Money In Politics

Why do you feel the Fed gives a shit about how taxes are assessed?
It's their livelihood- forever- it's their Notes we pay user fees for- it's called taxes but that is just another lie-
why do you think they don't?

it's their Notes we pay user fees for-

If you, or anyone, pays a user fee for the FRNs in your wallet, you're doing it wrong.

why do you think they don't?

Because they don't have a claim on our taxes, whether income tax, sales tax or flat tax.
Which is only a problem if the government has too much power to hand out tax and trade favors.
Which institution should decide tax and trade policies?
That and ALL the alphabet agencies should be eliminated- but that too is a pipe dream- GODvernment MUST have control of the appeasing process for it's millions of acolytes to wallow in.
Corporations will fill the vacuum that shrinking government will ensure. Do you believe that will make politics less corrupt?

Politics - Wikipedia

  • In the view of Harold Lasswell, politics is 'who gets what, when, how.'[13]
  • For David Easton, it is about 'the authoritative allocation of values for a society.'[14] To Vladimir Lenin, 'politics is the most concentrated expression of economics.'"
20 percent of all US Dollars were created in 2020, according to THE DATA

mo' money mo' problems!
If tax rates and tariff rates were very low...or flat, there would be no need to pay for favors.
Who defines "low"?
Well in the example of Trump who it appears may have been paying none or just a tiny fraction of a percent, just about any flat rate would be higher. The rate would have to bring in enough revenue to run the country without huge deficits.
If money is ultimately a method of distributing access to the real value of goods and services produced in a society and all societies naturally expand in size and complexity, doesn't an expanding government require more properly regulated revenues?,_Not_Money,_Is_Power


"The way we are taught to understand money is rooted in an outdated model that developed when virtually all money was metal and this model cannot account for the reality of money today.

"Money is not gold.

"The truth is — and always was — that money is a way to distribute access to the actual value of real goods and services and the material forces and resources used to produce them.

"The fact that the state accepts taxes in fiat paper and enforces its status as legal tender is enough to establish it as the society’s medium of exchange, despite its intrinsic valuelessness.

"In fact, this lack of value is what makes modern money more useful than gold ever was — money can be as abundant as it needs to be but gold cannot reflect that."
The rate would have to bring in enough revenue to run the country without huge deficits.
Your model is tax (or borrow) before spending.
That makes sense from the standpoint of an individual or family but it is not true for any agency which can legally create its own currency:


"The State Theory of Money

"After observing banknotes’ relation to reserves, Georg Friedrich Knapp proposed that money’s value did not result from any intrinsic value in metals but from the state’s ability to impose taxes.

"While the idea that money’s value comes from intrinsic value in its material seems to be common sense, it simply never added up to the observable reality and the state theory of money is able to explain why."
The rate would have to bring in enough revenue to run the country without huge deficits.
Your model is tax (or borrow) before spending.
That makes sense from the standpoint of an individual or family but it is not true for any agency which can legally create its own currency:


"The State Theory of Money

"After observing banknotes’ relation to reserves, Georg Friedrich Knapp proposed that money’s value did not result from any intrinsic value in metals but from the state’s ability to impose taxes.

"While the idea that money’s value comes from intrinsic value in its material seems to be common sense, it simply never added up to the observable reality and the state theory of money is able to explain why."

Your model is tax (or borrow) before spending.

The order doesn't matter.
G, what is your opinion on getting rid of the income tax completely and replacing it with a National Sales Tax?
I am in favor of the Fair Tax. Have been for a while now.
The proposed Fair Tax Act (H.R. 25/S. 18) would apply a tax, once, at the point of purchase on all new goods and services for personal consumption. The proposal also specified a monthly welfare payment for low-income earners to offset the regressive tax impact.

Eliminate all tax, eliminate the incentive.

American's should not be taxed. Foreigners should be taxed.
Money in politics? What does it really mean? Is it about lobbyists? Democrats have a gigantic propaganda source who's masthead proudly proclaims to analyze every word uttered by (only) conservatives and amazingly Media Matters is tax exempt. It's no secret that most of the mainstream media is on the left side so democrats can save a lot of advertisement and sit back. The point is, what does "money in politics" really mean?
20 percent of all US Dollars were created in 2020, according to THE DATA

mo' money mo' problems!
The amount of Federal Reserve Notes is supposed to be just above the total of the Gross National Product. That does not seem to be the case. The printing presses are rumored to be running full time and the Stock Market and anything related is buoyed by the rumored Plunge Protection Team that puts in any amount needed to keep the Stock Market from totally collapsing enough to put us into a brutal depression.
For my entire life liberals have been whining about the amount of money in politics.

At the same time, for my entire life liberals have been whining for bigger and bigger government.

Liberals cannot see that the more control government has over our lives, the more money will be spent trying to gain that control.

If you want less money in politics, then you clearly and plainly need less government.

Think about this, too: No amount of legislation and no amount of Supreme Court rulings have stopped money pouring into politics. Money always finds a way.

As government has grown, so has the amount of money spent on lobbying and campaign donations. Figure it out, people!

Yep. But there's no talking them out of it. Now they want politicians to control our health care.
Congress spends the money and the President signs the checks. We all know that don't we? The problem is in (mostly) a republican administration with a democrat majority in congress the President gets the blame for spending.
That and ALL the alphabet agencies should be eliminated- but that too is a pipe dream- GODvernment MUST have control of the appeasing process for it's millions of acolytes to wallow in.
Corporations will fill the vacuum that shrinking government will ensure. Do you believe that will make politics less corrupt?

Goddamnit I'm so fucking sick of this false equivalence. Corporations can't have you arrested. Corporations don't "fill the vacuum". They are not the same as government.
The order doesn't matter.

"It is easy to show that government spending precedes taxes.

"At the beginning of time, there are no banknotes and reserves. How can a citizen pay his or her taxes?

" By definition, the government has to spend them into existence.

"One arm of the government, the Fed, must purchase an asset from the public with either banknotes or reserves, thus giving birth to money.

"Only then are citizens able to pay Uncle Sam their dues."

Is It True That the Government Can Spend Before Taxing?
Goddamnit I'm so fucking sick of this false equivalence. Corporations can't have you arrested. Corporations don't "fill the vacuum". They are not the same as government.
Private prisons currently exist.
Private police forces are as American as White Supremacy.
Corporate courts are on the horizon.
Minimum government?
Maximum freedom.
For those who can afford it.


"In his important article, Criminal Justice, Inc., Professor John Rappaport identifies the establishment of a new and novel institution: a private company retained by retail stores to dispose of cases involving shoplifting claims.1

"Still in its infancy, this new development has spawned two private for-profit, specialist companies since 2010: the Corrective Education Company (CEC) and Turning Point Justice (TPJ).2

"CEC alone handles thousands of shoplifting cases annually,3 and if some legal technicalities are overcome, these companies may be handling significantly more in the coming years."

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