Montana State Senator Jason Priest (R) Arrested For Suspected Assault

the right re elects people like david Vitter.

we don't re-elect our creeps


Harry Reid
Nancy Pelosi
Anthony "Carlos Danger" Weiner
Joe Biden
Jerry Brown
Barney Frank
Gerry Studds
Bill Clinton
Al Franken
Robert Byrd
John Lewis
Chuck Schumer
Maxine Waters
Alan "Die Quickly" Grayson
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Bobby "Black Panther" Rush
John Conyers
Keith Ellison
Claire McCaskill
Robert Menendez
Charlie Rangel
Patrick Leahy
Baghdad Jim McDermott
John Kerry
Teddy Kennedy

I'm sure I'm missing some.....

I figure you'll elect Hillary even though she is the meanest excuse for a woman to come to Washington in the last 70 years. It doesn't matter that she was in charge when Benghazi happened and was in Columbia when her Secret Service detachment got nailed for taking hookers to their rooms. I don't think this country can handle 16 years of Democrat rule.
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the right re elects people like david Vitter.

we don't re-elect our creeps

A close look at the career of Congressman Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. is illustrative of the phenomenon. Powell was first elected to the house from his Harlem district in 1945. In 1958, he was indicted for tax evasion but escaped the criminal charge via a hung jury. Powell was re-elected to his seat in the next election. In 1967, Congress refused to seat Powell because of his spotty attendance, but in 1969, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress could not keep him from his duly elected office. He was re-elected again in 1970. Interestingly enough, Powell's successor, Congressman Charles Rangel, was censured by the House of Representatives for failing to pay taxes and failing to disclose over a half-million dollars in assets. He also lost the chairmanship of the powerful Ways and Means Committee. This was when the house was controlled by fellow Democrats. Yet he was re-elected by the voters of his district.

When Barbara Boxer was a congresswoman from Northern California from 1983 to 1993, she was part of the House check-kiting scandal. She admitted writing 87 bad checks, according to the LA Times. According to the Sacramento Bee, on March 1, 1992, Boxer had 143 bad checks totaling $41,417. Of course, none of the checks bounced, because the House bank covered all the non-sufficient funds checks by all of the members until this public disgrace reached the press. Later, Boxer paid the bank the money she had overdrawn, plus $15 for each over draft. Because of this scandal, some 77 members of Congress either resigned or were ultimately voted out of office, most of them Democrats. The voters of California made Boxer leave her house seat by electing her to the U.S. Senate. In 2010, according to the Foundation for Ethics in Public Service, Senator Boxer failed to disclose that she was part owner, with her husband, son and daughter-in-law, of a million-dollar home in Oakland or that there was a mortgage on that property. These disclosures are required by the Senate rules. It is unlikely that these rule violations, and some possible criminal violations related to this will ever be investigated because Boxer was reelected to the Senate in 2010, where she maintains her chairmanship of the Senate Select Committee on Ethics.

In 1989, Congressman Barney Frank was the center of another public outrage when he admitted paying for sex with a male prostitute, Steve Gobie. Frank invited Gobie to move into his home, where Gobie began running his prostitution business. While a House investigation later concluded that Frank was unaware of Gobie's business at his home, he did commit a crime by paying for sex and it was also proven that Frank used his office to fix 33 of Gobie's parking tickets. Massachusetts' voter punished Frank by reelecting him by wide margins until he retired last year.

William J. Jefferson was a congressman from Louisiana from 1991 to 2009. In 2006, the FBI raided Jefferson's office, as a result of a bribery investigation, and found $90,000 in a freezer. Yet he was still reelected later that year. Jefferson was indicted in 2007 on 16 felony charges but continued to serve out his term until he was finally defeated by a Republican. He was later convicted of several of the charges and sentenced to 13 years in prison.

Florida's Democratic Congressman Alcee Hastings has served in Congress since 1992. Prior to that he was a federal judge in Florida from 1979 until he was impeached by the Democratically controlled House of Representatives in 1988 by a vote of 413 to 3 for perjury and bribery ($150,000) and convicted by the Senate in 1989. Hastings is only one of eight federal officials in U.S. history to be removed from office by the Senate. Hastings escaped a criminal conviction when his co-conspirator in the bribery case, William Borders, refused to testify. Borders also refused to testify in the impeachment proceedings and he was sent to jail in both cases. Amazingly, Borders received a full pardon by President Clinton on his last day in office. That was the same day Marc Rich, who was under indictment on federal charges of tax evasion and illegally making oil deals with Iran during the Iran hostage crisis, was pardoned. It is hardly surprising that the man who made these pardon recommendations to President Clinton was none other than an assistant attorney general at the time and a denizen of the Chicago political machine, Eric Holder.

The point is not that Republicans are completely clean in the corruption category, far from it, Renzi and California Congressman Randy Cunningham being prime examples of Republican malfeasance. But Republicans generally have the grace to resign or not run for reelection when accused or indicted, probably because they know Republican voters wouldn't vote for them. They also don't attempt to resurrect their political careers after being impeached and/or convicted. Wouldn't it be nice to see a bipartisan movement to get all of the crooks out of all levels of our government?

OOPS! Democrats guilty yet re-elected

Then add Edward Kennedy U. S. Senator from Massachusetts. Pleaded guilty to leaving the scene of an accident, after his car plunged off a bridge on Chappaquiddick Island killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne. He turned into a career politician.

Marion Barry, mayor of Washington, D.C. Convicted of cocaine possession after being caught on videotape smoking crack cocaine. Sentenced to six months in prison. Then he was re-elected by the liberal Democrats.

So TM, got anymore lies?
Obama got 4 Americans killed in Libya, one an Ambassador which hasn't happened going back until Jimmy Carter's misery era.....but in more serious news, a college student running for Student Body president and a known member of the Young Republicans stole the mascot of a nearby rival college and shaved off all its fur. Throw that college student in jail...
TM lies and gets burned in the thread, and now is in hiding! :lmao:

The left, what a silly group.

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