without first consulting the owner...and neither would you.

It would be different if the dog ran out of the yard and attacked a random 4 year old at the park.

In this situation, it's just hard for me to blame the dog.

Wanting the dog dead is not her problem, ( the owner petitioned the dog be euthanized, not the mom) she is upset because more people seem to be concerned over the dog than her son. She was at work when this happened, this was not her fault. I agree with her, more people are discussing the dogs predicament than her son. Kevin will be left sightless in one eye, and food falls out of his mouth when he tries to eat because of the muscle being torn from his face. Not to mention the scaring of having had his face torn off. That is what his mother is upset about.

I agree I would not let a child around a dog without knowing it. The issue is the OWNER was sitting with the baby sitter as this happened., the child was playing as if the common area was a park. The owner should have stopped the child as well, especially since she knew it just killed a puppy.

I get what you're saying. This is very sad all around.

You stated you would (or might) be more sympathetic if the dog was in it's own yard.

My point is that a dog is going to be a dog.

It doesn't know the difference between it's yard and a common area.

The dog did exactly what a reasonable person would expect a dog on a chain in it's own yard to do.

The dog is going to act the same regardless. As far as the he is concerned, it WAS his yard.

I think that is why the plight of the dog engenders this response.

There's plenty of fault to go around, but IMO, very little falls upon the dog.

Prior, I had not seen he was acting as a dog in his yard while in the common area. Thanks for that enlightenment.

I see what you are saying though, they learn from their owners. I always hear, "there are no bad dogs, just bad owners". Dogs don't know "bad" and "good". They are animals, with instincts, hormones (we don't understand), and genetics, among other things.

All the training in the world will never take away all animals instincts, they will react no matter what, and sometimes there are dogs that are the runt of the litter that snap when touching their bowl, etc.. That might be trained away, but genetics and instinct cant be. Mickey may have been a vicious dog due to instinct/genetics, and nothing about that can be changed sometimes.

I really feel for that Mom, I want to hug her and tell her, the dog who neatly killed your son is not more important than your precious child.
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Nobody is proposing that the dog be killed because a kid took his bone.

What is being proposed is that a dog who mangled a child's face be put down. Because he's dangerous. The owner is to blame, and the baby sitter, but in the end, it's the dog that did the damage, and the dog who poses a threat.

People in this country are incredibly stupid about their dogs. They don't socialize them properly, then they cry when the dogs get in trouble. Fucking teach your dogs how to behave, or make fucking sure that they aren't going to be approached by anyone that could be hurt by them.

And don't let little kids hang out around chained dogs. It's imbecilic. Crap even if the dog hadn't bitten him, the chain alone can kill a kid.

The dog no longer poses a threat. He has no teeth and is locked up. So killing him is just kind of barbaric. And I'm not a big fan of pitbulls, but this situation was not the dog's fault. As if so often the case, it was the fault of stupid ignorant people.
It's always the fault of people, but that doesn't really help the dog. You can't just shoot people for being assholes.

I've never heard of the de-fanging thing. Do they take out all their teeth?

It's just sad all around. But people who are deal with animals have to come to terms with culling, at some point. If the dog is no longer a threat, there's no issue, really. But seriously, in the real world, outside of wherever that is, a dog bites a kid...that dogs going to be shot, probably on the site, before cops ever show up.
It's always the fault of people, but that doesn't really help the dog. You can't just shoot people for being assholes.

I've never heard of the de-fanging thing. Do they take out all their teeth?

It's just sad all around. But people who are deal with animals have to come to terms with culling, at some point. If the dog is no longer a threat, there's no issue, really. But seriously, in the real world, outside of wherever that is, a dog bites a kid...that dogs going to be shot, probably on the site, before cops ever show up.

If my dogs bite a kid they will be shot...over my dead body.

Of course, I am absolutely diligent about making sure that doesn't happen. But I know one thing, if my dog Greta had bitten a child (which she wouldn't) and they were going to take her away and put her down, I would have done ANYTHING to protect her. Anything.
It's always the fault of people, but that doesn't really help the dog. You can't just shoot people for being assholes.

I've never heard of the de-fanging thing. Do they take out all their teeth?

It's just sad all around. But people who are deal with animals have to come to terms with culling, at some point. If the dog is no longer a threat, there's no issue, really. But seriously, in the real world, outside of wherever that is, a dog bites a kid...that dogs going to be shot, probably on the site, before cops ever show up.

I looked it up. It varies by state, it can mean removal of the canines only ( upper and lower). Removal of more than just the canines, or shaving the canines and other teeth down so they are level with the other teeth and flat without any point, - Dog dentists say this could lead to pain because of nerve damage in the tooth though, so they pull them instead.
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CaféAuLait;9034615 said:
Mickey was not on his own property but the common area of the apartment complex on a 18 foot chain. That bone could have been 17 feet away from Mickey and he still could have mauled the boy, ripping off half of his face.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

The owners and the apartment complex which allowed a dog who had just mauled a puppy to death in a common area are at fault. The baby sitter as well is at fault, however the owner of the dog, whom she was visiting should have warned her the dog was vicious and had just mauled another dog to death. A vicious dog should have never been allowed on a 18 foot chain in a common area for children to wander by and get mauled.

Well I just went for this report.
Now we have two different news reports. Which one is correct?
Help Save Mickey - His Life Depends on Us | Life With Dogs
This is why we have such a problem, because of such conflicting reports.
Our news should just be news and not opinion reports.

I think USA today is more accurate and the other is a plea for the dog.
But now you see why some are for the dog also.
He was an abused and neglected dog. Which is the owners fault. The owner did not tell the babysitter, also owners fault.
You have the parents (they had to know about this dog also) who did not warn the babysitter.
Then the babysitter who was not paying attention to the kid.
The Apartment Manager should have called the animal control unit when the dog killed the puppy.
If they had done that then this kid world not have gotten mauled.
This is what happens when nobody does their jobs at taking responsibility.
Four people did not do anything about this dog and this little boy is scared and maimed for life because of it.
In my mind the details are totally and unequivocally irrelevant. At no time whatsoever is it acceptable for an animal to attack a child, period. I don’t care if the dog was on personal property or not – he is dangerous to the extent that he is willing and able to attack a child. The only way that the details matter (IMHO) would be that of who retains accountability for the attack.

I don’t want to see the animal ‘punished’ as one poster was calling for or that he should be put down because of some ‘wrong’ that was committed. The question of morality here is moot because we are speaking about an animal. He should be put down simply because he presents a danger to children.

I think there is a clear problem with values here. Some are valuing the animal beyond that of the boy – something that is completely foreign to me. The animal has value but it is FAR below that of a person and even lower than that of a child. Essentially, I don’t care about the plight of a single dog vs. that of any person.

Well, I've got news for you. You and my dog in a burning building...I'm going to get my dog out, then I'll see about helping you.

I had a dog who died this past January who was my absolute best friend. She was the light of my life. To me, her life was more valuable than most people I know. Get over it.

Ask a blind man how he feels about the dog that keeps him safe all day.
Noomi, in this country, neither dogs nor humans have the right to inflict damage upon children over a meal.

He's a dog. He's not a human. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. We destroy animals that attack children in this country. At least we did.

Bullshit laws, KG. Same here, too. People think that they can go up to a dog pull its tail and poke its eyes out, and it shouldn't attack you.

My dog has bitten me before. I made the mistake of grabbing him by his collar (he was about to knock the television over) knowing that he hates that. He turned around and took a chunk of flesh from my wrist. I will have that scar for life, yet I didn't take him to the vet and demand he be put to sleep for attacking me.

Sometimes people need to be responsible, especially when it comes to small children.

My miniature pinscher has bitten both my husband and myself. People would come to the house with kids and I'd tell them I wasn't concerned about the dobermans so much, but we'd need to really watch the kids around that damn miniature pinscher. lol

The idea of putting him to sleep because he bit us is ludicrous. He bites because he's so little and if you approach him too quickly or grab at him he feels threatened and feels the need to protect himself. I don't blame him. I've learned how to approach him properly and there are no problems. :)
CaféAuLait;9034879 said:
The 4 year old wandered into the neighbor's yard and tried to take the dogs bone away.

Where was his mother then?? She let her 4 year old wander around unsupervised and then is pissed when the boy gets hurt??

The dog did not go after the boy. The boy came into the dog's yard and tried to take his bone away. He did what most dogs will do.

It was not his mom, but a baby sitter. And this dog was on a 18 foot chain in the common area of an apartment building- not a yard, still allowed to be chained there even after mauling a puppy to death.

Judge spares controversial pit bull's life

So go after the owner of the dog. The fact that an unsupervised 4 year old tried to take a bone away from a dog is not reason enough to kill the dog.

I don't know the situation concerning the pit killing the puppy. But what happened with the 4 year old, while tragic as hell, is not justification to kill the dog.

It sure as hell IS!
It's a DOG, dammit!
Animals, that includes cute ones, endangered ones, warm blooded ones, reptiles, amphibians and kittens are ANIMALS. They do not have "rights". They do not get or deserve a "fair trial". They do not get to live out their lives at public expense.

But, I am not one bit surprised. After all, it was our beloved government that shut down the logging industry and put hundreds out of work over a friggin OWL.

My parson russell bites, and she doesn't even use her canines. And she still does damage.

I haven't found that pits as a breed are more prone to biting people....they're terriers and they act like it but in my experience their nature is to be very loving and gentle with humans (not necessarily with other dogs)...

But seriously, jack russells and parson russells...those dogs are hard wired maniacs. We're lucky they're small enough that the drugged up weirdoes haven't adopted them as a status symbol, because we would be in for a world of hurt. We are the owners who nervously cruise park parking lots in bad weather and at night, to see if there are any other dogs around...and if there aren't, we secure and double secure all accoutrements on our dogs, and take the as far away from anything resembling life as we can get it...and we return to our cars the same way.

They're insane. They're bred to hunt, they want to hunt, and though they're fascinating, they're a serious pain in the ass.
Noomi, in this country, neither dogs nor humans have the right to inflict damage upon children over a meal.

He's a dog. He's not a human. It's unfortunate, but that's the way it goes. We destroy animals that attack children in this country. At least we did.

Bullshit laws, KG. Same here, too. People think that they can go up to a dog pull its tail and poke its eyes out, and it shouldn't attack you.

My dog has bitten me before. I made the mistake of grabbing him by his collar (he was about to knock the television over) knowing that he hates that. He turned around and took a chunk of flesh from my wrist. I will have that scar for life, yet I didn't take him to the vet and demand he be put to sleep for attacking me.

Sometimes people need to be responsible, especially when it comes to small children.

Your dog bit you and he's still breathing? Please tell me he at least walks with a limp.
I love my dogs. I have 3, but none has bit me since they were puppies. The young one is proving to be a challenge, but he's just 3 months old.
Lol..Mylo bites the crap out of people and I haven't put her down. We are allowed to have dogs that have the potential to harm. But if we actually let them harm somebody, we have to do the responsible thing..whatever that may be.

We are stewards of the planet, who by our very presence and design have removed animals from the lives they are designed for. That means we're responsible for them. In the event we have animals and we can't protect innocent people from them, then it is our duty and responsibility to face the consequences...if that means destroying an animal that could hurt people, that's what we do.

But people...just...don't let your kid wander into the circle of a chained dog. Chained dogs are ALWAYS dangerous for kids. ALWAYS. I don't care what kind of dog it is.
I suspect if we had more information about the mother of this kid we would have a clue as to why people are rallying around the dog and not this mother. I suspect the mother of this kid is offended that more MONEY isn't pouring in, I suspect that's what's really bothering her. I suspect she is inclined to take a bad situation like this and try to make money from it.

I know people like that. Trash. They get themselves and their children into all kinds of trouble and then expect others to help them out.

I'm going to have to try and find a picture of her...a video of her talking would be even better. Then I'll know for sure if she's the "type" I'm thinking about. Which, as I said, will shed light on why people are rallying behind the dog.
I suspect if we had more information about the mother of this kid we would have a clue as to why people are rallying around the dog and not this mother. I suspect the mother of this kid is offended that more MONEY isn't pouring in, I suspect that's what's really bothering her. I suspect she is inclined to take a bad situation like this and try to make money from it.

I know people like that. Trash. They get themselves and their children into all kinds of trouble and then expect others to help them out.

I'm going to have to try and find a picture of her...a video of her talking would be even better. Then I'll know for sure if she's the "type" I'm thinking about. Which, as I said, will shed light on why people are rallying behind the dog.

Seriously, you're blaming the victim? Yes, Mom is a victim here too. Here she is:


It's beyond me how you say you can judge someone by how they look or sound.

She said she was upset people were saying "this poor dog won't ever see the light of day again" while her son will never see out of one eye again and never be able to eat normally, not to mention scars...
The thing is that this dog attacked a child. The fact it was a pitbull makes it even more of an issue because the breed is people friendly. It should be culled not place in jail for life. What in the hell is wrong with people when you start giving dogs life sentences?
So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, so she probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm. I mean, they're "just dogs," right?

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

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So the mom is from Guatemala, and I've been doing some quick reading about stray dogs in Guatemala. Apparently there are a lot of skinny, stray dogs there. People just let them breed and then fend for themselves. So that gives me a bit of an idea why this woman has so much trouble understanding why people are caring so much about this dog that bit her kid. This dog was apparently abused, too, chained up and half-starved...similar to what she's used to seeing in Guatemala, probably thinks it's just fine and dandy...the norm.

It's almost like Karma...if she had cared about that chained up dog and maybe complained to the authorities about the conditions under which the dog was being kept...maybe the dog would have been rescued and wouldn't even have been there chained up, chewing on his bone, starving to death when her kid came along and took the bone out of his mouth. Maybe if she didn't think dogs were "just dogs," undeserving of mercy, this would never have happened.

Wow you are blaming the victim, Mom, who wasn't even there! The boy was with his baby sitter, visiting the dog owner, who was sitting outside in the common area when the boy was mauled, in the common area of the apartments.

The dog already mauled a puppy to death, who dared to walk by in the COMMON area of the apartments and a month or so later nearly killed Kevin. Wow.
Jeez, I see a dog chained up, half-starved with its ribs sticking out and I'm on the phone to Animal Control right away. But I guess we have a different culture here than Guatemala. Perhaps the area where this occurred was kind of like "Little Guatemala" and that's why no one complained to the authorities about the plight of this dog.

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