Moore Accuser admits to forgery of the yearbook!

] Not the same thing. It's fact that Bill Clinton did travel to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island.' ...

No, it's not a fact, you despicable POS.

There is no proof he was ever on that island, crackass.
Official flight logs from Epstein's plane list "Bill Clinton" as one of the passengers flying to Epstein's private Island 26 times.
Shove that up your ass!
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

They don't care about Clinton being a serial sex predator. They never will. It's only about stealing a Senate Seat for them. They're very bad people. But hopefully this will come back around on Democrats at some point. Stay tuned.
and we believe the President and all the president's men and you, do not care one bit that Roy Moore in his thirties was a teenage girl predator....but you don't give a flying hoot ALL BECAUSE of your political party and all for keeping a Senate seat sooooo, Trump won't get impeached and kicked out and for evil purposes...

you ain't got nothin' to brag about, kiddo....nothing at all!
You poor baby!
You fuck-wits ran the worst candidate in American history!
The 2018 elections are going to be a tsunami of REP congressional wins!
Trump WILL put at least two REP SC judges on the bench!
As long as this happens I couldn't care less how many Big Macs Trump eats a day.
] Not the same thing. It's fact that Bill Clinton did travel to his good friend Jeffrey Epstein's 'Pedophile Island.' ...

No, it's not a fact, you despicable POS.

There is no proof he was ever on that island, crackass.
Official flight logs from Epstein's plane list "Bill Clinton" as one of the passengers flying to Epstein's private Island 26 times.
Shove that up your ass!
Flight logs show Bill Clinton flew on sex offender's jet much more than previously known

They don't care about Clinton being a serial sex predator. They never will. It's only about stealing a Senate Seat for them. They're very bad people. But hopefully this will come back around on Democrats at some point. Stay tuned.
and we believe the President and all the president's men and you, do not care one bit that Roy Moore in his thirties was a teenage girl predator....but you don't give a flying hoot ALL BECAUSE of your political party and all for keeping a Senate seat sooooo, Trump won't get impeached and kicked out and for evil purposes...

you ain't got nothin' to brag about, kiddo....nothing at all!
You poor baby!
You fuck-wits ran the worst candidate in American history!
The 2018 elections are going to be a tsunami of REP congressional wins!
Trump WILL put at least two REP SC judges on the bench!
As long as this happens I couldn't care less how many Big Macs Trump eats a day.
What are REP SC judges?
You said she made a “statement” that she wrote it at that time.

Now you admit you’re assuming when she wrote it.
Look at the snowflake splitting hairs to avoid looking like the moron he is. I'm not assuming when she wrote it. I'm assuming that if you make a note of the date someone signed your book, you don't wait 40 years to make that note. You are plain stupid.

You also claim she didn’t speak and had Allred to all the speaking for her, yet her initial press conference proves you’re wrong about that too.
She read a statement from a prepared script. Why would she need to read it if they were her own words? And when she finally admitted SHE added the date and time, GLORIA did all the talking. And the crying, that was a nice touch. Her acting isn't so good.

And you ignore she had a handwriting expert analyze it and confirm Moore did indeed write in her yearbook.
She SAID she had a handwriting expert analyze it. We're supposed to take the word of a known liar? Let's hear from the so-called expert, then let's have an unbiased team of experts examine it. And let's find out how old the ink is from the added notation. She won't do it because the ink is probably only a month old.
Deny it all you want, a handwriting expert confirmed Roy Moore wrote the creepy part.
He was not an independent expert he works for Allred...she will not release the yearbook and now we know why...
It does not prove that Moore molested the girl.....only that he lied when he said he never met her
It proves that someone asked him to sign a yearbook and he did. It doesn't mean he knew her and it doesn't mean he's lying. If Pat Sajak signs an autograph for a waitress is a restaurant he's dining at, and writes something flattering, does that mean he knows her personally? Does it mean he's gonna remember a stranger 40 years later? And does it mean he should resign his job if she comes back 40 years later and accuses him of groping her? She's a liar, and Gloria Allred put her up to it. That's why she had to read the allegations from a pre-written script. Why did she need the script if it really happened and she was so traumatized by it?
It matters because she may have written it recently. If she did, it destroys her statement that she wrote it at the time so she wouldn't forget when the event took place. The ink would be the same age as the signature if she's telling the truth. Her refusal to release it shows she is hiding something. She would probably like to admit it but Allred won't let her. Notice how she doesn't talk, she lets Gloria do all the talking for her? If she was being honest, she wouldn't need a mouthpiece to answer those questions. Wouldn't you rather know the truth, even if it's not what you want to hear? I would think you would.
Quote her saying she added that note at the time....
HA HA. Seriously? Yeah, I guess she's gonna wait 40 years to add the date and location so she wouldn't forget when the event took place. LOL. Holy shit, you're an idiot.
Thanks for confessing you were just full of shit when you made that claim you now admit you can’t back up. Wasn’t necessary since I already knew you were full of shit, but thanks just the same.
When you write a date on something to remind yourself when it happened, you do it when it happens, not 40 fucking years later, you fucking moron.
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
Celebrities and other important people often write flattering messages to star struck teenagers when signing autographs. It doesn't make them child molesters. She admitted she added the date, so why is she not releasing it for scrutiny? Most likely because the experts would determine that the added information was written recently and not at the time he signed the book like she claims. That is a classic Gloria Allred tactic. She will NEVER release that book because it could end her legal career.
So you confirm Moore is lying when he says he didn't sign it?
Do you remember everything you've ever signed (especially 40 years ago)?
If a creepy older man is pursuing you, you don't ask him to sign your yearbook and you don't ask him for a ride home. And if she knew him and he wasn't pursuing her, why would he suddenly start groping her? He would have already put the move on her if he was that bold. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Deny it all you want, a handwriting expert confirmed Roy Moore wrote the creepy part.
He was not an independent expert he works for Allred...she will not release the yearbook and now we know why...

You're such an imbecile.

The handwriting was confirmed to be Moore's. Who cares if you don't like who the analyst was? Not to mention, anyone can look at the handwriting on the yearbook and see that it matches his.
If a creepy older man is pursuing you, you don't ask him to sign your yearbook and you don't ask him for a ride home. And if she knew him and he wasn't pursuing her, why would he suddenly start groping her? He would have already put the move on her if he was that bold. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Try harder. She never said she asked him to sign it.
Quote her saying she added that note at the time....
HA HA. Seriously? Yeah, I guess she's gonna wait 40 years to add the date and location so she wouldn't forget when the event took place. LOL. Holy shit, you're an idiot.
Thanks for confessing you were just full of shit when you made that claim you now admit you can’t back up. Wasn’t necessary since I already knew you were full of shit, but thanks just the same.
When you write a date on something to remind yourself when it happened, you do it when it happens, not 40 fucking years later, you fucking moron.
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
She allowed an expert to analyze it. You bullshitted and got caught, deal with it.
If a creepy older man is pursuing you, you don't ask him to sign your yearbook and you don't ask him for a ride home. And if she knew him and he wasn't pursuing her, why would he suddenly start groping her? He would have already put the move on her if he was that bold. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Try harder. She never said she asked him to sign it.
Oh, I see. He just grabbed it from her and signed it against her will. Yeah, that makes sense, you fucking moron. :lol:
HA HA. Seriously? Yeah, I guess she's gonna wait 40 years to add the date and location so she wouldn't forget when the event took place. LOL. Holy shit, you're an idiot.
Thanks for confessing you were just full of shit when you made that claim you now admit you can’t back up. Wasn’t necessary since I already knew you were full of shit, but thanks just the same.
When you write a date on something to remind yourself when it happened, you do it when it happens, not 40 fucking years later, you fucking moron.
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
She allowed an expert to analyze it. You bullshitted and got caught, deal with it.
Yeah, HER expert. Nice try, moron.
If a creepy older man is pursuing you, you don't ask him to sign your yearbook and you don't ask him for a ride home. And if she knew him and he wasn't pursuing her, why would he suddenly start groping her? He would have already put the move on her if he was that bold. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Try harder. She never said she asked him to sign it.
Oh, I see. He just grabbed it from her and signed it against her will. Yeah, that makes sense, you fucking moron. :lol:
Don't you think it would be prudent of you to fucking pay attention?

She explained in detail how he came to sign her yearbook and she didn't ask him.

Earlier you idiotically claimed she added her note 40 years ago -- but then admitted you made that up.

Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.

You really suck at this.
Thanks for confessing you were just full of shit when you made that claim you now admit you can’t back up. Wasn’t necessary since I already knew you were full of shit, but thanks just the same.
When you write a date on something to remind yourself when it happened, you do it when it happens, not 40 fucking years later, you fucking moron.
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
She allowed an expert to analyze it. You bullshitted and got caught, deal with it.
Yeah, HER expert. Nice try, moron.
You poor babies. You're never happy. Reminds me of the birther daze.
If a creepy older man is pursuing you, you don't ask him to sign your yearbook and you don't ask him for a ride home. And if she knew him and he wasn't pursuing her, why would he suddenly start groping her? He would have already put the move on her if he was that bold. Her story doesn't pass the smell test.
Try harder. She never said she asked him to sign it.
Oh, I see. He just grabbed it from her and signed it against her will. Yeah, that makes sense, you fucking moron. :lol:
Don't you think it would be prudent of you to fucking pay attention?

She explained in detail how he came to sign her yearbook and she didn't ask him.

Earlier you idiotically claimed she added her note 40 years ago -- but then admitted you made that up.

Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.

You really suck at this.
You're the one who needs to fucking pay attention. I did NOT claim she added the note 40 years ago. I think she added it very recently. If she DIDN'T write it 40 years ago, then she's definitely lying. If you want to remember when an event took place, you make those notations at the time they happen, not 40 years later, you idiot. An ink analyst can tell us when she added it. If it was added a month ago, then she's making up the whole fucking story. I can't believe I'm even having this conversation. You have to be the dumbest asshole on the planet if you can't grasp what I'm saying.
PS, for your last idiotic statement, "Now you're idiotically claiming she asked him to sign her yearbook -- but she never said that.", see post #693, moron. LMAO
When you write a date on something to remind yourself when it happened, you do it when it happens, not 40 fucking years later, you fucking moron.
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
She allowed an expert to analyze it. You bullshitted and got caught, deal with it.
Yeah, HER expert. Nice try, moron.
You poor babies. You're never happy. Reminds me of the birther daze.
Never happy about smearing somebody, no. But we can settle it once and for all by releasing the yearbook for examination by an unbiased expert, not Gloria's.
It does not prove that Moore molested the girl.....only that he lied when he said he never met her
It proves that someone asked him to sign a yearbook and he did. It doesn't mean he knew her and it doesn't mean he's lying. If Pat Sajak signs an autograph for a waitress is a restaurant he's dining at, and writes something flattering, does that mean he knows her personally? Does it mean he's gonna remember a stranger 40 years later? And does it mean he should resign his job if she comes back 40 years later and accuses him of groping her? She's a liar, and Gloria Allred put her up to it. That's why she had to read the allegations from a pre-written script. Why did she need the script if it really happened and she was so traumatized by it?
If Moore just said that would be over

Instead he lied about knowing her and then lied about it being his signature
Who says she waited 40 years?

Only conservative conspiracy theorists
If she didn't, why won't she allow the experts to determine how old the ink is? There's no reason why she wouldn't do that if she's telling the truth.
She allowed an expert to analyze it. You bullshitted and got caught, deal with it.
Yeah, HER expert. Nice try, moron.
You poor babies. You're never happy. Reminds me of the birther daze.
Never happy about smearing somebody, no. But we can settle it once and for all by releasing the yearbook for examination by an unbiased expert, not Gloria's.

Do we know the name of her expert?

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