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Monica Crowley: Obama Was Never Vetted Before Attaining The Presidency In 2008

She's right and should know. I can't understand WHY the media refused to vet Obama. If they did like they attempted with Governor Palin, he would have never attained the presidency or even made it through the primaries. There is so much we don't know about Obama and his past.

Confession Washington Times Editor Obama Not Vetted Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins - Birther Report

Of course no one vetted him. He was the first AA to run for president and the media was in the tank for him.

They certainly didn't send two hundred reporters to Hawaii to dig up dirt like they did with Palin.

To bad journalism is a dying art and reporters are to busy throwing their own likes into reports.

Donald Trump sent private investigators to Hawaii and got nothing.
That was a bluff to get Obama to release his birth certificate. It worked except the birth certificate he released was a 100% forgery.

The State of Hawaii affirms that the information on it matches all their original records. Twice. So a 100% accurate forgery?

Even in birther circles, that's ludicrously stupid.
Vet - To subject to thorough examination or evaluation.

No way in hell that Obama wasn't subjected to that in 2008.

Certainly not, IMO --- he was just shooed in. Because, as Biden correctly said, he was clean and articulate. So he could be the Most Different Imaginable from Bush, and that was what was wanted.

And besides --- he was black, so no one could effectively point out the problems with him. It wasn't PC. No experience, community organizer, no real job, voted "present," only a one-term Senator --- all pretty sorry non-credentials for the job of President. Well, hopefully the country won't do that again.

Actually, he was criticized on exactly these points. And his experience was no secret to the electorate. The people didn't want an insider. So the elected someone who hadn't spent a lot of time in Washington.

The idea that Obama was 'above criticism' is revisionist nonsense. 2008 is way too recent to try that bullshit. Give it another decade or so, and you might get someone to believe it.
She's right and should know. I can't understand WHY the media refused to vet Obama. If they did like they attempted with Governor Palin, he would have never attained the presidency or even made it through the primaries. There is so much we don't know about Obama and his past.

Confession Washington Times Editor Obama Not Vetted Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins - Birther Report

Of course no one vetted him. He was the first AA to run for president and the media was in the tank for him.

I will just point out that once again you just throw out unsupported and unsubstantiated BS, and don't even pretend to address the previous unsupported and unsubstantiated BS you threw out.

Proving once again, Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

It is all they have.
She's right and should know. I can't understand WHY the media refused to vet Obama. If they did like they attempted with Governor Palin, he would have never attained the presidency or even made it through the primaries. There is so much we don't know about Obama and his past.

Confession Washington Times Editor Obama Not Vetted Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins - Birther Report

Of course no one vetted him. He was the first AA to run for president and the media was in the tank for him.

They certainly didn't send two hundred reporters to Hawaii to dig up dirt like they did with Palin.

To bad journalism is a dying art and reporters are to busy throwing their own likes into reports.

Donald Trump sent private investigators to Hawaii and got nothing.
That was a bluff to get Obama to release his birth certificate. It worked except the birth certificate he released was a 100% forgery.

So Donald Trump lied? Well not a shocker there.

Meanwhile, while Trump was busy lying to his fans.....the State of Hawaii responded, and showed what a lying idiot Trump was.

Why is this topic still a thing? Why does it matter at this point?

Because it's a constitutional eligibility problem that needs to be dealt with.

There is no constitutional eligibility problem- President Obama has been confirmed by Congress twice, and sworn in 3 times by Chief Justice Roberts.

There is a Birther idiocy problem, but luckily it is a localized infestation.
They didn't know much about Bush. And look at what he did.
Obama's life has been under a microscope. We know all about his mother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters, even neighbors. No one has been more scrutinized. The GOP is 90% white and mostly southern conservative Confederate.. Of course they hate the first black president. That's been a given since 2008 and before.
We still need to see Obama's college admissions and original 53 year old birth certificate and microfilm of it.

Why exactly do all of you racists need to see that?
YOU are the racist here.
The amusing part is you are so stupid you don't realize you are a racist.

And how is Syrius a 'racist'? Does he endorse David Duke as the OP does? Does he have an avatar of the president and first lady as monkeys?

C'mon. Lie to yourself if you want to. But don't bother lying to us.
Liberals supported senator Byrd till the day he died.

NAACP Mourns the Passing of U.S. Senator Robert Byrd Press Room NAACP

WASHINGTON, DC - The NAACP is saddened by the passing of United States Senator Robert Byrd. Byrd, the longest serving member of congress was first elected to the U.S. House from in 1952 and was elected Senator in 1958. Byrd passed away this morning at the age of 92.

"Senator Byrd reflects the transformative power of this nation," stated NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous. "Senator Byrd went from being an active member of the KKK to a being a stalwart supporter of the Civil Rights Act, the Voting Rights Act and many other pieces of seminal legislation that advanced the civil rights and liberties of our country.

"Senator Byrd came to consistently support the NAACP civil rights agenda, doing well on the NAACP Annual Civil Rights Report Card. He stood with us on many issues of crucial importance to our members from the reauthorization of the Voting Rights Act, the historic health care legislation of 2010 and his support for the Hate Crimes Prevention legislation," stated Hilary O. Shelton, Director of the NAACP Washington Bureau and Senior Vice President for Advocacy and Policy. "Senator Byrd was a master of the Senate Rules, and helped strategize passage of legislation that helped millions of Americans. He will be sorely missed."
GEE, this Limbaugh Lie again. The dishonest lying scum edited what Brokaw actually said, and these are the same worthless scum who had a shit fit over the Zimmerman edited police call.

Brokaw said CON$ERVATIVES say we know nothing about Obama!

The unedited quote:
BROKAW: "Sure, he has hit some speed bumps, and there are conservative commentators who say there is a lot about him we don't know because we haven't asked enough tough questions"
Show us where the difference or even the distinction lies...
A few words such as those in red above don't change the facts. Those facts are that Obama was not fully vetted.

Barack Obama was vetted to the same degree as every other candidate was.
Totally false. Stop lying Suranis.

Then what is McCain's kindergarten teacher's name?

Because Obama's life has been gone over with such a fine tooth comb, we can tell you that about Obama.
Okay then tell me, with a link of course.

Glad to- and afterwards you can provide us with McCain's kindergarten teacher's name- deal?
So nobody vetted Obama? Really?

So you've never heard of such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and the Birthers, and the Indonesian madras school, and Tony Rezco?

Nobody tried to scandal monger those? You people are just still sad that your fake scandals were failed smears.

Good. Obama is supposed to make you sad. That was one of the jobs he was hired to do. Crush the haters.
Wright a racist american hater, was Obama's mentor. Ayers a terrorist american hater and a good Obama friend. You're okay with it, you have no credibility.

All claims the voters heard made by you and your fellow travellers in both the 2008 and 2012 election- and dismissed- so much for not being vetted.
So nobody vetted Obama? Really?

So you've never heard of such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and the Birthers, and the Indonesian madras school, and Tony Rezco?

Nobody tried to scandal monger those? You people are just still sad that your fake scandals were failed smears.

Good. Obama is supposed to make you sad. That was one of the jobs he was hired to do. Crush the haters.
Wright a racist american hater, was Obama's mentor. Ayers a terrorist american hater and a good Obama friend. You're okay with it, you have no credibility.

All claims the voters heard made by you and your fellow travellers in both the 2008 and 2012 election- and dismissed- so much for not being vetted.
No, you were to blind to see the dumbass you were voting for and still are.
She's right and should know. I can't understand WHY the media refused to vet Obama. If they did like they attempted with Governor Palin, he would have never attained the presidency or even made it through the primaries. There is so much we don't know about Obama and his past.

Confession Washington Times Editor Obama Not Vetted Nobody Allowed Close To Obama Origins - Birther Report

Of course no one vetted him. He was the first AA to run for president and the media was in the tank for him.

I will just point out that once again you just throw out unsupported and unsubstantiated BS, and don't even pretend to address the previous unsupported and unsubstantiated BS you threw out.

Proving once again, Birthers rely upon lies, speculation and innuendo.

It is all they have.
Lets see if YOU relied on speculation and innuendo...

Regarding the then senator Barak Obama as he was being vetted, as you claim.......

1) We heard a lot about Sarah Palin and her years in school and years in the private sector.....yet none of us heard that the only private sector job Obama held following law school graduation was that with a law firm as a contract reader. He was with that firm for 3 years yet never achieved Jr. Partner or partner status. He resigned 3 years later still as a contract reader. Never promoted.

2) As a state senator, His voting record (of votes that he participated in) was 100% party line....yet he claimed to be bi-partisan and no one called him on it

3) As a US Senator, his voting record (of votes that he participated in) was 100% party line....yet he claimed to be bi-partisan and no one called him on it.

4) We heard he was unusually bright....yet no one was able to find out anything about his education years...no friends, no classmates....no one.

So his ability to govern was not vetted; his intelligence was not vetted; his bipartisanship was not vetted; his intelligence was not vetted.

So, in essence, people voted for him based on speculation and innuendo.

In other words....look in the mirror.
Show us where the difference or even the distinction lies...
A few words such as those in red above don't change the facts. Those facts are that Obama was not fully vetted.

Barack Obama was vetted to the same degree as every other candidate was.
Totally false. Stop lying Suranis.

Then what is McCain's kindergarten teacher's name?

Because Obama's life has been gone over with such a fine tooth comb, we can tell you that about Obama.
Okay then tell me, with a link of course.

Glad to- and afterwards you can provide us with McCain's kindergarten teacher's name- deal?
What did she come out or something? Cause the media would've went looking for it.
So nobody vetted Obama? Really?

So you've never heard of such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and the Birthers, and the Indonesian madras school, and Tony Rezco?

Nobody tried to scandal monger those? You people are just still sad that your fake scandals were failed smears.

Good. Obama is supposed to make you sad. That was one of the jobs he was hired to do. Crush the haters.
Wright a racist american hater, was Obama's mentor. Ayers a terrorist american hater and a good Obama friend. You're okay with it, you have no credibility.

All claims the voters heard made by you and your fellow travellers in both the 2008 and 2012 election- and dismissed- so much for not being vetted.

Yes. Dismissed...not proven wrong.

There is a difference between being dismissed and being proven wrong.

Wright IS an racist American hater. His tapes that he sells makes that clear.
Ayers admits to have been part of the group that used violence and terror to make political statements.

The fact that you dismissed those items is fine.....the fact that the media didn't think much of it is pathetic.

You can judge the character of an individual by the company he keeps.....unless he is black. Then you are a racist for questioning the company of the people around him

Why is this topic still a thing? Why does it matter at this point?

How about a strong, clear vision and plan from the GOP for the future of America?

The crazies will be bringing this up 20 years from now.
History in 20 years will show how stupid and crazy the Obama supporters are.

History shows us right now how stupid and crazy you sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome are.
No, actually history will show how traitorous Obama is, and how stupid his supporters are.
So nobody vetted Obama? Really?

So you've never heard of such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and the Birthers, and the Indonesian madras school, and Tony Rezco?

Nobody tried to scandal monger those? You people are just still sad that your fake scandals were failed smears.

Good. Obama is supposed to make you sad. That was one of the jobs he was hired to do. Crush the haters.
Wright a racist american hater, was Obama's mentor. Ayers a terrorist american hater and a good Obama friend. You're okay with it, you have no credibility.

All claims the voters heard made by you and your fellow travellers in both the 2008 and 2012 election- and dismissed- so much for not being vetted.
No, you were to blind to see the dumbass you were voting for and still are.

The majority of voters in both elections disagreed with you. And ignored your lies, speculation and innuendo.

Why is this topic still a thing? Why does it matter at this point?

How about a strong, clear vision and plan from the GOP for the future of America?

The crazies will be bringing this up 20 years from now.
History in 20 years will show how stupid and crazy the Obama supporters are.

History shows us right now how stupid and crazy you sufferers of Obama Derangement Syndrome are.
the fact that you just made that statement shows all of us you have no idea what it means when someone says "history will show"
So nobody vetted Obama? Really?

So you've never heard of such as Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and the Birthers, and the Indonesian madras school, and Tony Rezco?

Nobody tried to scandal monger those? You people are just still sad that your fake scandals were failed smears.

Good. Obama is supposed to make you sad. That was one of the jobs he was hired to do. Crush the haters.
Wright a racist american hater, was Obama's mentor. Ayers a terrorist american hater and a good Obama friend. You're okay with it, you have no credibility.

All claims the voters heard made by you and your fellow travellers in both the 2008 and 2012 election- and dismissed- so much for not being vetted.
No, you were to blind to see the dumbass you were voting for and still are.

The majority of voters in both elections disagreed with you. And ignored your lies, speculation and innuendo.
Curious...what was a lie?

Is Wright you average everyday pastor without questionable views?

Or is it that Ayers was a peaceful man?

Or that AYers and Obama did not have a relationship?

Which is a lie?
They didn't know much about Bush. And look at what he did.
Obama's life has been under a microscope. We know all about his mother, grandmother, aunts, uncles, half brothers and sisters, even neighbors. No one has been more scrutinized. The GOP is 90% white and mostly southern conservative Confederate.. Of course they hate the first black president. That's been a given since 2008 and before.
Calm down GOP hater. Lol sheesh.

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