Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

Do you have shares in Monsanto or do you just like the term "food terrorist"? :D
Should food terrorist blow up food and create famines? Not create bigger yields and lower cost foods?

A food terrorist like Monsanto wants everyone to eat their Frankenfoods, even against their will, which will reduce the variety of foods we eat as well as possible unknown consequences from eating such Frankenfood.

You don't do the grocery shopping -- do ya? Name me a Frankenfood and the list of proven ills that it causes..

"possibly other unknown consequences" just doesn't seem to frighten me enough..
Perhaps they would have better PR if they didn't sue farmers when their intellectual property (read: airborne seeds) ended up on these farmer's property. It kinda makes you look like a bully.
Poor, poor American Farmers.

Welcome to the real world......well, not really "real." After all, how many other businesses receive as much government, assistance?

Unlike farmers, Monsanto doesn't receive a check from Uncle Sam every time there's a bump in the road. Every other business contends with rising raw material costs, but farmers are always whining away like they're the only ones that have ever experience this common business challenge.

Anyway, you don't like Monsanto seed, then don't buy it. Plant a non GMO crop.

That way he can get more government money when his crop fails.

Monsanto crop system is failing, Stine has always out-yielded Monsanto. That is why Monsanto bought seeds & germ licenses from Stine. You people are clueless.

I am not saying Monsato is the only company that sells seeds, am I? I am not defending Monsato, I am mocking all the idiots that think Monsato is the worst company in the world and thinking that the stuff they eat is not modified.

In other words, you are clueless
Perhaps they would have better PR if they didn't sue farmers when their intellectual property (read: airborne seeds) ended up on these farmer's property. It kinda makes you look like a bully.

If those farmers didn't try to grow their next crop from that intellectual property they wouldn't be going to court, would they? Not saying Mosato is right, just that, under current law, they have the upper hand. Maybe you should consider patent reform instead of blaming Monsato for what the government created with its absurd laws.
You are an idiot. Monsanto was built on government money, got huge government money & skirts mandates & laws everyone must follow. Monsanto is a Big Government Darling that Repubtards worship. Small farmers currently don't get government money. They don't want government money & certainly don't whine about it. Large corporate farms suck up any available government money to put small farmers who don't want government insurance out of business.

Monsanto did not & does not have high yield seed that solved world hunger. The high yield seeds come from Stine seed. 60% of US soybeans are from Stine Seed & Monsanto is a big Stine Seed customer. I plant Stine seed directly from Stine & not Big Government Monsanto.

Good for you.

Then why the whine-fest?

By the way, "small farmers don't receive government money?"


Since I'm certain you cannot possibly be so stupid as to never have heard of the United States Department of Agriculture, I'm guessing you threw that in for comic relief!

But I could be wrong, so here is the link to their generous Government Grant Offer


The application process, of course, is more difficult than sitting on your ass, whining about Monsanto and "Repubtards"(whatever-the-fuck that's supposed to be).

You Stupid Big Government Promoting Tit Sucking Retard - Real farmers hate subsidies. "The richest 10 percent of farm subsidy recipients take in almost three-quarters of payments." Those 10 percent are large corporations, they are not even farms or family farms. The Farm Bill subsidy system certainly suffers from rampant abuse & should be stopped.

The real winners in the subsidy explosion Monsanto, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Dreyfus, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, Potash, Deer, and Bayer.

I dont doubt you're correct as to "REAL farmers" shunning the worst of subsidy abuse.. But it's not just the list of CORPORATE tit-suckers that you produced. You can see on a map of NYCity where the checks are sent. Or Burbank/Hollywood for that matter.

But "real farmers" are still INFLUENCED highly by subsidies and tax breaks. I can see that driving thru Alabama where cotton has gotten damn scarce since the ethanol mandates ratcheted up.. Same with milk, egg, and cheese production. The economies of all those meddled markets have subsidies and govt supports all over them..
Perhaps they would have better PR if they didn't sue farmers when their intellectual property (read: airborne seeds) ended up on these farmer's property. It kinda makes you look like a bully.

If those farmers didn't try to grow their next crop from that intellectual property they wouldn't be going to court, would they? Not saying Mosato is right, just that, under current law, they have the upper hand. Maybe you should consider patent reform instead of blaming Monsato for what the government created with its absurd laws.

These farmers never asked for their harvest to contain Monsanto's intellectual property and were probably ignorant of the fact that their harvest even included GMO crops. It was Monsanto that trespassed on these farmer's property, took DNA samples and took the issue to court. They are bullies.
You are an idiot. Monsanto was built on government money, got huge government money & skirts mandates & laws everyone must follow. Monsanto is a Big Government Darling that Repubtards worship. Small farmers currently don't get government money. They don't want government money & certainly don't whine about it. Large corporate farms suck up any available government money to put small farmers who don't want government insurance out of business.

Monsanto did not & does not have high yield seed that solved world hunger. The high yield seeds come from Stine seed. 60% of US soybeans are from Stine Seed & Monsanto is a big Stine Seed customer. I plant Stine seed directly from Stine & not Big Government Monsanto.

Good for you.

Then why the whine-fest?

By the way, "small farmers don't receive government money?"


Since I'm certain you cannot possibly be so stupid as to never have heard of the United States Department of Agriculture, I'm guessing you threw that in for comic relief!

But I could be wrong, so here is the link to their generous Government Grant Offer


The application process, of course, is more difficult than sitting on your ass, whining about Monsanto and "Repubtards"(whatever-the-fuck that's supposed to be).

You Stupid Big Government Promoting Tit Sucking Retard - Real farmers hate subsidies. "The richest 10 percent of farm subsidy recipients take in almost three-quarters of payments." Those 10 percent are large corporations, they are not even farms or family farms. The Farm Bill subsidy system certainly suffers from rampant abuse & should be stopped.

The real winners in the subsidy explosion Monsanto, ADM, Bunge, Cargill, Dreyfus, DuPont, Syngenta, Dow, Potash, Deer, and Bayer.

Sounds like lots of winners; investors.


When you wanna grow up and put on your big-boy pants, you'll resolve your so-called "farmer" issues. Frankly, I don't see anyone as moronic as yourself staying in the business that long.

Until then, continue your idiotic blithering, and shitting your diapers over a reality that every other business in the USA must contend.

It is amusing for us.

All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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Perhaps they would have better PR if they didn't sue farmers when their intellectual property (read: airborne seeds) ended up on these farmer's property. It kinda makes you look like a bully.

If those farmers didn't try to grow their next crop from that intellectual property they wouldn't be going to court, would they? Not saying Mosato is right, just that, under current law, they have the upper hand. Maybe you should consider patent reform instead of blaming Monsato for what the government created with its absurd laws.

These farmers never asked for their harvest to contain Monsanto's intellectual property and were probably ignorant of the fact that their harvest even included GMO crops. It was Monsanto that trespassed on these farmer's property, took DNA samples and took the issue to court. They are bullies.


Get the fuck over yourself.

How fucking difficult is it to document what seed a farmer uses during a planting, for christ's sake?
[ame=]5 GMO Myths Busted Lies From Monsanto Now Told. Can we get our food labeled now? - YouTube[/ame]
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does not want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

What about ADM?

What about McDonalds?

What about Dow Chemical?

Perhaps it would be easier for conspiracy theory pin-heads to narrow down their list of corporations that "want to control food supply" if you listed those that did NOT want to gain market share?
5 GMO Myths Busted Lies From Monsanto Now Told. Can we get our food labeled now?

Gee a youtube video.


I thought ExxonMobil, or BP, or Wal-mart, or United Airlines were more slandered.

Nothing causes the academic community more irritation than to know that while they are paying off the student loans they needed to get a PhD in 19 Century French Romantic Poetry, others are producing goods and services that people really want and need.

Thus you'll find a pleathora of documentary films, blogs, "studies," and Special Lecture Series generated in academia attacking practically all profitable enterprises. Every industrial mishap (and they will happen despite all regulations, precautions, inspections) generates more grist for their little disgruntled ivory-towered mills. They, of course, produce nothing, including mishaps, they have few issues of their own that anyone can realistically criticise.
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices.
Bullshit! :bs1:

Monsanto does'nt want to feed the world.

They want to control the world food supply.

Big difference.

Monsanto Seeks to Control World?s Food » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

The concept of making crops herbicide resistant is done for LABOR reasons. The economics of farming is in minimization of labor. If a farmer wants to pull weeds by hand -- that's their choice. But likely, they will work harder for less profit.

I don't LIKE the idea of encouraging more herbicide use -- but I'm willing to leave it as an option. And I see NOTHING in that article that shows that this ONE FEATURE is gonna give Monsanto a lock on "the world's food supply". Unless the seed crop is BETTER in other respects such as nutrition or yield --- MANY farmers will continue to do it the "old way". It's just that they will have to compete with product brought to market with increasing lower costs and labor.

Lots of babble there for certain.. THe argument is NOT greater yield.. It's lower labor costs and the ability to EXPAND the acreage with lower costs of production. THUS "feeding the world". You don't need more yield per acre.. You simply spend less time and money per acre so that you can cultivate MORE.. And the argument that organic methods can increase yield 116% is just bunk without a matching statement of the costs involved. YIELD is not PRODUCTIVITY.

But of course, anti-science leftists don't understand the underlying economics behind their emotional arguments.
Poor, poor American Farmers.

Welcome to the real world......well, not really "real." After all, how many other businesses receive as much government, assistance?

Unlike farmers, Monsanto doesn't receive a check from Uncle Sam every time there's a bump in the road. Every other business contends with rising raw material costs, but farmers are always whining away like they're the only ones that have ever experience this common business challenge.

Anyway, you don't like Monsanto seed, then don't buy it. Plant a non GMO crop.

Not possible.

You buy Monsanto seed or you find another way to make a living.

If you farm, you use Monsanto products. Period.

If that is true, then why is there a nice large GMO free organic section in every super-market across the country?

Honestly, I've never seen "a large GMO free organic section in every supermarket across teh country".

I buy most "organic" but have never seen a sign reading "GMO free".
I'm not hearing any specifics here. Just a bitchfest about big versus small.
As Samson says, the pressure on smaller farms is an ECONOMIC one, not a criminal enterprise.
If you decide to plant HIGHER LABOR crops or LOWER YIELD crops to avoid buying Monsanto, then you have to be prepared to work harder and longer for the same market price yield..

I've stipulated that Monsanto is bullying about "theft" of proprietary product -- but other than that -- all I hear is bitching and whining about wanting to do stuff the "old way"... And in turn block any new ideas or products that make the "old way" uneconomical..

Live in an agricultural area and you'll get a whole new view of what "economy bullying" is all about.

You make it sound so benign and gentle. In reality, its the loss of everything that generations of your family has worked to build. Its the difference between making a living and being thrown off your land.

Its unthinkable that any American can defend what Monsanto has done.

Its unthinkable that some of you are on the side of big money against family farms.
Poor, poor American Farmers.

Welcome to the real world......well, not really "real." After all, how many other businesses receive as much government, assistance?

Unlike farmers, Monsanto doesn't receive a check from Uncle Sam every time there's a bump in the road. Every other business contends with rising raw material costs, but farmers are always whining away like they're the only ones that have ever experience this common business challenge.

Anyway, you don't like Monsanto seed, then don't buy it. Plant a non GMO crop.

That way he can get more government money when his crop fails.

Monsanto crop system is failing, Stine has always out-yielded Monsanto. That is why Monsanto bought seeds & germ licenses from Stine. You people are clueless.

I read this is true but Monsanto has more Repub money behind them. They WILL win and the US will lose.

KissMy - get out of farming. There's no future in it because the GOP WILL drive you out. I don't think there's any doubt of that.
Perhaps they would have better PR if they didn't sue farmers when their intellectual property (read: airborne seeds) ended up on these farmer's property. It kinda makes you look like a bully.

If those farmers didn't try to grow their next crop from that intellectual property they wouldn't be going to court, would they? Not saying Mosato is right, just that, under current law, they have the upper hand. Maybe you should consider patent reform instead of blaming Monsato for what the government created with its absurd laws.

Yeah, the wind blows and the small family farmer has to go up against the Koch brothers.

Ya wanna guess which one will keep the other tied up in court for a couple hundred years?

WHY are RWs so against small family owned farms?

Yeah, I know - because they're not owned by the god damned Kochs.

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