Money In Politics

The more government controls, the more it will be necessary to lobby government to get what you want. If you want business to stop spending their money trying influence government, stop trying to control those business with government.
We hear complaints from the Right all the time about how much regulations cost business and what a bad thing that is.

But the deep dark secret is that the old sclerotic businesses who own Capitol Hill want to be heavily regulated.
So they can snuff out any competition. Yes.

Oddball, give g5000 back his account and stop hacking him.
He’s always for smaller government, the problem is republicans are not. Tariffs are another problem...
Yeah, trade wars were always a left wing thing. Trump has always been a far left Democrat. I can't recall how many times I warned this forum in 2016 about that.

Trillion dollar deficits, trade wars, morally corrupt, craven. Figure it out, people!

I'm voting for Jo Jorgensen.

You're an idiot
If you want less money in politics, then you clearly and plainly need less government.
Rich individuals and corporations donate to government in order to achieve favorable tax and trade polices. Government is not the problem; rich people controlling government is the problem:

Federal Election Commission - Wikipedia

"The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency of the United States whose purpose is to enforce campaign finance law in United States federal elections.

"Created in 1974 through amendments to the Federal Election Campaign Act,[4] the commission describes its duties as 'to disclose campaign finance information, to enforce the provisions of the law such as the limits and prohibitions on contributions, and to oversee the public funding of Presidential elections.'

"The commission has not functioned since July 2020 due to lack of a quorum. In the absence of a quorum, the commission cannot vote on complaints or give guidance through advisory opinions.

"As at May 19, 2020, there were 350 outstanding matters on the agency’s enforcement docket and 227 items waiting for action"

If you eliminate the FEC, will rich people have more control over the smaller government?

Never seen anyone that hates success as much as you.
The more government controls, the more it will be necessary to lobby government to get what you want. If you want business to stop spending their money trying influence government, stop trying to control those business with government.

Si' (actually)
We hear complaints from the Right all the time about how much regulations cost business and what a bad thing that is.

But the deep dark secret is that the old sclerotic businesses who own Capitol Hill want to be heavily regulated.
So they can snuff out any competition. Yes.

Oddball, give g5000 back his account and stop hacking him.
He’s always for smaller government, the problem is republicans are not. Tariffs are another problem...
Yeah, trade wars were always a left wing thing. Trump has always been a far left Democrat. I can't recall how many times I warned this forum in 2016 about that.

Trillion dollar deficits, trade wars, morally corrupt, craven. Figure it out, people!

I'm voting for Jo Jorgensen.

You're an idiot
So am I. Idiocy is voting for a shitty candidate on purpose.
We hear complaints from the Right all the time about how much regulations cost business and what a bad thing that is.

But the deep dark secret is that the old sclerotic businesses who own Capitol Hill want to be heavily regulated.
So they can snuff out any competition. Yes.

Oddball, give g5000 back his account and stop hacking him.
He’s always for smaller government, the problem is republicans are not. Tariffs are another problem...
Yeah, trade wars were always a left wing thing. Trump has always been a far left Democrat. I can't recall how many times I warned this forum in 2016 about that.

Trillion dollar deficits, trade wars, morally corrupt, craven. Figure it out, people!

I'm voting for Jo Jorgensen.

You're an idiot
So am I. Idiocy is voting for a shitty candidate on purpose.

Its a binary choice
One team or the other team
Backing someone who isn't playing is really the epitome of idiocy.
Go to Vegas and test out your strategy.
Its a binary choice
One team or the other team

Nope. It's really not. You can vote for whoever you want.

Backing someone who isn't playing is really the epitome of idiocy.
Go to Vegas and test out your strategy.

Voting isn't Vegas, dipshit. Do you just vote for whoever is leading in the polls?
Its a binary choice
One team or the other team

Nope. It's really not. You can vote for whoever you want.

Backing someone who isn't playing is really the epitome of idiocy.
Go to Vegas and test out your strategy.

Voting isn't Vegas, dipshit. Do you just vote for whoever is leading in the polls?

Wow you're dumber than I thought.
Its a binary choice
One team or the other team

Nope. It's really not. You can vote for whoever you want.

Backing someone who isn't playing is really the epitome of idiocy.
Go to Vegas and test out your strategy.

Voting isn't Vegas, dipshit. Do you just vote for whoever is leading in the polls?

Wow you're dumber than I thought.

Why? Because I don't buy your ignorant bullshit?

Seriously, do you simply vote for whoever you think will win? That seems kind of stupid, don't ya think?
Its a binary choice
One team or the other team

Nope. It's really not. You can vote for whoever you want.

Backing someone who isn't playing is really the epitome of idiocy.
Go to Vegas and test out your strategy.

Voting isn't Vegas, dipshit. Do you just vote for whoever is leading in the polls?

Wow you're dumber than I thought.

Why? Because I don't buy your ignorant bullshit?

Seriously, do you simply vote for whoever you think will win? That seems kind of stupid, don't ya think?

Unlike you I vote for someone running
Not someone not running
See the diff?
No, that's bullshit. The more government controls, the more they will be lobbied. Go ahead and try to deny that. It will be funny.
So why not limit the power and scope of corporate lobbyists to influence public policy instead of shrinking government?

What are your thoughts on expanding SCOTUS?

"For our political economy, no issue is more consequential than the distribution and impact of corporate power.

"Historically, our country periodically has tried to redress the imbalance between organized economic power and people rights and remedies.

"From the agrarian populist revolt by the farmers in the late 19th and early 20th century, to the rise of the federal and state regulatory agencies, to the surging trade unionism, to the opening of the courts for broader non-property values to have their day, to the strengthening of civil rights and civil liberties, consumer, women’s and environmental laws and institutions, corporate power was partially disciplined by the rule of law."

Corporate Power Questions | Ralph Nader
The more government controls, the more they will be lobbied. Go ahead and try to deny that. It will be funny.
Corporate or civic, what's your choice?

Limit the power and scope of the "moneyed corporations" instead of democratic government.

Corporate Power Questions | Ralph Nader

"In 1816 Thomas Jefferson wrote: 'I hope we shall… crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.'

"Imagine his reaction to the corporate abuses of Enron Corp, HealthSouth Corp., Tyco, WorldCom or Adelphia Communications Corp to name only a few, along with the drug, tobacco, banking, insurance, chemical and other toxic industries.

"The corporate crime and greed of today tower over the abuses of the 'moneyed corporations' of Jefferson’s day.

"The economic power of giant corporations is augmented by a flood of Political Action Committee (PAC) money and other donations that shape the quality and quantity of debate in our country and consequently drive our society to imperatives that are increasingly more corporate than civic."
The more government controls, the more they will be lobbied. Go ahead and try to deny that. It will be funny.
Corporate or civic, what's your choice?

We've been over that. Neither. You're presuming a false dilemma.

Limit the power and scope of the "moneyed corporations" instead of democratic government.

Nope. Government is much more dangerous. Corporations aren't legally authorized to imprison or kill me if I defy them. Government is.
No, that's bullshit. The more government controls, the more they will be lobbied. Go ahead and try to deny that. It will be funny.
So why not limit the power and scope of corporate lobbyists to influence public policy instead of shrinking government?

Because lobbying government is an important, and legitimate right. There's no crime in, and nothing wrong with, trying to persuade your representative to see things your way.

Tell me, would you propose to ban all lobbying? Or just lobbying form corporations? Or just corporations that you think have too much money? Who gets to lobby and who doesn't? And who decides? Can they be lobbied?
But this sort of takes us away from govt supporting opaque markets so a few can pray (-: on the many.
It would appear government's support for opaque markets has been ongoing for decades?

"Wilmarth’s writing is so insightful and profound in its analysis of the similarities between the banks of the late 1920s and today that it feels like the ghost of Ferdinand Pecora might have been whispering in Wilmarth’s ear.

"Pecora was a former prosecutor from New York who was chosen to preside over much of the early 1930s Senate Banking hearings and investigations of the corrupt Wall Street structure that led to the 1929 crash and Great Depression."
New Book Proves U.S. Is Living Under a Disastrous Banking Model from a Century Ago
The more government controls, the more it will be necessary to lobby government to get what you want. If you want business to stop spending their money trying influence government, stop trying to control those business with government.
So if government stops controlling business, business will stop defrauding individuals, right? Anyone supporting democratic rule would have to support government regulating private corporations; as corporations become larger and more complex, government needs to keep pace.

Corporate Power Questions | Ralph Nader

"You will hear about Judge Barrett from several perspectives, but it is safe to assume that questions and testimony about Judge Barrett’ views on corporate power and the rule of law will be inadequate given the broad and profound impact giant corporations have on our democracy."
The more government controls, the more it will be necessary to lobby government to get what you want. If you want business to stop spending their money trying influence government, stop trying to control those business with government.
So if government stops controlling business, business will stop defrauding individuals, right?

You're implying that if government stops controlling business, fraud would be legal? Why? That's an idiotic strawman.

Anyone supporting democratic rule would have to support government regulating private corporations


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