Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

You poor babies. You're never happy. Reminds me of the birther daze.
Never happy about smearing somebody, no. But we can settle it once and for all by releasing the yearbook for examination by an unbiased expert, not Gloria's.
No need to release it. She had it analyzed.

Moore wrote that creepy message.
Maybe you don't know what "unbiased" means, moron.
And by "unbiased," you mean you will not accept the findings of anyone unless it's favorable for the Republican.
No, moron, by "unbiased", I mean someone who doesn't work for the accusers attorney.
And an a******who works for the lying pervert b*******POS GOP No Doubt?
Oh, I see. He just grabbed it from her and signed it against her will. Yeah, that makes sense, you fucking moron. :lol:
Don't you think it would be prudent of you to fucking pay attention?

She explained in detail how he came to sign her yearbook and she didn't ask him.

Earlier you idiotically claimed she added her note 40 years ago -- but then admitted you made that up.

Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.

You really suck at this.
You're the one who needs to fucking pay attention. I did NOT claim she added the note 40 years ago. I think she added it very recently. If she DIDN'T write it 40 years ago, then she's definitely lying. If you want to remember when an event took place, you make those notations at the time they happen, not 40 years later, you idiot. An ink analyst can tell us when she added it. If it was added a month ago, then she's making up the whole fucking story. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation. You have to be the dumbest asshole on the planet if you can't grasp what I'm saying.
PS, for your last idiotic statement, "Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.", see post #693, moron. LMAO
What makes you think she added it recently?

The Creepy Roy note is damning on its own
The fact that she won't release it shows she's hiding something.
Oh? Is that what that means? Then what is trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns?
Now you're trying to change the subject too, I see. That makes two of you.
Don't you think it would be prudent of you to fucking pay attention?

She explained in detail how he came to sign her yearbook and she didn't ask him.

Earlier you idiotically claimed she added her note 40 years ago -- but then admitted you made that up.

Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.

You really suck at this.
You're the one who needs to fucking pay attention. I did NOT claim she added the note 40 years ago. I think she added it very recently. If she DIDN'T write it 40 years ago, then she's definitely lying. If you want to remember when an event took place, you make those notations at the time they happen, not 40 years later, you idiot. An ink analyst can tell us when she added it. If it was added a month ago, then she's making up the whole fucking story. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation. You have to be the dumbest asshole on the planet if you can't grasp what I'm saying.
PS, for your last idiotic statement, "Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.", see post #693, moron. LMAO
What makes you think she added it recently?

The Creepy Roy note is damning on its own
The fact that she won't release it shows she's hiding something.
Oh? Is that what that means? Then what is trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns?
Now you're trying to change the subject too, I see. That makes two of you.
Nope, not changing the subject. Just highlighting your hypocrisy.
Oh for Christ's sake there are dozens of witnesses and support s for the fact that the guy was a pervert after 14 and 15 year-old when he was assistant DA...

She added the last five words after his signature as to who the guy was...
If he was "Assistant D.A." why would he sign it "D.A."?
Because he was and is a lying perverted Nut Job POS d u h...
Stop wasting our time with your adolescent posts.
You're the one who needs to fucking pay attention. I did NOT claim she added the note 40 years ago. I think she added it very recently. If she DIDN'T write it 40 years ago, then she's definitely lying. If you want to remember when an event took place, you make those notations at the time they happen, not 40 years later, you idiot. An ink analyst can tell us when she added it. If it was added a month ago, then she's making up the whole fucking story. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation. You have to be the dumbest asshole on the planet if you can't grasp what I'm saying.
PS, for your last idiotic statement, "Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.", see post #693, moron. LMAO
What makes you think she added it recently?

The Creepy Roy note is damning on its own
The fact that she won't release it shows she's hiding something.
Oh? Is that what that means? Then what is trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns?
Now you're trying to change the subject too, I see. That makes two of you.
Nope, not changing the subject. Just highlighting your hypocrisy.
Bullshit. Your accuser is lying, and I'm pretty sure she'll spill the beans on Gloria if this yearbook ends up being subpoenaed. I don't think she'll be willing to face perjury charges just to cover Allred's ass.
What makes you think she added it recently?

The Creepy Roy note is damning on its own
The fact that she won't release it shows she's hiding something.
Oh? Is that what that means? Then what is trump hiding by refusing to release his tax returns?
Now you're trying to change the subject too, I see. That makes two of you.
Nope, not changing the subject. Just highlighting your hypocrisy.
Bullshit. Your accuser is lying, and I'm pretty sure she'll spill the beans on Gloria if this yearbook ends up being subpoenaed.
Spits the idiot who claimed Nelson said she wrote that note 40 years ago when she never said any such thing. :cuckoo:

Fucking pay attention.
Oh for Christ's sake there are dozens of witnesses and support s for the fact that the guy was a pervert after 14 and 15 year-old when he was assistant DA...

She added the last five words after his signature as to who the guy was...
If he was "Assistant D.A." why would he sign it "D.A."?
Trying to get laid

You're such an imbecile.

The handwriting was confirmed to be Moore's. Who cares if you don't like who the analyst was? Not to mention, anyone can look at the handwriting on the yearbook and see that it matches his.
Then she should have no problem letting an independent eye look at it....but in the end buckaroo...she lied...she's money from a law suit and she shows the left will try anything...
] Not the same thing. It's fact that Bill Clinton did travel to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island.' ...

No, it's not a fact, you despicable POS.

There is no proof he was ever on that island, crackass.
Official flight logs from Epstein's plane list "Bill Clinton" as one of the passengers flying to Epstein's private Island 26 times.
Shove that up your ass!
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

They don't care about Clinton being a serial sex predator. They never will. It's only about stealing a Senate Seat for them. They're very bad people. But hopefully this will come back around on Democrats at some point. Stay tuned.
and we believe the President and all the president's men and you, do not care one bit that Roy Moore in his thirties was a teenage girl predator....but you don't give a flying hoot ALL BECAUSE of your political party and all for keeping a Senate seat sooooo, Trump won't get impeached and kicked out and for evil purposes...

you ain't got nothin' to brag about, kiddo....nothing at all!
You poor baby!
You fuck-wits ran the worst candidate in American history!
The 2018 elections are going to be a tsunami of REP congressional wins!
Trump WILL put at least two REP SC judges on the bench!
As long as this happens I couldn't care less how many Big Macs Trump eats a day.

You are wrong about the R's winning everything in 2016

the Republicans lost seats in the US House of Representatives and lost seats in the US Senate in the 2016 elections and the Democrats picked up those seats....


the bench in the Supreme court has been a Republican party majority with a Republican Chief Justice for over 50 to 60 years Danny.... that Republican majority and chief justice court GAVE YOU the Roe v wade decision.....Dannyboy....

it's more than past due for a Democratic majority and democratic chief justice....maybe we would finally get some good decisions out of it, for a change! :D
Moore and Moore :wink_2: :up:
Family values?

That's funny

You poor babies. You're never happy. Reminds me of the birther daze.
Never happy about smearing somebody, no. But we can settle it once and for all by releasing the yearbook for examination by an unbiased expert, not Gloria's.
No need to release it. She had it analyzed.

Moore wrote that creepy message.
Maybe you don't know what "unbiased" means, moron.
And by "unbiased," you mean you will not accept the findings of anyone unless it's favorable for the Republican.
No, moron, by "unbiased", I mean someone who doesn't work for the accusers attorney.
If you want an unbiased examiner then tell Moore to file suit in a unbiased court of law. Let me guess. This is something he is too afraid to do right?
In breitbart.... er... not exactly trustworthy, is it?

They have been more accurate than CNN and the Washington post...

Have they? Or is this just what you want to think?

Breitbart is full of shit. Usually it will use such biased and ridiculous vocabulary.

Trump: 'If Alabama Elects Liberal Dem Doug Jones' Pro-American Immigration Agenda 'Will Be Stopped Cold' - Breitbart

Trump: ‘If Alabama Elects Liberal Dem Doug Jones’ Pro-American Immigration Agenda ‘Will Be Stopped Cold’"

"Pro-American Immigration Agenda" means what? It doesn't mean anything other than they've decided that THEIR WAY is pro-American. Bullshit.

The same people who say that the Confederates are patriotic because they support a regime which killed 140,000 US troops, whereas the NFL kneelers are unpatriotic and anti-Military because they're kneeling during the national anthem (and didn't kill any US troops).

Twisted bullshit logic
Have they? Or is this just what you want to think?

Breitbart is full of shit. Usually it will use such biased and ridiculous vocabulary
It's CBS CNN WAPO reporters that are being suspended for getting their stories wrong and are forced to correct their reports...not Breitbart....
Have they? Or is this just what you want to think?

Breitbart is full of shit. Usually it will use such biased and ridiculous vocabulary
It's CBS CNN WAPO reporters that are being suspended for getting their stories wrong and are forced to correct their reports...not Breitbart....

And why is that? Because no one takes Breitbart seriously enough to think Breitbart would actually correct their stories. They can report what they like.

The right is the one attacking the media.
Well, that's the problem isn't it?

But they take it seriously but don't care to hear whether what they've said is fake or not.
You don't have to be an Einstein to see all of the false reports and misrepresentations of the truth from the mainstream media....they are not fooling anyone...

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