Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

Saving us from a depression seems like a strange way of destroying the economy

The Obama economy has been a disaster. People are fed up with Democraps and their taxes and anti business socialitic divisive policies.

Eight million jobs by Obama are more than both Bush's combined

Record people out of work and not even looking for work any longer. Record number on govt assistance. Black unemployment and crime at record highs. Middle class destroyed. What a great president and economic recovery. The Obama economy in a nutshell.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Yes, you hit all the debunked right wing talking points there Bubba. Good job, go suck off a plutocrat mow Bubs

Said the left wing cork soaker. Ha ha ha.
Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Obama has tried to destroy the strongest economy in the world.

Saving us from a depression seems like a strange way of destroying the economy

The Obama economy has been a disaster. People are fed up with Democraps and their taxes and anti business socialitic divisive policies.

Eight million jobs by Obama are more than both Bush's combined

Record people out of work and not even looking for work any longer. Record number on govt assistance. Black unemployment and crime at record highs. Middle class destroyed. What a great president and economic recovery. The Obama economy in a nutshell.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Still trying to sell that farce about labor participation rate?

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Perhaps grow a brain and get off debunked right wing talking points?

Attorney General Eric Holder is involved in the dismissal of the criminal charges" against the New Black Panther Party for voter intimidation

Bill O'Reilly on Saturday, July 17th, 2010 in an online column


"In other words, the decision not to pursue criminal charges was made by the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division prior to the Obama administration.

O'Reilly blames Obama admin. for not pursuing criminal charges in New Black Panther Party case

A Bush appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights denounced allegations by some pundits that the Justice Department is refusing to pursue a voting rights case against members of the New Black Panther Party because of race, and suggested that the charges being made by right-wing figures are politically motivated.

No Proof in New Black Panther Case: Official - CBS News

Bzzzz wrong again. Judicial watch thinks thinks the Black Panther racist assholes engaged in voter intimidation.

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested - Judicial Watch

Perhaps JW needs to talk to Dubya's DOJ who refused to prosecute Bubba? Dubya's DOJ didn't think that the 3 guys in the 98% black precinct, did!

We're talking about 2012 douchebag.

Weird, JW is wrong both in 2008 AND 2012 Bubba? Weird that a right wing group could be SOOOOO wrong so often?

Bush may have handled a few things wrong, but Obama and the Democraps have been totally wrong on just about anything the last eight years

OK, More than 8+ million PRIVATE sector jobs under Obama,, Bush's final F/Y deficit cut by 2/3rds, growth was NEGATIVE 9%+ last quarter of Dubya

But Dems are wrong? lol

We got Obama because the far right fucked up the Republican campaigns twice.

We got Obama because Bush fucked up.

Weird, I thought Dubya followed the GOP playbook? What happened?

The only reason we have this America hating socialist for president is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war. However that mistake pales comparison to the shit that happened under Obama.
We got Obama because the far right fucked up the Republican campaigns twice.

We got Obama because Bush fucked up.

Weird, I thought Dubya followed the GOP playbook? What happened?

The only reason we have this America hating socialist for president is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war. However that mistake pales comparison to the shit that happened under Obama.

MORE right wing nonsense from the right wing echo chamber. Shocking Bubba

Roudy wants the US to atomicmelt the ME enemies of Israel.

Not going to happen.
Bzzzz wrong again. Judicial watch thinks thinks the Black Panther racist assholes engaged in voter intimidation.

Black Panther Boss Who Got Off For Voter Intimidation Arrested - Judicial Watch

Perhaps JW needs to talk to Dubya's DOJ who refused to prosecute Bubba? Dubya's DOJ didn't think that the 3 guys in the 98% black precinct, did!

We're talking about 2012 douchebag.

Weird, JW is wrong both in 2008 AND 2012 Bubba? Weird that a right wing group could be SOOOOO wrong so often?

Bush may have handled a few things wrong, but Obama and the Democraps have been totally wrong on just about anything the last eight years

OK, More than 8+ million PRIVATE sector jobs under Obama,, Bush's final F/Y deficit cut by 2/3rds, growth was NEGATIVE 9%+ last quarter of Dubya

But Dems are wrong? lol


Like I said record number out of work and no longer looking, record number on govt. assistance, middle class demolished, record black unemployment and crime, Islamism on the rise, worldwide mayhem and instability. Enjoy the Obama legacy.
What have Republicans done in the last four years to pick up any of the states Obama won in 2012?
Roudy wants the US to atomicmelt the ME enemies of Israel.

Not going to happen.

Yeah? Where did I say that?

Obama has destroyed the stability of the Middle East, stabbed our allies in the back, and emboldened all of America's enemies.
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Obama has done exponentially worse. Like I said when the media is an arm of the democrat party they have a way of making probably the worst president in history look good.
And these models are never wrong ...

Our Moody's Analytics election model now predicts a Democratic electoral landslide in the 2016 presidential vote. A small change in the forecast data in August has swung the outcome from the statistical tie predicted in July, to a razor-edge ballot outcome that nevertheless gives the incumbent party 326 electoral votes to the Republican challenger's 212.

Just three states account for the change in margin, with Ohio, Florida and Colorado swinging from leaning Republican to leaning Democrat. The margin of victory in each of these important swing states is still solidly within the margin of error though, and will likely swing back and forth in Moody's monthly updates ahead, underlining the closeness of the election to come. Furthermore, three of the candidates for the Republican nomination enjoy favorite-son status in Ohio or Florida, potentially making the outcome of those important states even more unpredictable.
Democrats to Win in a Landslide in 2016, According to Moody's Election Model

Nice thought, but way too bleepin' early.
Redfish, you're the real one trick pony as you want to cut, slash and burn.

Paving our roads cost money but is that reason enough not to spend it?

of course not, we should maintain and improve our infrastructure. But what good are roads if we are all beheaded by ISIS thugs? Its a question of priorities. There only so much money.

we are currently borrowing 40 cents of every dollar the govt spends. How long do you think that can continue? we are 19 trillion in debt and its growing every day.

Update your talking point Bubba, this isn't 2009


We've seen "our deficits cut by two-thirds."
Barack Obama on Tuesday, January 20th, 2015 in his 2015 State of the Union address


Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office

We have done this on the backs of cutting our infrastructure budget to 1990's levels...Yet, this idiot wants more!!!!
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Operation fast and furious.
Obama care
Apology tour
Ben Ghazi.
Collapse of Iraq.
IRS scandal.
Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea
Domestic Crime wave
Voter fraud
Riots protests and divisiveness
Demonization of law enforcement
800 billion stimulus fuckup
Record number out of work
Alienating America's allies
Arab Spring fuckup.
Keystone pipeline
Refusal to support the Iranian uprising in 2009

Shall we continue?
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We got Obama because the far right fucked up the Republican campaigns twice.


Progressive Reactionary should do Stand up!

Juan McCain far to the right -- of Mao
You yourself said McCain was a prog not a far righty. It was you guys, Frank, that fucked up the last two presidential elections.

Trump, regardless of what he does from here, has completely defanged you guys.
Roudy, you are a rube. Completely unbelievable. The far right is the enemy in America.
We got Obama because the far right fucked up the Republican campaigns twice.


Progressive Reactionary should do Stand up!

Juan McCain far to the right -- of Mao
You yourself said McCain was a prog not a far righty. It was you guys, Frank, that fucked up the last two presidential elections.

Trump, regardless of what he does from here, has completely defanged you guys.

McCains only a liberal because he won't gut government across the board. He won't make taxes on the rich 0%, he won't watch our roads fall apart, he won't abolish everything and he won't stop attempting to work with the rest of our country. The loons want a complete piece of shit.

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