Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

You don't do the grocery shopping -- do ya? Name me a Frankenfood and the list of proven ills that it causes..

"possibly other unknown consequences" just doesn't seem to frighten me enough..
Monsanto is using us as guinea pigs for their Frankenfoods. Maybe they're safe, maybe they're not, we don't know yet. But it's pretty ignorant from a noob like you to just give them a free pass and to defend food terrorists because you're such a fucking ignorant noob. You should stick to banning people for no reason, isn't that why you're here?

They have been tested repeatedly, and the only people that think they aren't safe are the anti science, anti progress loons.

We don't know the long term effects on humans, insects and the environment and we're being used as guinea pigs.
Monsanto is using us as guinea pigs for their Frankenfoods. Maybe they're safe, maybe they're not, we don't know yet. But it's pretty ignorant from a noob like you to just give them a free pass and to defend food terrorists because you're such a fucking ignorant noob. You should stick to banning people for no reason, isn't that why you're here?

They have been tested repeatedly, and the only people that think they aren't safe are the anti science, anti progress loons.

We don't know the long term effects on humans, insects and the environment and we're being used as guinea pigs.

What do you call long term? Humans have been eating GMOs for centuries.
Monsanto is using us as guinea pigs for their Frankenfoods. Maybe they're safe, maybe they're not, we don't know yet. But it's pretty ignorant from a noob like you to just give them a free pass and to defend food terrorists because you're such a fucking ignorant noob. You should stick to banning people for no reason, isn't that why you're here?

They have been tested repeatedly, and the only people that think they aren't safe are the anti science, anti progress loons.

We don't know the long term effects on humans, insects and the environment and we're being used as guinea pigs.

I don't think you can trace your idiocy to GMOs.
Monsanto is using us as guinea pigs for their Frankenfoods. Maybe they're safe, maybe they're not, we don't know yet. But it's pretty ignorant from a noob like you to just give them a free pass and to defend food terrorists because you're such a fucking ignorant noob. You should stick to banning people for no reason, isn't that why you're here?

They have been tested repeatedly, and the only people that think they aren't safe are the anti science, anti progress loons.

We don't know the long term effects on humans, insects and the environment and we're being used as guinea pigs.

Then I suggest you never eat a nectarine or red flame grapes.

I realize that you have no idea why I said that.
I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply".
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply".
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..

The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply".
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


"Bumble Bee?"


Is there a Genetically Modified Tuna?
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


"Bumble Bee?"


Is there a Genetically Modified Tuna?

I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply".
The idea is to create a monopoly on seed production and then put all small growers and farmers out of business by constantly inflating the price. This would leave corrupt corporations like Monsanto, to control global food production.

That is impossible in a free market, but feel free to continue whinging about it to show how stupid you are.
I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.

You give BillyP too much credit.
I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.

You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:
I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.

You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:

OHHHHH the irony!!!!!!!!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.

You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:

Aww...I gotta Fanboy.....:eusa_clap:

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