Moody's Predicts Democrat Landslide

What have Republicans done in the last four years to pick up any of the states Obama won in 2012?
Re-elected Mitch McConnell.

The funny thing is Mitch McConnell in their fucked up mind is too far to the left and must go!!!! Cut, slash and burn and no reasonable human being would do that to the best science institutions on our planet. No reasonable person would dare govern the way these assholes wish for him too.
Roudy, you are a rube. Completely unbelievable. The far right is the enemy in America.

Don't be naive, the democrats and republicans are two sides of the same coin. The democrats have literally gone over the cliff this time by electing a president who is even more radical than the radicals in his own party. Great presidents are those who keep the radicals in their party at bay, such as Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. Obama is probably the most dangerous president we have ever had.
And these models are never wrong ...

Our Moody's Analytics election model now predicts a Democratic electoral landslide in the 2016 presidential vote. A small change in the forecast data in August has swung the outcome from the statistical tie predicted in July, to a razor-edge ballot outcome that nevertheless gives the incumbent party 326 electoral votes to the Republican challenger's 212.

Just three states account for the change in margin, with Ohio, Florida and Colorado swinging from leaning Republican to leaning Democrat. The margin of victory in each of these important swing states is still solidly within the margin of error though, and will likely swing back and forth in Moody's monthly updates ahead, underlining the closeness of the election to come. Furthermore, three of the candidates for the Republican nomination enjoy favorite-son status in Ohio or Florida, potentially making the outcome of those important states even more unpredictable.
Democrats to Win in a Landslide in 2016, According to Moody's Election Model
Bernie Sanders wins then...interesting wonder who becomes his VP? I heard this morning the SAME people that support him in Iowa are the SAME people that supported Obama in 2008. The young and independents. They thought they had a real socialist in Obama but he is a bust and a liar but Bernie is the real deal.

no one ever thought the president was a socialist... except for Obama deranged rightwingnuts
Famous Obama quotes:

"If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"

"No family making less than $250,000 will see any form of tax increase.”

Snake oil salesman for president.
NOT 45 years of US policy AND failed communist state? But I don't think Putin thinks they were beat!

Putin thinks Obama is weak and a fool. I don't understand why? Even though Obama is a fellow commie socialist who hates America.

Obama is sitting on the strongest economy on the planet
Putin's empire is crumbling

Who do you think is laughing?

Makes Putin owning Obama every time they face off all the more pathetic, doesn't it Comrade big guy?

Doesn't seem like Putin 'owns" anything

Obama is leading economic sanctions against him...what exactly has Putin done to us?

Putin has played obama like a cheap fiddle. He has made obama look like the incompetent girly man that he really is. Obama is an international joke and an embarrassment to this great nation.

Which is strange, since Obama was caught off-mike telling Putin that once he gets elected he'll do what Putin says.
All the republican candidate needs to do is recite Obama's disastrous record and those who were part of his administration and supported it.
Roudy the Rube!

No one else in America believes your far right rube mantra.
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Obama has done exponentially worse. Like I said when the media is an arm of the democrat party they have a way of making probably the worst president in history look good.
FoxNews, NewsMax, Breitbart, Town Hall, Red State Washington Times, Chicago Sun-Times, NY Post are all arms of the Democratic Party?
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Operation fast and furious.
Obama care
Apology tour
Ben Ghazi.
Collapse of Iraq.
IRS scandal.
Russian invasion and annexation of Crimea
Domestic Crime wave
Voter fraud
Riots protests and divisiveness
Demonization of law enforcement
800 billion stimulus fuckup
Record number out of work
Alienating America's allies
Arab Spring fuckup.
Keystone pipeline
Refusal to support the Iranian uprising in 2009

Shall we continue?
A bunch of made-up "scandals".
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Obama has done exponentially worse. Like I said when the media is an arm of the democrat party they have a way of making probably the worst president in history look good.
FoxNews, NewsMax, Breitbart, Town Hall, Red State Washington Times, Chicago Sun-Times, NY Post are all arms of the Democratic Party?

Who knew?
Well that settles it!

Why even bother to hold an election?


It doesn't settle it by a long shot.

Polls predicted a reliable win for Gore in Florida, but the election administrators used felon purges to remove non-felon blacks from the voting rolls along with strategic chaos, e.g., minus 14,000 for Gore in Volusia County because of a "mistake", just long enough to freeze the false numbers and have the outcome protected by an activist Supreme Court. The polls also had Kerry winning in Ohio in 2004, but that was also jiggered by diabold and the starving of blue counties of voting machines (12 hr wait in places like Columbus compared to 1/2hr in wealthy Cleveland suburbs ). This is to say nothing of the plans to crush early voting, making it harder for the poor to vote. In other words, close elections are easy to steal ... as JFK and GWB can attest. The only way the Democrats are going to win this presidential election is in a landslide. Anything close will go to GOP.
Last edited:
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
I look at historical results.

History says you are wrong and leftist are wrong.

considering that leftist preach about education, they must know this. So why do you support ideas that you know will make our economy worse and lie to people about it?
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
I look at historical results.

History says you are wrong and leftist are wrong.

considering that leftist preach about education, they must know this. So why do you support ideas that you know will make our economy worse and lie to people about it?

Get off hate talk radio and grow a fukkn brain dummy!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
I look at historical results.

History says you are wrong and leftist are wrong.

considering that leftist preach about education, they must know this. So why do you support ideas that you know will make our economy worse and lie to people about it?

Get off hate talk radio and grow a fukkn brain dummy!
Harding (R) had to deal with a depression, he cut Fed taxes and spending in 1/2, the depression ended in 18 month and lead to the Roaring 20's.
fdr (D) had to deal with a depression, he upped Fed spending and increased taxes, the depression turned into the Great Depression and lasted 10 years, there was no economic boom.

you can look up all this yourself, and then you can explain why you still support fdr-obamas bad ideas.
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Obama has done exponentially worse. Like I said when the media is an arm of the democrat party they have a way of making probably the worst president in history look good.
FoxNews, NewsMax, Breitbart, Town Hall, Red State Washington Times, Chicago Sun-Times, NY Post are all arms of the Democratic Party?

I like how liberals won't even admit that the media is totally biased towards the Democrats. Fox news is the only non democrat news on TV / Cable, the rest are totally in the back pocket of the dems. We are not talking about the internet, although even the internet is highly skewed towards democrats.
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
I look at historical results.

History says you are wrong and leftist are wrong.

considering that leftist preach about education, they must know this. So why do you support ideas that you know will make our economy worse and lie to people about it?

Get off hate talk radio and grow a fukkn brain dummy!
Harding (R) had to deal with a depression, he cut Fed taxes and spending in 1/2, the depression ended in 18 month and lead to the Roaring 20's.
fdr (D) had to deal with a depression, he upped Fed spending and increased taxes, the depression turned into the Great Depression and lasted 10 years, there was no economic boom.

you can look up all this yourself, and then you can explain why you still support fdr-obamas bad ideas.

ANOTHER right wing talking point about to get demolished:

1921 and All That

Every once in a while I get comments and correspondence indicating that the right has found an unlikely economic hero: Warren Harding. The recovery from the 1920-21 recession supposedly demonstrates that deflation and hands-off monetary policy is the way to go.

But have the people making these arguments really looked at what happened back then? Or are they relying on vague impressions about a distant episode, with bad data, that has been spun as a confirmation of their beliefs?

OK, I’m not going to invest a lot in this. But even a cursory examination of the available data suggests that 1921 has few useful lessons for the kind of slump we’re facing now.

Brad DeLong has recently written up a clearer version of a story I’ve been telling for a while (actually since before the 2008 crisis) — namely, that there’s a big difference between inflation-fighting recessions, in which the Fed squeezes to bring inflation down, then relaxes — and recessions brought on by overstretch in debt and investment. The former tend to be V-shaped, with a rapid recovery once the Fed relents; the latter tend to be slow, because it’s much harder to push private spending higher than to stop holding it down.

And the 1920-21 recession was basically an inflation-fighting recession — although the Fed was trying to bring the level of prices, rather than the rate of change, down. What you had was a postwar bulge in prices, which was then reversed:


Money was tightened, then loosened again:


Discount rates are a problematic indicator, but here’s what happened to commercial paper rates:

Historical statistics, Millennial edition
And so there was a V-shaped recovery:


The deflation may have helped by increasing the real money supply — at least Meltzer thinks so (pdf) — but if so, the key point was that the economy was nowhere near the zero lower bound, so there was plenty of room for the conventional monetary channel to work.

All of this has zero relevance to an economy in our current situation, in which the recession was brought on by private overstretch, not tight money, and in which the zero lower bound is all too binding.

So do we have anything to learn from the macroeconomics of Warren Harding? No.

Harding/Coolidge handled the 1920's so well, they allowed the credit bubble to explode (like the 1870's, Ronnie's S&L And Dubya's subprime) Weird right Bubs?
is because Bush mishandled the aftermath of the Iraq war.
...and the economy.
...and Katrina.
...and covert CIA operatives.
...and Veterans Affairs.
...and the Taliban.
...and al Qaeda.
...and SCOTUS appointments.
...and Climate Change.
...and Blackwater.

Obama has done exponentially worse. Like I said when the media is an arm of the democrat party they have a way of making probably the worst president in history look good.
FoxNews, NewsMax, Breitbart, Town Hall, Red State Washington Times, Chicago Sun-Times, NY Post are all arms of the Democratic Party?

I like how liberals won't even admit that the media is totally biased towards the Democrats. Fox news is the only non democrat news on TV / Cable, the rest are totally in the back pocket of the dems. We are not talking about the internet, although even the internet is highly skewed towards democrats.

You mean Corp AmeriKa TV? Oh you mean the EDUCATED reporters who question the dumbfkks like you who just use myths, distortions and lies, you know the base of what Faux "News" uses?
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
Above are some of the idiotic comments from those far right reactionary retard so-called Republicans who lost us the elections in 2008 and 2012.
romney is as moderate as milktoast

What's wrong with a reasonable moderate? Maybe cutting the shit out of everything isn't the right path to take....Ever thought of that!
I look at historical results.

History says you are wrong and leftist are wrong.

considering that leftist preach about education, they must know this. So why do you support ideas that you know will make our economy worse and lie to people about it?

Get off hate talk radio and grow a fukkn brain dummy!
Harding (R) had to deal with a depression, he cut Fed taxes and spending in 1/2, the depression ended in 18 month and lead to the Roaring 20's.
fdr (D) had to deal with a depression, he upped Fed spending and increased taxes, the depression turned into the Great Depression and lasted 10 years, there was no economic boom.

you can look up all this yourself, and then you can explain why you still support fdr-obamas bad ideas.

Cut spending half? lol

Oh yeah the war ended, lol


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