Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Makes Putin owning Obama every time they face off all the more pathetic, doesn't it Comrade big guy?

Doesn't seem like Putin 'owns" anything

Obama is leading economic sanctions against him...what exactly has Putin done to us?
The list is long but I'll start with one.
After Carter's disastrous presidency and and bad presidency and horrible policies emboldening the Russians to invade Afghanistan, Reagan came and his policies brought down the Soviet Union and the Berlin Wall.

And dont get me started with Oblahblahblah. He's Carter on steroids.

Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

Saving us from a depression seems like a strange way of destroying the economy
True, it's PROGRESSIVE/LIBERAL policy that created the worlds largest middle class. CONservative/GOP policy that is destroying it though!
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.

I thought you guys said it was "free stuff"?

Get your story straight
Democrat idea of free and fair elections, no racism, no racism at all:



if you can't deal with the ****** mall cops. don't bother...

Self appointed back racist supremacists aren't mall cops, dufus.

What do we want? Voter fraud! When do we want it? Now!

If those two bozos scare you, they don't even scare that whitey bitch on her cell phone, do the real Americans a favor and move to Norway you fucking punk-ass pussy.

Ah I see, so you think it's okay to have racist thugs hanging around voting polls. Maybe you should move to a country that practices fascism?
couple guys with sticks scare you, bro

call the police
Thank you for the predictable partisan response if it's your intent to post the standard liberal talking points in a response please find someone else there are many people here who will love to get into dueling talking points exchange with you I'm not one of them.

Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.

I thought you guys said it was "free stuff"?

Get your story straight
media and free stuff :)
Hoping that the GOP runs a totally Tea Party-approved ticket so that the party gets this out of their system.

If it lost, those people could no longer complain about running RINOs and losing. Maybe it would be something else.

IF the democrats focus on infrastructure, science, minimum wage, legalization of pot and free college...Well, they'd win by 10 points nationally and 150 electoral votes. People want to improve this nation...Not be thrown out in the cold street.

you are a one trick pony, matt. Those things cost money. the only govt source of money is taxes.

Want more tax revenue? put people back to work in private industry, not the govt.
Partisan? Hint NAME ONE POLICY conservatives have EVER been on the correct side of US history?

How about just ONE policy from GOP the past 40 years that benefited the bottom 90% of US?

Pretend like it's "partisan" Bubs, when CONSERVATIVES are ALWAYS on the wrong side of history!!!

You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.

I thought you guys said it was "free stuff"?

Get your story straight
media and free stuff :)

What about Obama being black and voter fraud?

Of course we all know that Republicans losing to Obama had nothing to do with their message or crappy candidates
Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

Saving us from a depression seems like a strange way of destroying the economy

OK, tell us what specific things obozo has doen to "save us from a depression". Specific actions, not rhetoric.

Did creating a race war save us from depression?

did ramming the worst healthcare bill in history us our collective asses save us from depression?

Did lying to the american public save us from depressionj?

Did starting a war on police save us from depression?

You are so full of shit. Crawl back under your rock and STFU
You mean starting with Jimma Carter? Or how about Oblahblah? Name one thing those two numbskulls did that wasn't a massive fuckup.

You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.

I thought you guys said it was "free stuff"?

Get your story straight
media and free stuff :)

What about Obama being black and voter fraud?

Of course we all know that Republicans losing to Obama had nothing to do with their message or crappy candidates

weak candidates, a biased media, black pride, and white guilt got us obama. Obama won, the USA lost.
Well, 300 marines did die under him and he did grant 3 million illegals amnesty. ;) But, his spending on science and the military might of helped us beat the USSR.

NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Makes Putin owning Obama every time they face off all the more pathetic, doesn't it Comrade big guy?

Doesn't seem like Putin 'owns" anything

Obama is leading economic sanctions against him...what exactly has Putin done to us?

Putin has played obama like a cheap fiddle. He has made obama look like the incompetent girly man that he really is. Obama is an international joke and an embarrassment to this great nation.
Obama won because the far reactionary blowfish right have not been able to accept the modern age where it is not important any m ore.
Obama won because the far reactionary blowfish right have not been able to accept the modern age where it is not important any m ore.

The "modern" age? WTF is that? Miley Cyrus? Kaitlyn Jenner? transgender rest rooms? ISIS? racism? incompetent corrupt government? fiscal insanity? ignoring the constitution? open borders? press 1 for english?

If thats your modern age, you can stick it up where the sun never shines, because most of america reject that bullshit.
Redfish, you're the real one trick pony as you want to cut, slash and burn.

Paving our roads cost money but is that reason enough not to spend it?

of course not, we should maintain and improve our infrastructure. But what good are roads if we are all beheaded by ISIS thugs? Its a question of priorities. There only so much money.

we are currently borrowing 40 cents of every dollar the govt spends. How long do you think that can continue? we are 19 trillion in debt and its growing every day.
NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

Saving us from a depression seems like a strange way of destroying the economy

OK, tell us what specific things obozo has doen to "save us from a depression". Specific actions, not rhetoric.

Did creating a race war save us from depression?

did ramming the worst healthcare bill in history us our collective asses save us from depression?

Did lying to the american public save us from depressionj?

Did starting a war on police save us from depression?

You are so full of shit. Crawl back under your rock and STFU

We really need to go through this again?

OK...lets do it
In 2008 banks started to fail one after the other, the auto companies were collapsing, the market was in freefall dropping 7000 points, investors were in a panic pulling money out of the market.

When nobody else was willing to invest in our economy, Obama made it clear that the US Government would stand behind the banks...they would not fail. When everyone else was pulling out of the economy, the US Government dumped $800 billion into it

The panic subsided.The market stabilized and reversed. GDP went positive. Companies started hiring again...Depression averted
You, of course, are correct

I can't name a single thing Obama did that conservatives would approve of

That is why we elected him....TWICE

He got elected because of the media. Get over it.

I thought you guys said it was "free stuff"?

Get your story straight
media and free stuff :)

What about Obama being black and voter fraud?

Of course we all know that Republicans losing to Obama had nothing to do with their message or crappy candidates

weak candidates, a biased media, black pride, and white guilt got us obama. Obama won, the USA lost.

The conservative message lost

America won

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