Montage of Trump pretending to wave to crowds of people cheering for him that don’t exist.

No asshole, EVERYTHING I said is true. You're just dumber than shit. Get your excuses ready coward. You'll need them. Along with a lot of tissues.
Now stalking, rule breaking, mod protected faggot Clipper can try to explain why this is funny. The coward won't, being just a sock
You are full of shit, you guys have been trying every excuse in the book to explain away why trump lost and why he is a convicted felon.
You are the kind of person who eats a Snickers upside down to feel the veiny part in your tongue.
You're just a retard. Like your boyfriend Clipper. Whining that men wont let you into the women's bathroom. Appeals will get all your bullshit overturned. As you cry some more midgetus.

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