Mom: Southwest Airlines agent mocked 5-year-old girl's name 'Abcde'...they apologized

Egotistical fathers cruelly condemn their sons for a life time being a 'junior' by giving them their own name.
That is why I gave my son a different middle name
Mocking a child is never the right thing to do.

It’s one thing to be amused by the spelling of the name. It’s another to be so unprofessional as to post about it on social media.

The agent shouldn’t necessarily be fired but she should face disciplinary action.
Laughing at a funny name is a natural reaction and the blame rests with the mother

Should not have been posted
While mocking children is generally considered in poor taste, lots of people on social media aren't particularly sympathetic to the family, who chose to name their child a five-letter sequence that is also the first five letters of the alphabet.

How uncommon is the name, though? Turns out it's not even one in a million.

There are, at minimum 373 women and girls named Abcde in the US. There are probably closer to 400.
Airline 'sorry' for mocking girl's name

Southwest Airlines apologises for mocking girl's name"

Usually when you see something about a US airline in the news, it's them doing something stupid.

This time I feel it's justified.

Southwest Airlines has apologised after a member of its staff mocked a five-year-old girl's name.

Traci Redford and her daughter, Abcde (pronounced ab-si-dee), were en route home to El Paso, Texas, from California's John Wayne Airport when the incident occurred.

Right..... here's the deal.

1) ce and ci can be pronounced like se and si. This comes from Latin via French via the 1066 Battle of Hastings and William the Conquerer taking over. Any Spanish speakers will know that ce and ci change to become soft sounds.

2) c+ consonant is ALWAYS a K sound.

So, her parents are dumb as hell thinking their daughter is ab-si-dee, when in fact she's abk-dee at the very best.

3) If I saw that, there's no way in hell I wouldn't be splashing it all over the internet.

I can't wait for Chlamydia to board that airline.
Parents who give their kids funny names should not be offended if people laugh

Someone summed up this situation perfectly: "If you have to say "my child's name is "X", it's pronounced "Y"" then you don't have a leg to stand on when someone either mixes it up or makes fun of it.

You mean like Siobahn? (shi-VAHN) Or Guenhwyvar? (GWEN-i-veer) Possibly Sean? Maybe Aoife? (EVE) Perhaps Saoirse? (SEER-sha) Or Nguyen? (NIM)

And yes, I have known people with all these names.

Yes. if they mix it up, you don't get to be mad at them.
The poor little girl better get used to being mocked

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