Moms are turning to crowdfunding to help pay for maternity leave

Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

However, there ARE exceptions Arianrhod. One of the reasons that I spent 20 years in the military was for the benefits. Full medical, dental and vision for both me and my family, as well as 12 weeks maternity leave for women, 6 weeks maternity leave for men every time they have a child, and 30 days paid vacation per year for everyone.

When I finally retired, I saw how badly the civilian sector gets boned when it comes to benefits.

B-b-but you were working for the government, i.e. the "enemy" (or so it apparently has been since January '09, but not before, especially when the Great God Reagan - all glory to his name - was in charge). ;)
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

However, there ARE exceptions Arianrhod. One of the reasons that I spent 20 years in the military was for the benefits. Full medical, dental and vision for both me and my family, as well as 12 weeks maternity leave for women, 6 weeks maternity leave for men every time they have a child, and 30 days paid vacation per year for everyone.

When I finally retired, I saw how badly the civilian sector gets boned when it comes to benefits.

B-b-but you were working for the government, i.e. the "enemy" (or so it apparently has been since January '09, but not before, especially when the Great God Reagan - all glory to his name - was in charge). ;)

I served from 1982 until 2002, and yes, I served when Reagan was in office.

He was a shitty president, and damn near broke the Navy with his 500 ship Navy idea.
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

So you can't imagine such a thing? What's wrong with employees taking the jobs that suite their needs? Why is it any of your business how someone else is compensated by an employer? Is there any limit to your desire to control others?

I've never been to the executive suite. I have no power to control others. You, on the other hand, seem to have a serf's adulation of the master class.

Based on what you post here, your entire political ideology hinges on authoritarian state power. It's behind every policy you support. You may have no personal power to control others, but you are fluffing for those who do, those who want even more.
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

So you can't imagine such a thing? What's wrong with employees taking the jobs that suite their needs? Why is it any of your business how someone else is compensated by an employer? Is there any limit to your desire to control others?

I've never been to the executive suite. I have no power to control others. You, on the other hand, seem to have a serf's adulation of the master class.

Based on what you post here, your entire political ideology hinges on authoritarian state power. It's behind every policy you support. You may have no personal power to control others, but you are fluffing for those who do, those who want even more.

That's adorable.
Why should a business owner or taxpayer be forced to pay for a woman to go off and have a kid? ..... :cool:

Just another example of those supporting this thinking the choice to do so belongs solely to the woman while the costs of making that choice belongs to anyone but the one that made the choice.
That is infantile thinking. We live together, as a society, in a modern joined up world, we enjoy the benefits and should share the burden.

Not at the point of a gun.
Obviously I am too much of a "libtard" to own a gun.

You're too stupid to own a gun. This would be you.

Tommy, have you noticed how quickly the RWs go for the personal attack when they've got nothing else? And somehow, regardless of the forum rules, they get away with it.
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

So you can't imagine such a thing? What's wrong with employees taking the jobs that suite their needs? Why is it any of your business how someone else is compensated by an employer? Is there any limit to your desire to control others?

I've never been to the executive suite. I have no power to control others. You, on the other hand, seem to have a serf's adulation of the master class.

Based on what you post here, your entire political ideology hinges on authoritarian state power. It's behind every policy you support. You may have no personal power to control others, but you are fluffing for those who do, those who want even more.

That's adorable.

Diversion. Your go to.

Do you dispute my observations? Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us? I seriously wonder what limitations you'd want (any?) on the government's power to dictate individual decisions.
Tommy, have you noticed how quickly the RWs go for the personal attack when they've got nothing else? And somehow, regardless of the forum rules, they get away with it.
I just see it as a lack of education rather than anything more significant.
Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us?

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

That you need to have that explained to you is the sad part. One has to wonder whether your Mom just plunked you in front of the TV while she spent the day on the phone or doing her nails, and that's what's missing in your life.
Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us?

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

That you need to have that explained to you is the sad part. One has to wonder whether your Mom just plunked you in front of the TV while she spent the day on the phone or doing her nails, and that's what's missing in your life.

What are you blabbering about now???
Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us?

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

That you need to have that explained to you is the sad part. One has to wonder whether your Mom just plunked you in front of the TV while she spent the day on the phone or doing her nails, and that's what's missing in your life.

What are you blabbering about now???

Do you not understand that your right to swing your arms ends where my nose begins?
Why should a business owner or taxpayer be forced to pay for a woman to go off and have a kid? ..... :cool:

Just another example of those supporting this thinking the choice to do so belongs solely to the woman while the costs of making that choice belongs to anyone but the one that made the choice.
That is infantile thinking. We live together, as a society, in a modern joined up world, we enjoy the benefits and should share the burden.

Not at the point of a gun.
Obviously I am too much of a "libtard" to own a gun.

But the government you want to enforce this will haul you away at the point of a gun if you don't comply.

Don't try to be coy.
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

So you can't imagine such a thing? What's wrong with employees taking the jobs that suite their needs? Why is it any of your business how someone else is compensated by an employer? Is there any limit to your desire to control others?

I keep telling's a constant circle.
Why should a business owner or taxpayer be forced to pay for a woman to go off and have a kid? ..... :cool:

Just another example of those supporting this thinking the choice to do so belongs solely to the woman while the costs of making that choice belongs to anyone but the one that made the choice.
That is infantile thinking. We live together, as a society, in a modern joined up world, we enjoy the benefits and should share the burden.

Not at the point of a gun.
Obviously I am too much of a "libtard" to own a gun.

But the government you want to enforce this will haul you away at the point of a gun if you don't comply.

Don't try to be coy.

When I joined this board, I assumed it was predominantly populated by Americans.

Apparently it's inhabited by posters who live in some imaginary country where they're constantly under the gun. Yet the majority are pro-gun. Go figure.
Imagine a world where employers and employees decide for themselves what's best for them.

There is such a world, in the executive suite. Below that, only with rare exception. Them that's got shall get.

So you can't imagine such a thing? What's wrong with employees taking the jobs that suite their needs? Why is it any of your business how someone else is compensated by an employer? Is there any limit to your desire to control others?

I keep telling's a constant circle.

Apparently you two inhabit the executive suite. No wonder you have no clue what goes on in the rest of the company.
Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us?

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

That you need to have that explained to you is the sad part. One has to wonder whether your Mom just plunked you in front of the TV while she spent the day on the phone or doing her nails, and that's what's missing in your life.

What are you blabbering about now???

Do you not understand that your right to swing your arms ends where my nose begins?

I don't understand why you would quote it. It has nothing at all to do with the question. I'm trying to discern if your goal is outright totalitarianism or what. I asked if you would set any limit on government's power to dictate our personal decisions. Do you know what that means? Can you answer it without diversion?
Are there any decisions you think government shouldn't be making for us?

"Your right to swing your arms ends just where the other man's nose begins."

That you need to have that explained to you is the sad part. One has to wonder whether your Mom just plunked you in front of the TV while she spent the day on the phone or doing her nails, and that's what's missing in your life.

What are you blabbering about now???

Do you not understand that your right to swing your arms ends where my nose begins?

I don't understand why you would quote it. It has nothing at all to do with the question. I'm trying to discern if your goal is outright totalitarianism or what. I asked if you would set any limit on government's power to dictate our personal decisions. Do you know what that means? Can you answer it without diversion?

I can't answer it from your perception that Gubmint Control E'thing; Gubmint BAADDDD.

It's not within my perception of the way things work in the Real World.

But I'm not a Randian, so there's that.
I'm trying to discern if your goal is outright totalitarianism or what. I asked if you would set any limit on government's power to dictate our personal decisions. Do you know what that means? Can you answer it without diversion?

I can't answer it from your perception that Gubmint Control E'thing; Gubmint BAADDDD.

It's not within my perception of the way things work in the Real World.

But I'm not a Randian, so there's that.

This is your fantasy, and has nothing at all to do with my views. I've explained this to you repeatedly, in fair detail, but you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm not sure you actually comprehend what I post.

You stick with your delusion, if that's your preference. But it makes it even harder to take anything you say seriously.
I'm trying to discern if your goal is outright totalitarianism or what. I asked if you would set any limit on government's power to dictate our personal decisions. Do you know what that means? Can you answer it without diversion?

I can't answer it from your perception that Gubmint Control E'thing; Gubmint BAADDDD.

It's not within my perception of the way things work in the Real World.

But I'm not a Randian, so there's that.

This is your fantasy, and has nothing at all to do with my views. I've explained this to you repeatedly, in fair detail, but you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm not sure you actually comprehend what I post.

You stick with your delusion, if that's your preference. But it makes it even harder to take anything you say seriously.

Okay, then. Take Sun Devil's advice and IGNORE me (he really, really, really needs your attention) so I can converse with the adults. I can't help thinking of John Rogers' quote about Rand:

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."
I'm trying to discern if your goal is outright totalitarianism or what. I asked if you would set any limit on government's power to dictate our personal decisions. Do you know what that means? Can you answer it without diversion?

I can't answer it from your perception that Gubmint Control E'thing; Gubmint BAADDDD.

It's not within my perception of the way things work in the Real World.

But I'm not a Randian, so there's that.

This is your fantasy, and has nothing at all to do with my views. I've explained this to you repeatedly, in fair detail, but you refuse to acknowledge it. I'm not sure you actually comprehend what I post.

You stick with your delusion, if that's your preference. But it makes it even harder to take anything you say seriously.

Okay, then. Take Sun Devil's advice and IGNORE me (he really, really, really needs your attention) so I can converse with the adults. I can't help thinking of John Rogers' quote about Rand:

“There are two novels that can change a bookish fourteen-year old’s life: The Lord of the Rings and Atlas Shrugged. One is a childish fantasy that often engenders a lifelong obsession with its unbelievable heroes, leading to an emotionally stunted, socially crippled adulthood, unable to deal with the real world. The other, of course, involves orcs."

Why do you keep quoting Rand, or stuff about Rand, to me? Who cares? Can you ever focus on the conversation in front of you?

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