Money In Politics

A "paramilitary wing of big business" is a criminal enterprise, not law enforcement.
I agree, but Pinkerton and his Robber Baron backers had friends in high places and thousands of gun:

10 Things You May Not Know About the Pinkertons

"After Allan Pinkerton died in 1884, control of his agency fell to his two sons, Robert and William. The company continued to grow under their watch, and by the 1890s, it boasted 2,000 detectives and 30,000 reserves—more men than the standing army of the United States."
Why do you feel that?
FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK - Serving the Second District and the Nation - FEDERAL RESERVE BANK of NEW YORK
What does .org tell you about the New York Fed's owners?

Robert L. Kelly's The Federal Reserve Trilogy Uncovers the Truth behind the Fed's $30 Trillion Heist

What does .org tell you about the New York Fed's owners?

They're owned by the US government.
It's called freedom. The absence of authoritarian control. In a liberal democracy, government exists to protect our freedom to create the kind of society we want - each of in our own capacity. It's not there to decide what society should be, and then to force everyone to comply. Government should be the referee, not the coach.
If a majority of voters in a liberal democracy characterized by universal suffrage determine the kind of society they want, is government required to force an unwilling minority to comply?

Nuremberg Laws: How the Nazis Were Influenced by U.S. Jim Crow Laws - Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust and Humanity Center
You probably won't ever get over the Marxian view the economic power is coercive, and that's the core of our disagreement. "Economic coercion" is a fraud, an excuse to justify actual coercion by the state.
Without economic coercion your lifestyle and mine could not exist:

"The United States has long been able to use its dominant position in the global economy to impose extraterritorial measures as a tool of economic coercion in pursuit of its foreign policy objectives.

"Under the Trump administration, such measures have created significantly more problems for Europe than they once did, and the president’s use of economic tools has proved highly influential with both governments and commercial actors."

2020: The year of economic coercion under Trump
If a majority of voters in a liberal democracy characterized by universal suffrage determine the kind of society they want, is government required to force an unwilling minority to comply?

No. That's not the purpose of government.

Why do you always include some random picture and link in your posts, even when they're entirely irrelevant? Just curious. It's not required, you know.
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They're owned by the US government.
The New York is owned by Wall Street.


These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button

"By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 20, 2019 ~

"The New York Fed has now pumped out upwards of $3 trillion in a period of 63 days to unnamed trading houses on Wall Street to ease a liquidity crisis that has yet to be credibly explained.

"In addition, it has launched a new asset purchase program, buying up $60 billion each month in U.S. Treasury bills.

"Based on the continuing escalation of its plans, it appears to be testing the limits of what the public will tolerate.

"We thought it was time to answer the question: who exactly owns the New York Fed and its magical money spigot that can pump trillions of dollars into Wall Street at the press of a button."
Follow the money.

How are their earnings split up?
Those with the most money get more:auiqs.jpg:

"The five mega banks that are the major shareowners of the New York Fed are also supervised by the New York Fed, despite participating in the election of two-thirds of its Board of Directors.

"James Gorman, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley, currently sits on the New York Fed Board. Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, previously served two three-year terms on the Board."

These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button
Yeah. Sometimes government colludes with criminals. Point?
US Capitalism rewards those with the most money the lion's share of governmental control. Since criminal enterprises have profit margins far exceeding those of "legitimate" capitalists, it's a case where the most effective criminals will command government as opposed to cooperate in secretive or unlawful ways. Look at who's currently living in the White House as living proof.
Yeah. Sometimes government colludes with criminals. Point?
US Capitalism rewards those with the most money the lion's share of governmental control. Since criminal enterprises have profit margins far exceeding those of "legitimate" capitalists, it's a case where the most effective criminals will command government as opposed to cooperate in secretive or unlawful ways. Look at who's currently living in the White House as living proof.

I always get belly laugh from this ridiculous argument. Government is corrupt, so, duh - we need more government? How does that work, in your head?
No. That's not the purpose of government.

Who you always include some random picture and link in your posts, even when they're entirely irrelevant? Just curious. It's not required, you know.
In the mid-1960s a majority of American voters made it clear Jim Crow laws would no longer be tolerated in southern states. Was the federal government wrong to force the racist crackers to comply?
I always get belly laugh from this ridiculous argument. Government is corrupt, so, duh - we need more government? How does that work, in your head?
Government is corrupted by ridiculous amounts of private wealth distributed to a few venal individuals by markets free of any vestige of moral sentiment. The democratic solution requires government to distribute wealth and income in ways that don't produce economic inequality in the first place, and this won't be accomplished by drowning government in a bath tub while the corrupting agents remain with their fortunes in tact.

Bernie's Right: 3 Billionaires Really Do Have More Wealth Than Half of America
I always get belly laugh from this ridiculous argument. Government is corrupt, so, duh - we need more government? How does that work, in your head?
Government is corrupted by ...

.. unscrupulous politicians who use their power to attract bribes (lobbyists). And you think we should give them more power to attract more bribes. That makes no sense.
Regardless of how much gumption an entrepreneur possess, it isn't likely he or she will have as much money as a large corporation.
You do realize, I hope, that a corporation starts as 1 person with an idea- that has the gumption to pursue it-
Likely has nothing to do with anything. Gov't favoring one over another, based on political contributions, is what determines restrictions restricting competition- restricting was NOT the original intent of congress- it was to help ensure, not insure, one didn't have a legal advantage over another- restricting one over another is the polar opposite and insures failure of one and success of another- that, my dear fellow, is not "securing our Liberty" as the pre-amble states- it is both ensuring and insuring- that is NOT the gov't's role in our lives, per the pre-amble to the constitution- that weak persons are elected to office can be laid directly at the feet of NONconstitutional action(s) which run amok, beginning with the Dept of Education- moving to the abdication of responsibility with the federal reserve act- which finances ALL unconstitutional acts- and enslaves ALL who participate, though the degree of slavery is linked directly to the amount of resources available and *Tax Code* to separate citizens into "classes" which too is disgustingly blatant tyranny and oppression- the polar opposite of the original intent-

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs."
Thomas Jefferson

I suspect Jefferson was much more in tune with society than anyone in the District of Criminals will admit-
If a majority of voters in a liberal democracy characterized by universal suffrage determine the kind of society they want, is government required to force an unwilling minority to comply?
No. Our gov't requirements are pointed out in the constitution.
They're owned by the US government.
The New York is owned by Wall Street.


These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button

"By Pam Martens and Russ Martens: November 20, 2019 ~

"The New York Fed has now pumped out upwards of $3 trillion in a period of 63 days to unnamed trading houses on Wall Street to ease a liquidity crisis that has yet to be credibly explained.

"In addition, it has launched a new asset purchase program, buying up $60 billion each month in U.S. Treasury bills.

"Based on the continuing escalation of its plans, it appears to be testing the limits of what the public will tolerate.

"We thought it was time to answer the question: who exactly owns the New York Fed and its magical money spigot that can pump trillions of dollars into Wall Street at the press of a button."

The Fed makes short term loans, the Fed buys bonds and the Fed is owned by the US government.
Follow the money.

How are their earnings split up?
Those with the most money get more:auiqs.jpg:

"The five mega banks that are the major shareowners of the New York Fed are also supervised by the New York Fed, despite participating in the election of two-thirds of its Board of Directors.

"James Gorman, Chairman and CEO of Morgan Stanley, currently sits on the New York Fed Board. Jamie Dimon, Chairman and CEO of JPMorgan Chase, previously served two three-year terms on the Board."

These Are the Banks that Own the New York Fed and Its Money Button

How are their earnings split up?

Maybe Wall Street on Parade can help you out?

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