Monsanto - The Most Slandered Company in World History

All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

I thought ExxonMobil, or BP, or Wal-mart, or United Airlines were more slandered.

Nothing causes the academic community more irritation than to know that while they are paying off the student loans they needed to get a PhD in 19 Century French Romantic Poetry, others are producing goods and services that people really want and need.

Thus you'll find a pleathora of documentary films, blogs, "studies," and Special Lecture Series generated in academia attacking practically all profitable enterprises. Every industrial mishap (and they will happen despite all regulations, precautions, inspections) generates more grist for their little disgruntled ivory-towered mills. They, of course, produce nothing, including mishaps, they have few issues of their own that anyone can realistically criticise.
Monsanto are food terrorists. And we're the guinea pigs for their master race of food.
Interesting how big pharma has worked it's way into the agri-business.

Actually its normally all rolled up into the "Life Science Chemicals" business.

Once upon a time, chemical companies were back integrated to produce all the upstream products needed to make consumer pharmaceuticals, insecticides, herbacides, etc., which require, quite a number of complicated, multistage synthesis to manufacture the complicated molecules. Thus, if you have the pots-'n-pans to make a herbacide, then you probably have the pots-'n-pans to make a pharmaceutical, or any other "Life Science Chemical."

Now, most of these companies, including Monsanto, have spun off their basic chemical factories and businesses (Monsanto begot Solutia, Rhone-Poulenc begot Rhodia, Ciba-Geigy begot....well you get the picture). The purpose for these spin-offs was to allow investors to distinguish the rather high-risk/reward Life Science firms with the Lower Risk/Reward of very cyclical basic chemical manufacturers.

Betchya which you hadn't though it was so interesting now, dontchya.

oh hell-----money isn't all that interesting :lol:

Better Living through Chemistry !

Well, Money is the Root of All Evul.

The GMO vs. Non-GMO issue, for example.

There is nothing more pleasant for me to find than a food manufacturer that requires non-GMO raw materials in the USA. Since these products are almost impossible to find domestically (all US corn is GMO), then anyone selling non-GMO products can do so at a very nice profit margin. Of course, in Europe and Japan, the farmers are protected by their governments insistance that GMO materials cannot be imported. This protectionism makes food products much more costly than they would be if their was free-trade in GMO food-stuffs.
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Easier if one uses only Monsanto seeds and pesticides.

And, if you don't, they'll run you out of business. I saw a documentary not long ago, think it was on Pivot, showed the battle that small family farms face with Monsanto. The whole point is to break them financially and then big corps will offer them pennies on the dollar.

GMOs - great phone app called nonGMO. If there's nothing wrong with GMOs, why are they fighting truth in labeling?

Thankfully, native seeds are being saved but we've lost the battle to save the bees.

Money talks and they will surely go on winning this battle but that doesn't mean we should give up fighting them.

All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

Easier if one uses only Monsanto seeds and pesticides.

And, if you don't, they'll run you out of business. I saw a documentary not long ago, think it was on Pivot, showed the battle that small family farms face with Monsanto. The whole point is to break them financially and then big corps will offer them pennies on the dollar.

GMOs - great phone app called nonGMO. If there's nothing wrong with GMOs, why are they fighting truth in labeling?

Thankfully, native seeds are being saved but we've lost the battle to save the bees.

Money talks and they will surely go on winning this battle but that doesn't mean we should give up fighting them.

Tell you what, pull up something your app says is non GMO and I will explain to you that is lying by showing you how nothing you eat is unmodified.
All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

To a LARGE extent -- I agree.. One aspect of their persecution is the hysteria from the "anti-science" left that doesn't really understand genetic engineering and bioscience.


As is often the case, there is a nut of truth in the assault on Monsanto. Seems like the eco-nuts have a couple points -- they just mangle the explanations. Monsanto is guilty of harassing and prosecuting farmers for "theft" when traces of their product drift into their fields. And the concept of a GMO product who's main design criterion is to be resistant to the herbicides that Monsanto wants to sell --- is a pretty shifty use of GMOs..

If they are selling sterile seeds, and worried that some neighbor has 1/100 of his non-Monsanto field cross-bred by accident -- they shouldn't have the legal power to sue. I THINK this is because "cross-breeding" is the GMO nightmare for the patent holders. And they have to crush that avenue of getting around sterile seed.

I'm fine with GMO products that get proper screening and that increase yield or nutrition value. I'm NOT fine with beating up the FARMERS to pay for the development and deployment of the products. The costs of RESEEDING from scratch should be borne by the REST of the food supply chain -- not just the farmers.

If a farmer WANTS to buy a seed that increases their yield and lowers their labor costs, those excessive seed costs should be passed down the line. Perhaps with a model similiar to ASCAP licensing of music in the public spaces. That manufacturers should be licensed to use GMOs in their shelf products, and give the farmers some relief in costs.
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All you hear is how evil this company is. That they are killing off the honeybees, causing birth defects in children, creating a terminator seed to kill life and oh my favorite Monsanto is run by Jews to destroy the world (because a great conspiracy can't have anyone other than the Jews as the devil)!

Jewish conspiracy theory:,d.aWw&cad=rja

Nevertheless, the companies goal is to feed the world and reduce food prices. Yes they modify crops and cross-breed crops, but this has been done throughout history. The modify the crops to be resistant to pests, insect-ides and weeds. The modify the crops to lower the harvest time frames and increase yields.

Famine around the world is still an issue. Even a bigger issue that touches all of us is that inflation has increased food prices so much more and more of the family disposable income goes to buying food. Heck in the US food stamps are at an all time high.

Yet the company that is seeking to make farming easier, quicker and more efficient get demonized and protested unmercifully!

I'm sure the makers of agent orange have our best interest in mind.
Monsanto helps the family farmers. However, like everything big business is able to out compete the mom and pop farms. Just as the big box stores have done.

You are stupid. I am a farmer & Monsanto does not help farmers. They target farmers to maximize Monsanto's profits.
Stine produces the worlds top yielding corn & soybean seeds. Monsanto bought all of their seed patents from other producers like Stine who continues to kick their ass in crop yield.
You must be looking in a mirror.:D

The rapier wit of an 8th grader.

More impressive than I'd expected.

Because "another suckers is born every day" is soooooo witty and original? :lol:

No. Not original. But because you've failed to comprehend ts meaning which was really intended for a much wider audience, but instead regarded it as something of a personal insult, you've managed to perfectly make my point.

I could walk you through it mainly because I'm amused by how easily the notion has flown over your head that those selling non-GMO products are making a very nice profit off your obviously underdeveloped intellect, but the issue is so simple, I'm not sure you'd grasp it if you haven't already.
Monsanto helps the family farmers. However, like everything big business is able to out compete the mom and pop farms. Just as the big box stores have done.

You are stupid. I am a farmer & Monsanto does not help farmers. They target farmers to maximize Monsanto's profits.

Poor, poor American Farmers.

Welcome to the real world......well, not really "real." After all, how many other businesses receive as much government, assistance?

Unlike farmers, Monsanto doesn't receive a check from Uncle Sam every time there's a bump in the road. Every other business contends with rising raw material costs, but farmers are always whining away like they're the only ones that have ever experience this common business challenge.

Anyway, you don't like Monsanto seed, then don't buy it. Plant a non GMO crop.
The rapier wit of an 8th grader.

More impressive than I'd expected.

Because "another suckers is born every day" is soooooo witty and original? :lol:

No. Not original. But because you've failed to comprehend ts meaning which was really intended for a much wider audience, but instead regarded it as something of a personal insult, you've managed to perfectly make my point.

I could walk you through it mainly because I'm amused by how easily the notion has flown over your head that those selling non-GMO products are making a very nice profit off your obviously underdeveloped intellect, but the issue is so simple, I'm not sure you'd grasp it if you haven't already.
So Monsanto isn't making "a very nice profit" off of you? How magnanimous of them. They should register as a charity. :D

And food just comes down to price? :cuckoo:

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