Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
Well, when over 50% of this country are as hopelessly brainwashed as stats and starkey are, I can predict the same thing.

Morons like them still brag that they voted for obama twice. Of course, I never got an answer as to why they voted for an asshole unproven community organizing saul alinsky disciple who had no accomplishments of any kind that would garner such admiration on their part. I mean other than the cosmetic reasons that he is black (well, half black but that is good enough for them I suppose) and a democrat.

So, what would stop asshats like them and the morons that think like them to vote for an utter disgrace like hillary?

Nothing. That is what would stop them. That, is how ridiculous over 50% of this country is. So, I do not need moody to tell me shit. I can decipher it myself.
And these models are never wrong ...

Our Moody's Analytics election model now predicts a Democratic electoral landslide in the 2016 presidential vote. A small change in the forecast data in August has swung the outcome from the statistical tie predicted in July, to a razor-edge ballot outcome that nevertheless gives the incumbent party 326 electoral votes to the Republican challenger's 212.

Just three states account for the change in margin, with Ohio, Florida and Colorado swinging from leaning Republican to leaning Democrat. The margin of victory in each of these important swing states is still solidly within the margin of error though, and will likely swing back and forth in Moody's monthly updates ahead, underlining the closeness of the election to come. Furthermore, three of the candidates for the Republican nomination enjoy favorite-son status in Ohio or Florida, potentially making the outcome of those important states even more unpredictable.
Democrats to Win in a Landslide in 2016, According to Moody's Election Model
I never had any doubt.

the me generation is voting, so whatever party can promise to give them what they have not earned will get their vote.

America exists in name only

True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE
Well that settles it!

Why even bother to hold an election?

Bingo....This is just another political ploy on the part of democrat operatives to convince GOP voters they have no chance and should just stay home on election day...
Same shit. Different flies.

You sure think poorly of Republican voters.
Hey. three million stayed home in 2012. Because these closed minded hacks could not STAND to vote for a Mormon, scuttled the election by taking their ball and going home....These fucking far right wing Pentecostal bible thumpers gave us 4 more years of Obama. They could not see beyond their own religious prejudice for the good of the country....Lo and behold, a few polls ( what if the election were held today)were taken 6 months to a year into Obama II and they all indicated that either the election would have been much closer or Romney would have won

The turnout myth comes from a statistic that has been endlessly repeated: Mitt Romney got fewer votes than John McCain in 2008. This isn't quite true (Mr. Romney this week eked past the McCain totals), and in any event it is somewhat irrelevant. The Romney vote count reflects a nationwide voter turnout that was down nearly five percentage points from 2008. What matters is how the GOP did in the battleground states.

And there? Mr. Romney beat Mr. McCain's numbers in every single battleground, save Ohio

The GOP Turnout Myth

This myth comes from articles written a day or two after the election before all the votes were counted. Those articles are still on the Internet and conservatives continue to quote them, unaware of the date time stamped on the web page. It's a myth conservatives recycle to make themselves feel better.

The truth is that Romney won more self-described conservative votes than any other candidate in history, and captured one of the highest proportions of the conservative vote of any Republican candidate.

Romney lost because he lost moderates badly, losing the moderates 56%-41%. Nearly 9 million more moderates voted for Obama than for Romney. This mythical 3 million conservatives who stayed home were swamped by the many more moderates who actually voted for Obama.

This lays to rest the other myth conservatives tell themselves - that the key to winning Presidential elections is to have a more conservative candidate. A conservative can certainly win the Presidency but it isn't a sole condition as conservatives like to believe.
Dissatisfaction and disgust with Obama is at record highs among the American public. Yet the delusional partisans think the Dems are heading for a landslide. Reminds me of someone who said "liberalism is a metal disease."

Obama is heading to be like another Carter, another skunk of the Democrat part nobody wants to be associated with. But at least with Carter he may have been a horrible president yet he did well and helped a lot of people, after Americans threw his ass out. I predict when Obama leaves, he will continue to incite decisiveness and riots and pit Americans against one another along racial and economic lines.

Your inability to advance ANYTHING other than right wing memes based on BS is noted Bubba


The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?
And these models are never wrong ...

Our Moody's Analytics election model now predicts a Democratic electoral landslide in the 2016 presidential vote. A small change in the forecast data in August has swung the outcome from the statistical tie predicted in July, to a razor-edge ballot outcome that nevertheless gives the incumbent party 326 electoral votes to the Republican challenger's 212.

Just three states account for the change in margin, with Ohio, Florida and Colorado swinging from leaning Republican to leaning Democrat. The margin of victory in each of these important swing states is still solidly within the margin of error though, and will likely swing back and forth in Moody's monthly updates ahead, underlining the closeness of the election to come. Furthermore, three of the candidates for the Republican nomination enjoy favorite-son status in Ohio or Florida, potentially making the outcome of those important states even more unpredictable.
Democrats to Win in a Landslide in 2016, According to Moody's Election Model
Bernie Sanders wins then...interesting wonder who becomes his VP? I heard this morning the SAME people that support him in Iowa are the SAME people that supported Obama in 2008. The young and independents. They thought they had a real socialist in Obama but he is a bust and a liar but Bernie is the real deal.

What is the difference between Barry and Bernie again?
Your inability to advance ANYTHING other than right wing memes based on BS is noted Bubba


The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Makes Putin owning Obama every time they face off all the more pathetic, doesn't it Comrade big guy?

True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

By over 75 electoral!

True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.
The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Makes Putin owning Obama every time they face off all the more pathetic, doesn't it Comrade big guy?

I find it weird how you support nation building and constant war...That cost far more then our general maintenance of infrastructure and science institutions combine.
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Democrat idea of free and fair elections, no racism, no racism at all:



if you can't deal with the ****** mall cops. don't bother...

Self appointed back racist supremacists aren't mall cops, dufus.

What do we want? Voter fraud! When do we want it? Now!

If those two bozos scare you, they don't even scare that whitey bitch on her cell phone, do the real Americans a favor and move to Norway you fucking punk-ass pussy.

Ah I see, so you think it's okay to have racist thugs hanging around voting polls. Maybe you should move to a country that practices fascism?
Democrat idea of free and fair elections, no racism, no racism at all:



if you can't deal with the ****** mall cops. don't bother...

Self appointed back racist supremacists aren't mall cops, dufus.

What do we want? Voter fraud! When do we want it? Now!


The 98% BLACK PRECINCT that Dubya's DOJ refused to prosecute? lol

Wrong again dufus. That would be Eric Holder Obama's mafia right hand man that needed to prosecute.
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.

Yep, Bush won because he had vision...Loserterians hate vision as it means not cutting and in fact governing a modern civilization. Bush built infrastructure and funded our science institution. I promise you the loserterian idiots here would scream with rage if our science institutions and ability was downgraded under Obama but they will demand their own candidates to promise massive cuts.

The far right idiots want to live in the stone age. That is all the avg person hears.
Your inability to advance ANYTHING other than right wing memes based on BS is noted Bubba


The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

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