Moochelle: I'll never forgive Trump for endangering my family.

WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Let "us" not forget progressives make emotionally based decisions as opposed critical application. That's why they're often intellectually dishonest. Mooselle is no different.

Liberals, progressives, Democrats believe in science. You dickbags believe in Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter

Liberals believe in science? The same people that believe in order to change your gender, all you have to do is change into a dress?

You are defined more than just your genitalia. Your brain truly defines your sexuality. See that is science.

No, chromosomes are science, not deciding what sex you are because of the way you feel.

Let me ask: what if a person believes they are a Doberman Pinscher? Does that make them a canine?
Actually, Obama didn't graduate at the top of his class anywhere

We'll never know for sure.

I know that I never hid my transcripts.

I wonder why Obama, Harvard, and Occidental hid his? There must be some reason.
Name the last president who voluntarily released his college transcripts......

Bill Clinton. Yale was more than happy to provide George W. Bush's transcripts. Harvard has gone to great lengths to hide those of Obama. Bush was a C average, which I suspect is quite a bit higher than Barry obtained.
Bush did not voluntarily release his transcripts, they were leaked. I see nothing online about Clinton. And Harvard went to no trouble to “hide” Obama’s transcripts. They’re simply not available to the public.

I didn't say Bush did. I said Yale happily turned them over. Harvard, OTH has done everything possible to protect their golden boy.
No, Yale did not happily turn them over, ya fruit loop dingus. They couldn’t without his expressed consent.

Again... they were leaked out to the media.
It had nothing to do with being president. Trump wasn’t president when he said those things. It’s about not lying to impune someone because there are nuts who will believe those lies.

It does have everything to do with him being President because if he wasn't, nobody would care what Trump had to say about him.

As former first lady, she should show a little class or at the very least, think before she makes a comment like this. The only reason she singled out what Trump said was to promote hatred and nothing more. For crying out loud, the woman used her own family to do so.

For crying out loud, indeed.

The Trumpy launched his presidential campaign in large part upon the infamy he gained while peddling his to-the-bones racist birther bullshit. The Trumpy even declared victory when President Obama acquiesced and released his birth certificate. That's how much everybody cared, and how much of a splash this made.

I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but even you cannot be so boneheaded not to see that declaring a sitting president illegitimate might be seen by some crackpot "patriot" as a call to arms to rectify this monumental ill befalling the nation with a bullet or two. This is plainly, unmistakably, obviously straight-forward.

As has been said before, a hateful, resentment-driven bag of bile like you calling upon others to show "a little class", demonstrates some pretty amazing chutzpah. Turning around and accusing those whose lives were endangered to "promote hatred" beats that, and by a considerable margin.

Michelle has shown more class every day than the whole Obama-hating bunch gathering in this shithole of a resentment-venting thread, combined, and on their best of days. And that is exactly why you all hate her (and him) so much. The insult to everybody's intelligence is that you think this is any less than completely transparent. Rest assured, it isn't.
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It had nothing to do with being president. Trump wasn’t president when he said those things. It’s about not lying to impune someone because there are nuts who will believe those lies.

It does have everything to do with him being President because if he wasn't, nobody would care what Trump had to say about him.

As former first lady, she should show a little class or at the very least, think before she makes a comment like this. The only reason she singled out what Trump said was to promote hatred and nothing more. For crying out loud, the woman used her own family to do so.

For crying out loud, indeed.

The Trumpy launched his presidential campaign in large part upon the infamy he gained while peddling his to-the-bones racist birther bullshit. The Trumpy even declared victory when President Obama acquiesced and released his birth certificate. That's how much everybody cared, and how much of a splash this made.

I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but even you cannot be so boneheaded not to see that declaring a sitting president illegitimate might be seen by some crackpot "patriot" as a call to arms to rectify this monumental ill befalling the nation with a bullet or two. This is plainly, unmistakably, obviously straight-forward.

As has been said before, a hateful, resentment-driven bag of bile like you calling upon others to show "a little class", demonstrates some pretty amazing chutzpah. Turning around and accusing those whose lives were endangered to "promote hatred" beats that, and by a considerable margin.

Michelle has shown more class every day than the whole Obama-hating bunch gathering in this shithole of a resentment-venting thread, combined, and on their best of days. And that is exactly why you all hate her (and him) so much. The insult to everybody's intelligence is that you think this is any less than completely transparent. Rest assured, it isn't.

As I said repeatedly, Trump's claim about Obama wasn't even paid attention to by most people. And again, out of all the enemies a President makes between what they say, what their policies might be, and what they are responsible for--where they have claimed to be born at is way, way, way down at the bottom at the list. My goodness, President Ronald Reagan was shot by some kook trying to get attention of an actress by the name of Jody Foster. He almost died.

Because of that big-eared commie, I lost my employer sponsored healthcare insurance. Millions more like me were put in that position. I would think that somebody in that crowd would be more likely to cause harm to Hussein than another person that didn't like where he might have been born at.

That fat assed Michelle was in no more danger about the rumor of her husband than she was about what they named their dog (I don't even know if they had a dog). But the point is she lied. She made it up. And if she didn't, then it only goes to show how completely dumb she is if she thinks that was her greatest threat.
It had nothing to do with being president. Trump wasn’t president when he said those things. It’s about not lying to impune someone because there are nuts who will believe those lies.

It does have everything to do with him being President because if he wasn't, nobody would care what Trump had to say about him.

As former first lady, she should show a little class or at the very least, think before she makes a comment like this. The only reason she singled out what Trump said was to promote hatred and nothing more. For crying out loud, the woman used her own family to do so.

For crying out loud, indeed.

The Trumpy launched his presidential campaign in large part upon the infamy he gained while peddling his to-the-bones racist birther bullshit. The Trumpy even declared victory when President Obama acquiesced and released his birth certificate. That's how much everybody cared, and how much of a splash this made.

I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but even you cannot be so boneheaded not to see that declaring a sitting president illegitimate might be seen by some crackpot "patriot" as a call to arms to rectify this monumental ill befalling the nation with a bullet or two. This is plainly, unmistakably, obviously straight-forward.

As has been said before, a hateful, resentment-driven bag of bile like you calling upon others to show "a little class", demonstrates some pretty amazing chutzpah. Turning around and accusing those whose lives were endangered to "promote hatred" beats that, and by a considerable margin.

Michelle has shown more class every day than the whole Obama-hating bunch gathering in this shithole of a resentment-venting thread, combined, and on their best of days. And that is exactly why you all hate her (and him) so much. The insult to everybody's intelligence is that you think this is any less than completely transparent. Rest assured, it isn't.

As I said repeatedly, Trump's claim about Obama wasn't even paid attention to by most people. And again, out of all the enemies a President makes between what they say, what their policies might be, and what they are responsible for--where they have claimed to be born at is way, way, way down at the bottom at the list. My goodness, President Ronald Reagan was shot by some kook trying to get attention of an actress by the name of Jody Foster. He almost died.

Because of that big-eared commie, I lost my employer sponsored healthcare insurance. Millions more like me were put in that position. I would think that somebody in that crowd would be more likely to cause harm to Hussein than another person that didn't like where he might have been born at.

That fat assed Michelle was in no more danger about the rumor of her husband than she was about what they named their dog (I don't even know if they had a dog). But the point is she lied. She made it up. And if she didn't, then it only goes to show how completely dumb she is if she thinks that was her greatest threat.
Not paid attention?

Read this thread and see how many morons still believe it
It had nothing to do with being president. Trump wasn’t president when he said those things. It’s about not lying to impune someone because there are nuts who will believe those lies.

It does have everything to do with him being President because if he wasn't, nobody would care what Trump had to say about him.

As former first lady, she should show a little class or at the very least, think before she makes a comment like this. The only reason she singled out what Trump said was to promote hatred and nothing more. For crying out loud, the woman used her own family to do so.

For crying out loud, indeed.

The Trumpy launched his presidential campaign in large part upon the infamy he gained while peddling his to-the-bones racist birther bullshit. The Trumpy even declared victory when President Obama acquiesced and released his birth certificate. That's how much everybody cared, and how much of a splash this made.

I know, it's a bit of a stretch, but even you cannot be so boneheaded not to see that declaring a sitting president illegitimate might be seen by some crackpot "patriot" as a call to arms to rectify this monumental ill befalling the nation with a bullet or two. This is plainly, unmistakably, obviously straight-forward.

As has been said before, a hateful, resentment-driven bag of bile like you calling upon others to show "a little class", demonstrates some pretty amazing chutzpah. Turning around and accusing those whose lives were endangered to "promote hatred" beats that, and by a considerable margin.

Michelle has shown more class every day than the whole Obama-hating bunch gathering in this shithole of a resentment-venting thread, combined, and on their best of days. And that is exactly why you all hate her (and him) so much. The insult to everybody's intelligence is that you think this is any less than completely transparent. Rest assured, it isn't.

As I said repeatedly, Trump's claim about Obama wasn't even paid attention to by most people. And again, out of all the enemies a President makes between what they say, what their policies might be, and what they are responsible for--where they have claimed to be born at is way, way, way down at the bottom at the list. My goodness, President Ronald Reagan was shot by some kook trying to get attention of an actress by the name of Jody Foster. He almost died.

Because of that big-eared commie, I lost my employer sponsored healthcare insurance. Millions more like me were put in that position. I would think that somebody in that crowd would be more likely to cause harm to Hussein than another person that didn't like where he might have been born at.

That fat assed Michelle was in no more danger about the rumor of her husband than she was about what they named their dog (I don't even know if they had a dog). But the point is she lied. She made it up. And if she didn't, then it only goes to show how completely dumb she is if she thinks that was her greatest threat.
Not paid attention?

Read this thread and see how many morons still believe it

A few. But most people looked at it as entertainment if anything.
We don't THINK your kind are violent.

We KNOW your kind are violent.

Source: anti defamation league.

Enough said.
Nope, she didn’t do that either. It’s sad to see folks like you with such a deformed brain.

How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
So you admit you are a liar.

You ignore the people that are dead because of the Trump rhetoric.

Dead? Can you give any names here? I didn't think so......

11 in Pittsburgh, for a starter.
How dare you call me a liberal!

No, she had nothing to do with it. Her campaign aid just decided to do it on her own. View attachment 227984

I swear if I ever wanted to try to sell somebody a bridge, I would make sure it's a liberal, because you stupid people will believe anything.
I didn’t. You’re apparently too brain-dead to understand I called you a conservative.

Meanwhile, Hillary still never had a campaign aid spread birther nonsense. I even showed you where it started and you still can’t figure this out.

It started before Hillary but got little recognition. Nobody knew or cared. He was only a Senator at the time.

Hillary is the one who made the theme popular which was long before Trump came along:

Lawsuit questions Obama’s eligibility for office

Times Flubs Timeline of 'Birther' Myth: First Spread by Hillary Clinton Supporters in 2008
So you admit you are a liar.

You ignore the people that are dead because of the Trump rhetoric.

Dead? Can you give any names here? I didn't think so......

11 in Pittsburgh, for a starter.
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

Let "us" not forget progressives make emotionally based decisions as opposed critical application. That's why they're often intellectually dishonest. Mooselle is no different.

Liberals, progressives, Democrats believe in science. You dickbags believe in Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter

Liberals believe in science? The same people that believe in order to change your gender, all you have to do is change into a dress?

You are defined more than just your genitalia. Your brain truly defines your sexuality. See that is science.

No, chromosomes are science, not deciding what sex you are because of the way you feel.

Let me ask: what if a person believes they are a Doberman Pinscher? Does that make them a canine?

Science says that the physical does not always coincide with the mental.
Let "us" not forget progressives make emotionally based decisions as opposed critical application. That's why they're often intellectually dishonest. Mooselle is no different.
Liberals, progressives, Democrats believe in science. You dickbags believe in Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter

Liberals believe in science? The same people that believe in order to change your gender, all you have to do is change into a dress?

You are defined more than just your genitalia. Your brain truly defines your sexuality. See that is science.

No, chromosomes are science, not deciding what sex you are because of the way you feel.

Let me ask: what if a person believes they are a Doberman Pinscher? Does that make them a canine?

Science says that the physical does not always coincide with the mental.

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean you are the person in your mental instability. You failed to answer the question I see.
Source: anti defamation league.

In 2005, the ADL gave its "highest award" to 911 Traitor George Tenet. When asked what Tenet did to deserve that award, the ADL accused the questioner of being anti-semitic. If you notice Tenet and Zionism did 911, ie you notice TRUTH, the ADL hates you.

Meanwhile, the ADL has since taken down its press release about Tenet, and redirects you to a page about.... yeah


So if you NOTICED that the ADL did give George Tenet its "highest award" for pulling off 911, you are anti-semitic.

To not be anti-semitic, you must be a complete MORON with a paper bag over your head.
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

How does Giffords promote violence?

Gee, I don't know. Riddle me this: What happened if a righty comedian did the same with an Obama head? Would you still be questioning the promotion of violence?

You mean like these righties?

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President | HuffPost
Obama Assassination Joke
Senator David Perdue's Prayer for Obama: 'Let His Days Be Few' - The Atlantic
Tea Party official jokes on Facebook about killing Obamas
Student: Obama Assassination 'Tempting'
Liberals, progressives, Democrats believe in science. You dickbags believe in Trump, Rush Limbaugh, and Ann Coulter

Liberals believe in science? The same people that believe in order to change your gender, all you have to do is change into a dress?

You are defined more than just your genitalia. Your brain truly defines your sexuality. See that is science.

No, chromosomes are science, not deciding what sex you are because of the way you feel.

Let me ask: what if a person believes they are a Doberman Pinscher? Does that make them a canine?

Science says that the physical does not always coincide with the mental.

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean you are the person in your mental instability. You failed to answer the question I see.

You ignore the true science & throw out stupid questions.
Liberals believe in science? The same people that believe in order to change your gender, all you have to do is change into a dress?

You are defined more than just your genitalia. Your brain truly defines your sexuality. See that is science.

No, chromosomes are science, not deciding what sex you are because of the way you feel.

Let me ask: what if a person believes they are a Doberman Pinscher? Does that make them a canine?

Science says that the physical does not always coincide with the mental.

Perhaps, but that doesn't mean you are the person in your mental instability. You failed to answer the question I see.

You ignore the true science & throw out stupid questions.

No, I pointed out science. You're the one ignoring it. That's why you are scared to answer my question.

Democrats believe you can be anybody you want to be just by demanding it. If you want to be a woman, you can be a woman, if you want to be an Indian, you can be an Indian, if you're a white person that wants to be black, you can be black.

You people don't live in reality, you live in fantasy land.
WASHINGTON– Former first lady Michelle Obama discusses her dislike of President Donald Trump — as well as personal details of her life before and during her time in the White House — in her highly anticipated memoir, “Becoming,” The Washington Post reported Thursday.

Obama says she would “never forgive” Trump for the rumors he spread questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama’s American birth certificate, which she said threatened her family’s safety.

“The whole [birther] thing was crazy and mean-spirited, of course, its underlying bigotry and xenophobia hardly concealed. But it was also dangerous, deliberately meant to stir up the wingnuts and kooks,” she writes, according to the Post, which obtained an early copy of the book. It will be released next Tuesday.

“What if someone with an unstable mind loaded a gun and drove to Washington? What if that person went looking for our girls?,” she adds. “Donald Trump, with his loud and reckless innuendos, was putting my family’s safety at risk. And for this I’d never forgive him.”

Washington Post: Michelle Obama says in memoir she’ll ‘never forgive’ Trump for endangering her family

Where to start on this?

First off, Trump never started the birther movement--Hillary Clinton did. Yet no mention of how Hillary "endangered her family." Trump merely grabbed the ball at the 50 yard line and ran with it.

Secondly, is she from this country? Doesn't she understand how American politics works? If she actually believes that making such an innocuous statement about her husband could cause harm to her family, did she really expect him to be insulated from any criticism at all when he decided to run for President?

Racism. Oh yes, we can't leave that one out. Questioning Obama's citizenry had nothing to do with anything except racism.

Furthermore, in this article, she didn't point out one threat made to her, her husband or family over Trump's remark about the birth certificate.

Trump making a claim about DumBama's legitimacy does not promote violence. This promotes violence:

View attachment 227883

How does Giffords promote violence?

Gee, I don't know. Riddle me this: What happened if a righty comedian did the same with an Obama head? Would you still be questioning the promotion of violence?

You mean like these righties?

Funny How Trump Was Cool With Ted Nugent Joking About Killing The President | HuffPost
Obama Assassination Joke
Senator David Perdue's Prayer for Obama: 'Let His Days Be Few' - The Atlantic
Tea Party official jokes on Facebook about killing Obamas
Student: Obama Assassination 'Tempting'

Repost. I already addressed that phony laundry list.

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