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Montana Democrats vote against bill banning sharia law, call the bill "repugnant"

It's a waste of taxpayer's money. Shariah will never be the law in America. Thenotion that Shariah law would ever take over America is not only hilarious and idiotic , but it is just downright delusional.

Also, this is Montana we're talking about here. How many Muslims even live there anyway?

Just more fear mongering by the right as usual.

Our country is majority Christian. Certain Christian groups have tried for years to get more religion into our politics and failed to pass constitutional muster. Why do these people think Sharia would some how be more successful and need a SPECIAL law?
Because you moronic lefties already violate the Constitution in favor of Islam, you allow Schools to create and maintain separate rooms for Muslim prayer while refusing to even allow Christians to use school property after school.
:link::link::link:or :up_yours:
Not gonna link to the NewYork story of a entire school district that set up private rooms for Muslims to pray during the school day and at the same time refused to allow Christian groups too use the buildings after hours that was a long time ago. Nor will I link to the story out of Texas that was recently in the press where a school allowed Muslims a prayer room also during the day.

It was easy to find: Texas High School Makes Room Available for Muslim Students to Hold Friday Prayers

How does this violate the Constitution? The students had previously been missing over an hour and a half of school on Fridays in order to go to prayers. Seems a reasonable thing for them to have done.

Oh, and this: It is used by other students as well. It's open to EVERYONE. The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers.
It's a waste of taxpayer's money. Shariah will never be the law in America. Thenotion that Shariah law would ever take over America is not only hilarious and idiotic , but it is just downright delusional.

Also, this is Montana we're talking about here. How many Muslims even live there anyway?

Just more fear mongering by the right as usual.
Keeping America from being taken over by scummy moolims is not fear mongering, it's nipping it in the bud. If you didn't hate America so much you could see that. Stop it before it gets started.
Another Trumpette ignorant bigot
Protecting oneself and country form a known threat is not bigotry.
Looks like the petition I was about to circulate proposing a law allowing the stoning of Democrats might as well be flushed down the toilet.
They do however have the right to live by their religious laws in their private lives
And that's where Sharia is practiced. Do you think Muslim women actually approve, or are they victims of cultural pressure within these "no-go" Muslim COLONIES popping up all over the country?

We have one not far from where I live in Coldwater Michigan. There's one near Binghampton, NY and one in Virginia. Sharia law IS practiced in these enclaves.
It's a waste of taxpayer's money. Shariah will never be the law in America. Thenotion that Shariah law would ever take over America is not only hilarious and idiotic , but it is just downright delusional.

Also, this is Montana we're talking about here. How many Muslims even live there anyway?

Just more fear mongering by the right as usual.

Our country is majority Christian. Certain Christian groups have tried for years to get more religion into our politics and failed to pass constitutional muster. Why do these people think Sharia would some how be more successful and need a SPECIAL law?
Because you moronic lefties already violate the Constitution in favor of Islam, you allow Schools to create and maintain separate rooms for Muslim prayer while refusing to even allow Christians to use school property after school.
:link::link::link:or :up_yours:
Not gonna link to the NewYork story of a entire school district that set up private rooms for Muslims to pray during the school day and at the same time refused to allow Christian groups too use the buildings after hours that was a long time ago. Nor will I link to the story out of Texas that was recently in the press where a school allowed Muslims a prayer room also during the day.

It was easy to find: Texas High School Makes Room Available for Muslim Students to Hold Friday Prayers

How does this violate the Constitution? The students had previously been missing over an hour and a half of school on Fridays in order to go to prayers. Seems a reasonable thing for them to have done.

Oh, and this: It is used by other students as well. It's open to EVERYONE. The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers.

I think that this is enough to drive Pat Robertson into a fit of hysteria and speaking in tongues.....
It's a waste of taxpayer's money. Shariah will never be the law in America. Thenotion that Shariah law would ever take over America is not only hilarious and idiotic , but it is just downright delusional.

Also, this is Montana we're talking about here. How many Muslims even live there anyway?

Just more fear mongering by the right as usual.

Our country is majority Christian. Certain Christian groups have tried for years to get more religion into our politics and failed to pass constitutional muster. Why do these people think Sharia would some how be more successful and need a SPECIAL law?
Because you moronic lefties already violate the Constitution in favor of Islam, you allow Schools to create and maintain separate rooms for Muslim prayer while refusing to even allow Christians to use school property after school.
:link::link::link:or :up_yours:
Not gonna link to the NewYork story of a entire school district that set up private rooms for Muslims to pray during the school day and at the same time refused to allow Christian groups too use the buildings after hours that was a long time ago. Nor will I link to the story out of Texas that was recently in the press where a school allowed Muslims a prayer room also during the day.

It was easy to find: Texas High School Makes Room Available for Muslim Students to Hold Friday Prayers

How does this violate the Constitution? The students had previously been missing over an hour and a half of school on Fridays in order to go to prayers. Seems a reasonable thing for them to have done.

Oh, and this: It is used by other students as well. It's open to EVERYONE. The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers.
There is absolutely NO requirement in Islam for Students to attend prayer during schoool hours. Pretty simple concept they should be expelled for missing to much school.
They do however have the right to live by their religious laws in their private lives
And that's where Sharia is practiced. Do you think Muslim women actually approve, or are they victims of cultural pressure within these "no-go" Muslim COLONIES popping up all over the country?

We have one not far from where I live in Coldwater Michigan. There's one near Binghampton, NY and one in Virginia. Sharia law IS practiced in these enclaves.
And Jews also practice their religious laws in their communities. Why aren't you blathering about that. The point is that religious laws are not being sanctioned or enforced by state or federal courts in the US
Our country is majority Christian. Certain Christian groups have tried for years to get more religion into our politics and failed to pass constitutional muster. Why do these people think Sharia would some how be more successful and need a SPECIAL law?
Because you moronic lefties already violate the Constitution in favor of Islam, you allow Schools to create and maintain separate rooms for Muslim prayer while refusing to even allow Christians to use school property after school.
:link::link::link:or :up_yours:
Not gonna link to the NewYork story of a entire school district that set up private rooms for Muslims to pray during the school day and at the same time refused to allow Christian groups too use the buildings after hours that was a long time ago. Nor will I link to the story out of Texas that was recently in the press where a school allowed Muslims a prayer room also during the day.

It was easy to find: Texas High School Makes Room Available for Muslim Students to Hold Friday Prayers

How does this violate the Constitution? The students had previously been missing over an hour and a half of school on Fridays in order to go to prayers. Seems a reasonable thing for them to have done.

Oh, and this: It is used by other students as well. It's open to EVERYONE. The Texas AG sued to keep a Bible quote in school. Now he’s troubled by Muslim prayers.
There is absolutely NO requirement in Islam for Students to attend prayer during schoool hours. Pretty simple concept they should be expelled for missing to much school.

But there is a set time for prayers in Islam. One in the morning, one at noon, mid afternoon, sunset and at night.
Where in the Untied States has Sharia Law even been seriously proposed? The answer is nowhere. In order for something to become a problem it actually has to exist.
Sharia Law In America — Texas, Michigan, Florida, Minnesota, California
This is just more hysterical, paranoid horseshit driven by bigotry and appealing to ignorance

As the number of court cases that involve conflicts between civil law and Sharia law rises in America, many American states have introduced bills banning the courts from accommodating Sharia law.

What court cases that involve Sharia law? Where and when has Sharia law been cited in a civil court in the US?

An increasing number of public American schools with Muslim students are holding Islamic prayers towards Mecca while public American universities continue to build Muslim-only washing facilities. In 2014, Rocky Mountain High School in Fort Collins, Colorado became the first high school to recite the Pledge of Allegiance in Arabic, replacing "One nation under God," with "One nation under Allah" (see Allah Moon God).

How is this an indication that Sharia law is being practiced in the US and being imposed on non Muslims? It is nothing more than an accomodation for a growing segment of that population that some people are threatened by. Jews and Chritians have been accommodated for a long time. Jewish and Christian holidays have long been accommodated by schools which close for them. In some communities where there is a large Indian population, Hindu holidays are observed. To fail to accommodate a religion while others are recognized is in fact a violation of the first amendment that conservatives claim to respect so much

In New Jersey and other states Good Friday and Christmas are government holidays!! While growing up in Brooklyn, having been brainwashed into believing that I was Catholic, I was whisked out of public schools every Wednesday afternoon to attend religious training at the church with the blessing of the school district. Allah is just another word for God. Does anyone really believe that there is more than one God?

In 1996, Bill Clinton became the first US president to hold an Eid al-Fitr dinner at the White House to celebrate the end of Ramadan, the Muslim month-long, dawn-to-dusk fast. Eid al-Fitr includes six Takbirs, the raising of hands and shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" to declare that Allah is "Greater" (than the God of all other religions, including Christianity - see Jesus vs. Muhammad and Halal Meat).

So what? Again, what does this have to do with Sharia Law? Do all Presidents not attend the annual national prayer breakfast which is Christian dominated. Donald Trump and his minions attened recently the value voter summit organized by the Christian religious right fanagtics. Why isn't anyone wringing their hands over that?

In 2000, the Republican National Convention became the first US presidential convention to open with a Muslim prayer to Allah, the moon god.

And that has what to doo with Sharia law. ? In anycase it would not happen now

In 2007, Quran for the first time was used to swear into office a new US Congressman, Keith Ellison (right), the former spokesperson for the Nation of Islam who now leads the Democratic National Committee (DNC) (see Bible vs. Quran and Errors in Quran).

So what? He's a Muslim. A Jew might chose the Tora. Still not Shiara law. Ellison still swore to uphold the Constitution

In 2009, Hudson County Superior Court Judge Joseph Charles Jr. ruled in S.D. v. M.J.R. that the Muslim ex-husband repeatedly had sexually assaulted his Muslim ex-wife, both before and after their divorce. Following testimony from the Muslim man's imam, however, the judge denied the ex-wife's request for a permanent restraining order against her ex-husband, citing the Muslim man's "belief" and "practices": "The court believes that [defendant] was operating under his belief that it is, as the husband, his desire to have sex when and whether he wanted to, was something that was consistent with his practices."
This case was presided over by a mysoginist, male Jude who clearly had a bias in favor of the husband. He never cited Sharia law and only made a vague reference to the mans "beliefs" He may well have done the same thing if the husband beliefs were grounded in any other rathional for abusing and controoling women. He also made a bad and biased decision regarding the restrainingh order . It was in fact over turned on appeal, but of course that is not mentioned. In no way can it be said that Sharia law prevailed.

In 2009, a Christian US soldier at Baghram Air Force Base in Afghanistan received Bibles in two local languages sent by his American church as planned. The US military confiscated those Bibles and instead of at least returning them to the church, burned them. By contrast, when Terry Jones, a pastor in Florida, announced his plan to burn a copy of the Quran in 2010, General David Petraeus, the commander of the US military in Afghanistan, publicly objected to his plan, while US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton denounced his plan as "disgraceful" (see War Against Islam).

I'm not familiar with this case but if their is any element of truth to it, it can be chalked up to just another example of people in authority make bade decisons . Clinton and Petraeus made the right decision, those who had the bible burned made the wrong decison. Still not Shiara law.

To attract and manage (Middle Eastern) Muslim wealth, an increasing number of American financial institutions are becoming Sharia-compliant. This requires donating a percentage of their annual profits to Islamic organizations designated by their Sharia-compliance advisors, many of whom are members of the Muslim Brotherhood and funnel money to Jihadi groups (the donations must go to one or more of eight recipient categories, one of which is Jihad), including Hamas and Hezbollah (see Hitler and Islam).

If true, and I don't know that it is, it is just another example of how Capitalits will get into bed with anyone, and do anything in the name of power and prfit.

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