Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

I suggest that you guys like being food terrorist supporters, and enjoy being guinea pigs for Monsanto.

I would suggest you study the science, but that would be no different than telling a Young Earth Creationist to study the science.

In other words, you are a close minded bigot.

You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:

Thanks for making my point.
I'm not surprised that you have no faith in free market checks and balances or maybe don't know how that stuff works. But as long as there is a demand for traditional seed stocks, they will exist. HOWEVER -- if there are ADVANTAGES to Monsanto seed stocks, and the demand for heirloom seed wanes --- it's not their fault for producing a successful product.

In that case -- what SHOULD happen is a few other giants will enter the biz and give Monsanto the required competition. Farming is a competition. That's what makes food affordable. All this noble pitchforking and organic labor/cost intensive production is only available to folks with excess grocery money..

First thing ya gotz to do is realize that Monsanto AIN'T the only game in town and you need to know how behind the times this argument really is..


"Bumble Bee?"


Is there a Genetically Modified Tuna?


OK --- I had to figure that out. Wasn't gonna sleep well imaging GMO tuna in a can.
Turns out --- all major canned tuna suppliers add SOY !!! Imagine that.. And that soy is likely GMO. Now there's a conspiracy for you.. You know what soy does to your manhood dont' you ??

Check out the labeling.. Green Dreams Detroit: WHY DOES TUNA CONTAIN SOY?!

Now tell me why Morton Salt is on the list... Do they own a spice company or something ??
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"Bumble Bee?"


Is there a Genetically Modified Tuna?


OK --- I had to figure that out. Wasn't gonna sleep well imaging GMO tuna in a can.
Turns out --- all major canned tuna suppliers add SOY !!! Imagine that.. And that soy is likely GMO. Now there's a conspiracy for you.. You know what soy does to your manhood dont' you ??

Check out the labeling.. Green Dreams Detroit: WHY DOES TUNA CONTAIN SOY?!

Now tell me why Morton Salt is on the list... Do they own a spice company or something ??

It is on the list because even companies that don't produce GMOs will have to pay more to label foods.

The Foodie Farmer: The Costs of GMO Labeling
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

This OP is the Shilliest OP ever.

"They want a monopoly on life to help you" :lol::lol: "They have suicide genes in their seeds for your own good" :lol::lol:
Glyphosate has been approved by regulatory bodies worldwide and is less toxic than all the herbicides it replaced,

Liberals are stating they want to control the food source, but the truth of the matter, they just produce better products at cheaper prices. Take herbicides for example. Herbicides kill weeds. Weeds destroy crops. Monsanto's herbicide is less toxic (meaning safer), more efficient and cheaper. It increases yields at a lower and less toxic price. You would think liberals would like that.
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

This OP is the Shilliest OP ever.

"They want a monopoly on life to help you" :lol::lol: "They have suicide genes in their seeds for your own good" :lol::lol:

Suicide genes? Sounds scary.

Which Monsanto products have those?
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

This OP is the Shilliest OP ever.

"They want a monopoly on life to help you" :lol::lol: "They have suicide genes in their seeds for your own good" :lol::lol:

Suicide genes? Sounds scary.

Which Monsanto products have those?

The Suicide Seeds - TIME

Farmers pay a premium for Monsanto seeds, and to make sure they keep paying, the company requires them to sign an agreement promising not to plant seeds their crops produce. If farmers want the same bountiful harvest next year, they must return to the company for a new load of seeds.
While this arrangement makes sense for Monsanto, it works only if farmers honor it--something that's difficult to police in the U.S. and almost impossible in the developing world. Now, however, Monsanto hopes to enforce biologically what it can't enforce contractually. With the help of clever genes currently in development, future Monsanto crops may be designed with a new feature in mind: sterility. No sooner will the company's plants mature than the seeds they carry will lose the ability to reproduce.

From Monsanto's point of view, the set of new genes--which others have dubbed Terminator--is a perfectly legitimate way to protect their intellectual-property rights. Not everybody agrees. And in the 10 months since the patent for the seed-sterilizing technology was issued, Terminator has become the focus of a grass-roots protest that is spreading through the Internet like, well, wildfire.

Let the new science take hold, opponents warn darkly, and farmers could find themselves coming to Monsanto, seed cup in hand, paying whatever the company demands before they can plant that season's crop. Worse still, some doomsday scenarios suggest, pollen from Terminator plants could drift with the wind like a toxic cloud, cross with ordinary crops or wild plants, and spread from species to species until flora all around the world had been suddenly and irreversibly sterilized.

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!
Glyphosate has been approved by regulatory bodies worldwide and is less toxic than all the herbicides it replaced,

Liberals are stating they want to control the food source, but the truth of the matter, they just produce better products at cheaper prices. Take herbicides for example. Herbicides kill weeds. Weeds destroy crops. Monsanto's herbicide is less toxic (meaning safer), more efficient and cheaper. It increases yields at a lower and less toxic price. You would think liberals would like that.

Until you understand this is not a left vs right issue you will defend what you believe is your side
This OP is the Shilliest OP ever.

"They want a monopoly on life to help you" :lol::lol: "They have suicide genes in their seeds for your own good" :lol::lol:

Suicide genes? Sounds scary.

Which Monsanto products have those?

The Suicide Seeds - TIME

Farmers pay a premium for Monsanto seeds, and to make sure they keep paying, the company requires them to sign an agreement promising not to plant seeds their crops produce. If farmers want the same bountiful harvest next year, they must return to the company for a new load of seeds.
While this arrangement makes sense for Monsanto, it works only if farmers honor it--something that's difficult to police in the U.S. and almost impossible in the developing world. Now, however, Monsanto hopes to enforce biologically what it can't enforce contractually. With the help of clever genes currently in development, future Monsanto crops may be designed with a new feature in mind: sterility. No sooner will the company's plants mature than the seeds they carry will lose the ability to reproduce.

From Monsanto's point of view, the set of new genes--which others have dubbed Terminator--is a perfectly legitimate way to protect their intellectual-property rights. Not everybody agrees. And in the 10 months since the patent for the seed-sterilizing technology was issued, Terminator has become the focus of a grass-roots protest that is spreading through the Internet like, well, wildfire.

Let the new science take hold, opponents warn darkly, and farmers could find themselves coming to Monsanto, seed cup in hand, paying whatever the company demands before they can plant that season's crop. Worse still, some doomsday scenarios suggest, pollen from Terminator plants could drift with the wind like a toxic cloud, cross with ordinary crops or wild plants, and spread from species to species until flora all around the world had been suddenly and irreversibly sterilized.

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

A 15 year old article? LOL!

What product has those scary genes now?
Suicide genes? Sounds scary.

Which Monsanto products have those?

The Suicide Seeds - TIME

Farmers pay a premium for Monsanto seeds, and to make sure they keep paying, the company requires them to sign an agreement promising not to plant seeds their crops produce. If farmers want the same bountiful harvest next year, they must return to the company for a new load of seeds.
While this arrangement makes sense for Monsanto, it works only if farmers honor it--something that's difficult to police in the U.S. and almost impossible in the developing world. Now, however, Monsanto hopes to enforce biologically what it can't enforce contractually. With the help of clever genes currently in development, future Monsanto crops may be designed with a new feature in mind: sterility. No sooner will the company's plants mature than the seeds they carry will lose the ability to reproduce.

From Monsanto's point of view, the set of new genes--which others have dubbed Terminator--is a perfectly legitimate way to protect their intellectual-property rights. Not everybody agrees. And in the 10 months since the patent for the seed-sterilizing technology was issued, Terminator has become the focus of a grass-roots protest that is spreading through the Internet like, well, wildfire.

Let the new science take hold, opponents warn darkly, and farmers could find themselves coming to Monsanto, seed cup in hand, paying whatever the company demands before they can plant that season's crop. Worse still, some doomsday scenarios suggest, pollen from Terminator plants could drift with the wind like a toxic cloud, cross with ordinary crops or wild plants, and spread from species to species until flora all around the world had been suddenly and irreversibly sterilized.

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

A 15 year old article? LOL!

What product has those scary genes now?

I dont know but the tech exists. They just promised not to use it despite it being crazy profitable. The problem is when companies main goal is to profit do you trust them not to do something profitable?
The Suicide Seeds - TIME

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

A 15 year old article? LOL!

What product has those scary genes now?

I dont know but the tech exists. They just promised not to use it despite it being crazy profitable. The problem is when companies main goal is to profit do you trust them not to do something profitable?


If the main objective is to be profitable


What would be the objective of not doing something profitable?

Are you able to follow the logic?
You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:

You are ignorant, foul mouthed, opposed to science, and rude.

You voted for Obama several times, dinja?

Standard Disclaimer: I have nothing against foul mouths - but they don't couple well with stupidity.
The Suicide Seeds - TIME

And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

A 15 year old article? LOL!

What product has those scary genes now?

I dont know but the tech exists. They just promised not to use it despite it being crazy profitable. The problem is when companies main goal is to profit do you trust them not to do something profitable?

Are you under the impression that farmers normally replant seeds from the previous year's harvest?
You're a fucking idiot noob who sucks the balls of food terrorists. Well, you and that other bitter imbecile Samson. :lol:

You are ignorant, foul mouthed, opposed to science, and rude.

You voted for Obama several times, dinja?

Standard Disclaimer: I have nothing against foul mouths - but they don't couple well with stupidity.

Not opposed to science, just terrorists... and people who suck their balls.

Never voted for Obama, just so you don't make a bigger ass out of yourself. :D
And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

Welcome to 1992.

You conspiracy freaks need to try and post shit from this century - moron.

Hint: ADM got slaughtered in the courts when they tried to sue over use of patented seeds - simply put, if you don't buy their seeds, you have no contract with them. I doubt Monsanto ever brought suit - you conspiracy retards just can't keep the facts straight.
Not opposed to science, just terrorists... and people who suck their balls.

You're a fucking retard leftist - of course you hate science - that is the dogma of the ignorant left.

(BUT you worship the AGW religion!)

Never voted for Obama, just so you don't make a bigger ass out of yourself. :D

Sure sploogy, you're ignorant, uneducated, and spewing conspiracy theories - you DEFINE an Obama voter.
Not opposed to science, just terrorists... and people who suck their balls.

You're a fucking retard leftist - of course you hate science - that is the dogma of the ignorant left.

(BUT you worship the AGW religion!)

Never voted for Obama, just so you don't make a bigger ass out of yourself. :D

Sure sploogy, you're ignorant, uneducated, and spewing conspiracy theories - you DEFINE an Obama voter.

An Obama voter, you mean a winner? Twice? :D

Monsanto's a massive polluter as well as being a food terrorist.
And guess what else? Since its their patent, if the wind blows their seeds onto someone elses property guess what Monsanto does? SUE!

Welcome to 1992.

You conspiracy freaks need to try and post shit from this century - moron.

Hint: ADM got slaughtered in the courts when they tried to sue over use of patented seeds - simply put, if you don't buy their seeds, you have no contract with them. I doubt Monsanto ever brought suit - you conspiracy retards just can't keep the facts straight.

Hint: ADM got slaughtered in the courts when they tried to sue over use of patented seeds

I think most cases where they sued, it was the farmer trying to pull a fast one.

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