Monday pro-Trump rallies a massive flop as event photos show tiny crowds

President Donald Trump last week called on his supporters to hold massive rallies on his behalf, and on Monday some of them did their best to meet his demands
However, although Trump predicted that pro-Trump rallies would be the “biggest of them all,” photos from around the country show sparsely attended events that at most show a couple hundred people in a given location.

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Toronto Star reporter Daniel Dale posted some photos that he’s seen around Twitter that show tiny crowds at assorted Trump rallies. Dale notes that pro-Trump news website Breitbart predicted the events would be “massive.
Yeah and you know what else seems to be suspiciously missing, there is nothing burning down, none of the local business's are being looted, and where the hell are all of the cops dressed in full riot gear ?
Oh wait I got confused for a second this wasn't some left wing progressive riot... I mean rally.
He isn't attacking the legitimacy of their views, he is trying to help them get their own heads out of their asses.
Assuming their heads are in their asses is delegitmising their views.

Calling the media the enemy isn't against american values, considering that when the media takes sides there is a long history of antagonism between partisan media and the government. And our media is partisan, despite its protests and whining.
Freedom of the press is a core American value. When you declare the press the enemy, you are declaring that American value the enemy.

There are a lot of people who support much smaller government at the federal level. Support of smaller, controlled federal government is called federalism, and is one of the original political positions during this countries founding.
The problem is, those same people who say they support a smaller government, are really referring to deregulation so corporate America can reap in more profits at the expense of average Americans. Those very same people are more than willing to give the Pentagon $5 trillion to go bomb brown people. Yeah, they support small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want government all up in her vagina.

Yes, people are hating on trump to get their ya-ya's out, if they just opposed him politically they could easily do that without the vitriol we are seeing, towards Trump himself and his supporters.
They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls.

Don't talk to me about "vitriol". The right takes the cake on that one. How much vitriol did the right spew at Obama?

Very FEW people would vote based on the abortion issue. Is that one of your main voting issues?
Tuesday November 8th pro Hillary rallies a massive flop.

Just sayin
isnt it too cold to go outside? just wait till spring comes, then we will have the usual 25,000 Trump Crowds,,,and Hillary will have her usual crowds of 142 bored teen agers
Very FEW people would vote based on the abortion issue. Is that one of your main voting issues?
Abortion is not an issue in my world. I don't have babies. It's not my call. It's not my dance. I have no opinion on abortion.
Trump supporters tend to be WORKERS not welfare bums that voted for Clinton and Sanders
Yes, none of the fast food workers were there.
Why did Trump suggest the rallies then? He must be quite out of step with his supporters.
Face it, they are all pretty much the same when it comes to that kind of stuff. They are going to do favors for their highest campaign donors, cronyism, etc. That is the way it has been going for years and years and years. This is WHY people voted for Donald Trump. Because they figure he is already a billionaire and can't be bought by the highest bidder such as say . . . Hillary Clinton.
He isn't attacking the legitimacy of their views, he is trying to help them get their own heads out of their asses.
Assuming their heads are in their asses is delegitmising their views.

Calling the media the enemy isn't against american values, considering that when the media takes sides there is a long history of antagonism between partisan media and the government. And our media is partisan, despite its protests and whining.
Freedom of the press is a core American value. When you declare the press the enemy, you are declaring that American value the enemy.

There are a lot of people who support much smaller government at the federal level. Support of smaller, controlled federal government is called federalism, and is one of the original political positions during this countries founding.
The problem is, those same people who say they support a smaller government, are really referring to deregulation so corporate America can reap in more profits at the expense of average Americans. Those very same people are more than willing to give the Pentagon $5 trillion to go bomb brown people. Yeah, they support small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want government all up in her vagina.

Yes, people are hating on trump to get their ya-ya's out, if they just opposed him politically they could easily do that without the vitriol we are seeing, towards Trump himself and his supporters.
They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls.

Don't talk to me about "vitriol". The right takes the cake on that one. How much vitriol did the right spew at Obama?

He actually probably agrees with them politically, it's their method he is trying to critique.

Again, there is a difference between name calling with the press and suppressing it. The press used to be proudly partisan, and the government had an antagonistic relationship with press that was on the other side. Only in this century has the "we are neutral even if we aren't" mantra become the norm for mainstream media. He isn't going after the press as a whole, he is going after the partisan press, which is of course mostly progressive these days.

Wow, so many progressive talking points in one statement. Yeesh. Less regulations means more $$ for actually producing the product the company offers, less overhead, and more $$ for stockholders, which considering pensions and 401k's is a lot of people not exactly among the hoi poloi. Defense is a federally mandated sphere. and right now we are mostly bombing off-white people. And saying abortion is a problem for the States to figure out is Federalism, i.e. small FEDERAL government.

They are screaming their fool heads off, not debating, not asking actual questions, just screaming talking points trying to drown them out.

I won't talk for others, but my opposition against Obama was opposition to his policies, and progressive policies in general. I don't have to hate the guy to dislike his politics, or think he's an asshole.
yes,,,some will,,,,
Tuesday November 8th pro Hillary rallies a massive flop.

Just sayin
isnt it too cold to go outside? just wait till spring comes, then we will have the usual 25,000 Trump Crowds,,,and Hillary will have her usual crowds of 142 bored teen agers
Too cold to go outside? People who care will brave the cold.
those with the same genes are bears!,,,,I could never go out in the cold,,,my immune system cant handle the cold
Demographics, and they think humiliating and shaming people who disagree with them will allow them to have rule over the public discourse.

I think that is why they are freaking out over Trump's outreach to the Black community, and why they went nutters when Trump won the White female vote.
If Trump wanted to reach out to the black community, he wouldn't of picked a racist for Attorney General.
I'm curious of were this charge of racism comes from, oh I know it was made up. This is a typical tactic of the left charge someone with racism and the person has to go on the defensive instead of dealing with the important issues.
African-American Hill Staffer: In 20 Years Sen. Sessions Hasn't Said 'Anything Offensive or Racist'
Of course he isn't a "racist." This is the left's transparent way of trying to discredit people that they don't like. They even do it here to us nobodies. ROFL. They have lost their collective mind.
Bourdain is talking about behaviors, not infrastructure. He sees that the behaviors of the hardcore Left are repellent to many Americans, and that they are also very illiberal.

The Democrats love to launch personal insults about the intelligence of anyone who dares to disagree with them, which is terribly ironic: They don't see how they're own behaviors work against them.

The Democratic party is no longer liberal, it's "progressive", and that's not a good thing. And it has played out nationally. The "progressives" just refuse to see it.
The issue is not about left wing behavior. It's about a government that doesn't embrace American values. It's about a government that has severe ethical issues. It's about a government that is wasting so much time on what the media is saying, instead of addressing the real problems facing this nation.

As far as personal insults go, I've never seen a Democrat in Congress scream "You lie!" during a SOTU speech.

Do you think its okay for the right to constantly look at things through the prism of "us vs them", "either you're with us, or you're against us". Or the fact that they never take responsibility for the things they say or do.
Bourdain is talking about behaviors, not infrastructure. He sees that the behaviors of the hardcore Left are repellent to many Americans, and that they are also very illiberal.

The Democrats love to launch personal insults about the intelligence of anyone who dares to disagree with them, which is terribly ironic: They don't see how they're own behaviors work against them.

The Democratic party is no longer liberal, it's "progressive", and that's not a good thing. And it has played out nationally. The "progressives" just refuse to see it.
The issue is not about left wing behavior. It's about a government that doesn't embrace American values. It's about a government that has severe ethical issues. It's about a government that is wasting so much time on what the media is saying, instead of addressing the real problems facing this nation.

As far as personal insults go, I've never seen a Democrat in Congress scream "You lie!" during a SOTU speech.

Do you think its okay for the right to constantly look at things through the prism of "us vs them", "either you're with us, or you're against us". Or the fact that they never take responsibility for the things they say or do.
I know, it's all the other guys' fault.
Of course he isn't a "racist." This is the left's transparent way of trying to discredit people that they don't like. They even do it here to us nobodies. ROFL. They have lost their collective mind.
Oh really? Corretta Scott King felt he was.

When Sessions was up for a federal judgeship in 1986, Coretta Scott King — the late widow of Martin Luther King, Jr. — begged the Senate Judiciary Committee to vote against his appointment. Senators on both sides of the aisle ultimately considered him too racist for the job, based on his disparaging comments about African Americans. He reportedly said the NAACP and ACLU were “Communist-inspired” and “un-American,” called one of his black staff members “boy,” and joked that the worst thing about the KKK was its marijuana-smoking members.
He thought the worse thing about the KKK was smoking pot? You don't see that as a red flag?
He isn't attacking the legitimacy of their views, he is trying to help them get their own heads out of their asses.
Assuming their heads are in their asses is delegitmising their views.

Calling the media the enemy isn't against american values, considering that when the media takes sides there is a long history of antagonism between partisan media and the government. And our media is partisan, despite its protests and whining.
Freedom of the press is a core American value. When you declare the press the enemy, you are declaring that American value the enemy.

There are a lot of people who support much smaller government at the federal level. Support of smaller, controlled federal government is called federalism, and is one of the original political positions during this countries founding.
The problem is, those same people who say they support a smaller government, are really referring to deregulation so corporate America can reap in more profits at the expense of average Americans. Those very same people are more than willing to give the Pentagon $5 trillion to go bomb brown people. Yeah, they support small government, except when it comes to a woman's uterus. Then they want government all up in her vagina.

Yes, people are hating on trump to get their ya-ya's out, if they just opposed him politically they could easily do that without the vitriol we are seeing, towards Trump himself and his supporters.
They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls.

Don't talk to me about "vitriol". The right takes the cake on that one. How much vitriol did the right spew at Obama?

"They are opposing him politically. His own side is opposing him politically, as seen in these town halls."

That is what people like about him. He isn't in the pockets of the establishment.

By what indicator? What "establishment" republicans are opposing him? How does having over a half dozen Goldman Sachs executives in his cabinet feed into that "anti establishment" narrative?
I know, it's all the other guys' fault.
I didn't say that.

And how could you possibly throw that one out there, when I just got done agreeing with you that the left shares partial responsibility in putting Trump in office?

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